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Clarion has acquired Sarah Beth Durst's Storm Guardians, a middle-grade fantasy starring a girl and her lightning beast who confront the secret behind their country's idyllic existence. Publication is planned for spring 2019.

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First published May 14, 2019

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About the author

Sarah Beth Durst

38 books3,411 followers
Sarah Beth Durst is the New York Times bestselling author of over twenty-five books for adults, teens, and kids, including cozy fantasy The Spellshop. She's been awarded an American Library Association Alex Award, as well as a Mythopoeic Fantasy Award. Several of her books have been optioned for film/television, including Drink Slay Love, which was made into a TV movie and was a question on Jeopardy! She lives in Stony Brook, New York, with her husband, her children, and her ill-mannered cat. Visit her at sarahbethdurst.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 273 reviews
Profile Image for Sisters Three.
116 reviews102 followers
March 21, 2022
Yes! Score! Good dragon book! *Gives author high five*
Longer review coming soon! One of us left to read this and we know she's gonna love it!!! Can't wait for Rissy to read it!
~Kayti and Jaidie
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,608 reviews4,291 followers
May 1, 2019
I loved this one so much! Spark is a heartwarming middle grade fantasy novel about how even quiet kids can be brave and find their voice for change. It is a beautiful story about Mina, a shy girl with social anxiety and her lightning dragon as they show everyone who they really are and what they are capable of. It is about being who you really are, finding your voice (even if it looks different than others) and fighting for change in the world around you. It feels like a call for political activism and standing up for what is right, even when everyone underestimates you. Mina and her dragon are both endearing and inspiring. This is for kids who feel overshadowed and drowned out by louder voices in their families and schools. What you have to say matters too.
Profile Image for Mary  BookHounds .
1,303 reviews1,966 followers
May 13, 2019
Mina is not destined for greatness, she is quiet, always does her best and what is right and a very deliberate person.  Her whole life has been spent preparing for the time when she gets her own weather beast and can contribute to society, but when her egg finally hatches, no one expected that she would be paired with a lightning beast.  Weather is planned in Aloria - a place of bountiful farms and there is no daily struggle with the elements since they are commanded only to be beneficial to society.  While Mina is brave, she lacks in being the guardian of a lightning beast, someone who can take charge and be risky.  Mina goes off to school to learn how to work with her beast named Pixel and from the descriptions, he sounds like a very playful puppy with wings who can collect the energy from thunderstorms and store the energy to power the city.  Mina does make fast friends at school where they encourage her instead of doubting her ability. Although Pixel and Mina share a bond, it sometimes isn't enough to do the job they are training for until Mina discovers an ugly secret about the cost of controlling the weather. This story will have you quickly turning the pages and wanting more about these beasts and how they are trained. But also, there is a cautionary tale about weather change and how you can be brave while not being brash.  I got a bit of Golden Compass vibe from this with the action and adventure with underlying distress of how Mina copes with the secrets she discovers.  I now want a weather beast but I am sure that one wouldn't fit in my yard, let alone my house. 
Profile Image for Wendi Lee.
Author 1 book479 followers
December 12, 2018
Mina has grown up in a family of storm guardians, and expects to hatch a beast and nurture skills to help out on the farm. When it turns out that her hatchling is a lightning beast, quiet Mina's life takes an unexpected turn. Lightning guardians train at a special school, and are expected to take bold risks. Mina's ability to listen and observe, however, allows her to learn troubling truths about her beloved country.

I loved this novel about quiet strengths and hidden leadership. I didn't realize it, but I'd been waiting a long time for a shy heroine. Yay! Also, there's just something about Durst's novels (this is the second I've read) that exudes joy and optimism. I'm usually drawn to dark literature, but this is a welcome breath of fresh air.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC.
Profile Image for Jaiden Phillips.
Author 6 books110 followers
March 21, 2022
'Even the quiest voice can change the world' Whoa! This was such an awesome read! I loved all the characters! Minna was just so relatable to me! The way she was so quiet and didn't think she fit in is just so relatable! Like wow! This was amazing! The story line was incredible! And it was so beautifully written! Pixit was adorable and so awesome and funny! And I love how different Minna and Jyx are and yet they get along so well! This was was so much fun to read! It made me laugh, smile and even cry at some parts! It was such a beautiful story! This book was just so powerful and sweet, fast paced, yet so funny at the same time! It was just so good! I totally recommend it to all dragon nerds! It was so good! The dragons were awesome! Pixit and Chuada made me laugh, yet they were so awesome too! This was just such a good read!
Profile Image for Jan farnworth.
1,525 reviews130 followers
April 12, 2019
I am for one am a dragon lover and truly enjoy it when i find a unique stand along that all about dragons and their human companions. I especially enjoy when their a few nice nuggets of truth and wisdom to be found in the story. I have read a few of this author middle grade novels and I found them all to be enjoyable. The writing is smooth and al the characters have depth and definition.

