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The Deepest Breath

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Stevie is eleven and loves reading and sea-creatures. She lives with her mum, and she's been best friends with Andrew since forever. Stevie's mum teases her that someday they'll get married, but Stevie knows that won't ever happen. There's a girl at school that she likes more. A lot more. Actually, she's a bit confused about how much she likes her. It's nothing like the way she likes Andrew. It makes her fizz inside. That's a new feeling, one she doesn't understand. Stevie needs to find out if girls can like girls - love them, even - but it's hard to get any information, and she's too shy to ask out loud about it. But maybe she can find an answer in a book. With the help of a librarian, Stevie finds stories of girls loving girls, and builds up her courage to share the truth with her mum. Written in accessible verse `chapters' and in a warm and reassuring style, The Deepest Breath will be of special relevance to young girls who are starting to realise that they are attracted to other girls, but it is also a story for any young reader with an open mind who wants to understand how people's emotions affect their lives.

180 pages, Paperback

First published May 9, 2019

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About the author

Meg Grehan

6 books118 followers
Meg Grehan is a young writer hiding away in Donegal in the northwest of Ireland, with a very ginger girlfriend, an even more ginger dog and an undisclosed number of cats (none of whom is ginger).

Her first book The Space Between won the Eilis Dillon Award at the 2017 Children’s Books Ireland Awards. The Deepest Breath won the Judges Special Award at the 2020 KPMG Children's Books Ireland Awards. It was also shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Award 2020.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 371 reviews
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,856 reviews1 follower
January 12, 2022
This is a middle grade book that is told in verse, and I will say normally I do not love books that is told in verse. I really enjoyed this book, but I think the verse made me not totally love it. This book is about a 11 years old girl trying to figure out what is love and can she love girls. I think this is a great book, and it covers how pre teens starts feeling so well. I also feel this is a great book for middle grade readers, and I feel this book can help a lot of young girls/boys. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Little Island) or author (Meg Grehan) via NetGalley, so I can give honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.
Profile Image for Lauren James.
Author 18 books1,549 followers
March 31, 2019
Reader, I cried. This is a heartwarming, emotional look at a very young girl realising she likes girls and trying to tell her mum, the person she trusts most in the world. It made me cry and feel the biggest love for the human race. Meg's writing is so beautiful and flows like water.
Profile Image for kate.
1,458 reviews975 followers
May 16, 2019
Okay, this was beyond pure.

An utterly lovely story of self discovery, identity and how daunting the world can be when you’re young and unsure of it all.

Although I unfortunately didn’t love the verse structure of this book, with delightful characters (especially Stevie), heart-warming relationships and a simple, heartfelt plot, every other aspect was wonderful.

The knowledge that that young children will now be able to pick up a book like this and not only see children living with anxiety and girls crushing on girls but also see these things received with love and understanding, made my heart very happy.
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,021 followers
June 28, 2024
Oh my...

What a devastatingly beautiful and heartwarming book. I originally checked this book out because I was looking for something shorter to read for a readathon, but I wasn't anticipating the beauty of this story.

The Deepest Breath told in free verse, follows main character Stevie who is an avid reader and knows a lot about a variety of things. With her mom, she's learning how to manage her anxiety, but she's having trouble figuring out the fuzzy feelings she's been getting when she is around her friend Chloe.

This book. This book. This book. This is one of the most heartwarming coming of age books that I've read in a while. It's a love letter to librarians. It's a love letter to identity. It's a love letter to coming out. I can't imagine how many younger readers have read this book and have connected to it and felt seen. Stevie is such an amazing character with a warmth about her that made her one of my favorite characters that I've read so far this year. I was happy to see that through all the various things she experience in this book there was strong support network standing by to assist her through her emotions.

