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Professor Moriarty #1

The Infernal Device

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From the twisting alleyways of Constantinople to the teeming streets of London's East End...

A spectre is haunting Europe. A man who is both fiend and genius. His name is Trepoff. His creed is anarchy.

Abduction, assassination, atrocity mark his path across Europe.

The Russians hire Moriarty to track him down. Sherlock Holmes in turn is in pursuit of Moriarty.

But fate has one more card to play. The great detective and the Napoleon of crime are thrust into unholy alliance as Trepoff moves into his final and most devastating gambit....


255 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1978

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About the author

Michael Kurland

94 books47 followers
aka Jennifer Plum

Michael Kurland has written many non-fiction books on a vast array of topics, including How to Solve a Murder, as well as many novels. Twice a finalist for the Edgar Award (once for The Infernal Device) given by the Mystery Writers of America, Kurland is perhaps best known for his novels about Professor Moriarty. He lives in Petaluma, California.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,386 reviews
December 19, 2014
I will admit that I picked up this book little knowing what I was letting myself in for, I knew that Titan were publishing new and original Sherlock Holmes stories and I had even read a few of them. However when I saw that they had released a series written from the perspective of Professor James Moriarty I was intrigued.

Now even though this book has recently been published by Titan it has in fact been around for some time - the early 80s in fact and this is part of a 5 book series all independently set but still part of a series. The idea is that Professor Moiarty is a "consulting criminal" to Sherlock Holmes's "consulting detective".

It is hard to tell more about this quite ingenious interpretation of such a well known yet poorly understood character. You see not only is there the mystery to solve and problem to be dealt with but you also get to learn more about the person who is Moriarty and the world in which he inhabits which i must admit is just if not more fascinating that they main plot line - after all for such a famous character I feel I know so little about him.

The book itself is easy to read and very fast paced and as such very difficult to put down, so much so that I have already secured the rest of the series and will be seeing how the relationship with Sherlock progresses. As you can imagine some liberties have been taken but they are subtle and played down so they never interfere with either the story or the character development.

So a surprisingly enjoyable book I am eager to get on to the next in the series.
Profile Image for Pam S.
108 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2016
Having been a great fan of the original Sherlock Holmes books as a young adult, I was eager to check out this series of books told from the point of view of Professor Moriarty, the villain in so many of the Sherlock Holmes novels. Time away from the original series meant that reading about the world of Holmes again felt almost new. Almost…but not quite, since my memory was jarred as I moved through the story and I was able to remember some of the relationship between Holmes and Moriarty; that of intellectual equals but moral adversaries navigating the often harsh and always highly stratified world of Victorian England. The author does a good job of inhabiting the world of Arthur Conan Doyle’s books and creating characters that seem at home there. While there is much to like here for fans of the original Sherlock Holmes, and the appearance of familiar characters and tropes feels comforting at times, I ultimately found that I just couldn’t get into it. I finished the book only to discover that I’m not really interested in reading the rest of the Moriarty Novel series. Maybe the passage of time changes things, or maybe I’ve just read so many more intriguing and interesting stories in the interim that what I found new and shiny thirty-five years ago now just seems somewhat old and faded. That said, this is still a worthwhile read for fans of Holmes, just to get another glimpse into that world, if only briefly. For me, reading this felt like peeping through a keyhole only to find that you’ve already seen the room inside.
190 reviews23 followers
February 6, 2013
A well written and thought out novel centered around Doyle's Professor Moriarty and his actions as a consultant, scientist and investigator that portrays him less a monster and more an anti-hero to a Holmes that refuses to forgive him for their past.

In this case Moriarty comes across as the saner of the pair, trying to prevent a war between Russia and England while Holmes runs about thinking him responsible for every crime of note on the planet.

Add in an American reporter caught between them, anarchists, kidnapping, explosives and it becomes a very interesting puzzle and study in characters.

This Holmes, folks should note, is more like the Holmes of the "Seven Percent Solution" than the Holmes one might have seen in film or stage, more paranoid, more obsessed with being right (and even willing to perhaps break the law to find an elusive 'truth'). And well, in this case it is outright said at one point that he is the Holmes who had Moriarty as his mathematics teacher.

