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Heart Hassle #3

Crimes of Cupidity

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What do you get when you have four mates, one psychotic prince, a horde of rebels, and a cupid who just got yanked out of the realm?

A big freaking problem, that’s what.

I was supposed to take on my first real mission as a spy. I was supposed to go find my missing mate and discover who our real allies are for the war that’s brewing in the fae realm.

Instead, I’m thrown back to where I was first created. Cupidville. And, judging by the look I’m getting from the Head of all Cupidity, and the big Terminate button that he's holding, this problem is about to get much worse.

The thing is, I’m more of a lover than a fighter, but when it has to do with staying with my mates, this cupid might just cut a bitch. I’ve waited my entire existence to find love, and now that I have it, I’m not going to give it up without a fight.

A Fantasy Reverse Harem Story.

Author's note: This is the third book of the Heart Hassle Series. This is a reverse harem story and includes sexually explicit scenes and mature language. Intended for ages 18 years and older.

350 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 31, 2019

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About the author

Raven Kennedy

41 books14.8k followers
Raven Kennedy is a tea and dark chocolate kind of girl and can often be found binge-watching The Office or The Great British Baking Show.

She enjoys writing all kinds of books, because each one brings a different experience. Whatever the genre, she hopes she creates characters you can root for.

When she’s not reading or writing, she’s with her family, probably messing up a recipe or going on a hike that she thinks she can do, but in reality she can't because she remembers that all she does is sit at a computer all day and write her heart out.

You can connect with her on Facebook in Raven Kennedy's Reader Group, as well as @ravenkennedybooks on Instagram.

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Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,079 followers
August 1, 2024
✅ Reverse-Harem
✅ Smut
✅ Characters
✅ New characters
✅ World-building
✅ Funny and light read
✅ Pace
🆗✅ Plot
🆗✅ Some twists and betrayals
🆗 Okot

After being yanked back into the Cupids’ headquarters because of her abysmal performance and her tampering with the Veil, Emelle managed, once again, to blabber herself out of a punishment. She also managed to accidentally poof her boss and become the new ruler of all Cupids, which is kind of ironic since Emelle is not even close to what we would call a good Cupid. Once she finally manages to get back to the fae realm, Emelle is stuck once again in the middle of the politics, with the princess and rebels needing her help, the prince hunting her, and one of her mates is even missing.

“It’s a family name,” he defends. “There are many highly respected Jerkahfs.” Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t— Laughter bubbles up my throat and strangles me on its way out.

I loved the introduction of angels and demons in this book, but I would have liked for them to play a bigger part, or at least to know more about them. We got to see more Cupids at least, and I still think that this part of the world-building is the most interesting. I just realized that there is a fourth book about Lex and I can’t wait to read it because I want more Cupids, and I also really like Lex.

Sylred grins. “Another one’s been Emelle’d.”
I look up at him. “What?”
“Emelle’d,” Evert explains. “It’s when someone gets struck silent from the crazy-ass words that come out of your mouth.”
My brow furrows. “I don’t say crazy-ass words.”
Evert pats me on the head. “Keep telling yourself that.”

But ghosts don’t really have powers that I could get. I don’t think. They just mumble a lot of nonsense and get easily distracted.”
Sylred and Evert exchange an amused look over my head. “She doesn’t see it, does she?” Sylred asks.
Evert smirks. “Nope.”

I always liked the silly side of Emelle, her clumsiness, and her silly rants, but in this book instead of being funny and cute, it was a little annoying at times. She becomes even more powerful (like super powerful) and she does not even acknowledge it. She uses some powers as if it is nothing and she does not care for the responsibilities that come with her new status. I would have preferred if she gained a more serious side and maybe cared a little for the consequences of her rash decisions without losing her silly funny side.

