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Lost Boys #4

The Steady

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Hot for teacher? No.
Hot for teacher's widower? Maybe a little more than I should be.

I merely meant to comfort Ren, to help him find steady ground in the middle of an ocean of pain. It was supposed to be a one-time thing.

Only… our chemistry, set ablaze by our extreme size and age differences, was something neither of us had experienced before. It was break-the-bed good and far too potent to stop at just the one time, so we didn't. And we've been hiding it from everyone—including his son, one of my closest friends—ever since.

I know this can only end one way. I’m just the stand-in. The much, much younger guy with his late husband's physique who’ll temporarily make him forget his grief.

If only he hadn't been so… sigh. Amazing. Funny. Brilliant. Beautiful.

I didn't mean to fall in love with him, but I couldn't help myself. If only he were ready to fall in love again.

Is it too much to hope that with time and a little help from the late Mr. Paige, Ren could let me be the love of the second half of his life?

280 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 17, 2024

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Kelly Fox

52 books677 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 reviews
Profile Image for Bee.
923 reviews208 followers
July 1, 2024
I knew, going into this, that Ren and Major's story would be an emotional one. I mean, there's no way it wouldn't be. And while there is such a thing as a dead-husband-trope and it often isn't done quite right, this one was absolutely perfect. Kelly Fox handles the subject with all the grace and sensitivity it deserves and I could tell this story is one dear to her heart.

There isn't much I can share without going into spoilers and I believe you should go into this as blindly as you possibly can (after reading the previous books in the series, of course). Don't look anything up, just read it. You will cry - definitely - but you'll also laugh and swoon (and probably need a cold shower at times) and in the end it healed and warmed my heart in equal measure. It was just as perfect as I imagined it would be and I'm sad that this is the last book in the series because I have adored getting to know and love all these Lost Boys. And yes, there's still one more installment coming out that combines two novellas I'm looking forward to, but still. I am sad to see this series end.

Though endings do give way to new beginnings and with an author like Kelly Fox, I cannot wait to see what she gives us next because I have no doubt I will love it just as much as I do everything else she's ever written.
Profile Image for Ash.
265 reviews13 followers
April 19, 2024
This is the heaviest of all of the books in my opinion. The others felt very surface level and while this had elements of that, it was deeper based on the subject matter.

Ren deserves to be loved and Major just wants to love. He’s just a big bear that wants to wrap everyone up in the best hug and take their pain away.

I wish the ending/epilogue had more time and we got more background on Major, but overall it was a great way to wrap up the series.

I thought the grief and loving after loss was handled so beautifully 🥹
Profile Image for Colleen (boo_boos_books) Hewitt.
281 reviews7 followers
April 7, 2024
OMFG!!!! Just when I thought this woman couldn't break my heart more than she has in the past…. Kelly clearly thought wanna bet Col? Cos man i was a broken mess in parts, I mean yes i knew from the punk that Ren and major were going to hurt but lord i wasn't prepared.
Grief is a subject that Kelly has touched on before. It's also a subject where she shines. Grief is different for each person and each character's journey has always reflected that. If you have read this series you’ll know what a big part Mr Paige plays in all the lost boys' lives. Ren, his husband, is left kind of lost and broken without the love of his life. I really liked that while Ren tried to move past his grief (as per Mr Paiges wishes. ok ok demands) Robert was never forgotten. This wasn't an oh i've kissed another man now everything is better kind of story. It was real, it had raw emotion and it felt right. Major is so freaking loveable and even though at times his heart is breaking. He is always 100% there to support Ren in whatever way is needed. Whether that's by dropping off some jam or giving him some much needed bear hugs. He never expects him to be “over Robert'', he includes him in his own way. And for me that just showed the kind of man that Major is. He and Ren are a perfect match, Major is what Ren needs to move forward and enjoy the rest of his life. I loved how Kelly included Mr Paige in the more emotional times. Where Ren needed his support and the bird pooping on major was just chef's kiss. The humour and sarcasm really helped balance the tone of this book. I mean it kind of sums the lost boys up, that is who they are when they are together and Ren and Major complete the group and complete one another.
As always I loved seeing a favourite couple popping up from a past series. That moment was really beautiful in its own way. I was so happy that Major had someone (ok two someones) to love on him when he needed it the most.
I can't wait to see what Kelly gives us next. Although i'm really not ready to say bye to this group of perfectly imperfect humans just yet.

