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Pieces #1

Missing Pieces

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Gabby survives her ex-boyfriend’s brutal attack, only to be ripped away from her life by a complete stranger. She is thrown into the world of Immortals, where every nightmare out there exists and walks free. She can’t deny her attraction to this stranger, Neeko, but he must earn her trust before she will ever let him into her heart. Can she learn to love again? Will love be enough, or will everything come crashing down?

Neeko sees Gabby and immediately knows she is someone special. He makes a rash decision to kidnap her, because he can’t stop thinking about her. Now he must somehow prove to her that she is his mate and his soul’s other half. How can he have a human for a mate? Can he keep her safe from Demons? Or is he her biggest threat?

When the missing pieces fall into place to reveal all their secrets, will they stand together or apart?

230 pages, Paperback

First published May 6, 2014

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About the author

Tiffany Flowers

9 books80 followers
I am a stay at home mom of 3. I have a beautiful daughter and two handsome sons. I love reading and writing Paranormal Romance.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
191 reviews8 followers
June 29, 2014
Oh my, this book is amazing!!!! Once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. The prologue starts off to give us the back story to help in the future and it definitely helps but also frustrated me because since I knew I wanted the characters to know as well.
In the beginning we meet Gabby, she has just been attacked by her boyfriend and lost her job and is not sure what she is going to do with her life. She becomes a shut-in, afraid to get back out for fear of what could happen. Until one night she decides it is time to reclaim herself, she gets all dressed up and heads out to Club 9. Little did she know that from this moment on her life was about to change even more.
Nekko is the leader of the immortals and Derrick is his best friend and first in command. The Oracle had led Nekko to go to the bar, but he didn’t understand why until he heard the voice. After finding her again after all these weeks, he had to see what this was he felt and he didn’t want to let her get away so he took her.
This story is amazing, it has angels, demons, immortals, shifters, and humans. Nekko is a god in all sense of the word, he is built well, has amazing tattoos, Alpha male and leader of his kind. The way that he interacts with Gabby in the beginning to gain her trust is so touching. The attraction and love they have for each other is evident with their first meeting, even if Gabby isn’t ready to except it. Gabby thinks that she is too broken to be put back together and Nekko tries his hardest to get her to understand, this is what he tells her;
“Sometimes it just takes the right amount of love and patience to fit all the pieces back together. Like a bent puzzle piece, you just have to tenderly put it back straight to make the picture whole. So if you can give me all your broken, bent, even torn pieces, I will slowly put you back together.”
After a statement like that, how can you not fall in love with Nekko. The fact that this story has a cliffhanger, just about broke my heart. But I have to remind myself most of the best books have the killer cliffhangers that leave you on the edge of your seat begging for more. I can’t wait for the second book in the series to come out, I am definitely hooked.
Profile Image for Eye Candy Bookstore.
571 reviews123 followers
May 27, 2014
This book is the beginning to an amazing series!!!! Gabby finds her self in love with a man who is nothing what she thought he was. One day he brutally attacks her and she was lucky to get away. As she is trying to move on she meets a stranger that she has this automatic attraction to.

Neeko knows he has found his missing piece but struggles to get her to admit there is something between them. Then Gabby finds out she is living in a world with immortals. Neeko needs to get her to trust him while also protecting her from the demons. Can Gabby open up her heart again and learn to trust and love Neeko?

This story was absolutely amazing. It had a lot of twists and turns. Neeko will have you melting and wanting to become an immortal as well. I definitely can not wait to see what happens with Neeko and Gabby.

Reviewed by Amy Zec
Profile Image for Now I Read Book Blog.
169 reviews2 followers
May 11, 2014

I was lucky enough to come across this book . Because as soon as I started reading this book I lost track of time . I could not put this book down I was up to about 2:30in the morning finishing this book. This book had me on the edge and on the edge of my seat the whole way through. This book is full of so emotional roller coaster that at times pulled on my heart strings. The sexual chemistry to so strong and hot it should come with it own warning label. This book is full of smoking hot Alpha men that will have you panty wet. I fell in love with most the characters in this book . But their are a few characters that I would love to see get a good ass kicking. This book made me laugh ,cry and yell at the characters.