Even though the book is almost 400 pages long, it feels like not much happened besides a few fights and a lot of steamy and graphic sex scenes. Some things that happened almost seemed random, it felt like a filler book at times, but it is the ending of the series so it's not really working... That being said, it was still a funny and entertaining book, I was just hoping for something a little more substantial I guess…

Evert and Sylred are still amazing, and sexy, and the twist of Ronak becoming feral and peeing on everything was freaking hilarious. It was nice to see them all be a real unit, especially after the harder moments they had in the first and second books. They also all kept their own special traits that made me love them all, I couldn’t pick a favorite honestly… Evert is all intensity, playful charm, and sexiness, Sylred is caring, attentive, sweet and impossible not to love and Ronak just has this strong protective alpha vibe with a side of grumpy that makes you want to hug him and let him protect you from any threat.

Okot… Well, I tried, I really did, but I still don’t care that much for him, and I think that Emelle would have been just fine with her three genfins. There was no need to add him to the harem, and besides adding some romantic and emotional drama in this third book, he was pretty useless in the overall plot.

Relief spreads through me. “Good. I also…sorta lost my genfins,” I say quickly.
He gives me an exasperated look. “You lost your mates again?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
He sighs at me and rubs a hand down his face. “Okay. We’ll get the princess out, and then I’ll help you find your genfins.” He points at me. “But this is the last time. Stop. Losing. Your. Mates.”

Belren remained one of my favorite characters in this series, and I can’t wait to read his spinoff. I loved his mysterious and thief persona, especially after seeing that he had a little Robin Hood tendency and that he was not as selfish and uncaring as he pretended to be. His flirty side was also something I really liked, and I can’t wait to see him slowly win Lex over with his charisma and charm.

Overall it is still an enjoyable, very funny, and very sexy book, with lots of explicit smoking hot scenes, but I think that I still preferred the previous books.

1. Signs of Cupidity ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. Bonds of Cupidity ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

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Profile Image for Paige ♠.
303 reviews1,057 followers
March 25, 2021
Honestly, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this series at the moment. Some things I really enjoyed while others were a little over the top for me!

STILL DON'T LIKE this Okot person. Honestly, his character was the thing that pissed me off the most. He was randomly introduced in the second book and then thrown away for most of the third book. What did he even bring to the harem? NOTHING!

🆗 PLOTWISE, THIS WAS about average. Interesting enough to keep me reading but nothing revolutionary. I ended up skimming some parts to quickly get to the more interesting scenes (yes, by interesting I mean smutty 😉)

🆗 THE STEAM LEVEL was seriously off the charts in the last two books of this series. Honestly, I felt kind of scandalized by some of the scenes lol. I think this was definitely reaching the limit, if not crossing the limit, of my sexual adventurousness in some cases hahaha. There was also a lot more dirty talk than I usually like so that might have something to do with it too

Me while reading this:

MY FAVORITE PART continued to be the sidestory with the cupids. Honestly, I kind of wish I could read an entire book just about the world of the cupids! I especially loved the beginning of this book when Emelle was back in Cupidville - those scenes were so funny 😂

LEX IS MY NEW FAVORITE character. I really liked her personality and loved all of the scenes she was in. The ending kind of made it seem like there was the potential for a spin-off with her and Belren and I would totally read this

Overall, this series was about average. While it was definitely funny, entertaining and steamy, I liked the Trickery series a lot more. I recommend this if you're looking for something really casual and silly to read in the reverse harem genre.
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,211 followers
January 31, 2022


I waited all year to read Crimes of Cupidity, because I didn't want to say goodbye to these characters. Emelle and her harem had me from hello, and Lex, Belren, Duru, Sev, and Mossie stole my heart just as quickly. Raven Kennedy outdid herself creating such an amazing cast! They kept me interested and invested from beginning to end.

I love Ronak, Evert, Sylred and Okot so much it's ridiculous! I adore all of their varying personalities and how each of them gave Emelle something different. It's rare that I love every member of a harem equally, but that was exactly the case here. I have to give the author a round of applause for that nearly impossible feat! 👏🏻

Emelle is one of my favorite heroines I've ever read. She is seriously a work of art! There is no way you can read these books without being absolutely engaged and entertained the entire time. Everything about Emelle is endearing, and every thought in her mind and word that comes out of her mouth is funny as hell. In fact, this whole damn series is hilarious!

