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Quand s'embrasent les mers

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"Sergei Andronikov n’était qu’un enfant lorsque la Mafia éradiqua sa famille, le laissant dépourvu de tout et avide de vengeance. Des années plus tard, grâce à une stratégie sans pitié et une patience infinie, le voilà devenu homme de main aux ordres des trois familles à la tête de Cape Swan... et à deux doigts de les détruire de l’intérieur.

Domenico, « Dom » Maisano est un roi de la mafia, un homme d’honneur... et un tueur à gages. Immergé dans un quotidien violent auquel il ne peut échapper, il s’efforce tant bien que mal d’entretenir une image dont il ne veut pas et de refouler des désirs qu’il n’a pas le droit d’avoir.

Le hasard amène les deux tueurs à se rencontrer. Même si Dom sait qu’il s’agit là d’un jeu dangereux, sa curiosité le pousse à revenir encore et encore. Sergei n’a pas moins de mal à lui résister ; Dom représente tout ce qu’il s’est mis en tête de détruire, mais incarne également tout ce qu’il a jamais désiré chez un homme.

C’est alors que Sergei se voit offrir le contrat qu’il attendait : le coup qui est certain de mettre la mafia locale à genoux.

Mais lorsqu’un chef de meute agit de manière inattendue, Sergei est obligé de faire un choix : lâcher l’épée de Damoclès sur les familles qu’il s’est juré d’anéantir, ou protéger l’homme qu’il s’est interdit d’aimer.

Une mauvaise - ou même une bonne - décision et c’est la mort assurée pour tous les deux."

497 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2016

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About the author

L.A. Witt

217 books2,582 followers
L.A. Witt and her husband have been exiled from Spain and sent to live in Maine because rhymes are fun. She now divides her time between writing, assuring people she is aware that Maine is cold, wondering where to put her next tattoo, and trying to reason with a surly Maine coon. Rumor has it her arch nemesis, Lauren Gallagher, is also somewhere in the wilds of New England, which is why L.A. is also spending a portion of her time training a team of spec ops lobsters.

Authors Ann Gallagher and Lori A. Witt have been asked to assist in lobster training, but they "have books to write" and "need to focus on our careers" and "don't you think this rivalry has gotten a little out of hand?" They're probably just helping Lauren raise her army of squirrels trained to ride moose into battle.

Visit her website at http://www.gallagherwitt.com/.

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Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
February 6, 2017
*shuddering with adrenaline and laughter*

Wow. Darn. This was... It was... They were... The author... I feel...

Whoosh! Exhaling a harsh breath to get myself under control. These emotions! They are becoming quite adept in getting the better of me when it comes to reading this author's books. But the shocking fact is, I don't feel the need to beat them into submission. When it comes to Ms. Witt's works, I find myself having to shrug away the oppressing cloud that often shrouds me after I am done reading her books. (I've only read two, but they both had this strong impact on me that I know that from now on, I will need to proceed my way toward her books with caution.) So even though I expect my emotional balance to be thrown and trampled over, I am always caught by surprise when she does exactly that!

Wow... This book is a simply amazing, phenomenal, spectacular, heart-numbing, 'powerful enough to bring you to tears of both happiness and devastation', adrenaline-rush-inducing, heartbeat-stopping, 'breaking you out in sweat' type of book. I think you can pretty much understand it all from this.


Okay, I will explain.

(BTW, I think it is best if you just dive into the story without reading the blurb. I will tell you a little bit about what the story is about so that if you were sweet enough to read my review before reading the blurb, you could know the setting of the plot without knowing some key points that have been revealed in the blurb. Deal? Great! Let's get started then.)

The book starts with a thrilling situation. Right from the first page, you know that you are dealing with the Mafia here. No slowly edging into the dark rivers, guys. With a straight, headlong cut to the chase, we get right in the thick of the waters from the start. We meet our main characters, and we immediately get sucked in by imagining what the story will progress to be.

"Image. Image. Image."

From then on, we get to the illicitly-thrilling parts of how our guys get together and how much they are playing with danger unknowingly. They both work awesomely to show us the inner workings of a Mafia gang--which, yes, we have read about in other books too, but I do find it all new in them all--how deep a person gets sucked in, how many different types of people are involved in it, and how innocent people are ruthlessly used and offed. I freely admit that I haven't read too many books with mob/mafia theme, so I felt decidedly invested and intrigued, with a sideline of fear running through my body while imagining myself in this world. But to keep me from hyperventilating from said fear, we see a romance brewing between the main characters. Oh, I forgot to tell you their names! Domenico Maisano (Dom) and Sergei Andronikov (er, you should read the book to know his other name(s)) . It is a sexy, smutty, hot, sweet ride. The intimacy scenes were so steamy and the action scenes were so well-written (the hits by Sergei, too cold and spectacular), it felt like it was happening right before me, which actually helped in making me fiercely feel as if I was a part of that world. Scary, that.

So all this works in making you feel mellow. There are deaths happening, hits being carried out, lives being thrown in danger, shocks being meted out. It's like going into a haunted house, I feel. Knowing that the monsters aren't real, but fearing them nonetheless.

