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Carpino #3

Athica Lane

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Cam Montgomery is a single full-time dad who knows his priorities: his kids, his job, his team, his business. Dealing with his disaster of an ex-wife is bad enough, not to mention delinquent football players and a meddlesome mother. Cam doesn’t have the luxury of time for anything more, especially a relationship. Even if it is Paige Carpino—smart and sweet but at every turn, knocks him on his ass with the unexpected.

That’s figuratively speaking of course. Paige might come in a small package, but she makes up for it in spirit. An energetic spit-fire who has some heat to her sauce, she’s dedicated to her new business, her family, and a select group of friends. She’s never put herself out there, but then again, there’s never been anyone worthy of putting herself out there for.

Until one day in a burger joint, an asshole practically enters her into a wet t-shirt contest with his drink. Who knew a disaster like that could be the beginning of your life? Or more importantly, that asshole would be your reason for being. But anything can happen when you finally put yourself out there for a single dad, ex-football player, and the hottest man you’ve ever run into. Throw in the Carpino’s, the Montgomery’s, and an eighty-five-year-old bossy woman in the mix, and it’s a recipe for something big.

Warning: This book contains a hot dad, a sassy heroine, steamy parts, and naughty words. If you’re under the age of 18, this author is frowning at you with her mama eyes telling you to walk away.

482 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 29, 2015

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About the author

Brynne Asher

27 books3,516 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Brynne Asher. Writer of romance. Lover of caffeine and cocktails.

Brynne lives in the Midwest with her husband, three children, and her perfect dog. When she isn't creating pretend people and drama, she's running her kids around and doing laundry. Brynne thrives on skincare and online shopping while being fabulous in her favorite ratty pajamas.

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,704 reviews25.1k followers
October 14, 2018
Athica Lane is book three in the Carpino series by Brynne Asher. This is only my second book by Brynne and I have not read any of the previous books in this series. You can easily read this as a stand alone although I am asking myself WHY OH WHY have I not read this series! This book gets ALL the stars! My life has revolved around Athica Lane the last couple of days and the hero I am going to tell you about has become my newest obsession!

Campbell (Cam) Montgomery is otherwise known as the football player slash cowboy slash smarty pants math teacher slash coach slash hot dad. Cam grew up on a ranch in Texas but now lives in Omaha, Nebraska, is a single dad of two adorable kids, and has two full time jobs, one a teacher and football coach, and one as owner of an athletic training type facility. His kids and his jobs are all he has time for. But then he ran smack dab into a woman and dumped his Dr. Pepper all over the front of her tank top and his life hasn’t been the same since.

Paige Carpino is twenty six years old and is single handedly running her own two businesses. Paige loves to cook and has started her own catering business she runs out of her apartment. She started blogging about her food and the blog took off like crazy which also has turned into practically a full time job. Paige’s sister is going on a vacation and Paige is going to stay with their two kids. She will also watch the neighbor’s kids for a couple of hours every day. But she sure didn’t expect the neighbor to end up being the same guy who had just ruined her favorite tank top. He was broody and rude but as soon as she saw the way he was with his kids, she started to fall for him.

Paige has just never felt strongly enough about any man to want anything beyond friendship, until Cam that is. And Cam, who has his hands full with his busy life, not to mention his ex-wife, knows he should stay away from Paige. She is six years younger than he is and his neighbor’s little sister. But the chemistry between these two is just too strong. Neither of them can ignore it.

“It’s him for me. I waited for him all this time and I never knew it. I’d do anything for him. I’d give him whatever he wanted. I want to give him everything.”

“I knew I wanted you. I shouldn’t have, but I took you anyway. Now my sweet Paige, you’re mine. This is it. I’m not letting you go.”

sexy times

Despite a rocky start, Cam and Paige start a relationship. It’s just not Cam Paige has fallen for, but his two kids as well. She loves them and they respond to her and blossom. But, these two are dealt one problem after another. Through it all, no matter what happens, Cam is there, protecting her. Don’t get me wrong. There are a couple of times I wanted to smack him. He made a couple of big mistakes. But he redeemed himself. I think part of my Cam love fest is his upbringing on the ranch. We all know I have a slight weakness for cowboys. Cam calls Paige “darlin” and I swooned every single time! This man could melt glaciers with his sexy talk and sexy, well, everything!

Mine All of You

This is of course, a romance, but there is suspense as well. So many things happen to Cam and Paige. Just when you think life will give them a break, something else comes up. I loved this book so much. Cam was all alpha, jealous/possessive, sexy awesomeness. And Paige was a tiny little ball of sassy energy. She had so much love inside of her and she so wanted to give it to Cam and his kids.

I hope I have been able to convince you that you need to give this book a try. Or any of Brynne’s books. I loved everything about it and I hope you will too. I can’t wait to see what she does next!

For more about this book and so many more, come and see me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World!

Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
November 18, 2015
It’s one of THOSE books…

You know the books where you forgo eating and sleeping to just read one more chapter? Athica Lane is one of those book. One negative (POSITIVE) of my kindle is the ability to be able to read without having a light on. So when hubby does his usual - tuck me into bed before he goes back to work a bit more - routine, instead of going to sleep like a good girl, I turned that sucker back on and kept reading. Now I’ve finished Athica Lane, I'm tired and kind of sad that I rushed it. It’s one of THOSE books that suck you in, grab hold and don’t let go until the end.

We know Paige from Overflow and Beautiful Life. She’s the youngest and littlest Carpino and up till now she comes across as high-strung and spoilt. In this book we get to know her better and realise it’s not a little…she’s really high-strung. The start of the book we see her getting ready to look after her sister Sophia’s kids while Sophia and her husband spend a week in Hawaii. First thoughts…why don’t my two sisters (in my real life) offer to look after my kids so I can go to Hawaii for a week?

Anyways…she’s gone to a burger joint, on the phone to Sophia, and finds herself entered in a wet t-shirt competition. Not really, just that some guy who looks like a brick wall dumped his drink on her…and is rude about it. What a knucklehead.