Gabby thinks she has found the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with. But one night all that changes when he try's to hurt her . She is lucky to get away with her life. But now she has no job or no man that she want to send he life with. She decide to go out with some friends to a club. I guy comes up and dance with her and then buy her a drink but she just not into him. So tell him she needs to use the bathroom and sneaks out the back door. But what she find out their will change life as she know it. What she finds is Neeko and he sweep her off her feet when he kidnaps her . Because he has not found is mate for life and he want her to be his queen. He will have to earn her trust and her heart if he has any chance to have her for his own. As soon as Gabby really see Neeko she know their is some thing special about him. She can not fight want she feels for him but she is scared to trust another man after her ex. But Neeko some how show her that she really is his soul mate and his missing half of him. But the one thinking Neeko can not understand is how can a human be his soul mate. But when her safety is threaten he will not at nothing to keep her safe. The only problem is that he is that he maybe her biggest threat.

But when all of the missing pieces all go together and show all their secrets . Will Neeko and Gabby to able to have their happy ever after or will the pieces be to much for them to handle. What will happen when all the truth comes out. Who will be left standing.

Their is so much more juiciness to this book that I could not share with you because this is one of those book you have read. I cant wait to read more form this author in the future.
Profile Image for Romancing Susan (Monti).
192 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2014
I'm not really into Paranormal read, but once in a while, I encounter some that makes me want to read it.

From what I gather, This is Ms. Tiffany Flowers' first book. Although there were some errors with the spellings, I still found myself enjoying this book. Fast paced, filled with love, lust and violence. I love the dual POV's of this book, getting to understand each others thoughts, the secondary characters which makes the book more "real".

Gabby survives her ex-boyfriend’s brutal attack, only to be ripped away from her life by a complete stranger. She is thrown into the world of Immortals, where every nightmare out there exists and walks free. She can’t deny her attraction to this stranger, Neeko, but he must earn her trust before she will ever let him into her heart. Can she learn to love again? Will love be enough, or will everything come crashing down?

I love the twist and turns of this story, the shifting from one place to the other, the powers they have. I love how strong Gabby is, not just in power but also her strength and the depth of her love to Neeko.Trusting him even if she has just met him. Considering he kidnapped her, she doesn't even question why? which to tell you truth irks me.

Neeko sees Gabby and immediately knows she is someone special. He makes a rash decision to kidnap her, because he can’t stop thinking about her. Now he must somehow prove to her that she is his mate and his soul’s other half. How can he have a human for a mate? Can he keep her safe from Demons? Or is he her biggest threat?

Neeko, a god, the leader of his "people" and Immortal. What more can one ask for? The moment he has heard Gabby's voice, could not resist their pull toward each other, knowing they are each other's other half. Trusting and loving Gabby even if he doesn't know if she is human or immortal. Not knowing who or what the Missing piece" is and how important that piece is in the puzzle.

This book leaves you with a cliffhanger and summer 2015 seems too far away. Arghhh!! Hope book 2 comes earlier than that. Can't wait to find out what happens next.

Profile Image for Lucie Lu's Book Reviews.
329 reviews27 followers
June 10, 2014
Tiffany Flowers makes her debut with Missing Pieces which is book one in the Pieces Series. The books are of the supernatural genre, based on angels and demons. Normally I avoid this genre and have only ever enjoyed one other series which was The Providence Trilogy by Jamie McGuire , I did however find myself completely drawn in by Missing Pieces.

Gabby is happily in love with her boyfriend until one day he just snaps and she barely gets out alive. Shaken by the experience she goes into hiding until one night she decides she’s tired of moping around and goes out to a club. There she meets Neeko and is instantly drawn to him.
Neeko takes Gabby to his home and keeps her hidden away from the outside world to keep her safe. He is powerfully attracted to her and doesn’t make it a secret. What Gabby doesn’t know though is Neeko is an Immortal leader and since his parents are dead he is now the King.