It felt...something...when I saw that the author had revealed the identity of the mastermind so early on. Not revealed, per sè, but I got the clue right in the beginning. Initially, I felt a bit impatient because I wanted it to officially come out into the open, and soon. But when we got more twists and turns in the plot than a Hot Wheels track, I got over my impatience and hung on for the ride. Yes, the diversion tactic by the author threw me for a bit, but I was adamant that I couldn't have read the situation(s) wrong. So I held firm on my belief. And for my efforts, I had a 'Yes!' moment when my suspicion, no, my belief was confirmed.

Near the end, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. I mean, it felt like MY world was going to collapse around me, I felt so winded. My breath was coming short, my eyes were filled with tears, but I hung on for dear life to survive the painful ride. I can't remember how many times I actually shed tears during my read. Even keeping the count was pointless and impossible. I was so invested in the plot that nothing else existed for me except for just reading and reading and finally getting to the end. I enjoyed making my own theories and my own guesses, and when they all got confirmed, the evil cackle that made me smirk and my eyes flash was my relished reward.

Well, to be honest, I was only able to read till the end because I had faith that the author won't begrudge me my HEA. The ride was crappy, like being dragged on the floor while tied to the back of a car and being taken for a ride on the rockiest road of the world. I have no idea how I got through, but I did. And I am left feeling awed of this work by the author. It was surreal. Just...spellbinding. I was lost from the moment I started and am just now catching my breath. The epilogue was the bestest thing that I could have gotten. Not too far in the future to restrain myself from going apeshit over having to imagine my own conclusions (I hate doing that), and not too soon to leave things unanswered.

A perfect read for me. There were typos, few in the beginning, a bit more near the end. But, well, I guess even the editors weren't able to ignore the thrill they must have gotten while they worked on it! ;-)

Conclusively, I recommend this book to all of you who can hold your guts and not faint because of the stress it will cause on your mind.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
March 8, 2018
Loved the audiobook, but I also loved Dom and Sergei and the whole story as much as the first time around two years ago! Still one of my favorites!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Original review:
Actually, I’m not a big fan of Mafia stories, but I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!

On the one hand, it’s a typical Mafia book, but on the other hand… not! Both MC’s can’t really help their situation. Dom was born into a Mafia family, as the son of the disgraced brother of the don. Sergei is a contract killer, who wants to avenge the death of his own family.

At the beginning of the book, Sergei saves Dom’s life and what starts as a relationship based on sex, develops slowly into deeper feelings neither of them wants to admit.

As a war impends between the three Mafia families in the small town, where Dom and Sergei live, both men have to decide between their obligations and their love for each other.

This book puts you through the emotional wringer, especially near the end, but the end is worth every second you suffer with the boys.

For me it’s an absolute Must Read! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
Shelved as 'i-m-a-quitter'
January 16, 2016
DNF @35%

I think I'm just going to cut my losses with this one. It just wasn't holding my attention. The progression was too slow, and the book too long. I never really connected with either MC.

I may have to break up with LA Witt...which really makes me sad.

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
March 13, 2016

Dom is a Mafiaso that hates the life he lives. He never wanted to be apart of the family that took him in and made him a made man. But it's the only life he's known and he doesn't have a way out. But when he meets Sergei his life takes a drastic change. He knows that if his family ever found out that he's gay he won't be alive long - but Sergei makes him want to take a risk.

Sergei isn't who Dom thinks he is, which is only a gay stripper. After Dom's uncle took away his family, Sergei has been out for the Mafia. He's been playing both sides and has become a hitman for them, which brings a war to town. A war that means Dom's death.

"Total discretion. Just sex."

This book was way more intense than I actually thought it would be. From the first chapter I found myself sucked into the Mafia world and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It even got emotional at parts and at one scene I even started to cry for what Dom had to do.

I loved meeting these characters and getting their story. I think I would have liked if we got a little more romance between them but there was still enough that kept me interested. Dom and Sergei both had a lot of drama that surrounded them, and it made for one hell of a story. Their chemistry was off the charts hot, and together they were panty melting sexy.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend it. It had the angst and mystery of a Mafia book, and the hotness of a m/m book. I can honestly say that the book shocked me at times, which doesn't happen much anymore, and I loved that.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,324 reviews591 followers
August 11, 2018
4.5 Stars


These are just some of the words that come to mind while the dust settles around me in the aftermath of reading this book.

I’m not usually one to enjoy stories with Mafioso themes, but I think I just found my exception to the rule. What I do enjoy a lot (and feel a little disturbed for doing so) are romances with a hitman lead. I don’t know what it is about that trope that gets me going but it has regularly proved to be a favourite of mine in the romance genre, and in this particular case, possibly the favourite.

I won’t bother regurgitating the plot, as I went into this myself without having even read the synopsis, and I think that lack of prior knowledge or expectations really worked wonders for me here.

What I will say is that this is quite a dark and gritty read, with a lot of moral ambiguity among its lead characters, who although I rooted for and adored whole heartedly, were very much antiheros who sometimes did very shocking and violent things in the name of vengeance and/or survival. So if you’re one to be turned off by a lot of death in your reading, or you object to characters with shady moral compasses, then this may not be the story for you.