It's well written, well researched, plausible and paced closer to one of the original Doyle novels than many of the modern interpretation of the characters.

Well Worth Reading if you can find a copy.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Gaskins.
123 reviews8 followers
February 19, 2018
Maybe it's just me, but I didn't love this book. I'm a little bit like Sheldon from BBT when it comes to series', however. With very little exception, if I start the series, I'm going to finish it. However, the things I'm not enjoying are 1. How this first book felt like it was 2/3's set up to how the series was going to go. I mean, it understand setting up your main characters, background stories, general plot & setting, etc. but it felt like I was doing that until almost the very end. 2. I don't like how this imagining appears to deviate from the originals. I don't mind people adding backstories and things that the original author didn't really tell us about, but don't go changing details from the original just to fit your idea. 3. I didn't like how he tries to make Moriarty mirror Sherlock Holmes right down to some of the phrases he says, having his own writer/Boswell-type sidekick, & even having a "Mrs. H" for a housekeeper. 4. That it makes Sherlock Holmes look incredibly foolish & childish. I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes & so when I see that the writing practically attacks him (and not from the point of view of Moriarty, I would've expected that, more like, the author wanted Holmes to look like a buffoon) that gets on my nerves really quickly. I'll have to take a break from this series & read some things I really enjoy for a while before going on to book 2.
151 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2016
For its type of mystery novel this deserves a 4 star rating. The author has created a mystery in which Moriarty is the detective and, yes, Holmes and Dr. Watson also appear in the book. It has an international theme with the Russians and anarchists, a submarine, torpedoes, Queen Victoria and much more all in 1885. Of, let's not forget the hot air balloons and fireworks too.
Profile Image for KP.
615 reviews11 followers
March 29, 2020
Despite giving it three stars, this is actually pretty solid for a Sherlock Holmes pastiche written in the 70s. Solid enough that I want to keep reading the rest of the series, because the author has some interesting ideas and characters, and I'd like to see where he goes with them.
Profile Image for Jasper.
419 reviews39 followers
July 14, 2014
originally posted at: http://thebookplank.blogspot.com/2014...

You all know by now that Titan is the lead publisher in Sherlock Holmes fiction and that they also have another series that features an Victorian detective couple Newbury and Hobbes. However all these perspectives show the faces of the "good guys". What if there were books that showed, no, features one of the "bad guys". Well, look no further that the Professor Moriarty books by Michael Kurland, because as the name of the series implies they focus on professor Moriarty one nemesis of Sherlock Holmes! I always mention that I like to read the bad guy perspective in crime books, The Infernal Device is even better as you have one complete book that features on one!

I do have to admit that I am not that familiar with Professor Moriarty's plays in the Sherlock universe only that he is portrayed as the bad guy. However the story of The Infernal Device picks up very normal where you see Moriarty sitting in his study receiving a package from his butler. This package isn't an ordinary one, it might look innocent but as soon as Moriarty wants to open it, it explodes and Moriarty doesn't get away unscathed. Soon after this the books changes place from England to Stamboul, not with the perspective of Moriarty however but with the focus on the American journalist Benjamin Barrett who was send by his newspaper to write a cover story on the testing of a new piece of engineering, the latest model of a submarine. This part starts of pretty well for Benjamin, but he soon finds himself into deep troubles. The fates of both Moriarty and Benjamin intertwined. Benjamin eventually finds himself in prison and saved by Moriarty. It soon comes to show that Moriarty doesn't act freely and he only saves Benjamin with a deal: in the coming two years, Benjamin has to work for Moriarty without any questions asked. The start of this collaboration stuttered a bit, in terms of that they both had to get used to each other, but as the book progresses you see that both Benjamin and Moriarty have a nice interplay. But there is still one thing going on, and that is the deal with the submarine and Moriarty's actual case, which is of the highest importance of The Empire. In order to catch the bad guy in this story, which isn't Moriarty but Trepoff, Moriarty has to make one unlikely alley to succeed. Namely he has to team up with none other than Sherlock Holmes, a very good acquaintance. But will there combined intellect be enough to catch Trepoff before he does the unthinkable?