An excellent read that I recommend everyone read at least once.
Profile Image for Floor tussendeboeken.
555 reviews96 followers
December 4, 2020
This book was very cute! However I wonder if the structure of the book would appeal to a lot of young readers as it's written in verse. Overal it's a nice book about finding out about your sexuality and wanting to know if it's normal that you have a crush on someone of the same sex.
Profile Image for CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian.
1,258 reviews1,741 followers
January 9, 2022
I finished this heartfelt queer middle grade novel in verse in the wee hours of the morning today. I wish it had done more with the fact that it's in verse but the story and emotions are so sweet and true.

Stevie is an 11-year-old with anxiety, which she deals with by arming herself with knowledge. (The library is her favourite place, obviously, and a librarian plays a key role near the end in helping Stevie).

One thing Stevie is afraid of is the ocean. Another thing is the weird fizzy feeling her friend Chloe gives her. The book charts her journey to telling her single mom.

The book equivalent of a warm hug, or, as Stevie drinks multiple times in the story, a cup of hot chocolate.
Profile Image for Monica.
151 reviews12 followers
June 18, 2022
This was such a heartwarming and lovely book and one that I wish all LGBTQ+ children would have had growing up!

This story is about a girl named Stevie and her trying to answer her question of why she is feeling certain feelings for a female friend/classmate named Chloe. The story explores Stevie finding out she is a girl that likes other girls and explores how she can tell her mother. It shows us how she finds this out about herself and her journey of wanting to tell her mother but not wanting her relationship with her to change.

This book is written in verse beautifully by the author and in a way that older kids and maybe some younger kids can understand. I think the decision to write the book in this way only made an emotional impact on the book that was more important and powerful. Meg has an amazing way of writing in verse, every anxiety, fear, and worry Stevie had could be felt in every verse. You could also feel every happy feeling too.

The portrayal of Stevie as an eleven-year-old girl is very believable, her interest in the ocean, her love for reading, and her strong relationship with her mother who she was afraid of worrying or disappointing. Stevie learning more about herself and learning how some relationships in life can change sometimes for the better. How her mother accepted and loved her daughter but had her own questions and wanted to help her daughter explore and find out more about this side of her was so sweet!

This is a book I think every LGBTQ+ child should read and I hope they can find acceptance and love not just for themselves but from others as well!
Profile Image for Mika.
283 reviews180 followers
January 16, 2020
Et j’ai pensé à mon moi de onze ans, qui aurait tant eu besoin de ce livre, qu’on le mette dans mes petites mains, qu’on me dise que rien n’était grave, que tout passe, qu’à onze ans on doit pas s’inquiéter de ces choses là.
Et j’ai pensé à mon moi de trente ans, qui n’a plus honte, qui bien au contraire est fier, est grandi, qui porte en lui le combat de bien des ancien.nes et qui continue à les faire connaître, à sa façon.
Et j’ai pensé à mon amour pour mon métier, à la façon dont j’ai envie de le faire depuis le début, mon besoin de transmettre et de trouver pour chacun.e un livre dans lequel il.elle se sentira représenté.e, compris.e, entendu.e et vu.e. Je ne le fais pour rien d’autre. Je veux que les gens trouvent des réponses. Je veux que des jeunes et des moins jeunes puissent être fiers, aussi, après avoir lu Apnée. Qu’ils puissent se sentir forts et courageux et importants et légitimes et dignes d’être aimé tels qu’ils sont.
Et j’ai pensé aux gens de chez Talents Hauts qui ne cessent jamais de me surprendre, de sortir des choses qui ne crient pas l’évidence mais qui consolent. J’ai pensé à Aylin Manço et à sa traduction épatante de justesse, et oui Aylin, j’ai la version VO pour comparer, foi d’ancien traducteur, c’était d’la balle, bravo.