Mr Knucklehead aka Cam Montgomery, has Grumpy Bear Syndrome from the day he meets Paige. First, he spills his drink on her when she bumps him, then he accuses her of having a Sugar Daddy because she’s got a fancy car. He can’t get her out of his head. She talks a mile a minute and has serious attitude…but that hair…and those big brown eyes. Poor Cam is a single-dad who has two full time jobs and no time to have a relationship. This chick is sending his body into overdrive and she’s hardly aware she’s doing it.

Eventually Cam and Paige succumb to their desire for each other. Both of them are extremely busy with their work, but decide the physical attraction is too much to ignore. Cam has a brain malfunction and makes a doozy of a mistake. That should have earned him time in the sin bin, but luckily Paige is a sweetheart and eventually forgives him. We see them grow as a couple and form a great bond, especially with his kids Jordy and Cara. There are a few issues with Cam’s ex, a disgruntled footy player and Paige’s best friend. They do have a 5 week breakup but neither of them can move on.

This isn’t just a love story. There is a bit of mystery as well when Paige has a stalker, so everyone goes into protection mode. The Carpino family are their usual crazy selves. We also meet the Montgomery’s, who are Cam’s wacky parents from Texas. I love the family dynamics in Athica Lane. Everyone cares about each other and when one person is down or sad, the whole family come together to make things right.

This book had all the things I love and enjoy in a great contemporary romance. The hero is a big, HOT, tough, protective, HOT, possessive, HOT and loving man who takes his role of Dad and lover seriously. The heroine is a quirky character, who loves her family, friends and job, sometimes to her own detriment. There are plenty of steamy scenes with the silent sexy times being some of the best. I laughed, cried, blushed and squirmed…it ticked all my boxes. Brynne Asher has come a long way and this is by far her best work. I would definitely suggest this series to all my friends.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Naksed.
2,247 reviews
October 30, 2015
There were so many things to like in Brynne Asher's Athica Lane that it pains me to give a low rating. Let's start with the good. This author was really, really funny. The first person pov of the h was hilarious. The H was not as interesting and certainly not as likable.

When 26 year old caterer and blogger Paige Carpino looks at divorced father of two Cam "big brick wall" Montgomery, she swoons not at his hard pecs, his piercing blue eyes or his tight butt. No, her mouth waters at his...goatee?!

And even though I’ve never appreciated facial hair on a man, his goatee is lush. It frames his lips like a bowl of chocolate ganache that you want to dive into and devour, licking up every last gooey drop.

Well. That's different. I have enjoyed hubby's goatee just fine for the past 13 years but it has never moved me to wax lyrical like that!

What really gets Paige to fall hard though is Cam's "dadmire." Her definition:

Dadmire – defined by all single women admiring a man who’s hot to begin with, but his hotness quotient increases leaps and bounds by him doing hot dad things. Examples: calling his girl punkin’ pie, his boy buddy and looking like there’s nothing he wants more in this world than the two kids in front of him.

Oh yeah, Paige is absolutely right on that. Too bad Cam never lived up to his early promise and that the story got mired from one OTT cliche to another.

Even though we are served up with not one but two helpings of cartoonish psycho exes, it was Cam who left me uneasy, he of the wishy-washiness(I want her but I shouldn't have her, I can't stop thinking about her, but I have to let her go, do I go for it, or do I walk away, etc., etc., waaaaa, waaaaaa, waaaaaaa), ultra controlling behaviors (once he makes up his mind that she is his, everything that follows is his way or the highway) and violent, jealous rages. At one point, while in the throes of one of his jealous fits, he punches a wall, leaving a gaping hole in the pink wall of a baby's nursery. Yeah. You read that right. He had a violent fit in a baby's room. Don't even get me started on him . For those of you who did not want to read the spoilers, Cam is your basic Kristen Ashley "hero" (this whole book felt definitely inspired by her). If that rocks your world, great. If not, then you will know why I don't like him.

Finally, I have to hand it to the author for one of the most fantastic, creative, insults written, when H's sister tells him point blank that

Your idiocy has reached epic heights. You’re the king of the jackwagons, Campbell Montgomery. You’re going to go down in the books as a first class donkey face with a pile of shit on your head.

I only wished the h had enough of a spine to be the one telling him that after he acted like a giant asshole to her not once but several times throughout, instead of getting all googly-eyed with love and squirmy with her traitorous body. Just once, I'd like a really good grovel before h inevitably takes back H!
Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews906 followers
September 4, 2019
Check out this and my other reviews at My Blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest

★Book Basics★

Genre : - Contemporary Romance
Series : - 3rd in the series
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Yes
Rating - 5 stars


Ah, I loved this book. And again, as I said with book 1 and 2, the characters in this book, were not just a carbon copy of the hero and heroine from the previous books in the series.

I loved Paige and Cam and loved their relationship. You were right along with them as they met, felt the attraction and fell in love.

Yes, they had some obstacles to overcome, and yet even the drama did not feel overdone at all. It added to the story as opposed to taking away or overpowering the emotional aspect.

It was an emotional engaging read that I loved.

I can even overlook the oft used (and very much disliked by me) use of the evil ex wife.

Cam was a great hero, and brilliant Dad, and hard working, who despite himself fell for Paige. But he had his own vulnerabilities and past to overcome.

And Paige, she knew what she wanted and needed, and would not compromise on that.

This author is quickly becoming an auto buy for me.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,583 followers
March 30, 2018
4 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was a cute, funny, and sexy read! I found it by looking in the lists on GR for books similar to Kristen Ashley. I am definitely a KA fan, but none of her books that I haven't read sounded all that appealing at the moment and I was in the mood for the family oriented, alpha H, and sweet h type story -- and I got it! I was happy I tried it, because it was just what I was looking for. That being said, it did have some things that I had issues with to make it a 4 star rating rather than a 5. I know they are just nit picky things that are all me, so I won't even bother saying them here. If you're looking for a fun story with a hot, alpha single dad and a sweet h with a little bit of suspense and a whole lot of crazy family...this would probably work well for you too!