This was a fast paced easy read that had me glued to the pages. I loved reading about Gabby and how she changed throughout the book. The story is one I really enjoyed I liked where it takes you. The dual POV really helped with the flow of the story, it helped to know what both characters were thinking whilst experiencing the same things. The only problem I found was the show, don’t tell. It wasn’t a huge problem and it didn’t bother me that much but I did notice it. I also didn’t realise until the end that this was a series and the book ends on a cliff hanger. Not a huge one but a cliffy nevertheless. I am very much looking forward to the sequel to find out what happens to these characters.
Profile Image for Lori.
13 reviews
May 18, 2014
Awesome start to what's looking to be an addicting series
Wow, Missing Pieces by Tiffany Flowers is looking to be the first book in a series that is sure to one addicting series !!
I received this book from Paranormal Romance & Authors that Rock for an honest review, that being said I WILL be buying the 2nd book in this series as soon as it is out in 2015!!!! I love the fact you meet Gabbys real parents right from the get go so you know there is something very special about her, she finds the strength to get past the hurt and betrayal of Lee her ex who tried to kill her. Than when Gabby finally starts to get past the hurt and betrayal she finds herself confronted by a man who is claiming to be her other half...can she trust him? Will she allow herself to trust another man who is clearly more than " just any man let alone the fact he's not mortal ". I love all the secondary characters, they add so much fun to the story that you find yourself just wanting so much more......it's a great story that takes on some great twists and turns and as I said I will be buying the next book as soon as it is out.....thank you Tiffany for a really really great book! Lori with.
Sent from my iPad
Profile Image for Book Junky Girls.
840 reviews35 followers
June 17, 2014
3.5 Stars

Gabby thought she had a great boyfriend, smart, caring, goregous, not to mention he had his own law firm so money was never an issue. When he becomes posessive she thinks he's over the top, but when he attacks her everything changes for her. Two months later and she's still trying to pick up the pieces of her life.

Neeko didn't understand the pull and once he did he was terrified, a mate and a human one at that was not something he ever expected. Now he's trying to figure out more about her but she disappeared for two months before he could get answers, now that he's found her again he won't let her go. But how do you tell someone, even if their your mate, that they're part of a supernatural world?

The story itself intrigued me but with all the little details the story became confusing at times. There were times when I didn't understand why the character rolled over the way she did especially considering her last relationship. The world created was also confusing at times but became clearer as the story progressed.

Gabby and Neeko are both hard headed and it made for some interesting encounters. The push and pull between them was ammusing at times, but then became overbearing at other places. Overall I'm interested to see where things go with the story.
Profile Image for Andrea.
227 reviews
July 3, 2014
4 stars!

* ARC provided in return for an honest review

I love a good paranormal romance story and Missing Pieces was no exception. I was hooked from the first page to the the very last. This may be a quick read but it's a thrilling page turner packed with excitement, danger, tension and HOTNESS! NEEKO!!!

Just when I thought I had things figured out, BAM!, something happened to make me shout out in disbelief and question why I hadn't seen it coming.

Missing Pieces is the first book in, what promises to be, an exciting and hot paranormal series! I really enjoyed it and loved the way the author, Tiffany Flowers, had me double guessing what would happen next. I don't think I can wait until next year for the sequel!!