« Apnée » est un texte essentiel, d’une très grande force, un pansement, une étreinte, une ode à l’amour sous toutes ses formes. C’est en lisant des romans pareils que l’on se dit que décidément, la littérature jeunesse a un superbe avenir devant elle.
Profile Image for Rosamund Taylor.
Author 1 book181 followers
May 15, 2019
I don't give five-star reviews lightly but this book absolutely deserves the highest of ratings. I rarely cry when reading, but I was welling up from half-way through this beautiful story. Stevie is eleven years old, and lives with her Mum in an unnamed Irish city. Stevie is a very clever girl, with a lot of big thoughts in her head, and a very close relationship with her Mum. She's scared of fish and the ocean, and wants to learn more about them because she likes to know a lot about the things that frighten her, because then they won't feel so scary. That's why, when she wonders why she gets a fizzy feeling every time she sees her friend Chloe, she decides to research. But for the first time, her Mum doesn't seem to know how to answer Stevie's questions, and all her books let her down.

This novel-in-verse is a beautiful exploration of a relationship between a mother and a daughter, and the moment when children discover that their parents don't have all the answers. It's also a considered look at the ways in which a heteronormative society will always fail LGBTQ+ children. Stevie, who depends on research says,

And I have a big hole in my knowing
A big gap
Where there should be something
But there isn't
And I think it's a thing that matters
Because the gap feels
A little bit cold

because she doesn't know any stories about girls loving girls, and doesn't know if it's allowed. Stevie is approximately two decades younger than I am, and yet she's running into exactly the same problems I did when I began to realise I was a lesbian: there weren't any stories about girls like me, I didn't exist in books or pictures, and I didn't have words for how I felt. No one told me it was possible for me to be with a woman when I grew up. I'm sad that Stevie's experience rings so true for me because we should be doing better by now, but also very happy that her story is being told, that children like Stevie can finally see versions of themselves. I'm also delighted that this subject is being geared towards a younger age group, because it's not just teenagers and adults who need these stories.

I'm also thrilled by how beautiful this book is. The relationship between mother and daughter is built up very carefully, and gently, and Stevie's feelings are given a lot of space to develop. Descriptions of fish, of snow, of family life, all create an atmospheric space for the emotions to be explored. I also love the joyous way Stevie writes about her crush on Chloe, and how happiness sparks between the characters. The story is nuanced, with no easy answers, but there's a huge sense of optimism and love throughout. I also really appreciate how libraries and librarians are cast as heroes.
Profile Image for Nev.
1,260 reviews180 followers
March 23, 2021
3.5 - This is a moving story about an eleven year old girl figuring out she has a crush on another girl and dealing with increasing anxiety in her life. The way Stevie’s anxiety was described was extremely visceral, I felt like that aspect of the writing really hit the mark.

However, this is a book in verse and for the most part I think that was holding me back from fully getting invested. It’s a Middle Grade book that is under 200 pages long, so it’s already a brief story. So having it be in verse as well left me feeling like I didn’t learn enough about the characters. I think this could’ve been a book I LOVED if it was a traditional narrative and the characters and plot were a bit more fleshed out.

I did still enjoy the book and there were parts of it that really touched my heart. But I also felt like I blinked and it was over.
Profile Image for Marcella.
1,148 reviews77 followers
July 1, 2021
Oh dit boek. 💛💛 Over een eerste verliefdheid, over het belang van representatie, over de relatie tussen een moeder en een dochter, over het zoeken en vinden van je eigen identiteit, en hoe eng maar ook mooi dat allemaal is.
Profile Image for Dee Clarke.
4 reviews
June 12, 2019
This book is a gorgeous little warm hug and one I WISH I had as an LGBTQ+ kid who was struggling to understand their feelings and seeking for all of life's answers in library books!

It is written in verse, which makes it quite accessible for younger readers (roughly 10+, although I would have adored this from age 8 on, and I definitely do now at 22!), as well as it being a gentle and very emotive form of storytelling. Meg Grehan is experienced with writing books in verse and I think she does it beautifully: there is a keen sense of timing and rhythm on each page and the verses swell and shrink as the protagonist Stevie explores her emotions.

The portrayal of 11 year old Stevie's personality is incredibly genuine, you can feel the real lived experience shining through in her interests, her anxieties and her feelings. The relationship between Stevie and her mother is beautifully shown: you really feel their symbiosis and the tension that grows between them as Stevie starts to feel things she cannot understand, and for once her mother cannot explain them to her. This is not a sad book, but it is truthful: about anxiety, about relationships, about how sometimes things change and cannot go back to how they were before - but that's okay.