I received a copy in return for my honest review.

Profile Image for Grace ❤️.
309 reviews11 followers
April 5, 2024
Oh Kelly KELLY

Jeeeeez the exploration of loss and beauty in accepting love just absolutely poured off the pages. This was devastating and heartwarming in almost equal measure but the title certainly lived up to its name. Major was steady in his support for Ren even in his moments of heartbreak even in his moments of confusion he was always, always strong and steady.

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again but dang Kelly Fox just had a way with weaving imperfect people together in the most beautiful way. I love that she doesn’t shy away from hard things and she lets things be sad and ugly sometimes but she also brings couples together in a way that not only shows how well they fit but how they complement each others hurts and flaws.

Perhaps my favorite part of this was a humor and joy that crept into even the sad moments. Ren and Major were just perfection and getting to see the whole group of lost boys find love has been such an amazing journey!

So so so looking forward to whatever else Kelly Fox wants to grace us with next!
Profile Image for Vicki.
949 reviews20 followers
April 9, 2024
So many feels.

This is such an emotional read exploring loss, grief and love as Ren mourns the passing of his husband whilst gaining the strength to love again. Major is the calm steady rock for Ren as he goes through the process of accepting his new normal, especially when he’s “….at the intersection of love and grief….”.

The chemistry between these two wonderful men is scorching so there’s plenty of steam as they navigate their way to an HEA but it’s not all sunshine and roses. It’s at times full of pain and sadness as Ren reconciles how to feel both grief and happiness but it is balanced perfectly with the most sweet and tender moments with Major - a cuddle bug who gives the best hugs.

With numerous funny references to Mr Paige and all the Lost Boys there to keep things interesting in their own inimitable ways, even though I cried a lot I also giggled and I especially loved young Ru.
Major and Ren are a special couple with a beautiful story of love, loss and love again that broke me at times but left me with a huge smile at the end.
Profile Image for Heather MMRomanceReviewed.
1,447 reviews60 followers
April 17, 2024
This is a 3 tissue read... and honestly, I made it further into the book than I thought... but Kelly Fox still got me... you can't help but hurt for Ren and Major as they feel their way through an almost impossible situation and find solace and more with each other.

I truly appreciated the way their relationship ebbed and flowed and really mirrored what a lot of people experiencing grief would experience. I also love that they can experience so much of it together - keeping Mr. Paige alive in so many ways, but building new and wonderful experiences together...

This book not only made me cry copious tears, but laugh out loud, smile, empathize and more... the roller coaster was real.

I can't wait to see what unfolds with the final two novellas in this series.
358 reviews
April 4, 2024
Such a heartfelt, heartwarming way to wrap up this series. I loved the focus being on Ren in this final book, It's wild how so much comes full circle in the end. I loved all the sweet "little" things - the bird, the jam, luck good and bad - the threads that are fine separate & on their own, but weave together to form something altogether stronger, more beautiful, and flexible & resilient enough to stand the test of time. Beautiful found family, beautiful friendships, beautiful loves, and beautiful stories. Fulfilling, satisfying, these characters and their stories of love will fill up hearts of readers for years to come. The snark, humor, sarcasm flow freely through this and all Lost Boys stories, full of love and sassitude for days. Great series, loved Mr Paige & Ren & man, he musta been a love wizard or something. Really good books!
Profile Image for Sharon L.
625 reviews12 followers
April 7, 2024
"If the price of love was this kind of grief, I wasn’t sure I could handle it."

Kelly Fox outdid herself on this one it's the bestest of all!!! I can't say enough about how much I loved this one. What a great way to end the series. Yes I know there are a couple of novellas coming out on some side characters but all the lost boys got their stories told.

Hurt/comfort, loss of a beloved spouse and mentor, the love for Mr Paige will live through these "not so lost boys"
Profile Image for Amber.
180 reviews
June 13, 2024
4.5 ⭐️ a dang near perfect ending to a precious series.
Profile Image for Romance Recs.
933 reviews179 followers
May 31, 2024
The Steady is the last and final stand alone book in the interconnected Lost Boys Series.

