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The Cure for Burnout: How to Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life

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Is dread the first thing you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you working in the evenings and on weekends to catch up? Have you already beat burnout once, only to find it creeping back? If you answered yes to any of these, you’re in need of a cure for burnout.

In The Cure for Burnout , burnout management coach and TikTok influencer Emily Ballesteros combines scientific and cultural research, her expertise in organizational psychology, and the tried-and-true strategies she’s successfully implemented with clients around the globe to demystify burnout for our post-pandemic world – and set you on a path toward a life of personal and professional balance. Ballesteros outlines five areas in which you can build healthy habits to combat burnout — mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries , and stress management . She offers clear, easy-to-implement tools to help you find greater balance, energy, and fulfillment, showing you how

• break burnout habits that keep you in a pattern of chronic overwhelm
• create sustainable work/life balance through predictable personal care
• get more done in less time while creating forward momentum toward a meaningful life
• identify and set your personal and professional limits , guilt-free
• master your stress and detach from your stressors

The Cure for Burnout provides a holistic method for burnout management to address the epidemic of our always-on, chronically overextended culture, empowering us to reclaim control of our own lives once and for all.

272 pages, Hardcover

Published February 13, 2024

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Emily Ballesteros

1 book15 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Lizzy Brannan.
127 reviews14 followers
March 3, 2024


We all get burned out. Emily Ballesteros says there are several types of burnout. In her practical knowledge and experience, she provides much needed relief for those who are at the end of themselves with burnout by volume, social burnout, and burnout by boredom. She takes the reader through identifying burnout early, altering mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, stress management, knowing when to walk away, and establishing a road map for creating a balanced lifestyle.

I highlighted so many things in this book that my pages looked like a leprechaun threw up lucky charms. Ballesteros isn't just practical, she is simplistic in her detailed solutions. After reading this, I felt I had a toolbelt I could use immediately. I wasn't overwhelmed with information to the point of feeling burnt out from reading a book called "The Cure for Burnout". I was relieved! I also felt that I wasn't alone. For instance, I'm not an introvert, yet I have had social burnout and didn't realize it. I thought it was just me! I also love her solutions for burnout in the workplace other than quitting or walking away. There is a solution to every problem. Her methods exhort the reader to really consider priorities and have courage to hold ground on them. We all know that life can't be perfect all the time. We know there will be busy seasons. But we can be more proactive in preparing for those busy seasons, not feeling ashamed of our limits, and having a more positive mindset in the workplace and at home.

A very special thank you to Emily Ballesteros, NetGalley, and Random House Publishing for this fabulous eARC in exchange for an honest, original review.
Profile Image for Hannah Holmgren.
34 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2023
The Cure for Burnout by Emily Ballesteros is just about everything I hoped for from a book about burnout. Ballesteros dives into the different kinds of burnout a person can face and some strategies to help prevent, combat, and come back from burnout.

It was a nice experience to find words I could very easily relate to and walk away with action items to incorporate in my every day life. I’ve already started employing a few different techniques. As a high-performing individual with very high (if not unrealistic) expectations of myself, burnout is a thing that often feels inevitable and insurmountable. Ballesteros’ breakdown into why that doesn’t have to be the case anymore is much needed in a world that feels like it still praises hustle culture over health.

I read and watch a lot of content around productivity and burnout and, as I often wish for with personal development books, do think this book could be more succinct. The individual topics around setting boundaries felt a bit long for my taste and I found myself wishing we could just get to the point a bit more quickly. If you’re picking up this book, you’re likely familiar with many of the themes outlined here and don’t need full-scale synopses on the different kinds of stressors. You KNOW what triggers you — you need actionable feedback to overcome those triggers. No book will help you with that. Therapy will (and while were on the topic, YES, I do think everyone needs therapy).

All in all, I did enjoy reading this book. It was smart and fast-paced and I will certainly recommend it to anyone I know looking for some confirmation that their burnout is valid and deserves attention before it gets out of hand.

Important to note if you are struggling with burnout: while this book is a fantastic starting resource, I strongly recommend you work with medical and mental health professionals to ensure your physical and psychological safety during recovery. Burnout is NO JOKE and no one should try and overcome it in a vacuum.

Thank you to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for this review.

#TheCureforBurnout #NetGalley
Profile Image for J.
366 reviews
October 30, 2023
I had legit so many books ahead in my "need to read list" and when I saw I got approved on this one, I ...accidentally? Shoved everything else aside and read it. I think I've read about every book about burnout, habit tracking, figuring out your goals that have been trending, but something about this one was really quite a joy to get through.

The writing was easy, relatable, and dare I say, easily consumable. Most of the information wasn't "new" to me, but I enjoyed reading it through the author's voice. Never heard of her platform before, but I would definitely check it out.