Audio Edition:

I spent the majority of this reading experience listening to the audio narration by Michael Ferraiuolo and I couldn't recommend it more if I tried. This guy is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I’ve never been so impressed by a narrator’s ability to nail so many difficult and varied accents like he did here. It was truly impressive and certainly added to my overall enjoyment of the story.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
February 19, 2021
4.5 Stunned Stars

Apparently, I’m so eating my own words here.

It’s been over 3 years since I last read a Witt book, and I really had no plans to do so again despite enjoying some of her works but mostly feeling disconnected from the majority.

Not here.

The blurb for this book is perfect and tells you everything you need to know about the setup. One man is stuck by force and fear, miserable with his fate but helpless to do anything about it. The other is fueled by revenge and an unrelenting patience to ultimately see his enemy crippled beyond repair.

This was dark and deeply entrenched in the unsavory world of the mafia, featuring those unfortunate to be subjected to its brutal tyranny. Expect violence and betrayal and tragedy. Don’t expect easy, but know this tale sure as hell’s compelling. Add in a crazy amount of intensity and hot erotic encounters, along with a building sense of doom with nowhere to go, and I was a mass of jangled nerves trying to not spontaneously combust, both in good and bad ways.

I don’t know if it was because of the uh-mazing narration by Michael Ferraiuolo or just the gripping story that grabbed me as desperation mounts and feelings develop that have no place being present, have no business slowly growing between these two men who absolutely do not belong together. This hooked me good, and it didn't let go until the last page of its harrowing climax, but bravo, Witt. Bravo.

Thanks for pushing me over the ledge, Meags... I wouldn't have gone otherwise.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
August 11, 2018
* Ten stars ! No dull moments in this amazing tale of Mafioso, Russians, La Cosa Nostra, with bad men!
* Oooo La la !
* We follow the son, Dom/Dominico, of a Mafia boss

and an independent hit man/stripper, the Georgian, Sergei.

One night when Sergei saves Dominico, both of their lives are changed.

We get deep, thought-filled characters, while also dealing with evil men, betrayers, killers, violent men living their mayhem. Our two men our also skilled killers,
yet longing to be out of the constant war, the blood, the compromised life of near servitude they have within the mob. Everyone is a pawn.

* Sergei and Dom are heartless when killing, but in each others arms, they find peace, loving, sex, and what they need to heal their souls.
Their rendezvous are extremely sex filled, erotic, raw, powerful, dynamic, and yet include many moments of soft touches, long delicious kisses, tender pushes, and emotions shown through the actions.

The unspoken love between them is the only good thing in their lives. To hope that their deep feelings would last is what kept them going.

if the seas catch fire...

When the gangster's war escalates, they will discover secrets, betrayals, evil, and truth.

Highly recommend this magnificent mobster story,
with a big vein of romance running through it. !

Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
October 20, 2018
I loved this one! I was glued to the pages from the very beginning. Great chemistry between the main characters and super full of action.
Assassins and mafia and a lot of super hot scenes. This was amazing!

I felt like writing a bigger review, but I really don't know what I could possibly add. It was SO good!!! Like really amazing writing, suspense AND super HOT scenes! 🔥

It's been a while since I've read such an action packed story. I absolutely adored it!
January 7, 2016
Review originally posted at Sinfully.

4.5 stars

I’ve read a lot of L.A. Witt and this story may just be her best to date.

Dom and Sergei have both become the men they are today as a result of the brutal mob culture that has a stranglehold on the town of Cape Swan. Dom Maisano is fully entrenched in the family business as an accountant and as an under the radar hitman, as a result of his Uncle Corrado’s manipulations. He hides his homosexuality, knowing full well if anyone finds out it will cost him his life. The family’s image is everything and as a made man and nephew of the boss expectations are high. Dom hates what he has become and knows the only way out will be death, either at his own or another’s hands.

Sergei has spent years of his life crafting and executing a plan to get revenge on the mob families that took his family from him as a child. His job as a dancer in a gay strip club is the perfect cover for his more important work as a contract killer for the three families running the town. Few know he is the feared “Georgian” and even fewer know his real name. When the man he saves from being beaten by two mob goons turns out to be none other than Dom Maisano, Sergei begins to second guess his decision not to kill the man when he had a chance. When Dom returns to the club, the attraction is strong and soon the two are carrying out a discreet series of hook-ups. Sergei thinks he knows everything about Dom, while Dom has no clue who he is dealing with. As violence between the three families increases and Sergei continues forward with his plan to wipe them out, the relationship between the two gets more involved and the story’s tension kicks into a high gear that doesn’t let up until the very end.

As I was reading I couldn’t help but imagine that Ms. Witt must be a big fan of books and/or films like The Godfather and Goodfellas since the story had that classic feel. Although bare bones it is a simple story of revenge and mob politics, there is so much going on, it had me wondering how these two characters could possibly get through it not just with their lives, but with each other.

The chemistry between Sergei and Dom is explosive, whether it’s a lap dance, the simple act of kissing or hot and hard sex. I wanted nothing more than to see them ride off into the sunset after a satisfying and well deserved bloodbath unleashed on those who needed to pay for the horrors they inflicted on the two of course. Did I get my wish? You’ll have to read the story to see, but once you start you probably won’t want to stop.