The author, Kelly Fox meant for Major to be the main focus of this series, and waited for his book to be the last. She wrote that she was setting it all up for Major and Ren and she definitely accomplished that with The Steady.

This is a former dead spouse romance and I know a lot of people don't like that kind of romance because they feel as though the MC will never love the other MC the way they do their former spouse and that's absolutely true with this novel. In The Steady, Ren will never really get over his now dead husband who was actually in this series in book 1.

Ren's husband who passed away was the father of the MC from book 1 and played and integral role in the development of this series and is a huge background character. If anything, the author LEANS into the death of a spouse trope HARD.

I liked how she did this a lot. She wrote about grief, depression and mourning EXTREMELY well.

I can see how this could be a trigger for some people. I can also see how some people generally just don't want to read the death of a a former spouse trope. You have to be in that mood and I totally understand.

This series overall is very low key. Especially when it comes to this author. She's written more emotional books than the ones in this series. This series is very much her laid back chill, small town vibe series and I liked it.

I mean... are any of these books epic and something to write home about? No. Not at all. You might even find yourself bored with the books in this series.

BUT, If you just want to relax and read something low key and not put that much emotional investment into a book? These series stand alone books are the ones for you.

Kelly Fox is an excellent author and a specific taste. She doesn't wax on poetically about love, rather, she's more of a realist. Her books are always real and have some kind of message in them. Not too loud but in a nice way. Her towns and stories very much showcase how the world SHOULD be and COULD be if people weren't so close minded and judgmental. She also showcases the fact that if you aren't one of these close minded and judgmental propel, you should perhaps stand up for someone else. You'll see what I mean once you read one or two. I love it. She's a once click author for me always. Her writing style resonates with me and puts me at ease. I'm always ecstatic when a Kelly Fox book comes out. It will always be great in one way or another.

Even books of hers that I at first didn't love, stayed with me and I found myself going back to them to reread scenes. Her bedroom scenes are hotttttt as well.
Profile Image for caffeinated.crystal .
317 reviews7 followers
April 18, 2024
My god, I am a weepy mess. This was a masterpiece.

Romantic? YES.
Devastating? YES.
Perfect? YES.

This series has been absolutely lovely. I've cried buckets in every story, but I knew this one would gut me. And it DID. It was perfect.

There was so much humor *thanks, Mr. Paige* and navigating grief and guilt. How do you move on? How do you love again?

Ren and Major were EVERYTHING.

Ren, the widower, finds comfort in & with Major after his beloved husband's death. Major, the caretaker and teddy bear of a human, just wants to help. Yes, there's attraction, but they've set good boundaries. It's all good.

Well, feelings happen.

This story takes place over more than a year. And there's time jumps too. We see the full scope of grieving a tremendous loss and new budding love. It's as angsty and steamy as you think it will be.

Favorite moments include:
❤️ the cardinal
❤️ the scene with Ren at the therapist office
❤️ jam notes
❤️ Hikaru! He stole the show with jiji
❤️ the scene at the H Mart & H E B 😭😭😭

There was one particular scene when Ren went to sleep on Robert's side of the bed... I won't go into details to avoid spoilers, but I absolutely lost it. Like, nasty ugly crying. It was so real.

I loved this series so much. Seguin and the Lost Boys really stole my heart. As much as I loved all their stories - Ren and Major were everything.

Kelly Fox, thanks for making me sob buckets on a Wednesday night. Ren and Major were everything I wanted them to be and more. ❤️❤️❤️

Don't sleep on this amazing series. It's great!
Profile Image for Megan.
134 reviews2 followers
May 4, 2024
3 stars. Sap levels are off the charts here, for better and for worse. Major is unbelievably sweet and thoughtful and you can’t not like him. I feel bad saying it but Ren was just meh, too often it felt like he was using Major without considering his feelings. I wanted Ren to love Major more, he felt too much like a convenient replacement.