The banter between the characters is everything! The situations they find themselves in are as crazy as they are hysterical, and the addition of feral Ronak was comedy gold. I have never been more amused by a reverse harem series in my life! (Side note: I thought more on this after I posted, and Kristy Cunning's RH is also this level of hilarity. They're tied.)

One thing I didn't love about this installment was the lack of Okot in the story. 😭 If it wasn't the last book, it wouldn't have been so bad, but he only showed up in book 2 as it was. He needed more time on the page. Thankfully, the author released a novella that gave me more of my favorite lamassu, so I'm okay now! Lol

Aside from that, I also wish we could have gotten one more book in the series. It would have given us more time to have the Okot and Ronak issues resolved, but still given us enough harem time along with more battle time. I also would've loved finding out more about why Emelle was gaining all the powers that she was and about her new job as the boss.

That being said, the Heart Hassle series is one of my favorite RH series of the year and of all time. Raven Kennedy created an incredible world with characters so rich that it would be a total fucking tragedy if she didn't write more about them one day. There is so much left to explore! I need Lex, Belren, and Sev to get a book at minimum. It looked like the end of this story was setting up one for Belren, but nothing ever came of it. At least, not yet. I'm aware it may never happen at this point, but a girl can dream, right? Either way, I feel lucky just to have gotten what we did. I'm a cupid fan for life!

If paranormal RH is your thing, this series is a MUST READ!
Profile Image for Nancy.
88 reviews10 followers
February 8, 2019
I loved the two previous books, with that said, this book was... okay.

What bothered me the most is actually the heroine, which is ironic considering that she was the shining star for two-third of the entire series. But while the two previous books succeeded in balancing out Emelle's silliness in favour of just appearing adorable, it tips far more into annoying this time. The reason is mostly in her abuse of her power and the lack of acknowledgement of her powers. Emelle's power-up, in the beginning, is just that and nothing more, making her a deux ex machina, but without the implications and consequences. This choice sadly makes her appear foolish, in addition to her disregard of her power and the consequences, the lack of acknowledgement of her new power and responsibilities that comes with power, all this make her seem irresponsible, and short-sighted and also uncaring for the other beings she is supposed to guide now.
It also robs her of depth and character growth .

But it is not only the heroine, who fails to rise to the occasion. There are many instances throughout the book, which felt like wasted opportunities. From Behlren's relationships , to other character dynamics to the storyline.
The book also did not live up to the political intrigue and the intricacies that come with royal rebellions. The storyline feels scattered sometimes, leaving the reader unsure of the focus or direction it is heading.

Overall, what made the first and the second novel great were its potential, the ideas and hints for something more, but ultimately, opportunities, though they were really really great, do not mean much when they are wasted.

However, the book did surprisingly had one, big saving grace, the surprising "after-credits"-ending. Unexpected and again, an interesting idea and with great promise and interest for the next book.
Profile Image for Poppyflowerjj.
255 reviews
December 22, 2023
4/ 5⭐
3/5 🌶️

This was a good RH series. Emelle and her harem had me from hello, and Lex, Belren, Duru, Sev, and Mossie stole my heart just as quickly. I love Ronak, Evert, Sylred and Okot so much it's ridiculous! I adore all of their varying personalities and how each of them gave Emelle something different. The banter between the characters is everything! EVERYTHING! Emelle was an amazing female MC, she was funny, I laughed out loud reading this book more times than I can count, and she didn't make stupid decisions.

Signs of Cupidity ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bonds of Cupidity ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Crimes of Cupidity ���⭐⭐⭐


I try not to look smug as shit, but…yeah, a little bit of smugness slips out. It’s kind of like Lust. Sometimes it’s just hard to contain.

If he hurts her, I will shove a Love Arrow so far up his ass, his heart will poop out sonnets and glitter for the rest of his life.

“You know, for a cupid, you’re being quite the cockblock.”

