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Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits #5

Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, Vol. 5

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Faced with the choice of being married to a strange spirit or being made into dinner, Aoi decides to create a third option for herself!

Aoi Tsubaki inherited her grandfather’s ability to see spirits—and his massive debt to them! Now she’s been kidnapped and taken to Kakuriyo, the spirit world, to make good on his bill. Her options: marry the head of the inn her grandfather trashed, or get eaten by demons. But Aoi isn’t the type to let spirits push her around, and she’s determined to redeem her grandfather’s IOU on her own terms!

Aoi has hopes that her time in Kakuriyo will mean more than just toiling to repay her grandfather’s debts. She has a personal mission to find the yokai who kept her from starving when her mother abandoned her. Yet all she has to go on is the memory of a simple white-faced mask. She gets an important clue when a well-fed guest in a similar mask tells her it’s a common souvenir from the southern lands. But how can Aoi investigate further when a lone human in Kakuriyo is sure to become a snack for the first spirit to pass by?

152 pages, Paperback

First published September 15, 2018

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Waco Ioka

11 books49 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
Profile Image for Shannon.
3,104 reviews2,532 followers
January 21, 2021
This is the type of series where I've already seen the anime and know what's going to happen but it's still so charming I don't mind reading it again.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews102 followers
June 21, 2020
The characters we met in this volume were so cute!! I'm excited for the next volume, I'm glad Aoi and the ōdanna are being a bit more romantic, they're so cuteeeeee
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
October 10, 2020
Aoi Tsubaki inherited her grandfather’s ability to see spirits—and his massive debt to them! Now she’s been kidnapped and taken to Kakuriyo, the spirit world, to make good on his bill. Her options: marry the head of the inn her grandfather trashed, or get eaten by ayakashi. But Aoi isn’t the type to let spirits push her around, and she’s determined to redeem her grandfather’s IOU on her own terms! If she can just get someone to see past her family background, Aoi is certain she can prove her worth...

The Premise

Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits vol 5 is all about Aoi's restaurant finally getting a little of the limelight it deserves. The author she made that box lunch for comes to meet her. He is super excited and has a hidden way to help Aoi!! It leads to a Kakuriyo celebrity couple wanting to visit the restaurant. Aoi has more meetings with Byakuya, the front office manger about her budget... and she softens him up with food!! Will it work?! I loved all the different happenings with different spirit guests surrounding Aoi's restaurant and how it gives her the opportunity to shine.

The Buzz

A fortune fairy drops by in Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits vol 5!! Hahaha she was so unexpected and a little spooky. I think the best times in the restaurant is when a special guest drops by on Aoi and she makes that spirit a meal special for them. TBH the food is the BEST part of the series. I love all of the unexpected ingredients and how different aspects of Japanese cuisine is showcased.

The Feels

In Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits vol 5 we have the Ōdanna giving her advice about where she's going wrong. I love how he teases her about marrying him and yet also supports her whole heartedly. He is not looking for her to fail even if it means he doesn't get to marry her. They have a small romantic getaway that, of course, provided her with inspiration for more dishes and ingredients!

The Visuals

The new characters were adorable in Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits vol 5. The art has slowly won me over, especially the character designs. I love how wonderfully quirky they are, like the tube demons in this volume! Then we have the super realistic food art that is a lovely contrast, and totally makes us want to eat whatever Aoi stirs up next!!

Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits vol 5 has always been a cute and adorable slice of life about food and family! Things are getting serious as Aoi finally opens her restaurant... only to struggle to keep in open. But she's not one to give up and a couple of new guests give her just the opportunity to prove herself... Will it work?! We'll find out in the next volume of Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Authenticity
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tension
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Plot
⋆ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Art

Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. It has not influenced my opinions.
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews222 followers
June 21, 2024
VIDEO REVIEW HERE: https://youtu.be/mjnZoWzcGwg

"I can relax and be calm when I'm at Tenjin-ya."

Oh, how I felt the Ōdanna's words because I've been very anxious this past week and had to force myself to dive back into this series because I've been struggling with focusing on anything.

However, I am SO glad I did because diving back into this story world was absolutely wonderful! I loved the beginning with Ōdanna and Aoi, followed by later on Aoi discovering a certain character's secret. It was SO cute and changed my view of said character! Hehe!