Grief is well represented - complicated, sporadic, and bone deep. The spice was spicy - shout out to all the fun locations. The end was overly sweet and too well wrapped up for my liking.
Profile Image for J.L..
Author 13 books61 followers
April 16, 2024
I often joke that it’s not a Kelly Fox book unless it makes me laugh so hard that I scare a cat at least once. While this story definitely includes moments of levity such as those I’ve come to expect from Fox’s work, even though they are never explicitly comedies, I also knew going in that I should have the tissues handy this time. After all, I almost cried just from reading the back cover text. Once I dove into the story itself, I definitely cried by chapter 2. Though this book is also not a tragedy (I promise it definitely qualifies as a romance), the storyline touches on difficult topics such as grief for a loved one…and giving love a second chance to flourish.

I’m fortunate to have never mourned the death of a spouse, but after meeting Mr. Paige earlier in this series and already mourning him through the perspective of his son and other members of his chosen family, I had no trouble connecting with Ren’s grief in this book. Fox once again manages to make a deceased love one as much an integral character in the story as those left behind. Each visceral moment made me ache along with Ren, and the indirect path of his healing brought a sense of realism to a story already complicated by the bonds of community and friendship tying Ren and Major together.

Though Fox hinted at elements of this story in the previous installment of this series, she fleshes out the initial arc by connecting the first essential, unplanned moments between Ren and Major with other important events from earlier books. Neither man is prepared for their explosive chemistry, but while emotions are complicated, love is not a finite resource; that both of these men will develop genuine feelings for each other is never in question. After all, they are each truly good men, which is why they work so well together…and also why the inevitable first break hurts so much. Time may not heal all wounds, but sometimes it is necessary. The time jump between the two acts of this book never disrupts the pacing, and Ren and Major’s reconnection in the second half is incredibly satisfying.

Fox tackles some pretty intense themes in this book, crafting an actual “reverse age-gap” romance that feels both incredibly real and still retains enough moments of escapism to make reading a genuine pleasure despite my tears. Mr. Paige can rest easy knowing that his family will continue to thrive and grow.

Disclaimer: I recieved a digital review copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Bee.
513 reviews9 followers
September 11, 2024
It was okay. I’m in an era where if it’s not dark and depraved or utterly toxic …. Im not particularly interested. So it was definitely me…. Not the book. Which is why I’m giving it 3 starts even though I only just barely made it through.

This book features love after loss, and that is the major theme of the book. So if you don’t want to read about a widower, then you probably don’t want to read this book because that subject features heavily.

We have Ren who is middle-aged probably late 40s based on his description I don’t think it actually tells us his age , maybe even 50s, like early 50s. And he has lost his husband to illness. We meet Ren about a year after the death of his husband, and he is still deep in the throes of grief.

Then we meet Major, who is 30 or in his 30s, and he actually used to be taught by Ren’s late husband. Major and Ren already know each other through this connection. Ren’s late husband was a mentor to many of the queer youth of his community and he affectionately called them. The lost boys. Major was one of these lost boys.

Major sees Ren crying in the parking lot goes to comfort him and one thing needs to another and they end up hooking up. Ren feels really guilty about it, even though his husband actually left him a letter suggesting that he move on before the one year anniversary of his death.

The rest of the book is these two getting closer and then moving apart, really kind of dancing around each other until they eventually become a solid couple while Ren moves through his grief and guilt around the passing of his husband and moving on with a new partner. Major is really understanding and at no point do they ever try to diminish his memory or pretend like he wasn’t a significant part of Ren’s life. I thought this aspect was done really well and I didn’t feel like the push and pull between the two characters was forced or annoying. It felt natural and it felt appropriate for the level of grief that Ren was feeling coupled with the fact that Major had never really had a serious relationship prior to this.

If you’re a fan of :
✅ size difference
✅age gap
✅ strict roles
✅ nipple suckling
✅ bear/ twink
✅ hurt/ comfort

This book has all of that and it was well done without feeling like the author was just working through a trope list.
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,159 reviews63 followers
April 20, 2024
I had to gather my thoughts before reviewing this book because of how deeply it affected me, and even then I had to circle back and edit because sometimes less is more, and this is one of those times.

I know from discussing with others that it was an emotional read for them, but I'm not sure I've ever been so thoroughly gutted while relating so closely with one of the characters. Tears started flowing again just thinking about it.