I’m a cupid/angel/demon/sandlady/lady luck/boss bitch, and I’m gonna fuck the prince’s shit up. All is fair in love and war, bitches.

You’ll do a lot of things for the ones you love. Even bad things. Good people are capable of bad choices, just like bad people are capable of good. There is no certainty when it comes to individuals."
Profile Image for G.
498 reviews187 followers
July 11, 2021
4 stars.
Loved this series!!!! It was great to see how everything came together and got resolved. Can't wait to see what happens in the novella.
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews501 followers
February 6, 2019
Buddy Read with RHR

Who knew this was the end!

We had a surprise realise and a surprise ending! I had no idea it was going to be over until it was over

This is a pretty generous 4 stars. 3 would be just a little low for a series I really did enjoy! After saying that this was maybe the one I enjoyed the least.
I wasn't happy with what happened to Okot or Ronak. But if you read this for what it is, a comedy with excessive puns, overkill of sexual innuendo and steamy scenes then you’ll enjoy it!

If you can laugh at lines such as ”The point is, my pink canoe is not floating up enough cum creeks” and “Everything depends on the super long worm that I stuffed in my quiver”

Then you are golden

Personally – I thought it was hilarious – but I guess I just have a childish sense of humour

and it looks like there might be a spin off with a couple of characters I enjoyed so I will be reading more of Raven's stuff soon I hope!

Pre review stuff

Unexpected release alert

Out 31st Jan! - maybe Feb 14th was too obvious or something...

Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,495 followers
February 3, 2019
So if you've read my review of Book 2, you know I loathe Okot.

Good news: Okot isn't even in most of this book!!!! I could just enjoy Emelle and her genfins and pretend he didn't exist.

Bad news: He comes back at the end. Also, Emelle is the biggest Mary Sue ever, without it even being explained how she gets her powers.

At least she's funny. That epilogue also has me quite intrigued for the next series.

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Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
February 11, 2019
I liked it.. but that's how it's going to end?

Crimes of Cupidity is the final book of the Heart Hassle series. You will still meet the gang from the previous two books, but we get to meet a couple of new ones. The devil, the angel, head cupid, and Lex. The devil and the angel were hilarious with every scene that they were in. I liked Lex.. but honestly didn't give a second glance to her and Belren.

Now this book did have it's funny moments but in general.. I feel like nothing really happened. Well, other than the amount of smut my eyes was given. It was enjoyable to say the least but that's about it. The one thing I didn't expect was Okot. That just blew my mind and shook me to the core.

Overall, it was an okay book. I'm glad I finally dove into and finished off the series.
Profile Image for Emily.
349 reviews1,069 followers
February 16, 2024
Funny, silly, with the right amount of spice a solid end to the series!
Profile Image for Taylor Campos.
224 reviews16 followers
April 24, 2024
This was a good conclusion to the trilogy. Fair warning, Emelle, our FMC, has a TON of internal dialogue. For me, it was a bit much and sometimes felt cringy. That kept the book from being 5 stars to me.
Profile Image for Luce.
528 reviews250 followers
August 20, 2023
This book just felt like a weird mix of rushed plot and smut. It's a fun read but our main character Emelle is slightly annoying. She feels more childish in this book than the others, and it just makes her relationship with her four mates weird.
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews40 followers
July 16, 2020
*Reread Review*
Me after reading: Looks at date book was originally written.. looks at date.. looks back.. Wonders WHERE THE HECK IS LEX AND BELREN'S STORY!!

So the back end of this seriesI had to switch to the combo book "Cupidity" because honestly having these all in one book frees up a lot of Kindle space for me. I recommend other readers also do this as well lol. I will say that I was creeping on the RK facebook group the other day (because I'm totally a member, and a super fan) and saw someone mention that Lex and Belren are set to have a story possibly at the end of this year.. So I'm super stoked about it and I hope its a series and not just a one and done spin off. These books have really started a whole new era of reading for me, I mean there is no telling how many "romcom's" I've overlooked that I now have to backtrack through. Such a fun read and probably a favorite for life! Emelle is my girl!