If you're new to the productivity sphere/looking for ways to fix your burnout, this book is truly a great one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Dial Press for a copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Ellen Wetzel.
33 reviews
August 18, 2024
This book is a must read for anyone that answers every “how are you!?” with “busy!” I’ll be reading this one again soon.
Profile Image for Caitlin DeGrave.
186 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2024
Everyone should read or listen to this book! It's like a warm hug while being real with you. There are actual recommendations for things to do to help with stress and burnout which I've already used to help prevent burnout in my new job. This book is free therapy and made me feel great...I even missed my exit while driving I was so invested!
Profile Image for Любен Спасов.
342 reviews81 followers
March 3, 2024
„The cure for burnout” е втората най-полезна и практически насочена книга, която съм чел, след „Заобиколени от идиоти“ на Томас Ериксон. И двете книги се отличават с конкретни съвети, които може да се приложат на практика и които лично на мен ми помогнаха.

Книгата на Емили Байестерос е наръчник за това как може да предотвратим бърнаут и колко важно е да вземем тези мерки навреме, за да не станат нещата по-зле отколкото са всъщност. Книгата буквално може да се чете като наръчник, а тъй като Емили е супер популярна в Тик Ток и е преживяла бърнаут, книгата е написана на много достъпен език, който разчита на кратки ударни изречения, точно в целта, които могат да те ориентират до каква степен си натоварен в работата и имаш ли нужда от смяна на мястото.

В тази книга авторката ни показва различните типове бърнаъут, симптомите, които ни дават знак, че нещо не е наред, различни практики за самопомощ и грижа за себе си, различни типове агресори около нас, които да избягваме. Емили говори освен през личната си призма и преживявано, през тази и на своите клиенти, като в книгата е вплела много техни истории от работната, но и лична среда, които ме втрещиха на моменти, но и ми показа мои грешки в поведението на работното ми място.

В „The cure for burnout” може да намерите и много сладки съвети как да менажираме времето си, как да казваме „Не“, как да подреждаме приоритетите си, така че да можем да сме най-ефективни в работата си без да се налага да „сдаваме багажа“ и да получваме нервни сривове.

Истината е, че в каквото и състояние да се намираме, освен самата работа, колегите, шефовете, за всичко сме си виновни преди всичко ние и трябва да се отнасяме с много по-голямо внимание и грижа и към себе си.

Книгата завършва с конкретни примери как да разберем дали е време да напуснем сегашната си работа, дали сме пред бърнаут или вече даже го изживяваме. Има съвети за това как да си тръгнете от токсично място и хора и как да си потърсите нова работа.

С 10 ръце препоръчвам прочита на тази книга – изключително полезна, показваща различни гледни точки, забавна на моменти, но и стряскаща за отношението ни към работата, как я превръщаме в нещо, което ни носи стрес и вреди както на здравето ни, така и на психиката. Важна книга, особено за днешната реалност, която ни приканва да седнем, да подредим приоритетите и задачите си и да не позволяваме стресът, който е неизбежен, да ни повлияе до толкова, че да не можем да живеем нормално.
327 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2024
This is a high quality audio book that despite tge totle ahould be a must listen for wveryone.
The subject matter and techniques are so relatable to any areas in life. The mizture of real life case studies and honest commonsense gave me a strong full. The narrator did a good job of keepibg me entertained. With what in times was a very decripituve long winded txt. I understand why it needed to be.
I understand that this was previously released as a book the audio has mire effect.
I highly recommend this 5 star liayen to anyone who wants better life balance or self belief.
Thank you netgallery and publisher and author and narrator.
Profile Image for Tara Mainali.
12 reviews
April 24, 2024
Very insightful and not what I was expecting. Instead of putting the blame on the workplace or the system as a whole, this book addresses the fact that you as an individual have a lot of power and ownership over making the necessary changes instead of blaming your workplace for your burnout.

The chapters on mindset, boundaries, caring for yourself, and managing both stress and time give practical applications and approaches to help you make changes in those areas ultimately leading you towards a better balance between work and life.