There IS a happy ending, I promise. It's not all tears and gut-punches. It's funny and sexy, with that warm sense of community that Kelly writes so well.

If you've read any of the books in the Lost Boys series, you know that Ren's husband Robert, Mr. Paige to his students and the Lost Boys, died. The entire series has centered around a central character who passed away. It's not the first time Kelly Fox has had a character cross over, yet drive the plots in other books. The Rebel Sky Ranch series is imbued with the spirit of Renee Navarro Goodnight. I shed more than a few tears in those books.

Oddly enough, I didn't have the same level of emotion while reading the first books of Lost Boys. But from the time Ren appears on the page in The Steady, the waterworks started, and I took the journey with him, navigating the death of his beloved husband. By the time I reached the halfway point, I had to put it down for a while before I could come back to it because of the emotions it evoked.

My husband didn't die in H-E-B, though he certainly could have, as we shopped there regularly. It's been 14 years since I went through it, but Ren's experiences trying to navigate life without his best friend and husband were all-too -familiar to me. I identified with his need for connection, physical affection, and I relived the ebb and flow of grief along with him.

Even though I used a half a box of the good tissues while reading it, the poignant, funny, steamy book is a fitting conclusion to the series. Yes, there are two novellas to come that will round things out, but the core of the Lost Boys are all paired up, living their HEAs. I loved getting to know them all and spending time in Seguin, Texas.

If you haven't read the series, I recommend starting at the beginning with The Thief.

If you have read the series and were trying to decide whether to read this story, I promise, you really do want to. You may shed some tears, but you probably won't go full-on Hamilton Pool Falls over it like I did. I do recommend having tissues on hand, though, just in case.
Profile Image for Aimee .
994 reviews12 followers
April 17, 2024
WOW…just WOW!!

✨Whatever happened after this, my heart was forever altered. Forever his.✨

We all knew going into this story that there would be tears involved and there most definitely were. Not all the tears were sad though, some were happy and filled with laughter. I love how Fox writes and I don’t think I have ever been disappointed with one of her novels. I loved this series so very much and it was so well-done. Ren and Major were heartbreakingly beautiful together and I adored them so very much…both individually and as a smoking hot couple!! Ren’s obsession with Major’s nipples was one of my favorite parts of this story…lol!!

Mr. Paige brought love and laughter to his family and loved ones, even from the grave. I have never personally lost someone so close to me but my best friend from high school lost her husband of 18 years and then remarried just over a year after his loss. I never fully understood how she could “move on” so quickly like that, and while it’s not my place to fully understand her reasonings, this book really helped me to understand her just a bit more. Love isn’t lessened by “moving on”, just expanded and never ever forgotten.

✨So, Ren, light of my life, you must love. Love fully. For me✨
428 reviews5 followers
April 9, 2024
I’ve learned to have high expectations for the stories of love that Kelly Fox gives us and her last Full book in the Lost Boy’s Series “The Steady” is exactly that. A wonderful story of Love, Loss and learning to let yourself be happy again. We have come to know Ren and Major throughout the series and this book brought me both happy and sad tears, the way a great story should. Ren suffers what is one of the worst losses someone can go through. Major is there to help him in the way he needs to be able to adjust and learn how to live with that loss, and accepts the fact that it is really something that you will never get over. Honestly, for me the age difference in the story was really not a factor, until one of the characters brought it up. I just loved the honesty that Kelly Fox brought to the grieving process and the acceptance that love is never ending but can encompass many people at the same time. Really don’t want to give any story spoilers but we get our Massive Happy Ending for All in this story and I truly can’t wait to see what Kelly Fox will bring us with her next series.
1,360 reviews6 followers
April 21, 2024
The perfect ending

This book is the perfect ending to this series. These guys have gone through a lot and have the emotional scars to prove it. I don't think there is a better ending for the Boys and Ren.

Ren has lost his husband and the love of his life. He never expected to fall in love again. Ren has to learn to live his life without Robert and to move past his guilt for trying to live his life again. Major has been sitting on the sidelines without a desire for romance, but after one night he can't get Ren out of his head. He has no desire to replace his old mentor, but can he and Ren get past all the emotions that are between them.