*Original review*
"Now, pull on your big girl panties and ovary-it up. We’re mates, and we have a war to win.”

Ridiculousness to the max! Our favorite cupid Emelle's mess continues as she desperately tries to grab herself a tiny piece..ahem of happily ever after of course, and the cure for all that ails her is a little vitamin "D"! It is amazing to me how Raven Kennedy keeps the raunchy humor going full force and still keeps a captivating story moving along in its madness! I'm pretty sure she is my idle! I am also pretty sure that I have highlighted a million one liners from this book to put on coffee mugs to brighten my day! I want to say I'm too mature to laugh at the ridiculousness but I'd be lying.. I'm pretty sure at one point I had coffee spew from my nose.. I may now have a sinus infection...

Emelle finds herself sucked back to cupidville to face the consequences of her lack of cupid skills but in a twist she winds up being "boss bitch." "Whoops." Even still, the cooperate life isn't for her so back to the fae world to find her yummy mates, but something is wrong. She has been gone longer than expected and their whole plan has been ruined. The princess is captured, the evil Prince is gaining ground, and Okot... our precious "beloved" doesn't even recognize us other than as the enemy... Not to mention Ronark has gone feral and seems to need to be house broken. I just couldn't even with this! I was dying.... Even the "Horney Hooker" isn't safe from the love arrows in this book. Luckily he just might get his "shot" in the next series..

Once again a thoroughly entertaining read with the randomness continuing and the quest for love never ending!
Profile Image for S.R. Harris.
Author 1 book65 followers
March 29, 2019
This was a good RH series.

Emelle was an amazing female MC, she was funny, I laughed out loud reading this book more times than I can count, and she didn't make stupid decisions. I loved the guys and i was happy that they got their happy ending.

This book actually had lots of action and more twists and turns than i saw coming, although i will say i was hoping that the situation with Okat was something like that, I would have hated it if he was just a dick.

There are still some questions to be answered and I know that there is a novella that is out and I will read it because I am hoping that answers some of my questions.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,412 reviews24 followers
February 16, 2019
I Loved It!

Okay my one thing, how is she gonna run the cupids from the Fae Realm?

That said the conclusion to this trilogy was nothing less than epic! It had love, sexy times, harrowing action and tons of humor. I was one the edge of my seat and laughing out loud. Anything I say at this point is just going to be me gushing a lot. So let's just say this, this is by far one of the best reverse Harem reads I've ever read. Hell not even that, because it qualifies the story too much, it's up there in one of the best fantasy romances I've read. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Camila.
325 reviews271 followers
February 4, 2019
I’m actually extremely sad it’s over.
*cue the ugly tears*

Emelle was... an annoying joy to get to know.
She’s that one crazy friend we all don’t want but require for sanity purposes.

What I loved:
The mates- obviously. I am Team Ronak, through and through. It took like... 11 chapters for us to finally see them in this book, but all the same they weren’t thrown in the back burner. Thankfully.
Lex + Belren- I’m actually SUUUUPER hoping (is that the correct phrase) that there’s a short book or SOMETHING written of Lex and Belren.
The humor: always on point. This author is... probably batshit cray, but HILARIOUS.

Things I didn’t love:
ELEVEN CHAPTERS TO BRING OUT THE MEN?? What kind of patience do you think I possess??!
I’m also super upset we barely got to see any Emelle + Okot action.
The prince and princess: assholes, both of them. The ending battle scene was a little mediocre for my taste but for the airy feel of this book I guess it makes sense.
Some of the stupidity was really hard to get through, but I persevered.

There’s really not much to say. This is one of those feel-good RH novels where the MC is just hilarious and lighthearted. The men are fierce but also funny. The humor is phenom. If you’re looking for that, read this.

Overall a great read.
10/10 would recommend.
Profile Image for Natalie.
182 reviews20 followers
August 13, 2022
I didn't think the series could get any better, but it did. Crimes of Cupidity is the best is the series by far. I loved the introduction of demons and angels, but I do wish they had a bigger part in the book.