To be honest, this wasn't the type of story I had in mind with Moriarty in the lead I was more expecting a dangerous play between both Moriarty and Holmes. However this didn't take away that I didn't like the story of The Infernal Device, this is more or less a turn around of Moriarty's bad reputation where he is turning into the investigator. Moriarty was been called into action by the British Empire. So it's more that the Napoleon of crime has turned into the detective field... but has he truly? The Infernal Device is just the first book!

As for the characters of The Infernal Device, Michael Kurland did a nice job. Of course you have the heavy presence of Moriarty, who first had a job teaching mathematics and now keeps busy with almost everything, well at least what ever catches his interest. But when he interest is piqued, he clearly knows all his business and can be just as sharp and witty and blunt as the other detectives from that era. But there is definitely something more going one behind Moriarty's character, something bigger and more darker. Where Sherlock's does everything pure out of interest and curiosity, there seems to be more behind everything that Moriarty does. I do hope his darker nature will be explored a bit more in the coming books! One sure fire addition to the book was Sherlock Holmes and we quickly learn that Moriarty and Sherlock have a past between them. Sherlock accuses him of being a criminal and will do everything to see Moriarty be put behind bars. Though as a reader you don't get to see what Moriarty had done in the past... so it is hard to judge on this fact but like I mentioned there seems to be more behind Moriarty's motives than what meets the eye. I also do think that this wasn't the last entry of Sherlock that we have seen where he tries to cross Moriarty and tries to unmask him. The last addition that takes quite a role in the story is Benjamin, the American report that Moriarty rescues from prison. Benjamin becomes in a sense the slave of Moriarty, though with a lot of free reign and ways for his own interpretation. I enjoyed reading about Benjamin a lot because as a main protagonist you have Moriarty very strict and stern and contrasting you have the loose and perhaps naive Benjamin who likes to go out an explore. And luckily not that many weeks have passed in this investigation so I think we will see Benjamin back as well. Added to these characters comes the household staff of Moriarty, a butler, a cook and cleaning lady that will put a definite smile on your face when you read about their personalities and quirky things. The characters are true to the stiffness of the London Victorian times and each have their own odd character traits that make a lot of fun to read about.

As I have said above I did expect something different but The Infernal Device turned out to be a very fun read, it's a fast paces, clever and witty book featuring a great protagonist. I have to mention that The Infernal Device and other Professor Moriarty books are all re-issues as The Infernal Device was originally published in 1979. Though I wasn't that acquainted with Professor Moriarty, I do think that I have learned about him, somehow Michael Kurland does weave an interesting air around his character that readily invites you to continue reading more and more about him. Will he replace Sherlock in the long run for me? I don't know yet, I love Sherlock Holmes but Moriarty, if he lets he proposed evil side show more, does have a good chance. I really do have to recommend these books, they are a lot of fun to read and over in a heart-beat. Great stuff if you are into detectives and if not, then still pick it up!

Profile Image for Amethyst.
30 reviews
July 20, 2018
Moriarty is not the over-evil super-villain as so often depicted by other authors. Rather, he is a sophisticated gentleman with his own code of honor. He plans crimes for other people in order to raise money for his studies and inventions. Crime, because he was treated badly by his peers and now feels he doesn't owe society. He is an intriguing character with a lot of depth.

Holmes has his mind set on proofing that Moriarty is the most evil criminal who ever lived, despite all evidence to the contrary. In "The Infernal Device" the two have to work together to prevent a crime. Holmes does it for Queen and Country, Moriarty is paid to do so. Well, that's what he states as his motive but when it comes to saving the Queen he is most eager to help. Although he acts like a grumpy old man I found him to be a very likeable character.

