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She didn’t hesitate to open the door and step through it, just as she had thousands of times before.
Only, this time, something unexpected happened.
Something different.
Something very,
very strange.

Journey back to the world of Medora to follow Alexandra Jennings and her friends—and enemies—for one last adventure.

Spanning four years after the final book in Lynette Noni's #1 bestselling series The Medoran Chronicles, this is an epilogue like no other, full of laughter, tears, and above all, the unending power of friendship.


220 pages, Paperback

Published October 31, 2023

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About the author

Lynette Noni

22 books6,533 followers
Australian author Lynette Noni studied journalism, academic writing, and human behaviour at university before venturing into the world of fiction. She is the #1 bestselling and award-winning author of THE MEDORAN CHRONICLES, the WHISPER duology, and THE PRISON HEALER series, with her books being published in nearly 20 countries across the globe.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 261 reviews
Profile Image for Lynette Noni.
Author 22 books6,533 followers
August 22, 2023
So excited to share this book with you all!!! <3
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,599 reviews2,884 followers
July 9, 2024
Alexandra Jennings and her boyfriend Kaiden were preparing to celebrate Kaldoras - Christmas in Alex's earthly words - so once they'd given each other their gifts, they headed to Woodhaven, where family and friends waited. Alex's past few years in Medora had been life changing, and the friendships she'd made kept her warm. She still ventured into the Library and through the painting, but not often any more. And with her best friend Jordan preparing for his future, Alex was happy for her other best friend, DC, a princess and the finest person she knew...

Kaldoras is the 6th in The Medoran Chronicles, and the Epilogue, by Aussie author Lynette Noni. It closes the chapters on Alex's life from when she was sixteen and a fresh faced, uncertain young woman as she entered the Medoran Academy, through to graduation and beyond. The adventures were exceptional, the friendships, love, laughter, tears and wonder outstanding. I've loved this series and Kaldoras is a perfect ending, (with perhaps a space for something later down the track...) Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Nilaaa.
132 reviews32 followers
December 3, 2023
Loved reading this and returning to such a nostalgic world. Credit to Niyx Raedon and Kaiden James for setting my standards so high🥰🥰🥰
I'm DYING to read this. I love the world so freaking much and I NEED more Jordan Sparker content. My ever so intelligent senses are predicting a five-star read. The cover looks so gorgeous, and I can already see it find its way to my overflowing bookshelf. Don't worry, I WILL make room for this somehow.
Profile Image for harps.
101 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2024
right! so i’ve held off a few days from sharing my thoughts after i first finished it. now don’t get me wrong. I love this series SO SO MUCH (it’s the sort of series where characters still live rent free in my brain and I have seriously considered getting themed tattoos) so the fact I didn’t 100% love this book breaks my heart. we’re going to start off with the positives and then move onto some of the negatives:

- obviously I LOVED getting the new content and getting to engage with the world and the characters all over again. holy shit. this has just done more for my mental health than any other therapy appointment ever has
- noni confirmed bear and declan as an actual couple ‼️ which of course immediately prompted me to scream and send the cats flying into the cupboard for refuge. I swear I am not completely insane
- It’s been way too many years and Kaiden James is still my favourite book boyfriend 🫶
- This was super character focused, which was fantastic! There were so many we got to see and interact with again, I really appreciated the focus on Bear’s family
- I LOVED seeing some of what the characters get up to with their career paths as well which was super satisfying!

now onto the negatives:

- there were some choices made that were so genuinely cringey I couldn’t get through them. (cough cough, the EXISTENCE of Alex’s parents. respectfully please give them both autism diagnoses because there’s no way fully functioning adults who work in academia think that their behaviour is ever acceptable)
- I would have LOVED to have seen Alex having an arc overcoming PTSD after everything she’s been through — the last few chapters of Graevale alone are enough to warrant YEARS of therapy sheesh — but there was absolutely no mention of this
- similarly, would have loved to see some more focus on the global consequences of attempted genocide — some casualties were mentioned about once and some of the rebuilding schemes, but that was it. No mention of economics, politics etc. noni usually has pretty good worldbuilding so I was really surprised about this
- I know LOTS of readers will be super keen for Aven’s perspective and what he and Niyx get up to … but honestly I’m pretty annoyed that he’s received a redemption arc? Feels super undeserved. He’s a spoilt prince who goes to a megalomaniac with a genocidal agenda and I think he really deserves to SUFFER before he fully deserves that arc 🫢
- The final short novella was COMPLETELY unnecessary when Noni said in her acknowledgement she had no plans to come back to the cliffhanger — it felt like a let down and really unsatisfying after Alex’s second POV when things felt a little more finalised 😔 I would have loved Bear’s POV so we could have the original trio + a little more insight into the development of his relationship with Declan
- Similarly, don’t loveeeeee Jordan willingly reentering high society after witnessing his own brother’s suicide to escape it 🫣 I struggled to enjoy the entirety of his novella bc of this???

overall, I still really enjoyed going back to this series with the characters 🥹 despite my disappointment it’s not enough to put me off it at all and im really glad noni gave her readers a bit of closure!

edit 18/1/24

noni studied human behaviour and psych and didn’t think to give any of her characters realistic ptsd despite the literal SHITSTORM they’d gone through??? 1 star
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,209 reviews280 followers
October 31, 2023
This was so cute!! Such a fun return to this amazing world and all the characters I’m so very attached to, and I loved how it set things up for a possible new spin-off series. Adorable lil epilogue collection.
July 31, 2023
I haven't read the book yet, but just because some nasty person gave it a 1 star without reading it, I'm proving a point. Lynette Noni's book can never be under a 4 star rating, they are just incredible books written from the heart, and I will forever adore all them
Profile Image for Maria.
223 reviews
October 30, 2023
Edit: I FINALLY READ THIS!! Ohmygoodness my thoughts are just such a jumble right now, but I'll try to write a cohesive review.

First of all, thank you so much Lynette for giving us this novel. It means so much to us readers, and I can say with certainty that I absolutely LOVED IT!

Seriously, it was so good. I loved that the epilogue was written from different perspectives . I also loved that the 6 stories spanned four years after the events of Vardaesia, which meant we could see everything the characters got up to in that time!

There were some super special moments in the novel, and I'm not ashamed to say I cried several times (don't worry, happy tears!). .

That ending though has left me so pumped for a potential follow-up series (although Lynette did say she doesn't have any plans to write it currently). I just know if she ever does, it's gonna be freaking awesome.

Once again, thank you SO SO MUCH Lynette for giving us this novel. What a beautiful and touching end to the series that will forever have my love.


So the first 2 stories in the novel are 'A Very Medoran Kaldoras' (parts 1 & 2), which I absolutely ADORE, so I just KNOW we're in for an epic ride!!
I'm so freaking excited to dive back into the amazing world of Medora again. Also... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY BEAUTIFUL BOYS KAIDEN AND NIYX AGAIN

October 31 cannot come quickly enough... *cries*
Profile Image for nyssa !.
39 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2023
Kaldoras is the most perfect conclusion to the medoran chronicles I could have ever asked for (thanks Lynette!) I laughed, smiled and cried my eyes out… I’m so in love with this series and all of its characters—and was beyond exited to read Aven’s perspective (which OMG?). Everything about this book was beyond amazing and I am so in love with every page of it!

thank you thank you thank you Lynette
Profile Image for Kasia.
36 reviews
July 29, 2023
Already rating it a five cause it's Lynette and she is literally the most comforting author of all time. SO FRICKEN EXCITED FOR IT TO COME OUT!!! Ilyyy Lynette omg
Profile Image for Page-Turner.
145 reviews22 followers
November 13, 2023
Please don't talk to me.
I'm in an emotional mess right now.

Let's calm down...

Happy bits:

Angry bits:

Lovely bits:

I absolutely loved this book. It was so good! It's going to take a billion re-reads for me to get sick of it.
Profile Image for Antoinette.
43 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2023
I didn't mind most of the stories and there was a nice setup to a potential series in the distant future, but it annoyed me that a 'chosen one' who has saved multiple worlds was caught up wanting to be proposed to at 21.