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Paige and Cam's story. After a few unpleasant encounters, Paige realizes that she is caring for Cam's children along with her nephews while her sister is away. They definitely bump heads, but they also realize that they are attracted and feel a connection to each other as well. There is some ex and OM drama, some family craziness, some sexy times, and some sweet moments...and they get a HEA ending.

POV: This alternated between Paige and Cam's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, but instalust and an instant connection.

H rating: 4 stars. Cam. I liked him. He definitely was an alpha jerk at times, but I also appreciated his protectiveness for those he cared for.

h rating: 4.5 stars. Paige. I really liked her. I appreciated how deeply she cared for others and was able to also throw sass.

Sadness level: Low/moderate. I teared up some, but I never needed any tissues.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had pretty good closure with a cute epilogue and what I would call a HEA

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,158 followers
July 14, 2022
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You know when you’ve been on one of the best adventures of your life and then it’s the end and you don’t know whether to smile because you are so happy or cry because it’s all over.

Well I’m doing a little bit of both. I’m smiling so wide my checks hurt and I’m crying so much I can barely see through my fucking tears!

Why does saying goodbye to fucking characters hurt so fucking bad!

My heart is hurting right now and I feel completely fucking lost.

There are so fucking amazing books out there and then there is THIS FUCKING BOOK and this fucking book has hit not only my favourite book of the year but also one of my favourite books of all time!

WHY!!!??? Why does it have to be over! My heart cannot take this separation!

I was just quietly minding my own fucking business till I got tagged in a post by a book friend who told me I must read this book followed by an author saying the same. I mean I get told every fucking day by readers to read certain books BUT I don’t know what it was that made me one click straight away and jump right in…

Well you can probably see what happens next?


Cam! Oh Cam, you beautiful, broody beast of a man! I want to lick your lush goatee and fiddle with your balls! You made me motherfucking SWOON!!! And I totally agree with Paige, watching you with your kids is like a tiny orgasm! DILF!!! So ALPHA and so fucking HOT!

And Paige! Oh my Paige, I had the most amazing time meeting you and now you’re stuck with me for forever! BFF’s FOR LIFE!! You made me laugh so hard!

Let's not forget Jordy and little Cara! Loves them ♡

When someone made you upset on the day you got your birth control – “He ruined my birth control high” Omg you made me pee myself! So bloody cute! I absolutely ADORED you and everything you do. You have totally landed yourself on my Favourite Heroine List! I will miss you the most <3

I can normally read a book in a day…this fucker took me about 5 days because I didn’t want it to end. The second I got to the dreaded 50% I felt my belly sink and knew I had to slow down. Just the thought of going through a whole day without this story made me feel sick with loss.

This is one of THOSE book. The ones that completely own your life and you can’t go a day without thinking about and one you want to tell the world to read and one you will never forget for as long as you live.

If someone told me that after I read this book I would feel like this then I would still go ahead and read it because although I’m so hurting right now I could never regret these characters and one of the most amazing adventures of my life.

I would do it all over again.

I want to try Pumpkin Beer and live in Athica Lane!

This book was so beautiful and so wonderful and I had the best time being consumed by it.

This author has got such an amazing imagination and her writing is absolutely flawless. I can’t wait for my next adventure!

I’ve had to say goodbye to a lot of stories and a lot of characters but this story is one of my hardest goodbyes.

But it’s not a goodbye, it’s a goodbye for now as this book with stay with me FOREVER <3

For Bryanne Asher for your beautiful words and Abbey Neil-Clark and River Savage for giving me this book! Without you both I would have never heard of it so from the bottom of my heart, thank you ♡♡
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 21 books756 followers
June 15, 2017
5 (my favorite book of 2015) stars

From the opening paragraph to the very last page, I was immersed in the world of Cam and Paige. It was a wonderful world to be in, a world I didn't want to leave, and a world I will be revisiting many times.

It takes a lot for me to add a book to my favorites shelf. It has to be something special. It has to be a book I will want to reread many times. I have to fall in love with the Hero. It has to be MY perfect book. I added Athica Lane to that shelf.

I enjoyed Overflow and Beautiful Life very much, but Athica Lane was something special, hitting every one of my "perfect book" buttons and leaving me with a very big smile on my face.

June 16, 2022
4 Stars

6/16/22- reread

By far my favorite in the series for sure, which is super odd because this book had tropes I hate. The hero is a 32 year old, single, divorced, dad, not a manh*, but the last time he had sex was a ONS, three months before he met heroine. The heroine is a 26 year old virgin. Again, all tropes I hate, and yet I was actually really entertained here, even with the length of the book. The heroine is super sweet and caring, won't stand for settling, and she does have a bit of a backbone, although sometimes BBS does get in the way, though it didn't really annoy too much. There are multiple mentions of his ex wife and how their relationship was, but it never causes jealousy for the heroine seeing as the hero hates his ex, and she isn't a good person. His trust issues from that relationship do affect their own relationship a bit though.

There were little things that were just weird or off though. One weird thing is how literally EVERYONE in her family knew she was a virgin. Like, huh?? Then we have the hero who has a goatee and I was hoping to forget it but the heroine kept bringing it up. Will I ever find goatees attractive in books? Probably never. Then we have too many people that were against the MCs or holding grudges. There was his ex student/player, the heroine's friend, and the hero's ex wife. I didn't mind the drama that came from them necessarily, I just didn't really care for how everything was wrapped up, it was a little unrealistic.

Also, when she lost her virginity to hero, I wasn't a fan of how she kept saying she was unknowingly waiting for him and had only ever kissed other guys before, because it made it even more obvious how much he was NOT waiting for her. I didn't mind her actually being a virgin until him, mainly because it brought out his super possessive side, but I just wish that it would be a little less obvious of him having been with other women before. For example, he makes a comment of how he can't wait for her to be on birth control because it feels SO much better bare. Kudos to the heroine for never being jealous though.