My only gripe is that this book is heavily geared towards those who work in an office or work from home and not always generalizable to other fields.
Profile Image for Katie (katieladyreads).
497 reviews283 followers
November 1, 2023
I've followed Emily for years on IG and she has really great graphics and advice on burnout. This book is an expanded version of her content and highly readable. Very practical advice, would recommend to any and all high achiever millennials.
Profile Image for Emma-Kate Schaake.
970 reviews14 followers
May 24, 2024
This really helped me think about my mental health and stress in a new way! It made me feel much less crazy and much more “wow we need to burn down all of these systems because everything is just trying to screw over everyone no matter what industry” and if we can’t burn it down, we definitely should not be going down with a sinking ship, and our mental health is way more worth it than productivity for an employer.
Profile Image for Sophie Tonet.
68 reviews2 followers
August 10, 2024
3.5 ⭐️ tangible practices and easy to follow! Now I just have to apply it…
Profile Image for Janna Lee.
34 reviews1 follower
May 21, 2024
I got this as a library audiobook but found it helpful enough that I am planning to buy a physical copy to keep on my shelf. Very helpful and tangible suggestions.
Profile Image for Emma Ferrier.
373 reviews73 followers
January 26, 2024
I really don't know how to review this book if I'm honest.

Speaking subjectively, most of this was just common sense to me and it did nothing to really encourage just doing the difficult things like setting boundaries except tell you that if you do it, it'll help your burnout.

Literally, this book did absolutely nothing for me. It was entirely focused on work/life balance and improving workplace experiences. I don't work. I knew work would come into the book but I really expected to get more general advice and information on burnout and how to handle it, instead I just got "decline the work event" "here's how to tell that person who stops by your desk for a chat to go away". I didn't need any of this. I'm not burnout because I work too much and I don't feel like the description truly conveys that this is a book for career folks who don't know how to set boundaries and are dealing with JOB burnout.

And as I say, even if I look at it subjectively and consider how this book would have helped me when I was working, I don't think it would have helped. It told me nothing new and didn't actually tell me HOW to manage to do certain things. It was just telling people to do things I'd be very surprised they didn't already know they needed to. Perhaps for some, having someone tell you "hey, you need to decline that socialiser" or "stop responding to work emails after 5pm" helps, but for me it feels patronising and it would have just made me feel silly for not being able to do it, and frustrate me that it gave no helpful tips on how to do those things if you were stressed or anxious about it.

My biggest issue is that this is very neurotypial centred.
There was a brief touch on neurodivergent people (as in, I recall a passing sentence I believe saying how it's different for us) but really this book is not catered to us, and as burnout is so heavily connected with autism in particular, I feel like this book would do better if the title was "the cure for workplace burnout" so it's obvious from the get-go if it's relevant (which would also help the unemployed NT's avoid it).
I'm sure this may be of use to some ND's (we are all different of course!) but ultimately, I feel like I wasted my time on a book that barely considered my experiences with burnout and never really admitted to itself it was dealing with workplace/job burnout, not just burnout.
184 reviews4 followers
April 27, 2024
The guidance on establishing boundaries and self-care routines in large part feels like a helpful advice blog for stressed out office/knowledge workers. The material isn't bad but it's for a specific niche of people and doesn't try to ground itself in psychological, therapeutic or medical research. A better title might be "Some helpful tips for Burnout".
Profile Image for Sophie Fennelly.
66 reviews5 followers
March 26, 2024
As someone who has recently left my old job to go into a field that is renowned for burnout, I was intrigued to read Emily Ballesteros’s takes on burnout from a preventative point of view, and I was particularly interested to hear her views as a woman, as often the field saturated with male voices, so I was excited to see that this was available to listen to on Netgalley.

I was interested in the audiobook in particular as a more practical and accessible format - if you’re experiencing burnout already, it’s unlikely you have extra time to sit down and read about it. I found the narration to be very pleasant and I think it was a book that worked well in audio form.

Ballesteros clearly tried hard to make this as an accessible and universal guide as possible, but it is ultimately built on corporate America, and is difficult to transfer beyond the corporate, office form of employment. I really appreciated the nuance and awareness that Ballesteros presented with regard to neurodivergence, but this recognition needs to be extended to include other forms of disability, as her model to assessing whether you’re experiencing burnout is entirely inapplicable to people who are experiencing many different chronic illnesses.

That said, I think there is a lot of value in Ballesteros’s model of burnout, and in her acknowledgement of alternative dynamics to work that impact capacity and can cause burnout, such as family and social life. I found the examples of real life clients really useful and beneficial to illustrate different ways in which burnout can manifest. Overall, I think this would be a really useful read for anyone in an office job who is struggling with burnout.
Profile Image for Rina.
1,236 reviews65 followers
March 25, 2024
Burnout management coach Emily Ballesteros combines scientific and cultural research and the tried-and-true strategies she has successfully implemented with clients around the globe. She outlines five areas in which you can build healthy habits - mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, and stress management. The Cure for Burnout provides a holistic method for burnout management, empowering us to reclaim control of our own lives once and for all.

This book came at the right time for me, as the new year arrived and I had to pedal hard to build momentum again to get on with the busy life tasks. While the strategies were common sense, they were still great reminders for me to stop, self-examine and make sure I wouldn’t get into the trap of burnout mindsets: high achieving, people pleaser and self victimising.