This book was a joy to read from beginning to end. It was exciting, it made me smile, it gave insights into history and it revealed the person behind the Napoleon of Crime.
Profile Image for Andrew.
881 reviews13 followers
November 19, 2017
The first of Kurlands Moriarty books and of the three I have read so far my favourite...to be fair although all the books work separately I do suspect had I have started chronologically with this I would maybe have enjoyed the continuation of the characters within this.
In many ways the beauty of this book is really the sidekicks that surround Moriarty poor Holmes really only had Watson and Mrs Hudson to bounce off...Modularity has a multitude of sidekicks involved in his capers.
Rather than being just the Napoleon of Crime Moriarty comes across in these books as a adventurer rogue in the oven of Simon Templar or suchlike...Holmes appears at times throughout this book but this is wholly Moriartys tale..Holmes is a somewhat pathetic figure at times in this.
It's a plot involving anarchists working to strike at the very heart of Victorian London...it's not overtly complex and is a fun digression of a book...
Profile Image for Kris Ivy.
1,198 reviews48 followers
June 7, 2017
Moriarty's being blamed by Holmes of doing the crimes that are under Trepoff. He doesn't mind until Trepoff contacts him and tries to play Holmes and Moriarty off of each other. Moriarty recruits a journalist(who gets a really good secretary who wants to be a real journalist. No one'll give her a chance since she's a woman until now) who works to get him information on all fronts.
Moriarty is not the 'Napoleon of Crime', but Trepoff sure is. Also, a submarine is destroyed. Or is it? Moriarty believes that Trepoff plans to use it to take down the Victoria & Albert.
Profile Image for Kate Atkinson.
6 reviews
December 28, 2023
Overall I enjoyed this book however, it wasn’t the easiest to get into. It is quite slow and only picks up pace in the last few chapters.

- Interesting insight into Moriarty’s household and criminal network
- Likeable characters
- Writing style was similar to that of Conan Doyle

- I thought the new character, Benjamin Barrett, was good but could have had further development and more of a backstory
- Plot was predictable and not that interesting at times
Profile Image for Logan Ray.
5 reviews4 followers
July 10, 2017
As a fan of Sherlock Holmes, I thought this novel would be an interesting read. It was a good overall story but there was too much unnecessary build up that did not contribute to the overall plot that well. Hopefully it is build up for the rest of the series. I was going to rate this a 2 star but the fast paced ending made up for slow build.
Profile Image for Emma.
58 reviews
January 14, 2020
A good story but it suffered from being the first in a series adn therefore needing to establish all of the characters at the same time. I wasn't sure how it was going to end but when it did it all seemed to happen very quickly with lots of information which had not been previously hinted at. I hope the next in the series is better.
301 reviews1 follower
May 1, 2019
An interesting twist on the relationship between Holmes and Moriarty. Nicely done. Looking forward to reading the next in the series. Was surprised to note that this was first published in 1978. Also looking forward to reading more about Cecily Perrine and Benjamin Barnett.
Profile Image for Pili.
589 reviews
July 18, 2017
Lectura imprescindible para quienes nos consideramos fans del mundo de Sherlock Holmes.
Profile Image for Rob.
757 reviews4 followers
June 6, 2019
An excellent tale that is well placed in the Sherlockian setting. Engaging.
Profile Image for Tolkien InMySleep.
561 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2022
Kurland skilfully evokes a bygone age, as Moriarty teams up with an old adversary to thwart a dastardly foreign plot.
Profile Image for Holly.
26 reviews
January 11, 2017
I got this book as a Christmas present and was pretty excited to read it, but I ended up not loving it as much as I was expecting to.

First off, the positives:
- It was very well-written.
- The character Cecily Perrine was by far my favourite, despite the fact that she does not feature all that much!
- It includes one of my new favourite passages of all time (a conversation between Cecily and Benjamin):
""You are a born writer and editor. You have an innate word sense, and you write good clean prose."
"Tell me something, Mr Barnett," Miss Perrine said, "and tell me true. You don't have the phrase "for a woman" left unsaid at the end of any of those sentences, do you? You're not saying I write well for a woman, or I have good word sense for a woman?"
"Cecily," Barnett said, "a piece of paper with typewritten words on it is entirely without gender. When we cable a story to one of our client newspapers, I don't append a statement, "done in a feminine hand". You are a good writer.""

However, at times, I felt the storyline to be a bit all over the place and hard to follow at times, despite Michael Kurland's great writing. For a lot of the story, I didn't understand what the main plot point was intended to be, which felt quite frustating to me.

Also, Kurland's portrayal of Moriarty's character did not seem true to the original character. Yes, I know it is not one of the original Conan Doyle stories, but the professor seems so different to how Conan Doyle originally wrote him that I found it hard to picture him as the same person.

Overall, I didn't love this book, but I didn't hate it. It was just... Good.