Besides all that, there were a couple other really small things I wasn't a fan of, but compared to the first 2 books, they are pretty insignificant since I actually really liked this story, unlike the first two. And it definitely reminds me of why I loved this author's writing in the first place. Absolutely loved the hero here, and definitely my favorite heroine in this series. And the hero being a single dad actually worked for me too. It was super cute seeing him with his kids, and how he loved seeing her with them too. Great book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,062 followers
November 29, 2021
3.5 stars

odd, i was so sure this was going to be my favorite cause it had tropes that i adored. then again, i’d never thought BA would write a wishy washy hero the likes of Cam Montgomery. oh he was an alpha alright, but he was the first of BAs heroes ive read who even had the nerve to push his heroine away. granted, his backstory justified it. still, i felt let down by some of Cams actions, and thats why the rating is what it is (which is NOT 4 stars).

(read as an audiobook)
Profile Image for Brynne Asher.
Author 27 books3,516 followers
September 28, 2015
After what seems like a long time in the making, I'm excited to finally give you Cam and Paige. They've been in my head for a while, I hope you love them as much as I do. I have a deep affection for secondary characters and Athica Lane is rich with them. You'll get to know many Carpino's further, as well as the Montgomery's. Rosa is back and there's even a cat named after a dead cowboy. I hope to make you smile, tug at your heart, maybe cringe and if you fidget, all the better.

As always, happy reading to you ♥

Brynne Asher

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Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,804 reviews2,318 followers
September 13, 2015
Paige Carpino was having an okay day until some asshole bumps into her and spills his soda all over her shirt and then doesn't even apologize. After telling the guy off, she leaves and goes about her day, doing her best to forget about the crazy hot jerk. She never expected to see him again, and definitely not at her sister's front door to pick up his two kids that Paige was watching.

Cam Montgomery never though he would see the sassy woman that told him off again, and especially not with his kids. Not wanting to deal with her anymore he decides he can change his schedule so that Paige doesn't have to watch them. But she was having none of that, and told him that she likes his kids, she will continue to watch them, and that was the end of that. Cam starts to see a whole different side to the in your face girl he first met - and he likes what he see's.

I sat in an uncomfortable chair all night long because I refused to go to bed or even to move and have to put this book down for one second. I loved this story and it was one of those that you are dying to get to the end the whole time you're reading because you want to see how it will end, but then once you get to the end you want to cry because it's over. The characters were amazing and perfect for one another and I loved them both.

Cam was the football coach at the local high school and he also had his own gym. I really liked how hardworking he was and, even though we didn't get to see too much of him at his job, it was evident that he loved what he did and was passionate about it. He didn't trust very easily because of his past with his crazy ex, but once he started to open up to Paige, it was like he was a completely different person. He was sweeter and even a lot more sexy. Seriously guys, Cam with his kids was totally swoon worthy.

Paige gave off this tough girl personality but under all of that she was sweet and caring. It didn't take long for her to accept Cam and his kids into her world and for her to go all mama bear protective. I loved that she just jumped right into it and didn't let herself get scared away. She was a caterer and had her own blog which kept her pretty busy, but never too busy for those she cared about. I thought it was great how much time she spent with the kids and how easily they were accepted into her life.

There was actually a lot going on in the story, more than just the romance of Cam and Paige, but I won't tell any of that so everyone can still be surprised when things start happening. In all honesty there was so much happening that it should have been too much but somehow everything just worked together. The story just continued to flow and work together. The book is over four hundred pages and took me all night to read but it seemed like I finished it super fast because there were no slow or boring parts.

Overall, I loved this story and it was sweet with some intense times that made it impossible to put the book down. We still get to see the Carpino family and all their craziness PLUS the Montgomery family who is just as crazy and I loved all the secondary characters. I hope Cam's family will get a story!

Warning: Don't read this book on an empty stomach. Paige baked a lot and made me so hungry I made three dozen cookies after I finished this. I don't even want to admit to how many of those I ate.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for McGee Magoo.
338 reviews57 followers
October 29, 2015
Arc offered in exchange for an honest review
Review originally posted on Alleskelle Blogs. http://alleskelle.com/%E2%98%85book-r...

dadmire 2

4.5 STARS!

When hot, single dad, Cam Montgomery gets a taste of Paige Carpino, his busy and complicated life takes on a whole new sweet and spicy flavor. But can the sweetness he craves withstand the bitterness of past heartache and current chaos swirling around them? One thing is for sure, if anyone can make Cam's life fun and delicious again, it's this petite, sweet Carpino.

I'd have to say that my very favorite type of romance series is a family series. I love getting to know secondary characters and anticipating the time when they become the heroes or heroines of their own great love story. And as far as I'm concerned, the Carpino family is wonderful. I want to be a Carpino. Or marry one. Or be BFF's with one or just read a dozen different stories about every one of them. So to say I was looking forward to Athica Lane, Paige Carpino's story, would be a gross understatement.

Athica Lane did not disappoint.

In a family like the Carpinos where the women are meddlesome and the men are bossy, it would have been easy for Paige' s character to be a pushover. But she's not, she's spunky and self-assured, possessing a confidence that's not false and an independence that's not just a mask for silly stubbornness. Paige knows who she is and what she wants. And, like all the Carpino's and their partners, she has a heart of gold and a generous, forgiving nature. Paige is a truly lovable heroine amid a sea of romance heroines that test our patience and seem not-good-enough for their hero counterparts. I loved Paige.


Our hero, Cam, is a bit of a grump. World-weary, stretched thin by his job as a math teacher, football coach and gym owner, he's just trying to be the best parent he can be. Cam doesn't really want to feel such a strong attraction to his neighbor's younger sister. But it doesn't take long for Paige's sassy, energetic and sweet nature to infiltrate his heart and the hearts of his two young kids, Jordy and Cara. And soon it's clear that despite an age-difference, troubles with his ex and work obligations, they can't possibly fight the pull they feel for each other.

"I knew I wanted you. I shouldn't have, but I took you anyway. Now my sweet Paige, you're mine. This is it. I'm not letting you go."

Cam proves to be a hero that nearly drives you crazy with his high-handedness. He rides the line of making the reader angry, but then it's clear that Paige can more than hold her own with him and underneath, he's actually kind of a marshmallow. A buff, growly marshmallow.