In this one we have a shy quiet girl who is not quite certain that she is bonded to the correct storm beasts. Mostly cause she not like any of the other children who are also lightening beast guardians. She very quite and reserved while the other lightening guardians are loud and very confident in their abilities. This is the first lesson of truth that found in this story. Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out among your peers. You should never try to change yourself to be like any one else. The second truth is that you don’t need others to believe in you (while that nice) you need to believe in yourself and hold tight to your dreams. Your the only one who can make them come true.

I love the whole concept of this story the storm beasts and how the children are the ones who are shaping the future of this country. The final lesson that I saw that was built very well into the story. Was not only do we need to think about how we treat those that are different but we also need to think about how our actions effect the world we live in. Weather it something small like recycling or something bigger like donating to help clean up the ocean. Our actions have a bigger effect then what we can see right in front of us.

I really wish their were more books as i can see a whole series about this land and all the various dragons. I also would like to see more of how things are changed from the events in this book. This is a fun book and a wonderful addition to any teacher classroom.
Profile Image for Mary Lee.
3,155 reviews55 followers
May 10, 2019
I love when fantasy authors help us think about the world around us in new ways. This book has a quiet character who finds her voice and makes a big difference. It is about the interconnectedness of everything on Earth, and how every selfish action has a consequence.
Profile Image for tiffany.
419 reviews208 followers
March 12, 2020
~3.5 stars

such a cute middle school book! really good read, i liked the worldbuilding and idea of storm beasts so much
Profile Image for Fi's Journey.
587 reviews22 followers
September 3, 2019
Spark is the second Middle Grade book I've read by Sarah Beth Durst. Funny enough I think I liked The Girl Who Could Not Dream a bit more even though 'Spark' has more Fantasy in it.

I really enjoyed this story. I thought the relationship between Mina and her lightning beast Pixit was beautiful and cute. They have a telepathic link and it affects them both in good and bad ways. If one of them worries it makes the other one worry but it can go the other way around, too. Both of them tend to encourage each other. I liked the dynamic between all the characters, which I think is rare to see in books.

I also loved the world Aloria in which Mina and Pixit lives.

I just wish it had a bit more story. I felt a bit unsatisfied for some weird reason at the end. Maybe there could have been more insight to what exactly happened to the people behind the Mountains. And perhaps more about the Lore of weather beasts in Aloria.

Maybe there will be a second book in the same world? Hopefully, I've been enjoying all of Sarah Beth Durst books recently. She is becoming more and more a favourite author of mine. I love her imagination!
Profile Image for B o o k -  D r a g o n.
194 reviews4 followers
June 7, 2022
I read this a while ago, so I can't remember all of my exact feelings about this book, but I definitely remember feeling extremely....

And angry.

Because I CAN'T STAND to read about characters who can't speak up, stand up for themselves, or when people just refuse to listen to them.
It infuriates me to no end, so I was basically screaming internally while reading this XD
Sure, I'm a quiet person and I don't talk much, but I can still get people to listen to me!!!! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!

Sorry, now I'm ranting....

Moving on.

That being said, I think I did enjoy the school and the friendships and the dragons (of course).

But still, one of the most aggravating stories I have ever read.
Profile Image for Annie.
994 reviews17 followers
September 24, 2024
Ok I’ll admit it was a five star read, but I’m still mad at her family for not allowing her to speak for herself
Profile Image for Lara Lillibridge.
Author 5 books82 followers
November 25, 2018
Spark is a darling story that's filled with adventure but shouldn't be too scary for younger middle grader readers.

It's filled with beautiful descriptions and has one of the most fully developed worlds I've read.

"The wind beasts were silver dragons with white feathery wings and brilliant, sparkling antlers like deer." (11)

Spark is, at its heart, the story of a quiet girl who learns that she is enough just as she is. It's a middle child story — she has older brother, younger twins, Mina gets overlooked, they don't hear her cry for help, or when her egg hatches. But it's also a "born this way" story about acceptance, self-doubt, and discovering you are exactly who you were meant to be.

Spark is a book for quiet kids who have trouble finding their words, but it's not about learning to be loud. In the words of Pixit, Mina's storm beast, "Different isn't wrong."

There are many funny moments, but quiet-funny. Like this line:

"Yes, it was chance alone that shaped our future," Professor Dano said. "Chance and absent-mindedness. And a certain disregard for cleanliness." (52)

What I think could have been done better:
I think there's a tendency to over-explain the messages. I'd prefer if the author trusted the reader more to understand. The statements of underlying themes got a bit annoying. For example:

"You can't dismiss facts just because you don't like where they lead." (116)

"Even though she'd upset everyone, they still loved her." (117)

"Just because she's quiet doesn't mean she isn't brave." (123)

"If what she thought proved to be true, none fo them would be able to continue to live blithely in the cocoon of ignorance." (126)
(Pixit does mock this sentence at least.)