I loved this story do much and have read it twice already. You need to read this series in order since it overlaps, but also builds on, the previous books. I am sad to end this series, but I know we have a couple more shorter stories coming to give a couple side characters their time to shine.

I highly recommend that you read this book and series. If you are someone that wants two binge a series then now is your time.
2,781 reviews42 followers
April 9, 2024
I just knew this story was going to wreck me in the best possible way! The Steady gives us the beautiful love story of Ren and Major. These two will worm their way into your heart and never leave.
I loved how caring and loving Major is with Ren. The understanding and acceptance of his grief is amazing. Knowing that Ren's deceased husband will always be a part of him and embracing that is beyond outstanding.
These two found each other at a very sad time in their lives. The support and comfort that they bring to each other grows into something neither one was expecting. Of course there will bumps along the way but the connection they share will keep drawing them back to each other.
Getting to revisit with all the Lost Boys and their partners is lovely. The group dynamics add such depth and texture to this story.
The epilogue is one of the best and most satisfying one I have ever read. I'm not ready to say goodby to this amazing group/family!
594 reviews5 followers
April 20, 2024
This next book in the series is a tear jerker for sure, but sometimes a new love is right in front of you and you have to take the leap. What started out as a grief release for Ren, with the help of Major, turns into something neither saw coming. It wasn’t planned, but Major has always been a caretaker and when he sees Ren in need of comfort he offers himself as a temporary distraction. However, those pesky little things called feelings got in the way for both men and It seemed as if this relationship was doomed before it had the chance to grow. Their chemistry together won’t be denied though, and despite starting out sneaking around, they found the way to their HEA while never losing sight of the man that brought them together in the first place. It wasn’t an easy road for all the “Lost Boys” to find love, but it was all worth it in the end. The ending to their stories was perfect and I cannot wait to read what the author has for us next!
Profile Image for Tee Reader.
93 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2024
The steady

I already knew this was going to be an emotional one, anyone who is a fan of this series knows that it was all leading up to Ren and as much as I adored the stories that came before the steady I was eagerly anticipating this book.

think of an excited puppy unable to sit down due to wiggly butt syndrome except this puppy has a Diet Coke addiction and the tendency to glare at their husband if he dare interrupt me reading …. I digress.

If you are a fan of Kelly’s like myself, you know her writing can do no wrong yet I was still nervous for this read, I had built Ren and Major’s story up in my head I was worried it wouldn’t live up …. And as usual I was so very wrong!

This story is everything and most importantly is honours Mr Paige and all the work he has done, the lives he touched, although heartbreaking his passing made way for so much love.

Get ready to snot cry!!

Congratulations Kelly Fox this story was heartbreakingly beautiful ❤️
Profile Image for Jamie  Stevens.
170 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2024
First off, this book was amaizing. It will also probably make you cry..but in a cathartic way. Kelly is really good at doing that.

After the loss of his husband, Robert, Ren feels lonely and lost. The note his husband left him told him to move on and find love again, he's just not sure he has it in himself to do that. How do you get over the love of your life dying? Luckily, he finds someone who can help take the edge off for a while.

Major just wanted to comfort Ren. Help get him through some of his grief. He never intended to fall for his former teachers husband.

After some challenges, these men finally get their act together. It's a beautiful story which I plan to read a few times over. Seeing the other guys in the series rally around them and support their love was amazing to see.

I absolutely love this series and how interconnected her series have become. I absolutely recommend this one.
41 reviews
April 17, 2024
Oh my heart was rent in two and stitched back together many times over in this one. First of all, the age gap switch-up is a unique twist on a favorite trope. But Major—he’s so sexy and steady and REAL. And Ren—his pain and need and struggles were so believable and heartfelt. I don’t have the words to appropriately express the love I have for these characters.

This book reminded me of a Walt Whitman poem, appropriately:

“I dreamed in a dream of a city where all the men
were like brothers,
O I saw them tenderly love each other—
I often saw them, in numbers, walking hand in
I dreamed that was the city of robust friends— Nothing was greater there than the quality
of manly love—it led the rest,
It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of
that city, and in all their looks and words.”