Sergei is an amazing character. Presenting a bleach blond stripper to the world, he is a brilliantly calculating, stone cold killer. He has his reasons and they are heart wrenching. Nothing has deterred him from his plan, not even his unexpected hook ups with Dom. As much as the Maisanos tout “family”, it is Sergei who will bring you to tears with his devotion to what family they left him. While the two men fall for each other, you can see the inevitable coming and when that particular hit falls into Sergei’s lap, you really don’t know which way he will go with it or if he will allow his true feelings for Dom to change his carefully crafted plan.

Dom is so easy to care for from the start. He is conflicted about his feelings for his Uncle, the man who took him in even as he destroyed his life. His small acts of rebellion, helping the victims of the family business, bring him small comfort. He is at the end of his rope and going through the motions, just waiting for the inevitable end, Sergei becoming the only bright spot and source of happiness. One thing he knows is that he won’t let Sergei become another victim of his family even if it means walking away from one of the only people he loves.

The only thing stopping me from giving this a full five stars was that there were a few occasions where the same thought or explanation was repeated too often throughout the book. The story kept me on edge, watching as Sergei’s plan unfolded, putting him on an eventual collision course with his lover and wondering how it would all work out. Highly recommended if you like a good romantic thriller with the threat of danger and violence at every turn.

Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,924 followers
January 15, 2016
I really enjoyed reading this one. One of the reasons, is that I love reading about wiseguys ;) Now a gay wiseguys....count me in !!

Sergei is working as a stripper / dancer at a gay club...but that is not all he does. He's also a ruthless assassin, who is out for revenge. When he was young, his whole family was killed by the Mafia and Sergei has been binding his time. He's been working as an independend killer, taking contracts to off mafioso. Nobody, but a select few, know who he really is. The contracts give him the opportunity, to do what he wants to do most...kill them all. He's been working on a puzzle, and when all the pieces are in place...everything within the Mafia will fall apart.

What he hadn't counted on, was Dom, or Dominic. The nephew / adopted son of mafiaboss Maisano. Dom never wanted to be a made man, but he had no choice. When Dom's father betrayed the family, he was killed right in front of Dom, by his brother. Dom's uncle has made himself clear from the beginning. Dom was to do everything for the familia...or he would be next and his death would not be painless. Dom has seen a lot of horrors and has done things, he really didn't want to do. Nobody knows that Dom is his uncles personal assassin's.

When Sergei "accidently" saves Dom's life...things get a bit complicated. Dom wants to know more about the gay twink that saved him...he wants answers, so he looks him up. Dom has always known he was gay and in the beginning, he still went out and got his rocks off..but those days are long gone. There are no gay men in the Mafia, because if there are...they won't live. When Dom looks up Sergei, his feelings of lust and longing resurface. Eventhough Sergei hates the Mafia and wants to kill them all, he can't help but feel attracted to Dom. So what do they do ....they act on their attraction and start a sexual relationship. They are both in it for the sex and they both know it won't last, but ofcourse feelings don't work that way. Once feelings get involved...things get more and more complicated.
Dom still doesn't know who Sergei really is and eventhough Sergei knows who Dom is...he doesn't really know him. That doesn't stop them from falling in love though...

So what's gonna happen when Sergei gets contracted for a hit on Dom. Everybody knows, you can't say no to a contract ordered by the Mafia....now it's either Dom's life...or his...

I really liked this one, but I do have to say, that it felt a bit too long. Which means, that it dragged a bit in the middle. I just wanted things to get revealed...I loved the beginning and the ending was awesome, but it just took a bit too long, for things to get in the open. I did cry at one moment in this book. I know that both men have been through horrible shit...but the scene with Luciano....that broke my fucking heart :(

The steam however was very nice...these boys burned some sheets !!!

I'm gonna give this one 3,5 - 4 stars, because it did get a bit boring in the middle....
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
November 8, 2017
“You’re the last person in the world I was supposed to fall in love with.”

BEST OF L.A. Witt !

~ 5 and as many stars I can give !~

Story by L.A. Witt and cover made by the one and only Garrett Leigh

Sergei Andronikov was a child when the Mafia wiped out his family, leaving him with nothing but a hunger for revenge. Years later, through ruthless strategy and tireless patience, he’s a contract killer working for the three families ruling Cape Swan… and he’s nearly in position to bring them all down from the inside.

Domenico “Dom” Maisano is Mafia royalty, a made man… and a hitman. He’s caught up in a violent life he can’t escape, struggling to maintain an image he doesn’t want, and suppressing desires he can’t have.

A chance encounter throws the killers into each other’s paths. Though Dom knows he’s playing a dangerous game, he’s intrigued and keeps coming back. Sergei can’t resist him either—Dom is everything he set out to destroy, but he’s also everything he’s ever ached for in a man.

Then Sergei gets the contract he’s been waiting for—the hit that promises to bring the town’s Mafia to its knees.