Also, after spending so much time on the problem, the ending feels rushed, clipped. I would have liked this expanded.

But overall this was a satisfying read that I think a lot of children will enjoy.

The only truly serious problem with this book is that it makes me want a storm beast so very badly I can't bear it!
Profile Image for Melanie Dulaney.
1,826 reviews101 followers
December 3, 2018
Her family thinks Mina is quiet, steady, and reliable, and she is. But on the inside, Mina has a big voice and wants to do great things for the people of Alloria. When she hatches a lightning storm beast, a dragon-like creature with the ability to store and manipulate the power of lightning, she has her chance to show everyone that there is so much more to her than what they expect. However, when she arrives at school to learn how to work with her young hatchling, Pixit, she also learns that her country’s use of storm beasts to make Alloria a paradise comes at a steep cost to neighbors on the other side of the mountains. Mina must decide how to use her voice to make friends, learn to work with Pixit, and try to make a difference in the world. Middle grade readers grades 4-6 will enjoy this dragon fantasy book with a clear message that it takes all types of people to right wrongs and lead others. Parents and librarians will be pleased to give a book without any profanity or sexual content to their kids. I do not know if a sequel is in the works, but author Sarah Durst left the door open to that possibility and I am hopeful that she will give of more of Mina and her friends.
Profile Image for Lizzie Stone.
143 reviews7 followers
August 3, 2020
I loved it! Mina loves books and so do I! I think it was wrong that in the beginning, her family didn't believe she was a lightining guardian and so she self-doubted herself. Pixit, I'm sure would be sooo adorable! I'm glad that Mina actually acted upon what she heard about the Ten-year storm and doing something about it. I'm also glad Jyx was by her side and helped her since she's more reckless. Mina's idea about making propaganda posters was great and got others to stand up for what's right. Then, Mina became a leader of those protesters and they joined her in saving those on the other side of the border. I also liked how she found a way to shut down the festival by getting everyone to know the truth. I also like that at the end her family accepted that Mina was a storm guardian. I'm sooo glad that Jyx and Mina are paired up to work across the border. The ending was great!!! THE BOOK WAS ALSO GREAT!!!
Profile Image for Lana.
344 reviews21 followers
February 4, 2019
I really enjoyed reading Spark and think middle grade readers will too! Spark is an adventure story about dragons and their guardians. Mina is the guardian of the storm beast Pixit, and together they learn how to harness the energy from the storms. I found Mina’s character very likable, she is very shy and insecure in her new role but able to speak up when needed. This is a quick and easy read and will be fun for younger readers.
Thank you to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review, my opinions are my own.
Profile Image for The Library Lady.
3,791 reviews619 followers
August 30, 2019
Predictable, with hints of Anne McCaffrey,JK Rowling of course, and other authors of fantasy for young and old. But it's well told and highly enjoyable, and there's a nice message hidden below the surface about doing the right thing for your neighbors that's extremely necessary in 2019 America.
Profile Image for Sting Key.
82 reviews
April 28, 2020
OMG I can't say how much I loved Spark!!!! It was one of my favorite books of all time, though I love all of Sarah Beth Durst's books!!!!! I would recommend it to anyone!!!!!!!
May 2, 2019
Quality of Writing: 9/10
Pace: 10/10
Plot Development: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
Enjoyability: 10/10
Insightfulness: 9/10
Ease of Reading: 10/10
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hey y'all! I'm back with another review of Sarah Beth Durst's middle-grade fantasy. She did a great job, so I'm just going to swing right into my review.
Quality of Writing: Durst's worlds are always full of color and vivaciousness. Each book is set somewhere unique and this one is no different. Alloria was grand, Mytris Lightning School was imposing, and the river system was ingenious. But I couldn't live there. In her last book I felt like I could walk into the pages and blend right in. I didn't quite feel that way with this one. One of the main questions I walked away with at the end was, what do the normal people do? We learned all about storm beasts and guardians, but only one in four children receive eggs. And each member of Mina's family who was old enough has received one. That's four out of four. They must be pretty lucky. And I never learned why storm beasts run out of power after a few years. If these things had been addressed I could have bumped it up to a ten. Even without these answers, the setting and the writing were very good.
Pace: Well done. I was never bored, nor did I feel like it went to fast. An upbeat pace for an exciting book.
Plot Development: I loved most of this book, but the climax just didn't hit me with the force I was hoping it would. I don't want to spoil anything for my readers, but I didn't feel like there was any real oomf behind the climax. There wasn't a sense of real danger, so it just felt very...tame. Throughout the book there were only a few moments where I was on the edge of my seat, and most of the time they didn't last long. While I still loved the plot line and the ideas behind it, the ending was too simplistic for me.
Characters: Mina and Pixit were great characters. I loved witnessing their transition from the beginning of the book to the end. They really grew and blossomed. Jyx, Ferro, and Zek were also fun to read about. The support they gave her and how well they knew her just warmed my heart.
Enjoyability: This book was a quick and fun read for me. The story was interesting and light.
Insightfulness: Mina had a lot of good thoughts and she learned to choose her moments to shine so that people paid attention when she talked. The book had a wonderful theme about how you don't have to be loud to be a leader, and how everyone has something to say. I only took a point off for the Prime Minister, who I didn't really understand. Her motivations and reasonings move the plot forward, but they didn't resonate with me. I wanted her to be a character I could relate to, but she felt very two dimensional.
Ease of Reading: As a middle-grade fantasy book, this is very easy to read.
What a wonderful book, Sarah Beth, and I plan to read more of your books in the future!
August 26, 2022
Several children are gifted eggs that contain stormbeasts, magnificent creatures who can control weather elements and are bonded to their humans. Mina had been excited about her egg to hatch. She is a shy and reserved girl. When Pixit, her stormbeast hatches, and she realizes her stormbeast can control lightning. Several are shocked. A lightning beast's owner is normally brash, arrogant, and brave. But Mina won't let them decide whether Pixit is hers or not, and goes to a school for stormbeast riders. But as her knowledge grows more and more, she finds something unexpected. A secret hidden from the people of her country, a secret that could be life-changing. Mina must draw from herself the bravery that has always existed yet not always apparent, and find her voice.