Full review on makemydaybooks.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07... as part of the blog tour.
25 reviews2 followers
May 9, 2014
Missing pieces is tiffany flowers first book and she knocked it out of the park. It has an amazing story line and in one part of the book your jaw will hit the floor and just when you think you can pick it up off of the ground it will be right back there. It’s a refreshing take on paranormal romance. Neeko is a immortal who happens to stumble on gabby in a bar one night and he knows that she is his soul mate. Gabby knows that she is adopted and has just gotten out of a bad relationship and had a hard time going out to her favorite club, when she finally decides to go out again she did not know that it would change everything in her life. I did not want it to end and I am so ready for more of Neeko and Gabby’s story. is it 2015 yet?????? Don’t pass this one up you will regret it if you do.
Profile Image for Jenna.
125 reviews3 followers
May 15, 2014
This book hooked me from the start!!
Gabby is a recluse after her boyfriend attacks her and finally after weeks of staying in she goes out to dance and she gets kidnapped. Neeko says he wont hurt her and he is there to protect her but can she trust him after all shes been through?
Neeko says they are soulmates shes trying to fight it but she feels the pull too. her 25th birthday comes ans she wakes up feeling like shes been burned alive and she learns not only is Neeko is immortal she is too. Lash a demon is out to get her , she is the missing piece. I wont give more away but it apears Neeko has changed and once he finds out Gabby is half angel half demon he turns on her and tortures. Come to find out its mirro images of Neeko. She leaves with Lash and Neeko is desperate to find her and make it right. Cant wait for book 2!!!
Profile Image for Amy Zec.
150 reviews2 followers
May 25, 2014
This book is the beginning to an amazing series!!!! Gabby finds her self in love with a man who is nothing what she thought he was. One day he brutally attacks her and she was lucky to get away. As she is trying to move on she meets a stranger that she has this automatic attraction to.

Neeko knows he has found his missing piece but struggles to get her to admitt there is something between them. Then Gabby finds out she is living in a world with immortals. Neeko needs to get her to trust him while also protecting her from the demons. Can Gabby open up her heart again and learn to trust and love Neeko?

This story was absolutely amazing. It had a lot of twists and turns. Neeko will have you melting and wanting to become an immortal as well. I definitely can not wait to see what happens with Neeko and Gabby.
Profile Image for Amazeballs Book Addicts.
2,811 reviews243 followers
July 5, 2014
Missing Pieces is a great, quick read. I got pulled into it right from the beginning and didn't put it down until I finished it. Missing Pieces is book one in the The Pieces Series, so yes there is a cliffhanger.

Gabby gets out of an abusive relationship and very shortly after is thrown into world of Immortals. In the beginning of the book we a kinda of told what type of immortal blood Gabby has in her. But her soul mate Neeko doesn't know right away. Neeko is a very important person, he is the leader of his people. Gabby coming into his lives causes some issues for him. Gabby also has a lot to deal with and come to terms with.

There are a lot of twist in this book. A lot happens in a very short time but the storyline doesn't seem rushed. I can't wait to read book two.
Profile Image for Sydney Hopke.
1,325 reviews17 followers
May 14, 2014
Tiffany Flowers hit a home run with her 1st book. The book caught me and held on tight from the 1st pages and didn't let go until I was done (and only because the next book isn't ready yet to keep on holding). The story is told from both main characters POV which I love because you hear each side. It's a wonderful story line with strong main characters who know how to tell their story and the secondary characters you love and love to hate them, can't wait to learn more about their stories also. Come on 2nd book, can't wait for you to get here. Hats off to you Tiffany Flowers!
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,346 reviews77 followers
May 25, 2014
My Review

4.7 Star Review – Missing Pieces

I recommend this book.

This was Tiffany's first book and she totally blew me away.

Could not put the book down.

Gabby was attacked by her ex and barely makes it. After that she has been practically hiding away.

She meets Neeko and the chemistry is off the charts.

I don't want to go into a lot of detail as you should really PICK UP THIS BOOK.

This book has paranormal elements.

The characters are strong and blend well into the story.

The story itself is a rollercoaster ride of the best kind.