Emelle once again blabbered herself out of another punishment, and this time she managed to poof her boss and become the ruler of all cupids. Which is really funny, because Emelle is definitely not a good cupid, but in the end she did awesome. I loved that she managed to blab so much that she gots the leaders of the angels and demons to kind of like her. Jak was really funny and actually suprisingly friendly for a demon. While Raz was kind of a douche. I wished we saw more of them. (Emelle summoning them was fun)

Okot was super sad. The stupid prince can go to hell for mind controlling sweet Okot. I never thought that he was faking his love for Emelle for a minute. But I'm kind of mad the Emelle did. She should've seen that he was acting weird. But in all worked out so I'm happy that the whole covey is back together :))

Ronak going all cat mode and peeing on everything was pretty freaking hilarious. And Evert and Slyred were just as amazing as they always are.
Profile Image for Abi.
2,172 reviews
February 2, 2019
This was such an awesome book! It was just as funny and ridiculous and romantic as the other two books, and I think it wrapped up the series really well. I loved Emelle - seriously, she's hilarious, and very caring, and a complete magical conglomeration. Also, she's a This was a book that made me smile, laugh, and almost cry. It also has a gorgeous cover, and I am so happy I read it, because it just plain made me happy. 5 stars.
November 25, 2023
This series was phenomenal and I’m so sad it’s over. Emelle has been an epic heroine and I love her sass. Emelle also has such luck that makes me wonder if that too isn’t one of her many powers. Because yes being a Cupid is no longer Emelle’s only job. Let’s just say she got a promotion in typical Emelle fashion lol. Really loved this story from start to finish and I was so glad to finally see the shithead Prince face Emelle head on. Glad there’s a lil novella after this because I’m so not ready to say goodbye lol 
Profile Image for Mummy's Naughty Corner.
1,511 reviews83 followers
June 15, 2020
Well what can i say. I'm sad that it's over but OMG what a series. The humor throughout is just amazing. The characters are fun and witty and go together so well. I'm glad that they finally got the King and Prince. I like the way she got the angel and demon to help. The demons cracked me up. Don't kill them , okay we wont kill them but can we hit them really hard, Okay then. The princess seemed to fall flat. I can see more coming from the series or is it just wishful thinking.
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,147 reviews59 followers
May 26, 2022
3.5 fun stars
This whole series was just a great time. There are lots of harem sexy times in this one but there is still a plot moving along as well which I appreciate. The cupids are neat and I'd like more with their powers in other books in the future.
A lot of this one was a little too convenient, like all Emelle's new powers, but it was and really that is all I was looking for.
Profile Image for Sina.
60 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2024
This series startet of as fun-silly but has veered into ridiculous-silly-territory for me. I couldn't take anything seriously and was just skimming the pages for the last ~20% and I don't really care about the chatacters or plot anymore
Profile Image for Varya.
767 reviews105 followers
May 13, 2021
He reaches down to his crotch and handles himself like he wants to make sure his dick is really there. When he catches Lex watching, he shoots her a wink. “You wanna be the first one to see it, luv?”
Lex blushes and sidles closer to me.
“No flirting with my assistant, Sev. You can get your stick wet after you’ve helped make the necessary changes around here, okay?”
He frowns and drops his hand. “What the fook you on about?”
“I’m making you top supervisor. Lex here will help you get settled in. I trust you to make sure the rest of these cupids get on board with my new laws. Can you do that?”
He grins at me impishly. “Luv, you just gave me my cock back. I’ll do whatever the fook you want.”
And they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Nope. It’s his dick.

The ending was a bit anticlimactic and predictable....but the whole book was very funny, so there's that. It was a refreshing read.

I look over to Sev and see that he’s wearing one that says, “I blow & shoot for a living.”

PS- I am soooo getting that shirt for myself lol. And Sev is my fav person in this series so I loved that he had multiple scenes in this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,023 reviews

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