"Then the moment comes when I'm sure I've got you figured out and think there's nothing more you could possibly throw at us, and what do you do? You go and make fucking broccoli taste good. So yeah, Paige, I'm not feeling much in control right now."

The story isn't just a cute tale of a plucky caterer who brings light and fun into the hearts of the lonely, grumpy single-dad and his mother-less kids. No, there's struggle, suspense, sexiness galore and decisions about where their life paths will take them before they can reach the end. There are wise, interfering and troublesome friends and family who make it all a bumpy, funny and harrowing ride along the way.

Rosa with her delightfully demanding ways and elderly wisdom and Cam's parents with their wide-open love and expressive Texan-talk, had me chuckling. This tale is certainly not short on characters. Everyone from gruff, possessive Cam to the hissing and yowling John Wayne (cat), was full of personality and brought so much depth to the story.

This may be a personal issue for me, but sometimes I wanted the men in this book to stop being so bossy. Paige was a really great balance of assertive and sweet. But there were times I almost wanted her to become a ball-buster to put them all in their place. Also, Cam internally refers to his ex-wife as "Fucking Bekki" almost every single time. Granted, Bekki shows herself to be a not-so-great person, but it did start to color my opinion of Cam, making me think he was just too bitter for sweet Paige. In the end, though, I didn't feel that Cam was anything other than completely wonderful.

Athica Lane would work just fine as a standalone. But I'm sure that anyone who starts with Athica Lane will find themselves wanting to know more about Gabby and Jude and Tony and Leigh and want to pick up Overflow and Beautiful Life.

This series gets better and better with each book. The characters get deeper, the storytelling gets richer and the pacing gets set at steady, creating a read that's nearly impossible to put down. I stayed up well into the night to finish because I couldn't leave it until the morning. The issues I had with the first book: lack of character depth for the hero, an imbalance of heroine-POV to hero-POV and too many lengthy descriptions of furniture and clothing and such that bogged down the pacing, were all complete non-issues for me with this 3rd book. Ms. Asher's writing is getting sharper with each story and I thoroughly enjoyed this addition to the series. I look forward to more from her and am sure that she is an author to watch.

More reviews and book talk at :
Profile Image for Kate.
2,205 reviews341 followers
March 31, 2016
So when I found out about this book and that it was being released at the end of September and I wanted it now. I felt like

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Not ony did I WANT IT BUT I NEEDED IT AND I CRAVED IT. So the cheeky monkey that I am. I asked Ms. Asher if I could have a copy and she said

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So I got my happy dance on

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But I had to wait a whole week. I was in pain. PAIN! But then on Saturday I received it and COULD. NOT. PUT. IT. DOWN. Unfortunately RL got in the way. Boo!

I finished this book on the 13th September. I made an awesome collage but while saving it, it turned out to be shite. But lucky for me the new one turned to be even better.


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This is by far my most favorite book by Brynne Asher. I really liked the first one. In the second one it was all about Tony. But I loved this book. I told myself I was just going to read one more chapter.

Paige Carpino doesn’t have a lot of friends outside of her family but with a Family like the Carpino family you don't need to. There are so many of them. Paige is funny, sassy, beautiful, down to earth and hard working. In Tony's life she finally figured out what she wanted to do. Birds of a feather was born. What with Catering and her blog about food she has done really well for herself.

From the first page to the last Cam Montgomery is hot, built like a brickhouse, very bossy and he is at the worst of times an arse. With his two kids, being a teacher, owning The Shed he has no time for women especially with Bekki with i, until......

The Dr. Pepper incident. Strike 1 and they didn't know one another.

Paige is very family orientated and has agreed to look after her nephews, that includes the next door neighbour kids as well. Jordy and Cara are the best kids ever and Just Cam is great with them. It melted my heart and I'm a sucker for men with rugrats.

Paige is surprised that his kids are so nice compared to him. They have a rocky start until.....

The Sugar Daddy incident. Strike 2 not good.

After leaving her on the kitchen counter I would have considered it to be a Strike 3.

I loved Paige and Cam together although sometimes Paige was to understanding and apologised, Cam should take a page out of her book. I loved how Paige was with Cara and Jordy and you could really feel the love.

The subplot with the ex wife and the plot with Brian was done really well. It was unexpected, heart breaking and raw.Ms. Asher writes about topics that are realistic and believable. You can relate to the characters and the Situation. You shouldn't have to give up on what you want in life. Past experiences should influence the future.

I personally think that Ms. Asher's writing has developed a tremendous amount and that finding her groove and is building a strong and solid fan base.

There are so many possibilities that have been opened up. There could be something about Zeke and The Shed. Cam’s sisters Ellie and Jen. Charlotte who tried so hard with Vic to fulfill the dream of having children.

Last but not least this is one of my favorites for 2015.

Book was given to be in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews852 followers
August 8, 2016
Oh god was this book long for nothing!!! Literally no reason. The story is actually really good but Holy crap the OW drama and her OM drama was just not working here.
Lots of Angst loads of drama and the kids from the children of the corn! Creepy how perfect they are here. I have to say I have awesome kids and they don't always get along. That's just weird! Yikes!
Ok but all that aside I enjoyed the book just I would not read it again.
The sex was hot for sure. His on off routine had me blinking. BTW His ex wife name was Bekki (not Becky), enough said!
I loved the heroine but at first she sounded very conceited here with her award-winning Spring break boobs! Yes, no! But as we go along we see that it's not true at all.
The hero was a dear who was trying to do his best with the situation that was thrown at him here. The fact that he had 2 kids with the OW bothered me. One kid I could understand and say he made a mistake but two kids this was harder for me to accept. However, since his kids are perfect so hey it's all good.
Final thoughts: It's a nice read but not a reread for me.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
April 17, 2021
2nd read review: I did a re-read via Audiobook and man I forgot how much I loved this couple. I even caught myself crying at one particular scene as I'm listening and driving myself to work. When I finished the book, I honestly wanted to start the audiobook over right away and re-listen to it again. Cam and Paige were so easy to fall in love with. Also, the narrators did a fantastic job and I highly recommend the audiobook version.