But when a capo makes an unexpected move, Sergei must choose between dropping the hammer on the families he vowed to annihilate, and protecting the man he swore he wouldn’t love.

And the wrong choice—or even the right one—will destroy them both.

This was not a pretty story, but so far, I can say this is Lori's best work, and I enjoyed Sergei and Dom's story so much.
They're both living in a very dirty world, but this life was never their first choice.Like what Dom said so many times, if he can choose, he won't choose to have this life.

But there's something funny about fate.
Two very broken men, with a very broken past. Enemy.

Sergei, made a good cover to his real 'job' as a hitman, he became a stripper, a flamboyant gay stripper, with a deadly move.
A nameless Georgian guy everybody comes to, when they need a real pro.

But then he met Dominico Maisano, safe his life, and strong attraction between them, become a danger zone for both of them.
All he'd wanted to do was get all this crap away from the club so the cops wouldn't come knocking on doors. Now he had Domenico fucking Maisano on his hands.

They keep secret to each other about who they really are..no telling, no talking about job, except what Dom knows about Sergei, he's a stripper,and Sergei knows that Dom is mafiosi.
“What happened that night? I rubbed my ass all over a couple of dicks. Some Italian guy showed up in the alley with blood all over his fancy suit. And I rubbed my ass over some more dicks.”“Isn’t much else to tell.” “I doubt that.” “That’s all you’ll get from me.”

They're fucked. Every time possible, every time they need it.
“What happened that night? I rubbed my ass all over a couple of dicks. Some Italian guy showed up in the alley with blood all over his fancy suit. And I rubbed my ass over some more dicks.”“Isn’t much else to tell.” “I doubt that.” “That’s all you’ll get from me.”

But the deal of 'just fucking' become more and more addictive.
They need each other. Lied to themselves that this is nothing.
Denying the attraction, that's what they do.
Tonight happened because every time I kill someone, a piece of me dies with him, and I needed—I need—to feel alive.
I need so much more for you. But I can’t ask for what I can’t give.

But life become more and more dangerous. They're forced to finally to face each other as enemy.
No, this couldn’t last forever. No, this wasn’t something that fit into his pre-orchestrated world. But for tonight—for as many nights as he could—this was where he needed to be. This was the one person on earth he needed to be with. This was who he needed to be.

"I'm not supposed to feel this way for you. I'm not supposed to feel anything for you. What the hell is going on?"

"Sergei had undoubtedly saved his life that first night, but Dom was starting to think he did that every time they were together. He’d become a drug. Not a recreational one, but one that kept everything functioning the way it was supposed to.
I’m going to lose my mind without you."

But, love..there's something they did not anticipated before.
Now they have to survive...or lose...
"I want you. I’m supposed to want you dead, but I just want you."

I cried when Dom and Luciano talk for the last time. It was heart breaking.
And reading about Dom and Sergei's past, was not easy, I need some (lots)tissues, because Lori is sadist like that.
But what I love about Lori's book is, she always put our heart back together again after crushed and shredded it into pieces.
"“You’re the last person in the world I was supposed to fall in love with.”"

"Death was waiting outside for both of them, but at least they finally got to know what it was like to feel this alive."

This one is a must read.It's super angsty, but at the same time, Lori gave you the best erotic lapdance. Ever!
My favorite scene!
And followed by some really steamy hot sex between Sergei and Dom.
And it was addictive !

Highly recommended!


Anticipation before...


I received the ARC from author in exchange of a fair and unbiased review.
September 23, 2017
3.75 stars

What I loved most about this book were the MCs, Sergei and Dom. Both of these guys are bad asses, but we get to see their very human vulnerable side. Even though they both have internal conflicts about being with one another, they don’t take it out on each other. When they finally decide to be together, there’s no hot and cold….just HOT, needy and loving.

Dom has to hide the fact that he is gay from his Mafioso family or he’s a dead man. He’s also tired of the life and wants out but feels trapped.

Sergei is out for revenge for the killing of his family by the Mafiosi. He is pitting the large Mafiosi families against each other by working as an independent contract killer for those very same families.

It was a great story, but it was overlong because of repetitiveness. This is something I find not uncommon when reading L.A. Witt novels though. Overall, it was a great read.
Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews370 followers
January 18, 2016
I really liked the set-up - Sergei, the vengeful hitman and Dom, the reluctant mafia royalty. I've got a soft spot for star-crossed lovers, where it seems like there's just no way that the MCs can make it together. I'm a sucker for the angst.

I also liked the contrast between the two characters. Dom hates himself for every hit he makes, whereas Sergei relishes each hit because it brings him closer to his goal. Despite their differences, the two had an immediate emotional chemistry that was believable, though that emotional aspect often took a back seat to the sex and plot.

They had some pretty great sexual chemistry. The sex in this book is hot, and it comes often. Sergei and Dom aren't afraid of giving or taking what they want from each other. My inner smut-lover was very happy.

The family/mafia drama kept me hooked throughout. I was eagerly waiting to see who would get his brains blown out next. Yes, I know that sounds bloodthirsty, but it was an entertaining read. There were a few things which I guessed correctly early on, but there were quite a few surprising twists and turns.