The girl on the cover was interesting! I hope we meet her again because she is different from the other characters we've met so far.

And speaking of, I LOVED the novelist! I love how inspired he was and how he talked. It was such a fun way of speaking!

The ending was also fun and I'm excited to see what's in store for Aoi! The restaurant is definitely going to have even MORE customers and can't wait to see who will meet next as well as who will see again!
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews156 followers
April 4, 2023
Reread on 4/4/23
Bumping this up from 4 to 5 stars.

I really, REALLY loved the bonding between Aoi and the Odanna much more on reread. Its moments like those that really solidify their growing relationship and establish them as a strong couple. Also their banter and longing looks make my heart swell, they are so perfect for each other.

Original review on 8/26/19
I enjoyed this a lot, but I don't have much to say about it. Not because it was bad, but it was as action packed or filled with emotional moments. Don't get me wrong, seeing more ayakashi and spirits praise Aoi's restaurant was wonderful and her interactions with the Odanna were great, but nothing tugged at my heart strings or left me breathless. That being said, this was a solid volume that had some great moments in it and delicious looking food for DAYS. Aoi is still a great character and I adore her interactions with the ayakashi. Love this series, hope it keeps going strong.
Profile Image for Shu Wei Chin.
665 reviews32 followers
April 27, 2022
Links to my reviews for each available volume as follows:
Volume 1: 4 best nine-tailed fox character stars
Volume 2: 4 Beauty and the Beast but make it Spirited Away stars
Volume 3: 4 how can spiders be this endearing? stars
Volume 4: 4 foodie stars
Volume 5: 5 just who is Aoi's grandpa, Shiro? stars
Volume 6: 4 pretty art stars
Volume 7: 5 I need more of Kakuriyo stars

Aoi is the tough, determined yet compassionate protagonist I loooove! She will not hesitate to sass anyone who gets in her way but will also spoil everyone with amazing food; Odanna please step aside I would like to marry her instead.

Alright, all jokes aside, the key characters are also getting more depth to their personalities, which makes me so incredibly invested. THE QUESTION REMAINS HOWEVER, Odanna seems like such a sweetie, why is he so determined to make Aoi marry him? Just what secrets are not yet spilled, and what does Aoi's grandpa has to do with it all? SO. INVESTED. This better be good.
Profile Image for zolarex.
237 reviews22 followers
January 23, 2022
Jedną z wielu rzeczy jakie kocham w tej serii (chociaż to chyba zależy od wydawcy, a nie autora) to to, że na końcu każdego tomu znajduje się słowniczek. Dzięki temu nie muszę przy każdym nieznanym słowie wykręcać sobie głowy szukając przypisu.

Kolejną rzeczą, która skradła moje serce są wszelkie przepisy na azjatyckie potrawy, które skrupulatnie opisuje nam kochana Aoi. Gdybym nie była takim leniem i posiadałabym chociaż ułamek składników, jakie są potrzebne na ich przygotowanie to z pewnością już dawno wyprobowałabym je wszystkie.

Mogłabym nawet pokusić się o stwierdzenie, że Pensjonat w zaświatach to coś a’la „książka kucharska” otoczona zniewalająca i bardzo uroczą historią, w której zakochujemy się od pierwszej strony.
Profile Image for Adriana.
978 reviews85 followers
July 29, 2022
Aoi's luck is changing thanks to a Fortune Spirit and to the writer's review. The way Aoi just seemed to be entranced when she was given a gift worried me. It felt like something sinister had been done to her.

Byakuya's soft side was revealed. With his temperament, I wasn't surprised by who was kind too. It's funny to read that Shiro would have blackmailed him.

I thought the beginning chapter where Aoi and the Odanna are in the springs was sweet but I'm still not sure why she wanted his company. I feel like they need to spend even more time with him because right now I am rooting for Ginji although I do like the Odanna as well.

I love how everyone is so casual about coming over to Aoi's restaurant to get breakfast. She's creating a friendly culture around her. They'll all be soon trying to protect her.