1st read review: So incredibly good! I loved that this author gave us quality time with this couple together. Very little was spent apart. I really enjoy seeing a couple be a couple and not have a push and pull for the whole story.

Cam is going onto my favorite Alpha list. He's a single dad and that's just hot how good he was to his kids. He was dominant but not overly so. He took the care of Paige and the kids seriously.

Paige is also one of my favorite heroines. She was sweet but sassy and genuinely liked everyone. I loved that she became friends with an 85 year old woman. I also loved how she handled the wicked witch of an ex-wife in a kill em with kindness manner. I've loved all three books in this series!
October 3, 2015
Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews

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Brynne Asher has climbed to the top of my favorite authors. She writes
heroes that just steal my heart and never give it back. I adored Jude
in Overflow and Tony is like in my top five book boyfriends ever from A
Beautiful Life. Then she drenched me in Dr. Pepper introducing me to
all that is Cam Montgomery. This story line had everything I loved and
some slightly heavy angst for a short time too. The banter between Cam and Paige just had me in either
hysterics or tears. Swooning or smiling I was hooked from page one. I
loved every single scene with Cam and his kids and I agree that there's
nothing like a sexy dad unapologetically loving his babies. He had his
times of screw ups but nothing that made me lose my love for long.  I
really wanted to shake him a couple of times but when it counted Cam was
just what Paige needed and I felt so many good things while falling in
love right along with them. I simply can't wait to see what this author
has in store because she just writes in a way I can't put down. This
was such a great story and I will count the days till the next one. Tony you are still my absolute favorite babe!!

June 19, 2024
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Now available in audio!!! 🎧
Audible link: https://www.audible.com/pd/Athica-Lan...

5 All Alpha Stars!

Paige Carpino is the “baby” of the Carpino Clan. Paige is awesome, I loved her character, she’s fun, honest, outgoing, and has a beautiful heart. Drifting after college and working at the family law firm she finally finds her calling in catering and food blogging.

Cam Montgomery is all A.L.P.H.A. He’s a former high school and college star football player who went on to become a high school math teacher, football coach, and athletic center business owner. He’s also is divorced and has primary sole custody of his two adorable children Jordy and Cara. He’s a fantastic and loving father.

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When Paige agrees to babysit for her sister and brother in law while they go to Hawaii for a week she also agrees to watch the neighbors children to fill in for her sister while their away. She instantly decides to break through sweet little Cara’s shyness. When the children’s father (Cam) shows to pick up his children she realizes he’s the “brick wall” she had a run in with and he realizes that she’s the women he was a complete ass to.

Despite their less than perfect prior introduction, Paige convinces him to let her continue to care for his children since little Cara has completely stolen her heart. Cam agrees and as the days pass they grow closer.....much to the dismay of someone close to Paige. Unbeknownst to Paige, she’s being watched and her stalker is becoming more daring and dangerous which pushes Cam to finally open his eyes and his heart to Paige.

I loved Cam and Paige’s (sometimes bumpy) journey to their HEA. I also loved the kids, what a great and loving father Cam is, and how much kids fall in love with Paige. It was great that we get more of Jude & Gabby, Tony & Leigh, and the rest of the fun overprotective Carpino clan. Another winner for Brynne Asher!!
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,306 reviews314 followers
October 1, 2015
Full review posted on http://afterdarkbooklovers.com/2015/1...

- The Carpinos get better and better : I’ve enjoyed the earlier books in the series and seeing that Paige was the heroine for this book certainly drew me in. The Carpinos are a slightly crazy but fun, loving family who step up and protect their own and nowhere does that shine through as well as it does here. Ms. Asher has managed to grow as an author which each book and I’m excited to see what she has in store for the Carpinos, because so far, I think each story has its own little spin and it’s own flavor that helps keep the interest alive.

If you’ve read my reviews, I need certain key scenes to be right on point for my enjoyment. I like to call them the Firsts - first meet, first kiss, and first love scene. Paige and Cam have a great first meet when he dumps a Dr. Pepper all over Paige. It sets up their antagonistic banter, and the action ramps up when they realize that Paige will be watching Cam’s kids after day camp for a week, since she’s filling in for her sister who’s in Hawaii. First kiss was sexy and and first love scene was...ok not what I was expecting considering what had just happened, but still brought good heat. The UST was good and it was easy to keep turning the page, even when alot of the tension came from Cam’s tendency toward alpha-hole.

- Cam drove me a bit mad : Cam's a bit of a pushy a-hole at times, but I think I need that at times from the hero or heroine or there’s no conflict. Too perfect makes me crazier and Cam is far from perfect. His tendency toward caveman gave the story a bit of spark, moreso than if he was too easygoing. He had trust issues, and he’s not the type to flat out say I’m sorry. He could run roughshod over Paige, but she managed to give attitude back to him enough times, though I wouldn’t have minded if she’d done more.

I would have liked him even more and possibly raised my rating, if he had that big moment where he shares and give a great apology, doesn’t have to be a grovel but a truly soul-baring kind of moment makes up for alot. That said, he was never so alpha-hole that I couldn’t connect with him, and it is clear that he cares alot for Paige.

- Paige is still spunky : Paige Carpino is the youngest sister of Tony, the hero from the last book. She’s been sheltered her whole life but that hasn’t hindered her personality. Every member of her family tries to protect her and basically wrap her up in cotton batting, but Ms. Asher managed to convey that this protectiveness was born out of love, not because Paige was TSTL.

- The story’s stronger : This is what I want to focus on as the best part - I enjoyed the earlier books even when I thought the stories were a bit scattered, or lack tension. Athica Lane is Ms. Asher starting to hit her stride. I think it’s the most cohesive plot of the series, and the threat that emerges was real and organic to the plot and woven well into the narrative. I liked that while some parts of the story stuck to the stereotypical (Hi Bekki), the big climax does not and the “villain” isn’t just ev-ill for the sake of ev-ill. Also, the relationship conflict was so natural and when they inevitable happens, I loved that it made sense to these characters.