I will be continuing on with the series, and I hope that I enjoy the other books a little bit more than I enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Andrea.
30 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2016
Somewhere between 4 and a not quite 4. Not sure what it was that meant it wasn't a 5, except it lacked a sparkle and depth that I've come to expect from this type of book. Still an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
183 reviews10 followers
October 28, 2014
I really began to enjoy this book when I was able to read it at length, i think I've grown fond enough of Kurland's Moriarty to pick up the other books in the series.
I'm interested in the past relationship between Moriarty and Holmes that Kurland's hints at (I'm a big fan of authors interpretations), it seems a great way for him to keep his readership; if he carries it over to the other novels that is, which I sincerely hope so. It was also one of the few books that made me favour Moriarty over Holmes, it wasn't that the two simply switched places but presented them in roles I've rarely come across: the disgraced mathematics professor and Holmes as his ex-student with an unknown cause for vengeance. The trope seems popular enough, I guess I just must be missing them.
It was good to be on the other side of Holmes interferences for once, and to be made to feel as though Holmes really was the "busybody" he was reputed to be, Moriarty's maturity (as both an elder man and ex-teacher) shows through in scenes such as these; especially those when the subject of truce between the two is raised.
33 reviews
June 24, 2016
If you like Sherlock Holmes you will likely enjoy The Infernal Device. I rather enjoyed having Professor Moriarty as a protagonist, and the cast of background characters was phenomenal.

Moriarty is shown to be human and not some evil man of evil with a side of evil. Sure, he has questionable morals but he does have some honor. Moriarty's allies presented here all seem to have a story to be uncovered and I would like to know more. Holmes appears to be a brilliant (if somewhat obsessive) detective, which is close to my opinion of the character previously.

I find Michael Kurland's work on par or better than what I remember from reading Doyle's work. I look forward to the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Riju Ganguly.
Author 36 books1,688 followers
April 26, 2015
This may sound blasphemous, but I do prefer Michael Kurland's Professor Moriarty over the nasty guy created by Anthony Horowitz, Steven Moffat, and a million other writers, including the great Sir ACD himself. He is, in every sense, as fascinating a character as the Great Detective, and if this adventure is any proof, smarter than Sherlock Holmes. I had met Kurland's Moriarty long ago, in one of the pastiche-collections edited by him, and had practically fallen in love with the dynamic relationship between Holmes and Moriarty created by Kurland. This novel, which is back in print courtesy the nice guys at Titan Books, only invigorated that love. Recommended.
Profile Image for Jonathan Palfrey.
547 reviews17 followers
August 30, 2022
This is a rather unlikely story, but it makes pleasant reading, and it's been carefully written to include many details of the period (late 19th century) and locations (Constantinople, then London). It seems to me that Kurland made a good job of it; the story, the characters, and the dialogue are all entertaining.

It's not my favourite kind of story (I normally read sf or fantasy), but I can read this kind of thing now and then.

It's set in the world of Sherlock Holmes, but I can't really comment on that, not having read most of the original Sherlock Holmes stories. What I can tell you is that you don't need to have read those original stories before reading this one.
Profile Image for Ade Couper.
302 reviews12 followers
March 7, 2014
This was good fun!

Back in the 1980's Michael Kurland wrote a series of novels about Professor Moriarty, which are now being reissued.

This, the 1st, involves Russian Anarchists, & a plot to strike at the heart of the Empire.... Moriarty is asked to intervene by the Russian Government. What follows is a rattling good yarn, which reminded me very much of Sax Rohmer's "Fu Manchu" novels, which I love!

This felt comfortable, like sitting by the fire in a pair of comfy slippers- really did enjoy this, especially the meetings eith a certain Mr Holmes....!

Good fun. Worth a look.
22 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2014
Beautiful reading.
A story full of suspense and plot twists.
The character of Moriarty is wonderfully developed, the Victorian setting is perfectly depicted with plenty of intriguing details.
Absolutely great!
Profile Image for Rosie Claverton.
Author 9 books51 followers
January 11, 2015
Very enjoyable read - light, fun mystery in Doyle's vein without too much peril or violence. I ended up liking Moriarty much better than Holmes, and Barnett is a great co-protagonist. Looking forward to the rest of the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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