The next volume promises more Ginji and Aoi time. Yay!
Profile Image for Jemailyn.
570 reviews
September 26, 2020

All these food illustrations are making me hungry, and it's wee hours of the morning.😩

I should sleep already.
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
3,047 reviews27 followers
June 2, 2022
This one picked back up with the writer, the private time with the Odanna and the wild bamboo tube kittehs!!!! 4, I wish they were all this sweet and cute, stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for kyky.
342 reviews8 followers
September 25, 2022
these books have no business being as good as they are.
Profile Image for Mary Catelli.
Author 52 books195 followers
January 21, 2021
Spoilers for the earlier ones.

Opening with the restaurant's sluggish start and with problems involved. It goes on, with two different trips to mountains, a request for a special meal, an uncanny girl who gives Aoi a ball (and yes, that's uncanny by the standards of someone who is inured to hearing that cow demons sell milk), a request to buy special supplies, and more.
Profile Image for Ruthsic.
1,765 reviews30 followers
July 17, 2019
Aoi finally catches a break when the guest who liked her boxed lunches recommends her restaurant in the press, as well as gives her clue regarding the yokai who saved her in her childhood. Her infamy as her grandfather's grand-daughter and being an ogre bride works in her favor, somehow and as Aoi works on getting the restaurant earning modest amounts to fulfil her debt, she also has chance meetings with two significant characters - one being Byakuya and the other, Odanna, both being adorable in nature. Seeing Byakuya flustered was a delight, and the cat spirits were so cute! Odanna, meanwhile, takes her on an impromptu walk up the mountain to the nearby hot springs. And then, perhaps the biggest star rising for her is the fact that she gets an opportunity to cater for an extremely important guest, as well as the fact that she is visited by a rare spirit. I am loving the slow progression of the romance between Aoi and Odanna, as well as the mystery of the masked yokai. The artwork is beautiful as ever, and the food just makes me drool so there's always that. Aoi thinking of adapting Utsushiyo dishes with Kakuriyo ingredients also is a nice development, as it will develop her unique brand.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Viz Media LLC, via Edelweiss.
Profile Image for Fi's Journey.
587 reviews22 followers
February 24, 2021
I really enjoyed this book of the Bed and Breakfast for Spirits series. This was a lot of fun to read. I loved the interactions between Aoi and Byakuya when Aoi found out that he feeds food to the Tube Kittens in the Bamboo forest.

I enjoy in general the interactions between every character in this series. It's definitely getting funnier with each new book. I hope there will be more books to come in the future.

This is becoming a favourite series!
Profile Image for Kastie Pavlik.
Author 6 books43 followers
November 17, 2019
Kakuriyo - I still want to like it more than I do. The focus on food makes sense, but I tend to gloss over page after page of cooking. I can't & don't fault it. The art is gorgeous, I do like the story, & I know food is integral to the story. I'll get over it. 😂 I enjoyed the deepening character relationships of volume five.
Profile Image for Courtney Rose.
504 reviews11 followers
October 2, 2019
Volume 5 of Kakuriyo is maybe my favorite volume so far?! Stuff actually happened in this one which I really enjoyed. It started with a conversation between Aoi and the Odanna which was cool; he's still mysterious and interesting enough that I want more revealed about him. Then we finally get an appearance of Hakkabo, the badger demon and author who has been taking up residence at the inn. Aoi has provided him with many lunches and he comes to her restaurant to pay his respects to her. In the process of having a meal she provides, he is struck with inspiration based on her story, and rushes off to write again! Then a fortune sprite visits Aoi, though Aoi, being so kind and humble, doesn't realize she's a giver of good fortune. She merely thinks she's another visitor and works hard to make her a delicious meal. In return the sprite blesses Aoi with good fortune which soon comes to her restaurant in the form of Hakkabo writing about how great it is. This kick-starts insane growth for the restaurant as Ayakashi from all over begin to visit it to eat. They even receive a request from the royal family to book the entire place for the royal anniversary dinner! The Odanna gives Aoi the freedom to travel to pick up special ingredients and gives her a necklace of protection. Also we learn that the front desk man isn't as big of a jerk as he seems. This was a super fun volume! Probably the best one so far in terms of plot and moving things along, while also giving a bit of focus on many of the cool secondary characters that pop up from time to time. I love this series a lot. 