Can't wait for Tiffany's next book!!
Profile Image for Linda Rimer-Como.
1,263 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2014
This book was absolutely amazing! It is a fast paced read with well detailed characters and an intriguing storyline. It is told from both main characters POV and they have intense sexual chemistry. There are emotional ups and downs throughout as Gabby tries to come to terms with her new life with Neeko's help but many obstacles are thrown in their path. Am looking forward to her next book and more of Gabby and Neeko's journey.
Profile Image for CDBW.
1,617 reviews81 followers
July 1, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

5 Crazy Awesome Stars!!!

Wow! I almost finished this book in one sitting but sleep got in the way. The story was amazing and captivated me right off the bat! I just love when I'm able to immerse myself into a book and feel what the characters are going through. I just love that type of emotional connection. I can't wait to read the rest of this series!
Profile Image for Raecharmed.
8,978 reviews65 followers
July 1, 2014
I loved this book. This was a great story with strong likeable characters. I couldn't put this book down til it was over. Can't wait til the next one comes out. I would recommend this to people that enjoy getting lost in a good book.
Profile Image for Torrais.
23 reviews3 followers
January 15, 2015
This is an awesome book. Captivated from the first page. Can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Lustful Literature.
1,822 reviews334 followers
July 11, 2014

As soon as I started this book I could not put it down. The prologue grabbed me and it took off from there. I am a paranormal romance buff but add an Alpha Immortal male with a dirty mouth – I AM A GONER!!! Tiffany Powers delivered a book that will have readers on an emotional roller coaster ride. Ok so we have not 1 but 2 Alpha immortal males, 3 immortal funny as hell females and some really-really hot sex scenes; oh but wait we also get 1 slurry troll mole too.

Gabby and Lee had a relationship and were living together. Things are going ok until one dreadful night; Lee becomes someone she never knew. This particular scene was hard to read, I cried and screamed – I felt everything Gabby went through that night. Gabby escapes certain death, but still lives with the nightmares and emotional scars from that night. Her friends have convinced her to go out and try to leave the past behind. There is danger at the club, and Gabby goes outside to the alley to avoid a guy (She thinks is a guy – because HELLO PARANORMAL BOOK HERE), that is where Neeko comes in (HOLY HOTNESS).

Neeko is an immortal, he has seen and felt something powerful for Gabby from the first time he laid eyes on her. Neeko finds out that Gabby is his mate; although human she is his mate. Neeko and his men lost Gabby once before and he will not let that happen again. When Neeko senses Gabby is in danger he does the only thing he could to save her. He kidnaps Gabby; not only kidnaps her but he flashes her back to their universe.

Gabby feels safe, needy and a strong desire to be with Neeko but she does not understand why. She cannot fight the attraction and sexual desires she feels for Neeko but after her violent experience with Lee she is scared to trust. There is something different about Gabby,her destiny was already set in motion at birth. She is different and special, but when she is with Neeko, everything feels right. When the truth comes out Gabby’s life will change forever.

“I will do anything to take your pain away if I you’ll give me a chance. Please, just let me try.”

“I can’t promise you that, but I will try to let you. I may be in too many pieces to be fixed.”

“You may have only known me for a little while, but I have known you a lifetime. You have the other half of my soul. My half recognized you instantly. Yours is just taking its time.”

“You may believe that, but I don’t believe in soulmates.”

Neeko is caring, sweet and passionate; he has found his mate, his reason for existing and he wants her to be his queen. When he learns what happened to Gabby his approach is romantic and loving. He has Gabby write a list of 10 places that she wants to see and he takes her to all of them. He is determined to earn her trust, her love and her heart. With Neeko’s time and patience, he is able to show Gabby that she is his soul mate and his missing piece. Neeko is a very passionate, and a dirty immortal lover, (sheesh my panties were wet).

“You taste so sweet. I wonder where else you taste sweet. Come on baby. Let me know what I’m doing to you. I want to know how good I make you feel. Oh, baby you taste as sweet as I thought. “

“Oh God, Neeko!”

“That’s right, baby. Give me all of you. You taste so sweet.”

“This is all mine, Neeko. All mine.”

“Yes, baby. Use me and abuse me.”

Having a human as a mate is not common for Neeko and his people. When Gabby’s life is threatened he stops at nothing to protect her and finds out why demons are after her. Neeko’s secrets and past are the real threats that endanger Gabby. He keeps the real truth of his people and the dangers for humans in their world from Gabby. By doing this, Neeko earns her distrust. When Gabby’s destiny is finally revealed (AND DARE I SAY HOLY BATMAN AND ROBIN) things finally make sense, all the missing pieces are put together.