Overall I would still recommend the whole series. An enjoyable and simple YA fantasy that's easy to read with well detailed characters.
Profile Image for Elia Kent.
104 reviews
February 1, 2024
Well that was ... odd.
I'm not entirely sure I am equipped to efficiently discuss the level of strange that this book was. Even down to the more mundane parts, such as structure. I honestly was confused on if it were a series of short stories, or an actual novel. If novel, then why unexplained time skip? If short stories, then why are they so connected?
I went into this book really wanting to love it, and with trepidation. It had the potential to close up loose ends, and provide valuable insight into recovery from several years of traumatic experiences and losses for all the characters and its a part of a series that has come to be one of my favourites, but one of my very close friends (who introduced me to the series) rated it lower than I expected.
Where to start on what actually occurred. I suppose to create a summation, nothing that could have happened, did. Instead it read like middle-grade fanfiction, with happy endings spreading like a disease. Even for the antagonist. And to the detriment and peace of other characters.
The rest of this review contains spoilers.
To quote the aforementioned close friend, '[aven] is a genocidal maniac, and does not deserve a redemption arc'. Aven's little half storyline had so much potential to delve into the twisted path of regret he might travel, and there was SO MUCH potential for a proper moral debate as to why Alex kept returning to him in his little painting prison. Noni could have even discussed his path of solitude leading to remorse and realisation of his actions. BUT NOPE! All we got was a half-assed redemption that unneededly ripped Niyx from a life(death)time of peace in a place among the stars, and put him in more pain for a man that absolutely did not deserve it. Again, as the friend mentioned, it danced dangerously close to an enemies to lovers trope, which was overall really quite a toxic path for those characters to take.
Speaking of Aven, we can't forget to mention that ridiculous last chapter in which she never means to complete. A needless cliffhanger to conclude a series, within which she means to never return?? Plus dragging in a character we have barely met to a scenario we are to know nothing about??? That's not the only issue either. Its as if Noni suddenly decided that Aven was too much of a pretty boy to have caused the entire genocide driven once by revenge and then by power. Oh no! the sweetheart couldn't have Actually been that evil! It must have been some secret other entity that forced his hand!
I also have to revisit the concept of her reanimating the wonderful Niyx. There was just so much wrong with it. Most of all, his days were over. His arc ended. He already returned in Vardaesia to provide the (much needed) comfort to Alex post his death. The other incredibly wrong thing with Niyx's return was how little he sounded and acted like himself. His internal dialogue and actions towards Alex were Nothing Like who he was before he died, and he was potentially even more strange the longer he was present in the series. It's one thing to bring him back, but another entirely to change his character to fit the means of a half assed redemption arc of a murdering megalomaniac.
Noni's determination to sprinkle good ending fairy dust upon all the characters (save a selection, who we will return to later) seemed to infect all the established couples with the need to Get Married. With the exception of Jeera and Blake, who's marriage was perfectly justifiable, everyone else's felt too...rushed. They all felt too young. And maybe it was the trauma and loss of life that spurred them into taking action to commit to their love in case life may end once more, but we wouldn't know that, because NONI PROVIDED NO CONTEXT. It felt like every man and his lady were getting married. For god's sake, even Kyia and Roka got married. Perhaps theirs was overdue, but had it been an event, it deserved more than a passing mention. Jordan and DC absolutely did not require marriage just yet. And Kaiden and Alex's proposal was even worse. So rushed. And no substance. And just.... THEY ARE SO YOUNG!
Never mind how the pushing of Alex's parents may have impacted that choice. And let's just focus on that for a moment. Because what the actual hell was that. These are Academics. Educated people. Who have lived in a society. Surely, SURELY they know what they are doing is just...incorrect??? Awkward at best, but better classified as very pushy harassment. It was an obsession. And there was nothing else to their characters throughout the whole series as well. Just OOO ARCHEOLOGY and GET MARRIED TO THAT MAN WE LIKE. So little character they weren't even two dimensional.
Instead of so many weddings they became repetitive and soulless, there was so much other potential for this book.
Perhaps Noni could've explored the budding relationship of Bear and Declan, and how they helped one another through the throes of grief caused by their father figures as a result of aven's impact? Bear, as one of the more consequential and mentioned characters of the entire series, received so little word space in this epilogue it was more than sad. His relationship and feelings and emotions and processing felt completely discarded when there could have been plenty to discuss and discover. Bear deserved much more than he got here. And that hurt potentially a little too much.
The list of characters who would have been incredible to learn more about through a selection of short stories is practically endless. The competitors for the top spot here include, Bear, Declan, Lady Mystique ect ect. There was just so much more to unpack.