What dropped this down a star was the repetitiveness, particularly of the inner monologues. For Dom, it was how he wanted to leave, but couldn't. For Sergei, it was about how everyone in the mafia would pay for what happened to his family. Those two points were just bludgeoned to death. The two would repeat variations of those monologues repeatedly - while they were alone, while they were together, and when they were with others. By the halfway point, I was annoyed.

I get that Sergei and Dom have baggage, but I don't think it needed to be repeated so many times. I understood just fine the first twenty times.

Overall, this was a fun read. It's got some entertaining action and lots of hot sex. It could have done with less repetitiveness, and some more focus on Dom and Sergei's emotional connection.
Profile Image for ~Nicole~.
844 reviews345 followers
March 25, 2023
3.5 ⭐️ rounded down.
I wanted to give this 4 ⭐️ because I absolutely adored Sergei and Dom and the Italian mafia stuff was interesting (if a bit unbelievable) but there was way too much sex (this author’s usual MO) and it bored me. For every 10 pages of mafia action there were 40 pages of sex so it was like : Dom talks to his uncle -sex with Sergei, Sergei kills somebody-sex with Dom, Dom kills somebody-sex with Sergei and without any exaggeration it was like this the entire book. Don’t get me wrong the sex was 🔥 but it was too much. I wanted a bit more of them connecting emotionally but they barely had the minimum conversation between the numerous sex scenes.
I did love them , though, quite a lot. I LOVED their “meet-cute “ lol. I loved their second encounter even more 🔥🔥 and I was really intrigued by the mafia machinations even though I had to roll my eyes a bit. Like Sergei almost killing Dom (at Dom’s insistence) because there was no other way when they BOTH were experienced hit men and they could kill instead the bad guys.. Man, that penny took its time to drop, I tell ya.. A pretty good book if you like badass killer twinks , a gentle mafia (sort of) boss and steamy (and abundant) sex.
TW . These guys aren’t “killers with a heart of gold” , they really kill (even innocent ppl sometimes) so they’re pretty morally gray characters, keep in mind.
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,513 reviews145 followers
August 14, 2018
This was not the love at first page kind of book for me. At the beginning I didn't know what to think. It was definitely going to be a dark book and I hesitated but after reaching a certain point, oh my goodness, the story turned from regular to spectacular! In the world of murder and betrayal two men are thrown together - one is bent on vengeance and the other is struggling to survive. Neither chose this life willingly and neither can walk away alive.

Sergei is smart, sharp and cold-hearted. He has one and one goal only - to destroy those who destroyed him and his family. He will stop at nothing. At first glance one wonders if there is any humanity left under that cute twink facade. But as the story goes deeper and darker Sergei slowly opens up and all the raw pain leeches out of him like blood out of an open wound. How much he sacrificed, how many he has killed to get him where he is now and how much it cost him. He does not know it yet but Domenico will be his salvation.

Dom is born into the life of crime and is still paying for his father's sins. He is the killing hand of Corrado Maisano, the head of Maisano family, and he is trapped and lonely. What starts as a mercy encounter turns his life upside down and brings him peace in these stormy times. Dom finally finds himself in Sergei's arms, he feels alive and for the first time in love. But the war is brewing and he is afraid that his number is up.

These two men don't know love or kindness - they know money and betrayal. They don't trust and give very little of themselves even when they are together. But still they can't stay away. In each others arms they find first acceptance then love. It blindsides them and leaves them stunned. When the truth comes out and all the cards are on the table Dom is willing to sacrifice his life for Sergei but together they manage to bring the house down on those who tormented them all their lives. It's gripping, raw, intense and angry. No one will be left standing as Dom and Sergei fight for their love and freedom to be together. So many lives lost over greed and bid for power, but this time love does conquer all - even death as Dom and Sergei barely escape with their lives leaving wreck and ruin in their wake.

It is dark, heart-breaking and at times soul-mending story but stunning nonetheless. I loved and I highly recommend it!

Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews504 followers
July 7, 2016
Oh boy, I really hated so much about this story...

So why did I give it 5 stars?!

Well, Sergei and Domenico are an insanely powerful couple and their time together is some of the best writing in m/m romance that I can imagine. Their need to be there for each other, their reluctance to call their affair 'love', their incredibly cruel past that broke my heart.
Not to mention that both MCs were hot as hell. Sergei the Russian stripper in his mid20s with the bleached blond hair and a body to die for, Dom, the 35 year old Italian stud with the jet black hair, olive toned skin, hairy chest and wide shoulders, desperate to be touched by a man in a world where being gay would get him killed.
The story was simply awesome and gutwrenching.

Sergei is a contracted killer in Cape Swan working for any mafia family hiring his services through trustworthy middle men. Dom is the nephew of the current boss of the Maisano clan, a ruling Mafia family in Cape Swan.
When both guys meet, they become fuck buddies pretty quickly. Dom doesn't know the hot stripper is the guy who killed several members of his family and Sergei doesn't suspect the unimportant accountant nephew of the Maisano chief would ever become his target.
But when a mafia war in Cape Swan breaks loose, Sergei and Dom have to face each other as enemies - and need to decide who lives and who dies.