One new thing that I learned from this book was the concept of ‘boredom burnout’. I always thought burnouts could only be caused by doing too many things at once (volume burnout), but turns out there are 3 types of burnouts: social burnout, volume burnout, and boredom burnout. This was very interesting, as I did find an underutilised brain gave me burnout as well.

(Thanks to NetGalley and Bonnier Books for a gifted copy in exchange for an honest review)

See my bookstagram review.
Profile Image for Hightress.
71 reviews
April 2, 2024
Thank you, NetGalley and Bonnier UK Audio for providing access to the audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Actual rating: 3.5

I'm not one usually invested in non-fiction books, simply preferring literature as an escapism mechanism rather than a fuel for growth. However, when I noticed this title I knew I had to give it a go since I've been struggling with seasonal burnouts quite often. Ironically, it took me a while to finish it because of another draining period.

Objectively speaking, most of the points mentioned throughout the book seemed like the most obvious points any of us would try once we became truly burned out. I know for a fact that I covered most of them instinctively, thus nullifying the life-changing learnings I was supposed to gather on this journey. However, I found myself on multiple occasions mentioning parts of the book to many of my friends, especially when it came to the psychological explanations of different phenomena, such as the difference in the way we get past a stressful situation as a child compared to our contained adult life.

So it might not have helped me 'reclaim my life' by introducing novelty habits, but I still found it to be a pretty fascinating read, that I definitely did not regret. If anything, it kind of made me consider tapping into the non-fiction genre more.
Profile Image for Kay.
129 reviews4 followers
March 10, 2024
Great, short read on the causes of burnout with some mitigation strategies to prevent it again. I enjoyed reading this, and hope to implement some of the tactics in my own life to prevent getting burned out again because I am very prone to trying to take on too much. The book does have a lot of ideas and content to get through and did a good job of not suffering from the issue so many books in this genre face--where they could have been a long blog post and not wasted my time. This book is time well spent, definitely recommend if reasons for burnout and strategies for mitigating it are intersting for you.
Profile Image for marshponds.
62 reviews
August 8, 2024
I enjoyed this book okay. It covered a lot of different areas, including mental health and time management.

But I think I disagree with a fundamental tenet of the book, which is "a job is just an exchange of service for money." For better or worse, my job is much more than that for me, and I would think that's true for most people reading a book about burnout. One might say, that's exactly why it's in there--you're treating your job too seriously. But I don't think that can be the answer. Or at least I think it's too easy of an answer and avoids the real problem.

I enjoy my job, but part of the enjoyment is that it constantly challenges me, and I feel happiness and pride overcoming the difficult parts of my job. I value work a lot and I think it has significant meaning in my life beyond a mere exchange for money. I would have liked the book better had it delved into the difficult issue of how to work hard, including at busy times with extreme hours, and avoid burnout while also acknowledging the value of work and the meaning work plays in our lives.
Profile Image for Rhonda.
345 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2024
A great decoder of how burnout at work affects everything else in your life. This book focuses on 5 main points to build healthy habits: mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, and stress management. This will be a definite re-read for me, and I WILL be taking notes!!
72 reviews
August 4, 2024
This was okay for me…and def something I wished I read when I was working in public accounting. Almost everything she described as signs of burnout, I was experiencing on level 100. I did learn a little about boredom burnout and wished she would’ve talked about that more. As someone who gets bored easily, I think her advice would’ve helped me navigate that in my life. I will bring this up in my next therapy session.
Profile Image for Estela Peña Molatore.
134 reviews18 followers
January 4, 2024
Qué buen libro! Para todos aquellos que atravesamos situaciones de burnout, este es el libro. Ahonda en las causas y ofrece, en serio, alternativas que SÍ funcionan. Esta lectura me ayudó muchísimo.
Profile Image for Christine.
253 reviews
February 23, 2024
This is an excellent book with lots of great, practical advice. Even if you aren't experiencing true burnout, but just stress or anxiety, this book will have some great tips for you. Nothing completley earth shattering that most of us deep down don't already know, but sometimes you have to read it or have someone tell it to you to get it to sink in. The author does a great job of making her advise relatable. Several times I was reading and said... that's me! I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Michal.
Author 1 book1 follower
August 23, 2024
A practically oriented book that touches upon all the important topics. Many of them require their own books to grasp fully, but it's a great introduction and a manual.
Profile Image for Malia.
48 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2024
This book was literally perfect. As someone who tries to do too much all the time, the burnout feeling is REAL
Profile Image for Russ.
560 reviews15 followers
May 4, 2024
A burnout book that addresses both recovering from burnout and avoiding future bouts of burnout
Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews

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