Neeko and Gabby deserve a happily ever after but the truth will test their love. Will Neeko really be able to accept what Gabby truly is? Will the demons lurking take what they believe is theirs? Will Neeko pick his true love or turn his back on his soul mate? There were so many WTF happened moments that I was like, why the hell did I not see that? The ending left me speechless, I mean my mouth wide open speechless. I need book 2 now (yeah you read right) there is a book 2. Did I like the ending? Would I have waited to get Book 2 before reading book 1? NEGATIVE. This read was worth the ending, I love it. FYI Tiffany Flowers I am thinking I might flash into book 2, like now!!! AWESOME!!!
*received a copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Lady Living  In Bookland.
481 reviews19 followers
November 25, 2015


The romance between Gabby and Neeko is a very quick one. Destined to be together because they are mates. But the with Gabby being human, whilst Neeko immortal has to pose a few problems?!

I am the leader of the Immortals and I am brought to my knees by a woman?! ... See if you can find me the Oracle.

Here is much more to learn about Gabby surrounding her past, being adopted would lead to learning much more about her. Her previous relationship also turns violent so she's more than a little fragile...

Sometimes it just takes the right amount of love and patience to fit all the pieces back together. Like a bent puzzle piece, you just have to tenderly put it back straight to make the picture whole. So, if you can give me all your broken, bent, even torn pieces, I will slowly put you back together.

Neeko is to die for. A true gentle-man - pardon the pun. Although he too had had his issues making the pair all the more compatible. Having lost his family to demons, his hatred towards them know no bounds...

I lost everything that day. I will kill every demon or half-demon I can find. I despise all of them. They are vile creatures and none of them are worth saving. They will pay for what they did...

I think I need to rate this story 3.5 stars. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because I felt like it was very jumpy and I can't say I connected to many of the characters. But the story on the lead up to the end as well as the cliffhanger for the next book is brilliant.

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Review by Susan
I was sent this ebook and all opinions are my own
Profile Image for Patricia.
1,703 reviews45 followers
December 17, 2014

I honestly can't believe that this is Tiffany's first book. I got instantly hooked. I started reading this book and lost all track of time . I couldn't put it down. I am thinking Neeko could be my next book boyfriend. Sigh ok now back to the review . Neeko is an immortal who when he sees Gabby knows that she is true mate. But he is immortal and she is human, how can he be in love with a human and he has to protect her and at the same time prove to her that she is his mate.

I had so much fun reading this book , I mean the men in this book alone will put some colour in your cheeks and a skip in your heart. You can feel the steam rising from this story as you read it . Trust me Neeko and Gabby can so heat up the pages. Had me blushing there a couple of times . So not wanting to give away any spoilers but Neeko does everything in his power to show Gabby what love truly is and that she is truly his mate. The special dates in places that she always wanted to go were so awesome , there is no other word to describe them . Trust me Neeko and Gabby will pull at your heart strings . Then the twist towards the end had me in tears and I was in utter shock.

The author did a great job telling us Neeko and Gabby's story. You can feel all all the pain and pleasure. This isn't your normal paranormal romance , it grabs you from the very first page and will take you on a roller coaster ride. The twists and turns that Tiffany puts into the book are great. You can see that she cares for her characters and what happens to them . So if you want a different paranormal romance book . Please check out MISSING PIECES . I know you will enjoy it . Get it soon and book two comes out early 2015.
Profile Image for Sarah.
96 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2014
I really loved this book. It started out slow and I kept with it and I didn’t lose hope. I gave it 4 stars because I was left with a serious cliffhanger!! The prologue helps to give some information on Gabby’s history that doesn’t make sense at first. As the story progresses, all the missing pieces start to fall into place.

Gabby is attacked by her boyfriend. After starting to maintain a normal life, she is then kidnapped by a complete stranger that she oddly feels drawn to. Gabby is broken into several pieces with a scarred heart. Will Neeko be able to gain her trust? Is this human brought into a world of immortals to find out she doesn’t belong or will she fit in and be accepted among Neeko’s people. Will Gabby take a leap of faith to allow Neeko into her heart?