One positive that I took away from the painful Jordan-DC marriage section of the book, was the realistic reintroduction of Natasha Sparker, Jordan's mother. The beginnings of that path were pleasant, and I felt the emotions were tangible.
Overall, I must ask what compelled Noni to create such a confusing and 'love filled' book, if not to confuse and potentially enrage the viewers. Perhaps there was a hope that the sheer amount of unrealistic and forced happy endings would bring joy to the readers? This is the only explanation I could possibly produce to explain the book I have just consumed. I had hope. It no longer exists.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amy Woods.
256 reviews13 followers
December 3, 2023
Hands down my most disappointing read of the year.
I loved so much of this, but I can’t explain how upsetting it is to see the het couples getting epilogue stories and coverage in the other stories, but the one queer couple which only barely gets confirmed gets nothing. It’s 2023, they’re main characters, their story should have been there and it’s super problematic that it wasn’t.

Tbh this felt like a huge cash grab
Dropped to one star, because queerbaiting should not be happening in 2023.
Profile Image for Luppa Lye.
2 reviews
November 4, 2023
I have always been a big fan of Lynette’s books. I have recommended her Medoran Chronicles to an anyone who has a tween daughter. Having a strong female protagonist that learns to trust in her own instincts and knowing what is right for her. I have found the whole series a fantastic model for young girls and women.

That came to an abrupt halt with Kaldoras. There are really 2 main themes through this book, one being dangling information for a sub series that the writer herself then states she has no real plan of writing and to marry everyone off.

While seeing Niyx again and getting a little glimpse into Aven was good, the rest of the story was either about proposing / getting approval to propose / wishing their partner would propose or having other dig on them because they are not proposing / engaged.

To go from such a strong protagonist of the series to essentially rating their life on being married????

Outside of the above- there is no real story line, the book floats along with no continuity. There is no real interaction with any of the original characters like what we were used to, and the final story was absolutely pointless as it was just a teaser to a new series. Considering this was followed with a PSA that this series will likely not even be written, it adding nothing to the story.

I would have liked to have seen a story from either Declan or Bear to show bears closure after his dad (I know ther was a little in Jordan’s, but I found it a little pushed) and some info re Declan and Bears relationship other than a dropped boyfriend remark.

This book really is a disappointing end and message to all fans of the series and I felt it has not adding anything, with the story better having finished at the end of Vardaesia
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amari.
53 reviews23 followers
November 6, 2023
BRO I ATE UP AVEN'S POV. I want more of it, and I am more than happy to accept a few more epilogue books :))

if you have an undying love for kaiden, please skip what i am about to say. <3

tbh, i lowkey want aven and alex to become a thing. OKAY HEAR ME OUT. kaiden is too perfect, and can u imagine the TENSIONNN between aven and alex?? i feel like i would be kept on the edge of my seat the whole time and i genuinely believe they have chemistry (oops? i said it 🙈🙈)

apologies if that was heinous of me 🫶🫶

Profile Image for Hanne :).
28 reviews
June 22, 2024
3.5 stars

Ok so I have some opinions and some ✨️opinions✨️

First of all and most pressing MY MAN KAIDEN JAMES. Anyone who knows KNOWS. What a bloody legend.