This book took me right back to that strange uncertain time of my life and made it beautiful, without glossing over the struggles. I am so grateful for Meg Grehan for writing this and so hopeful for all the confused kids who come across it.
Profile Image for Christine Indorf.
1,030 reviews137 followers
March 17, 2024
A book told in verse, Stevie loves to learns, especially about the sea. She meets the new girl and she is having warm feelings about her. What is this feeling?? She ask her mom, but she dismisses it. She has a chance to go the library to research it. She meets the librarian who wants to help her, also to tell her mom. Will her mom except her and her feelings for this girl??
A beautiful story about love and excepting. A mother love and love for others. I fell in love with this delightful story! A definite 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟!!!
Profile Image for Manoek (manoeksbooknook).
506 reviews32 followers
June 28, 2022
This is such a wholesome middelgrade book written in verse that follows an 11 year old girl who's discovering her sexuality and that she likes this girl in her class. There's a certain scene towards the end of the book that involves a librarian helping her comes to term with her sexuality and it's so wholesome and so important for young children to read!
Profile Image for Cleo.
159 reviews4 followers
October 15, 2022
I don't read a lot of YA, but I really liked this -- it is gentle, it is dark, it is a bit different. I don't know how it's managed to get so perfectly inside the head of an 11 year old, because it transported me right back to when I was that age. The depiction of the mother/daughter relationship has got to be one of my favourites that I've ever read and I won't lie, made me a little broody for perhaps having a relationship like that with a daughter of my own one day. I liked that it was written in verse, it felt unlaboured and fitting for the story, and while I understand that some Goodreads reviewers believe that verse might not appeal to young readers, I think the book would be incomplete without it.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
96 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2024
Un livre écrit en vers sur la naissance du sentiment amoureux. Quand une petite fille découvre qu'elle aime une autre petite fille.... Mims comme tout !!
Profile Image for Niina.
1,178 reviews54 followers
September 4, 2024
Meg Grehanin varhaisnuorille suunnattu säeromaani The Deepest Breath kertoo Stevie nimisestä 11-vuotiaasta tytöstä, joka tietää paljon monista asioista. Mutta yhdestä asiasta hän ei tiedä. Kun tilaisuus tulee, hän menee kirjastoon etsimään vastauksia, niin kuin aina vaikeiden kysymysten kanssa.

Hän haluaa tietää, mikä on se uusi, outo tunne, jonka hän aistii vatsanpohjassaan ja sormenpäissään. Miksi hän punastelee Chloen seurassa, mutta ei Andrew'n? Miksi hänen lukemissaan kirjoissa ei ole kahta tyttöä pitämässä toisiaan kädestä? Onko hän normaali näiden tunteidensa kanssa. Hänen avukseen saapuu ihana kirjastonhoitaja, joka etsii Stevielle kirjoja, joista hän voi löytää samaistuttavia hahmoja.

Stevietä jännittää, miten äiti suhtautuu uutiseen, että hän on ihastunut tyttöön. Ovathan he toki jutelleet, että monenlaiset ihmiset voivat seurustella keskenään, mutta eri asia on kuulla omalta lapselta, että hänen ihastuksensa kohde saattaa tulla yllätyksenä - me kun elämme hyvin heteronormatiivisessa maailmassa.
Profile Image for LilyElfgreen.
211 reviews12 followers
June 14, 2020
feel good.
hledání sama sebe.
slzy štěstí.

asi zatím nejmladší protagonista v knize, co řeší svou sexualitu, na kterého jsem narazila. ale myslím, že v tomhle věku (11 let) bych tomu sexualita ani neříkala, spíše romantičnost.