Neeko falls in love with Gabby the moment he sees her. She senses his present at that very moment but he remains unseen. It isn’t until she kidnapped by him that she sees him for the first time. Will she become the soul mate that he thinks she is? Or will his dark side and his fight against demons tear them apart? Will Neeko choose his people over Gabby or will be willing to sacrifice everything for the one he loves?

Who or what is the missing piece to complete the puzzle? Tiffany Flowers will definitely have you intrigued to read book #2 in the Pieces Series.

- See more at: http://kumikoleilostinabook.blogspot....
Profile Image for Kathy Wideman.
2,501 reviews39 followers
July 12, 2014
Gabby survived a vicious attack by her ex. She is only just recovering and able to leave the house with out freaking out. She is on her way home after ditching a guy she met at the bar. On the way she is taken by Neeko. He is an immortal angel and her soul mate. When she wakes up she is in a room she has never seen before. The first time she sees Neeko she is instantly attracted to him but she is weary because she doesn’t know how she got where she is. She asks what he wants with her. He says that she won’t believe what he wants with her and he will explain later but for now he won’t hurt her. He has brought her here to protect her. Days go by and Neeko is only gentle and reassuring to her. The nicer he is to her the more she is attracted to him but doesn’t know why or how she can feel this way after only a few days. The first time she attempts to do anything with Neeko she sees her ex over her instead and begins to have a panic attack. She tells Neeko what happened with her ex. Neeko promises to help her heal and put her pieces back together. This starts their adventure together. I loved this book. Paranormal/Supernatural whatever you want to call it is one of my favorite genres. The characters and their story suck you in. The book is well written. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series. This book is an emotional rollercoaster. Gabby starts out broken and Neeko helps heal her emotional and then things go right back down again. This book does end on a cliff hanger. Just a warning.

I was given the book in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for PelicanFreak.
1,753 reviews
August 2, 2015
This starts really exiting with a dramatic action scene and I am promptly introduced to Gabby to whom I instantly relate. As a result I’m already siding with / rooting for her. She's a strong, well-developed character who stays true to herself throughout the book despite some other issues with continuity.
This is a really good read, really fast paced. The only things that slowed me down were some poor grammar at times and lack of continuity about various smaller aspects of the story. I think the author has a GREAT start to a series here - one that has loads of potential to be full of action, drama, romance, conflict - maybe some mystery as well with some hot sex scenes to boot. I think with more experience as she grows so will this series and anything else she does. Continuity needs some help but definitely this story left me wanting more and I'd read more from this author, happy to watch her grow with her characters.

Cover: Generic BUT does fit with the story.. a good concept that is poorly executed. I'm sure a professional could clean it up.
Editing/Proofing - needs a bit of help with grammar, typos and continuity.
Formatting - doesn't seem professional but it's not bad. Not pretty but nothing going on that interferes w/ the reading experience.
Characters - well designed.
Pace - FAST
Cliff hanger? It does end abruptly.
Profile Image for The Color of Ink.
329 reviews24 followers
July 6, 2014
This read starts off with a look into the past, then drops you in the present to a woman in a situation scared for her life. That woman is Gabby may have barely escaped her current relationship, but she tries to move forward.

Heading out for the night, Gabby never expected to be thrown in to the world of immortals and demons. She especially was not expected to find herself kidnapped. To top things off, she is falling for the man who snatched her. Neeko is a Godgel leader who was told by the Oracle to be at that bar that night. The first time he laid eyes on her he knew he had to have her. Just as he was about to approach her, a young man makes himself comfy next to her. Later, trying to bide her escape from a hook up that wasn't going to happen she slips out the back door. Here is where the story really begins.

The story is different with a twist and turn here and there. Right or wrong, Neeko will have you pondering the idea of being kidnapped yourself. This one does leave you on the edge of a cliffhanger. However, this one is book one in the series so all the missing pieces will fall into place. Dive into author TIffany Flowers' steamy world of immortals. You will enjoy this one.