Anyways extreme fangirling aside, there were some things I liked and things that I was kinda meh on but that's fine because I am NOT complaining about the ending to Alex's story because it had me smiling and giggling like a gremlin. My ship has SAILED. *squeals happily*. Though I would've liked more focus on her or the focus spread a little more evenly.

Lynette, you do not know how to end a series but that's fine we'll live with your unending cliffhangers because it keeps me on my toes at least.
Profile Image for Kristy.
143 reviews44 followers
November 25, 2023
shaking and crying rn wtf i have so many questions but this was absolute perfection.
Profile Image for Sarah.
375 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2024
Enjoyable but I would skip the last story which ends on a cliffhanger the author has no plans of resolving which leaves things feeling unfinished.
Profile Image for Ilzyaba.
58 reviews2 followers
November 8, 2023
What the fuck just happened. I have so many questions!

If we ignore that last part this book was such a perfect an beautiful way to end the medorian chronicles (or is it - I’m so exited but also very scared). In usually Lynette noni fation this book broke my heart but this time (for once) it slightly stitched it back up, a very small amount though, I’m still processing what ever the fuck just happened in those last 4 pages. I mean was aven being good? That does not sit right with me and I hate it.

Aven does not deserve a redemtion arc he is a horible person who can die for all he has done, he deserves to suffer so much.

NIYX IS ALIVE MY PRAYERS WHERE ANSWERED I WAS SOOO HAPPY but stay alive this time your not allowed to poof from existence

DIX AND JORDAN MARRIED!!!!!!! I’m so happy and proud of them
ALEX AND KAIDEN ENFAGED!!!!!! Thank you now we just need the wedding please I want more of them

But this book was amazing and Lynette noni giving us the posibility of a spin of series is SO VERY EXITING!



I want a charm bracelet like Alex’s
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emmy.
91 reviews5 followers
January 31, 2024
Very cute.

A few things I don’t find quite right like Evie doesn’t act like a 10 year old at all, it feels like her maturity didn’t flash forward with the rest.

I’m hopeful for a Ruva and Aven continuation. I also wish there was more focus on Bear and Declan.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Madz Holland.
101 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2023
Wow 😮

I actually have so many questions about this book is was absolutely f**king amazing. I loved it so much, there is a lot I wasn’t expecting at all especially about Niyx and then what we sort of found out about Aven. I was hoping for a little bit of a different ending for Alex & Kaiden but I’m happy with what we got. D.C and Jordan well I’m so pleased they got their happy ending and wow let’s not forget about Bear & Dec I have been waiting a long time to read those words and we finally got our answer I’m happy for them. For the rest of the characters I think they all got a wonderful ending.

Thank You So Much Lynette Noni for this book

I’m looking forward for a possible story for Aven, Niyx and Ruva.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for grace.
91 reviews
November 7, 2023
demolished in one evening. lynette you are a genius and i have so many thoughts.

alex and kaiden getting engaged on dc and jordan's wedding day ? um !!
the cliffhanger ending ?! bringing niyx back and forcing him through quests with aven ?! their apprenticeships ?!!

such a great ending ❤
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elle &#x1f308;⚡️✍&#x1f3fc;.
439 reviews6 followers
December 22, 2023
I think this is my new favourite novella, this was INCREDIBLE. 230 pages of nostalgia and conclusions and even teasers for possible upcoming bits and bobsZ amazinfZshshshhs
Profile Image for alessia.
29 reviews
December 30, 2023
4.75 stars but at the same time it’s a 5 star in my head. I loved this series i’m so sad that it’s officially the last time i get to spend with Alex and everyone 😭😭

it was such a cute book, even for just a 200 page book Lynette Noni added so much detail into it! I loved it, i tried to drag it out as much as possible because i didn’t want to leave the world. 😭❤️
Profile Image for Manaswini.
52 reviews
February 27, 2024
I loved it so much and I want to go through the entire journey once again. See you in 2 years!
Profile Image for Taylor.
34 reviews1 follower
November 4, 2023
im depressed. it wasn’t as good as id hoped 😭 but i still love kaiden and niyx 🫶🫶
Displaying 1 - 30 of 261 reviews

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