dále také tento příběh upozorňuje na to, jak důležité je, aby byly knihy, v kterých se děti mohou vidět, najít. a to zahrnující i různé romantičnosti a sexuality. v poslední dobou se to dosti zlepšuje, ale mnozí z nás tu možnost ještě neměli. mnozí z nás knihy jako je tato nebo George od Alex Gino čteme až v pozdějším věku.
Profile Image for CozyReaderKelly.
421 reviews76 followers
June 16, 2021
The way Stevie describes her anxiety in this book and compares it to being underwater was really visceral. I also really enjoyed how supportive the people in her life were about her feelings towards the girl in her class. By the end this book I was smiling so big and wanted to join in on a group hug for Stevie.
Profile Image for Sofia.
54 reviews3 followers
April 20, 2022
I finished this book In one day so I'm very proud of myself for doing that 👏🏻👏🏻
This book was great! It has a lot of good Imagery and metaphors! I really liked it, I would recommend it to anyone! I also get the feeling of trying to tell your mom something important but not being able to because of what they might think so it was somewhat relatable! :)
Profile Image for Elizabeth Mellen.
1,655 reviews62 followers
December 31, 2021
Oh my feels 😭😭 This hit me so many ways - as a mom with anxiety trying not to let my kids worry about me, while still being honest about how I’m feeling and why I’m feeling that way and how I’m working on it. As a person who came out to parents who weren’t supportive. As a person with my own anxiety who’s heart was just breaking for how scared Stevie is and her panic attacks. For such a short book it sure packed a punch to my emotions!
Profile Image for Charlotte.
209 reviews64 followers
May 13, 2021
Well this was a REALLY great random purchase!
Profile Image for soph.
360 reviews43 followers
December 22, 2020
This was a quick read but so beautiful and so, so important! I wish lots of children could read it and see themselves in Stevie, as she, looked through book to see herself in them. Honestly this was so precious, Stevie was an amazing narrator the fact that it was written in verse really felt like her, her thoughts and everything. (It didn't really seem that good for dialogue though.)

I've found books about princesses and princes
About kings and queens and wizards and witches
About talking animals and flying cars and
Spaceships and aliens and whales and
Puppets and toys and bugs
But nothing
About a princess and a princess
Or a queen and a queen
Nothing at all
To answer
My question

Stevie loves knowing things, everything, and she doesn't like that she can't tell if she has a crush on Chloe who sits next to her at school. Her thoughts and anxiety really hit me and I wanted to hug her for forever.

But she will learn. With her mom. They have this incredible mother-daughter relationship that I just love, absolutely.
Profile Image for Goodnight C. Lullaby.
Author 3 books50 followers
May 12, 2021
Je suis actuellement au travail, en train de terminer cette lecture... et de me retenir de pleurer en pensant à la petite moi de 11 ans qui avait tant besoin de ce livre.

Il perd une petite étoile car j'ai toujours beaucoup de mal avec les vers. Parfois, je comprends le rythme qu'ils donnent au phrase, et qui me coupe presque le souffle, parfois, c'est le néant total et je dois lire et relire encore la strophe pour comprendre ce qui se passe.

Mais tout de même...

Une petite fille, un peu anxieuse, qui a peur des catastrophes et est toujours le nez dans les bouquins pour en apprendre le plus possible... dont pourquoi elle a le cœur qui bat plus vite, devant cette autre petite fille ?

Une belle lecture, bouleversante, poétique et nécessaire.
Profile Image for TheNextGenLibrarian.
2,471 reviews56 followers
June 13, 2023
“Here I am
In a corner
Surrounded by all the information
All the answers I could ever want
Lost lost lost”
Stevie is eleven and lives with her mom; the closest person in Stevie’s life. She’s always felt close to her mum, never any distance between them. Until Stevie starts having a crush on a girl in her class. She doesn’t know what this fizzy feeling is and if that makes her “normal” or not. She sneaks out of her house on a snow day to go to the library to get answers. What she finds is peace, understanding and compassion.
What a beautiful MG novel in verse. So many quotable lines, I couldn’t keep up writing them down! This handles the topic of coming out beautifully and I would recommend this to any child to read and learn.

CW: anxiety
Displaying 1 - 30 of 371 reviews

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