Profile Image for She Hearts Books.
2,113 reviews75 followers
July 1, 2014
Gabby has hidden herself away after being attacked by her boyfriend and nearly losing her life. She was feeling lost and decides to reclaim herself going to a club. She meets Neeko there who kidnaps her as she is leaving. Neeko is the leader of the Immortals and he believes that Gabby is his mate. Now explaining Immortals to Gabby was a challenge then adding the whole mate thing on top of it was even more so. Gabby admitted that she has feelings for him, but struggles with trust issues as she knows that there is more he isn't telling her. Plus she doesn't trust that he would choose her over everything especially with the demon enemy telling her that constantly. Gabby believes that she is too broken for anyone. Neeko tells her this which is my favorite quote from the book:

"Sometimes it just takes the right amount of love and patience to fit all the pieces back together. Like a bent puzzle piece, you just have to tenderly put it back straight to make the picture whole. So if you can give me all your broken, bent, even torn pieces, I will slowly put you back together."

I give Missing Pieces 4 hearts!
Profile Image for Yaritza.
710 reviews131 followers
August 18, 2014
Neeko and Gabby really stole my heart.I was taken to a world I don't know much about, but immortals don't seem so bad especially if they are like Neeko. Book really grasped my attention especially the first scene. I couldn't put the book down. I felt Gabby's struggles, hate, fears, love and pleasure. This was the first book I read about demons, angels and shifters. The plot was amazing and book was written where you can read both points of view of Gabby and Neeko. I love that Neeko was able to piece back Gabby by showing her love and not giving up on her. He wanted to show her that he wasn't there to harm her but to be her mate. I loved that he was able to set up a number of dates in places that she wished she was able to go such as Paris and Ireland.I liked the way that Gabby transformed to what she was, which was't a human but something else. Don't want to spoil it because I want you to read it. Unfortunately the story had to end and I will be waiting in-patiently for Summer 2015 to read the continuation Broken Pieces. If you love romance and books about angels, demons and shifters then you want to pick this book up. Thanks Tiffany for spicing up my day.
Profile Image for Imy Santiago.
Author 11 books357 followers
January 19, 2015
It has been forever and a day since I've read Paranormal Romance. I throughly enjoyed the premise of the story and while it took me longer than normal to read this book, I can honestly say I look forward to reading its sequel.

I wish I knew more about the cultures of angels and demons in the paranormal world so this review is based on the storytelling versus the story, if that makes any sense.

I liked that the author injected modern day elements into the story and while I think the characters could've been developed a bit more, it was an enjoyable read. This is not my typical read, mainly because I'm not familiar with all things paranormal. However, the author did a wonderful job introducing me to a new genre, so thank you for that.

Here is my favorite quote: “Sometimes it just takes the right amount of love and patience to fit all the pieces back together. Like a bent puzzle piece, you just have to tenderly put it back straight to make the picture whole. So if you can give me all your broken, bent, even torn pieces, I will slowly put you back together.”

4.5 stars.
349 reviews19 followers
January 12, 2016
This is a great debut story for Tiffany Flowers. I can't wait to read the second one (The paperback is waiting for me) and see how she's grown in writing.

It is extremely fast paced. With lots of sex ;) The characters could use a little bit of polishing but overall the main characters compliment each other nicely. It's a great story line but it's been done up a few times. Who doesn't love immortals types though.

Gabby and Neeko for sure hit it off quick. Of course we have some demons around causing troubles for the two. It does end sharply on a cliffhanger so if your really enjoying this book make sure to grab the second in the series. I'm not sure if this series is complete of not but hopefully it is.

The cover I'm not a huge fan of. It's a tad generic but still everyone needs to start somewhere. I did enjoy the story but it does show how new Tiffany was when writing this story. I do hope she's grown well for the second one into the series : )

Overall thoughts if you love immortal people and such give this book a try or just like lots of sex give this a read lol.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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