Blog / Twitter
June 4, 2023
     Aoi is searching for the ayakashi she met several years ago and who saved her life. Hopeful to thank whoever that spirit was, she realizes that the ayakashi could be one of many in the spirit world, with several spirits all wearing the same mask. Ōdanna is anxious as Aoi goes deeper and deeper into this search, coming close to a secret he told Ginji to keep. Will Aoi's restaurant be a success, or will it plummet and the original deal Aoi had with Ōdanna happen?

     There were definitely new plot points introduced that kept me interested, along with some sweet moments between Aoi and Ōdanna. I wish the plot could be more fast-paced with more action sequences. Still, the author does make sure to include a small amount of action, but this series is not my cup of tea. I still loved to learn about the foods and how delicious they looked and sounded; it never got old. I love the different character designs that each character has; I only wish they could be stronger in personality with very distinct individual personalities.

         The story does seem to carry out a simple formula of Aoi making food and solving problems. While it's sweet and it can solve problems and bring people together, it feels simple and repetitive sometimes. I would love to see some problems solved involving communication and conversation rather than Aoi's food solving a lot of that. Throughout the story, we learn that Ōdanna is an important, revered, and powerful figure. I want to actually see more of that. I couldn't get a strong sense that Ōdanna was that important and powerful because he didn't actually do anything notable worthy of recognition throughout the story.

        I really would love to see more of Ginji. It feels a lot like characters come at the beck and whim of the plot only when necessary, which makes the plot feel a lot contrived at points. In conclusion, I tend to pick up the first five volumes of a manga to see if I'll continue, and I'll definitely continue with this series!

Profile Image for Tamara.
487 reviews3 followers
February 2, 2023
Again, another slimmer volume, and judging by the next volumes after it, it seems this is a conscious choice Viz Media made. Gotta say, I'm annoyed with the slimming down of pages without slimming down the price point of a book. It's a sleazy way to make more volumes of a series than needed.

Not much to criticize for the actual manga, though I will say that I wish the food depicted was more hand drawn than what appears to be cg generated stock photos of food. For a manga centred around food, I miss the homey quality and charm of hand drawn food in comics. The food in this looks like photographs of actual food run through a filter of some sort to make it look like it was drawn. It's devoid of charm and looks stale and clinical.

The story is progressing nicely, giving us a nice pacing as well as some depth to the already established characters. Aoi gets an unexpected boost for her restaurant in a round about way from Oryo that I quite liked. It's nice to see Aoi's friends help her out without being obvious, which I think fits rather nicely with them being ayakashi. It seems to fit with their natures.

I especially am enjoying the development of Aoi and the Odanna's relationship depicted in quiet moments between the two. And i appreciate the slow burn being built up. Highlight if the volume: the secret side of Bayakuya that Aoi accidentally stumbles upon!
Profile Image for Becky B.
8,441 reviews147 followers
February 11, 2021
Aoi's restaurant has been just getting by, but all of that is about to change. One of the hotel guests who has enjoyed Aoi's cooking is an author. He is so inspired by her cooking, he writes a rave review in a popular newspaper and soon the restaurant is extremely popular. And now she has to prepare a meal for royalty!

Aoi and the head of the inn have a nice little moment where they get to know each other better in this. I like how the series is slowly having these two get to know each other. (It definitely has Beauty and the Beast vibes for that.) Having the restaurant suddenly be a raving success was an unexpected twist, and the problems that brings are interesting. There's a tiny little clue in here about the mask the yokai who used to care for Aoi as a child wore, so several plots get little developments in this one. I'm liking this series more the further I get into it. And of course, there's yummy food along the way. I am grateful I live in Asia and can access whatever makes me hungry as I read pretty easily. Recommended to Japanese fantasy/mythology fans who like multiple aspects to the plot line and yummy food descriptions.