Simply amazing and blood curdling.
But the fact remains, both guys are murderers. Sure, they did it for different reasons, both of which did not excuse that they were taking other people's lives in cold blood, staring in their victims' eyes when they pulled the trigger.

As this is romance, I can safely tell you that both MCs make it - surprisingly - through the story alive. But the ending did leave a bitter taste on my tongue. I truly think that they should have ended up in prison to pay for their crimes. Not sail into their HEA like any other romance couple.

I also didn't buy the way the contracts worked. If the mafia assigned contracts to have people murdered, how could they only do it through middle men and NOT know the actual killer?! 
Any sane mafioso would make sure he KNEW who killed the people he wanted dead...

Just saying. All in all this book kept me on the edge of my seat and didn't even let me sleep at night, so the full 5 stars are well deserved.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,509 reviews70 followers
June 13, 2017
This has such great set-up, a fab blurb and so many favourable reviews.
Guess, it is one of those cases where I have to ask myself: What the heck is wrong with me?
Is the amount of thrillers and mafiosi movies I've watched, all those detective series I've seen, all those FBI heroes I've admired?

There is enough to like here:

.) the scenario is really well done - it creates tension right from the start and the longer Sergei and Dom know each other, the trickier their situation gets
.) the author does a great job showing how both men are caught in a situation they can't get away from
.) Dom and Sergei are hot together -very needy and urgent, but also tender and sweet.

BUT, ultimately ...

.) I simply can't buy that someone as young as Sergei (he is in his early twenties), ONE man, is able to orchestrate the fall down of THREE mafiosi families by taking out the right people. His whole mission felt far fetched and pretty unrealistic. And as for Sergei himself - he is almost as good as Jason Bourne, but he hasn't had any training for being a hitman, afaik. How does that even work?

.) And Sergei LIVES in the place where he kills people again and again over years, and nobody has ever found him??? None of all these super evil and resourceful mafiosi guys have figured out who he is? Not to talk about the police.

.) I really expected a huge fall-out between the MCs at some point, considering Sergei is seriously deceiving Dom, (and is killing people Dom loves.) Yes, we get regret, remorse and guilt, but simply NOT ENOUGH.
So all this tension is building up to 80% and when Dom finally finds out, there is this puff of anger and it's all over. I was disappointed. Dom doesn't ask enough question.

.) For me the L-word comes out of nowhere. Five minutes before Sergei drops it on Dom he is still considering killing the guy -yes, of course we know he doesn't mean that as he has a chance to do that sooner, but I never really got the feels that he is in love. He likes Dom, he savours their (mostly sexual) relationship, but love?

Saying that, in general I liked Dom and Sergei. But I had serious niggles with the plot. So many things felt wrong about it. Sorry guys, here I go ....

Profile Image for F..
1,342 reviews65 followers
May 20, 2016
Brilliant!! Neither man was innocent but bound by circumstance to the life they led. Wonder what happened to Rojas, the doctor, as he would be easily identified to the FBI. Surprised he didn't disappear as well.

5 BIG stars
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
January 11, 2017
WOW 4.5 stars for this intense heart stopper ! I was really hooked in by this story and kept wondering how the hell this was going to work. Dom & Sergei were smokin together and even though they unknowingly were on opposite sides, they managed to work though the mafia dramas once a major event brought them together. I wished for an epilogue in their new space / new life as it felt a little unfinished for me ... l just wanted that final sense of peace
Profile Image for Nicky James.
Author 68 books1,963 followers
June 22, 2020
This book was everything! It was action and suspense and sexy and gripping. I love a good mob story especially if there is a Russian badass twink involved. This was exceptionally well done. I couldn't put it down. The pacing was perfect, and I was left wondering how on earth this could ever work between these two MCs.
Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
720 reviews85 followers
April 26, 2023
4 gritty-dark and angsty stars!! ❤️ This was a nail biter 😱 Not only was the plot violent and dark, the MCs' were also morally ambiguous. Both had traumatic pasts and secretive lives and were slotted into different levels on the chart of criminal life. They meet under unusual circumstances, but what transpires after is the crux of the story. They form an unlikely attachment and the attraction keeps growing deeper and more impactful as days turn into weeks. Despite the threat to both their lives, Sergei and Dom continue meeting till the expiration date of their relationship literally knocks on Sergei's door. Will he continue on his mission or will he succumb to his heart's desires? Is there an escape from this life of crime for both of them together? What does an HEA even look like for Dom and Sergei?
Although I enjoyed it, it was still a tough read with all the contract killings and the bloodshed. I don't think I'm strong enough to read books with the mafia-trope.. 😱 What made it bearable was all the steamy sex between the MCs.🔥🔥.. and there was a lot!! 😍 They were super needy and horny😉 but also tender and sweet sometimes..💕 so I got a variety of steamy pages to enjoy. 😍
Highly recommended to fans of mafia M/M romances who have a strong stomach for stories about violent crimes
Profile Image for ♣️ Lynda ♣️.
450 reviews44 followers
December 28, 2015
I Loved this book!!