- Even with the moments that could drive me a bit nuts : As much as I liked that the villain was integrated well and drawn in an almost sympathetic manner, I have to point out that the stereotypical, and completely useless ex wife, wasn’t. It was an easy out storywise. Admittedly, I prefer when characters aren’t drawn in broad strokes for the sake of simplicity and Bekki was just a basic bitch. Also, the resolution to Cam’s bit of asshattery was a bit too easy and verged on too violent. His tendencies toward explosive reactions wouldn’t be cool in any type of real life situation. I didn’t agree with Rosa’s advice, because I think he should’ve worked a bit harder for Paige’s forgiveness.

I really enjoyed it and read it in a day. It’s the best of the series so far. It drove me a little crazy, but I think it’s that bit of bitter that made the sweet all the better. Paige and Cam ‘s romance was fun and I’d recommend it, especially if you’ve read the series so far or love KA-style books. The Carpinos are the type of family you don’t mind visiting again and again.

**ARC provided by author for review**
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,224 reviews824 followers
October 8, 2018
I first read this book back when it was still young and I loved it so very much. I instantly became a fan of Brynne Asher’s work. After rereading it I realized that I don’t just love it I ABSOLUTELY love it. It’s one of the best romances I’ve ever read and will ride the top of my favorites list forever.

The dynamics between Cam and Paige is exactly what I look for in every book I pick up. I want the spark that can look like antagonism but that only the reader recognizes as chemistry. I hunger for protectiveness from the hero, throw in a bit of jealousy and I’m a very happy girl. I love heroines who are feisty and independent but not so much they can’t show their vulnerable side and with Paige I also saw all her “sweet” and in the seeing, I fell in love with Cam Montgomery all over again.

Athica Lane is written in a style that feels as though your best friend is sharing their story and before you know it, you’re curled up, comfortable and at home with the characters and experiencing all their highs as well as all their heartbreaking lows. The angst, when present made my heart hurt as Cam and Paige struggle individually over the situation they find themselves in relationship wise. But when the resolution arrived, and then another fuller resolution, I found myself shedding happy tears for this couple. They are absolutely perfect together.

While this is a longer book than most romances that make the rounds these days, it never drags or becomes repetitive and I never, ever wanted to miss a word so skimming wasn’t a thought in my head. There is drama outside the relationship that keeps not only the characters but the readers on their toes and I loved how this author gave closure to it in the end. We have secondary characters from the previous book as well as new characters I know we’ll see in the future and some I hope to see. They are never used as filler but they are constantly supporting the main characters as well as helping to move the story along even as they often add humor, in addition to that which is found between Paige and Cam.

All of that to say, this my friends, is what romance is all about. It’s the beginning, the middle and the happy ever after with an epilogue that leaves you with a smile and the surety that this couple are going to be alright…forever.

Multi POV
Profile Image for Liv ☾.
70 reviews
June 21, 2017

☾This book was actually insane! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time because of Brian and was completely tricked at the end, I'm still not over it.

☾The story centers around a single dad named Cam, with two adorable children named Jordy and Cara. Cam is very closed off, "grumpy" as Paige would say, and dedicated to his children. He meets Paige when they bump into each other - literally and he spills Dr. Pepper on her white shirt ;)

☾Fast forward to a few days later, it turns out Paige starts looking after his children while her sister is away. I can't tell you how much I fell in love with the story line! The bond she starts to have with Cam's children is just indescribable and the relationship between Cam and Paige is just insane.

☾You'd think it would be the typical ex-wife trying to win the guy back but it is completely not what you will expect! If you have a thing for hot single dads than this is definitely the book for you - I am totally serious this book gave me all types of positive vibes.
Profile Image for Raine.
2,470 reviews50 followers
April 1, 2019
Wow! Just...wow!

I loved this last book of the series! I'm hoping it isn't the last book, but looking at the published date I'm afraid it is. I cried the most reading this book out of all the three in the series. I thought Cam was the perfect foil for Paige. And Cam's two kids, Jordy and Cara, were wonderful. We get to see many characters from the previous books like Rosa, the Carpino family along meeting Cam's family which rivals the Carpinos but are in Texas. It would've been nice if Cam had more siblings or even cousins who are single so Ms. Asher could start a new series in Texas.

Unlike the second book where the characters stayed together for the entire book, this one had some drama play out that separated Cam and Paige. Not some trivial misunderstanding drama, but something real. I thought it was well written and not too over the top like some books where I feel like slapping the hero or the heroine though I did want to smack Cam a few times and tell him he was a dumbness!

It looks like this author only has one other book out so far (Vines - The Killers Book 1), which I will, of course, be reading as well, but I'm hoping she writes fast so I can enjoy her stories.
Profile Image for rj.
700 reviews330 followers
November 2, 2016
3.5 Stars

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either. I loved book 2 but this was just okay for me. Personally, I didn't really like how high-handed the H was with the h. He bossed her around and whatnot which was supposed to be all "alpha" but it was just annoying. The biggest issue I had was the h being a virgin. She was 26 years old and a virgin for no other reason than she had not found anyone to give it to. I hate it when authors pair an experienced man with a virgin h, bugs me so much. So that was another big thing that affected my enjoyment.

I loved his kids though! They were super cute.
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,598 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
December 17, 2019
Virgin heroine with a hero who has 2 children from his past marriage. He is 6 years older than her. There is unexpected pregnancy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
October 17, 2015
10/01/2015 --

So, I read the blurb on this one and it appealed to me. I'd read some comments that this author is "very KA like." Not always a selling point. If she writes characters that I like, if she can tell a simple story with enough logical detail to keep me engaged, if she can incorporates children, pets, or "down to earth" people I can think about, I'm all in. However, if she writes a paragraph that is circular, says nothing and makes the characters spouting the tripe sound stupid [even it if the thoughts swirling around in their heads], I'm out. Very out.