I mean—that says it all, doesn’t it? That is the Lost Boys. That’s Seguin.
Profile Image for Elle Kay.
319 reviews
April 17, 2024
Love after intense, heart-stopping grief is a tricky subject but Fox gives Ren and Major a beautiful story and does justice to the despair felt at the loss of dear Mr. Paige.

While the overlapping timelines with other Lost Boys books can be a bit confusing at times, I truly feel it was necessarily to adequately tell this story. As always, the found family element shone through and the characters were all delightful.

Major, who was perfectly happy with his rotation, and Ren, buried in grief but longing to feel, made sense right from the beginning, even though the timing was horribly wrong. That’s not to say there weren’t a dozen times Fox had me openly weeping, but they were balanced by all the times she had me laughing out loud.

5 beautiful, emotional stars.
Profile Image for Sara.
2,088 reviews38 followers
April 17, 2024
All the feels

I enjoyed this entire series a whole heck of a lot but The Steady is by far my favorite. I couldn’t have loved it more. One of the cardinal rules of romance is that the characters aren’t supposed to die and here we have Robert who had to go and die on Ren! And then Ren gets a book! I am so amazed that this whole series was built for and around Ren, because of course it was. I loved the size difference between Ren and Major and how they both loved that about each other. I love how Robert was never too far from either of their thoughts and the impact he had on both their lives in different ways. This book might also be the sexiest of the series, yet it also made me cry the most. Just well done all around.
Profile Image for Demetra Roussakis.
1,132 reviews10 followers
April 21, 2024
Wow. Just wow. This is the final book in The Lost Boys series and it was the saddest one of all. Ren suffered with the loss of his husband, Robert. Six months after, he was sitting in his car when Major saw him. Major offered him comfort and it turned into more. After a few months, Ren called it off as he was feeling guilty for it. The second part of the book starts six month later. Major developed feelings for Ren and could not more on. Ren was also sad that he let Major go. Once they saw each other again, they talked and this started their relationship to their happy ever after. Love this world and loved how Major was there for Ren as he was working his way through the saddest parts of his life. Great chemistry between them and high heat. Cannot wait to read more from this author.
Profile Image for Shelly  Doebler.
152 reviews
April 29, 2024
Welp, this book was a tough one for me. I cried for basically the entire first half. Major is such an amazing character and has such an incredible strength within himself and I could absolutely never do what he did in this relationship. What a beautiful show of love and support and truly just wishing for your partner’s happiness above anything else. I do wish we got a bit more acknowledgment from Ren about the selfishness of his actions and just an understanding of what he was putting Major through. I absolutely understand what he was going through but he was completely just using Major for the first half even though they agreed upon a casual relationship.
I also think we could’ve spent more time with these characters together outside of spicy scenes. I realize that’s what the majority of their relationship was at first, but I think the novel could’ve done with some scenes thrown in there perhaps before or after the sex where we see them bonding for real.
Otherwise, I love the relationships between all of the Lost Boys. The found family aspect of these stories was so beautiful and really what kept me coming back. I’m sad to know that it’s ending soon but excited to find out what happens with Leo and Ginger!
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401 reviews5 followers
April 16, 2024
Welp, this was definitely as emotional as I anticipated it to be. Seeing the loss of Mr Paige through Holden’s eyes was one thing but seeing it through Ren’s eyes was so hard. Grief is something that is so personal and everyone copes with in a different way. Seeing Ren struggle was so hard but once Major entered the picture, I loved seeing him find happiness again. Major is so lovable but it was heart breaking to watch him accept that Ren might not be ready. This book was full of humor, sadness, laughter and raw emotion. But when Major and Ren are together, they are so sweet and super steamy.
227 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2024
A Cardinal Moment

This book reminds us that we are able to romantically love more than one person.

Ren's "light of life" the irreverent Robert died leaving Ren to grieve and wonder if this was the end of romantic love for him. Enter Major, one of Robert's former students. Major provides solace and more. The complications of having an adult child, an incomplete grieving process and a man 20 years younger than Ren make this story feel curious. How do Ren and Major navigate these challenges?

Read a very touching, sensitive story about grieving a spouse who allows new love to help him heal.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 reviews

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