Dom is a made man. He hates everything about his life in the mafia. He's on his was to meet his future wife (another problem he can't control) when he gets jumped. He's getting his ass kicked when suddenly a slight, sexy man saves his life. Enter Sergei. Full time stripper and Hit man.

These 2 men, who should never have gotten along, start to meet up for "just sex". VERY HOT SEX I might add! Soon they are turning to each other almost daily. They shouldn't be having feeling for each other but they can't seem control it.

Sergei soon gets a contract that throws his life off kilter. He is to kill Dom or die himself. What is he supposed to do? He's never had a problem pulling the trigger before. He should be able to do it now right?

This book pulled me in emotionally. It made me cry and fall in love with both men. It's a great ride and well worth the time it takes to read.

I received the ARC from author in exchange of a fair and unbiased review
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2016

If the Seas catch Fire isn’t a sweet and fluffy romance, and it’s definitely not the typical book we’re used to in this genre. It’s a violent book, it’s dark, action-packed and gritty. If you can’t deal with tougher themes and would rather read about sugar-sweet love and butterflies, you should stay away from this one.

The writing is gripping and entertaining and I was sucked in from the start. I was literally on pins and needles wondering where it would lead and I couldn’t put the book down. There were some twists and turns and some horrible events that I did not see coming… but I enjoyed the ride to hell and back with the guys.

Recommended to readers who expects more from a story than a cute romance and hot sex. Be warned, it's not for the faint of heart!
Profile Image for Aimee Brissay.
Author 30 books59 followers
December 17, 2015
I can't even begin to describe this book. I wouldn't know where to start. All I can say it's WOW.

Though mafia stories are not really my cup of tea, I couldn't put this one down.

It was a perfectly orchestrated game from beginning to the end, it kept me guessing the whole way all, with the characters coming alive from the very first word. At each step, the story could have turn into several direction, each of them believable. And, damn it, all the choices made were perfect.
Toward the end, I was so engrossed in the story, I was almost afraid to turn the page, afraid of what the next one would bring, but I couldn't bring myself not to.

There isn't a single thing wrong with the book. Not one!
Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews385 followers
August 11, 2019
Immediately smitten with this book. It’s a slow burn, action packed story. Very well written, and that cover!!! That’s actually what got my attention in the first place.
Profile Image for Alex.
342 reviews31 followers
January 1, 2018
Wow. I DO love a hot Hitman falling in love...

This story was very good. I liked Serguei and Dom A LOT.
Both were so alone and desperate and in need of comfort.

They find it in each other. First with sex... And what a sexy and hot encounters that was...


And then with love.
The chemistry between these two was OFF the CHARTS.

So, we have Serguei, who is a stripper/Hitman in a quest to avenge his family who has been brutally murdered by the mafia some years ago.
He has a plan to make them all fall and he's not letting anything or anyone stay in his way.
His story is so heartbreaking and the scenes with his mother just broke my heart.
He is so not prepared for Dom and yet he go in all the way... I really liked him.

Then we have Dom. Born in the mafia, with a father considered a traitor and brutally murdered in front of him. He would love nothing more than to escape this life but he can't seem to see a way.
Then there's the fact that gay men in the mafia doesn't exist and if they do... Well... Not for long.
So he suppressed this side of him and acted all straight just to survive.
Then Serguei entered his life. Saved his life really.

This little dance between the 2 of them was a little long.
Serguei knows Dom is Mafia but he thinks Dom doesn't have a high role in the family.
Dom doesn't know anything about Serguei except the fact that he is fearless stripper who knows how to use a gun.

The love declaration is beautiful. I might have let slipped a few tears...


LA Witt rarely disappoint in her writing but her stories doesn't always work on me.
Well this one did and my last book of 2017 ends with a beautiful HEA so I'm happy!

Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews152 followers
January 5, 2016

4.5 star review by The Blogger Girls.

Sergei is on a mission to take down the mafia, piece by piece, who killed his family. He has basically infiltrated their world, working as a feared hitman known as the “Georgian.” He has remained hidden by his role as a gay go go dancer. The few who know who he is meet with him at his club and exchange info and money via codes and backroom lap dances. When two men are beating some guy up right outside his club, thus taking the chance of bringing too much attention to his turf, Sergei steps in. The man he “saves” is Dom, though he doesn’t know at the time who Dom really is.

Dom is extremely intrigued by Sergei for a number of reasons, not the least of which is sexual. Dom is extremely closeted due to his position in the mafia. Dom and Sergei hit it off in a big way and carry on a dangerous game of hookups where they both get what they need but still not knowing who the other really is.

This book had me on the edge of my seat just about the entire time. I loved Sergei, and the two of them together were hot stuff. Throughout the story, I had the feeling that there was no way these guys would ever find a way to work things out, and especially so once all of the cards were on the table. Both struggle with who they have had to become, what little choices they have had and what they must do to survive. Time and again, they are both forced to make decisions and take offers they can’t refuse, and it really seemed impossible for them to ever have more than the extremely hot sex they both crave and the feelings that grow.

This is dark and gritty, hot and steamy, and full of excitement. There is danger lurking at every turn, and I could not turn the pages fast enough to see it all play out. Definitely another winner from Ms. Witt that I highly recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 405 reviews

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