Notes on content: I don't remember how many swears, not many if any and only mild ones. No sexual content. No violence.
944 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2024
The Odanna continues to nudge Aoi along so she can find success. Meanwhile Aoi helps a struggling writer staying at the Tenjin-ya and offers a bowl of red bean jelly to a visiting spirit. Both efforts give her notary but also increase the fervor of those who wish her misfortune. Then Lord Nuino-in of the Imperial Palace requests a special meal to celebrate his wedding anniversary. She also learns some more about the other workers at the inn including the seemingly cold financial director, Byakuya.
* * * * *----------------* * * * *----------------* * * *
Tension seems to be building a bit in this volume which is nice. Otherwise, it provides more of the same with folklore stories, recipes, and found family. Aoi’s ability to look at things from a different perspective and offer kindness helps her navigate a treacherous path. This is an intentionally sweet message. Without insight into character thoughts readers have to make assumptions about motivations and increasing feelings which can be odd.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christyn.
587 reviews22 followers
September 28, 2020
4.5/5 Stars

Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Vol. 5 was an excellent installment in the series! I loved that we got to see more bonding moments with Aoi and Odanna/Kijin. The food element in this series is also a continual favorite. As is the relationships Aoi is developing with the others around her.

Hakkabo was such an adorable character, especially once he got inspired and all fired up! There is also a change in fortune for Yugao, the restaurant Aoi and Ginji have opened. Partly due to Hakkabo, and perhaps partly due to a visit from a fortune spirit. Enough of a turn that, it has been selected to host a very special anniversary dinner! Sir Byakuya also reveals a different aspect to his character, and has his own bonding moment with Aoi (even if he doesn't quite feel the same).

I am looking forward to reading the next volume when it comes out, especially Ginji and Aoi's journey to the Eastern Lands!
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
October 10, 2019
I love the premise of this story and I love the characters and the love the beautiful artwork.

But the writing and the pacing are awful. Certain bits of character development are glossed over, leaving the reader with a feeling of “When did this happen?” Additionally, there isn’t really any feeling of danger or conflict. There’s just a bunch of suspense building foreshadowing that (so far) leads to a bland plot line.

This is a shojo manga set in the land of spirits. I want less friendzone tea time and more romantic drama. I want proper character development and a longer book because this volume could barely get any momentum before it abruptly ended without even a decent cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Hannah.
171 reviews3 followers
April 14, 2021
I continue to enjoy this series as we meet new ayakashi and the demon world expands. Aoi spends some time alone with the Odanna, she recruits new customers and builds new relationships. Sir Byakuya asks Aoi to serve a special meal to members of the imperial family (the wife is human) and at the end of this volume, Aoi has sought and gained permission from the Odanna to leave Tenjin-ya (the inn) and go to the eastern lands to shop for specialty foods. We can tell by his behavior that he is truly worried about Aoi being killed by other ayakashi, so it's a bit of a cliff-hanger to see what happens when she leaves a place of protection to another area of the demon world.
2,790 reviews
July 12, 2020
Aoi's restaurant gets a bit of a boost due to a newspaper article by the badger demon who liked her box meals.

You just have to root for Aoi. Forced to choose between becoming an ogre's bride or paying off her grandfather's debt, she decides to cook. I wish I could sit down at one of her meals, but I have to admit that all the talk of red bean paste made me cringe a bit - not my favorite dessert item. I adored the cat tube demons in this volume and that the front manager is embarrassed to be found feeding them. I'm looking forward to the next volume.
Profile Image for Christine.
805 reviews20 followers
December 1, 2021
In this volume, Aoi sees her business pick up after a famous badger demon writes her a public thank-you note mentioning her restaurant and a fortune spirit blesses her endeavors. But the future of the restaurant will hinge on whether or not she can cook a successful anniversary dinner for an aristocrat and his human bride...

Content Notes:

Swearing/profanity: Two instances of "hell"

Sex/sexual references: None

Religious references: None

LGBTQ + rep: Not specified
Profile Image for L.G..
852 reviews21 followers
June 16, 2020
The story is becoming more interesting to me. Aoi's restaurant has gained popularity due to an article placed by a famous former guest of the Inn. She and the Odanna are getting along better and learning more about each other. Slowly, Aoi is making more friends. I'm looking forward to reading Volume 6.
Profile Image for Yuna.
586 reviews3 followers
June 20, 2022
3.5*? I like it and it has cute moments, but I've continuously been hoping for a bit more relationship-building between Aoi and Kijin. We get some brief bonding moments here, but nothing that really makes this series feel like a Romance(tm), at least not yet. Like the story and the way the plot is unfolding though, and the food art is always great.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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