What did I get? Well, it was tolerable until around 80%. Then I got the circular nothing paragraphs that made stupid people downright dumb. Just terrible. Why would someone, who seems to have some talent, mimic the more awful traits of someone else? I actually thought Brynne Asher was putting together a story and dialogue that were well above the person she was trying to emulate. It was manageable ... until it just wasn't anymore.

A real shame. I gave this one up at 85% -- and was completely pissed off doing so.

So, if you want a cheap imitation of Kristen Ashley at her mediocre best, this is the book for you.

I'm giving this 2 Stars instead of the 1 Star it deserves because I did see a glimpse of talent. I hope she rethinks her path and tries to find her own voice.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for alaynasvanity.
102 reviews
November 14, 2021
A literal fucking doormat.

My blood is actually boiling. He was just an immature piece of shit and she was fucking twit. This book had the potential to be great, HAD she had a fucking backbone but no. She let him do whatever the fuck he wanted, despite him being a colossal dick every fucking time. She had no part in that relationship other than being the warm hole that he stuck his dick in after she babysat his kids and washed his fucking dishes. Paige is quite literally the WORST fucking heroine I’ve ever read and that’s saying something because I’ve read some pretty fucking bad heroines but no. Miss Carpino has the title. He had no redeeming qualities, no character development, nothing. If anything, he got worse throughout the book. A pretty little epilogue doesn’t excuse how much of an immature prick he was throughout the entirety of the book. This relationship is built on whatever he wants and her rolling over to please him. I’m on the verge of tears because of how disappointed I am. I loved Paige in the other books, only for hers to be a complete let down. I’m taking a break from Asher because this has quite literally scarred me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lea ★.
520 reviews149 followers
May 29, 2016
This is my first book by Brynne Asher and I loved it!
I haven't read first two books in the series, but I was able to connect all the pieces together since this can be read as a standalone.
I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Neermboop.
223 reviews37 followers
April 8, 2023
Slight age gap 32/26
He's super possesive and a bossy 😾
She is super happy and always wants to see the good in people 😊

Liked the story. It had more than just the relationship between the 2 of them going on.

Also, let's just say I would not be marrying this type of man IRL... 😅
He's a bit too bossy for me, but he was alright in the book 👍
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,607 reviews589 followers
June 19, 2022
Heroine is fun and lively as is the writing. I will definitely be reading more of Brynne Asher.

Well, maybe they didn’t cart her off in the paddy wagon, but I’m going to pretend they did. She’s just that mean and awful of a mom that if anyone deserves the paddy wagon, it’s Bekki with an i.

Very slight age gap, more of a life situtation gap than anything. Heroine is single and working a catering career and blog. It actually makes sense and the book shows her working. SHOCKING! The H is a hunky divorced dad with an attitude. I really liked the heroine. She seemed like a real person, not perfect, and not flawed with icky fictional personality quirks that come off as cutesy or stupid.

The usual push and pull.

The problem is that everybody tell her what to do all the time or acts like real parents, real siblings.no boundaries. Things like, You’re wearing that?” when it is obvious that you are wearing just THAT. Or. “What did you do to your hair?” The mood killers that scream out your dress sucks, is unflattering, inappropriate or all of the above. These aren’t really in the book, but you know what I mean. She’s not a doormat per se, but I really nice girl that falls for a bossy guy with two very cute kids and the proverbial bad ex and has a family that is generally wearing. Could be It’s me not you.”

There are a plethora of bad guys: fruadulent ex-wife, entitled BMOC high school quarterback, obsessed friend/stalker. Note to self: when cars are vandalized remember stalker behavior and that the majority of all crimes are committed by someone we know.

All the bossing around and nosiness were exhausting to me, but still an enjoyable book.

Have to add that although the story is set in the midwest, the H is from Texas. Sad to say, that the parents are not as out there as the as you would think. It's highly believable that the word caddywompas would be used as well as a Sunday driving car, the meat, meat and more meat breakfast among other things.
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews387 followers
December 12, 2015
1 chapter in and the Heroine (Paige) is starting to annoy me with all her "I'm so perfect" talk. Some examples so far:

"I can do nothing but gaze down at my chest that would at least get me
into the finals of a wet t-shirt contest on spring break in college, if I was in college, which I’m not"

"Yep, I would totally make it to the finals, if not place in the top three"

"I’m covered in dark sticky fountain drink while trying to cover up my wet-t-shirt contest-worthy-boobs with my hands full"

"He looks as if he’s in heaven staring at my boobs, but wet this time"

"It’s not lost on me that he wants to be more than friends, but I’m not interested in him that way"

oh and her telling her friend to get over his dad's death:
"You might’ve lost your dad when you were young, but the three of you are tight and they love you. I hate it when you talk that way"

DNF from chapter 7...it was a combination of things:
1. Paige becoming increasingly annoying and immature (e.g. when she refused to give her age)

2. Switching from Cam to Paige without a heads up to the reader

3. The perfect kids...come on no kids are ever that perfect all the time!

So, overall, this book did not hold my attention despite me being very excited about before it came out

Profile Image for Rain.
2,108 reviews28 followers
June 18, 2021
4.5 Keep your legs together and your mind on Jesus stars!
Dadmire -defined by all single women admiring a man who’s hot to begin with, but his hotness quotient increases leaps and bounds by him doing hot dad things.
This is a completely true statement. I wonder what the mom equivalent is? Maybe fly fishing or winning a bikini contest while fly fishing?

I’m blaming Stephanie’s review for me picking this one up!

I absolutely love the kind of family that Asher creates. Those huge families that annoy the heck out of you, but hold you up like no one else can when you need them.
“Trust me child, it doesn't matter what size, shape or form they come it, you give a good man your love and care, he'll lay waste to the world to keep you by his side.”
Cam and Paige are so sweet together. This reminded me so much of older KA books, and I loved it. Usually this kind of bossy-alpha-jerk makes me angry, but Cam had enough gentleness in him that it worked out ok. I didn’t like the obligatory break up near the end (whyyyy we do always have to do this?), but the make-up made me happy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,101 reviews

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