*disclaimer: My book reviews are not meant in any way to stop people from reading this book or determining the value of this book. It is solely just to write about my opinion on this book. I make sure to always try to include criticism/praise!

This followed a generic storyline and uplifting tone and message that just wasn't for me. Again, this is "it's me not you" when it comes to my enjoyment of this book. There was nothing I didn't like, it was just a monotone feeling when I read this. It was just okay for me. I can totally see how talented Sarah is and I will be happy to pick up more books from her.

Mina is one of those "not like other girls" and although she isn't inherently mentioned as the Chosen-One, she technically is the only one who's figured out a secret that nobody else could. This was about finding your voice, a plotline I've seen several times, but it was done well. I wanted more focus on Mina's relationship with her family, and more focus on why she is shy, how she felt in certain situations rather than just "she felt sad."

Pixit and Mina and a great friendship. I found the stormbeast concept cool. I just love fantasy, however, that has very complicated world-building and it almost feels like I'm stuck in Mina's head the whole time. The world seemed to only exist wherever she went, nothing intricate happening. Almost as though all the characters would power down once she left the room. I wanted certain things, like "were stormbeasts always bonding with humans or is that new?" What is the history of the country? Why are stormbeasts connected to humans?
Profile Image for Karissa.
4,133 reviews209 followers
April 21, 2019
I got a copy of this book to review through the Amazon Vine program. I have been reading so many amazing books lately I have really felt lucky. I have enjoyed a lot of Durst’s books in the past and was excited to see a new middle grade book from her. This ended up being an incredibly fun fantasy read.

Mina has been bonding with her storm beast egg for the last two years and is super excited when hatching time approaches. However when Pixit emerges as a lightening beast everyone is confused. How can quiet careful Mina end up with a storm beast known for chaos and excitement? How will Mina ever fit in with the other lightening beast trainees, who are all energy and chaos themselves?

This was a wonderful read. There is a lot of humor in here and I loved the storm beasts as well. The book is fast-paced, fun, but still meaningful and engaging.

The dynamics between Mina and her family and then Mina and her classmates were very well done. They are fun and loving, yet still face some challenges. Of course, I also loved the storm beasts. Pixit was amazing and I would love to have a storm beast of my own!

I loved how Mina was quiet and thoughtful but was still able to really dig in and make change happen. It was nice that this wasn’t a book where a quiet person learned to be loud, but rather a book where a quiet person was able to make change in her own way.

Overall, this is a great read for all ages. I think kids of all ages as well as adults will really enjoy this. Boys and girls will most likely enjoy this equally as well, even though the main character is a girl, my twelve year old son is really loving this book. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for William Bentrim.
Author 59 books71 followers
March 23, 2019
Spark by Sarah Beth Durst
I’ve read several of Ms. Durst’s books which are listed below. I have enjoyed everyone of them. I particularly like this one as it is a youth focused book. Mina is quiet and has not found her voice. She and Pixit, her lightning dragon discover that their idyllic existence may be based on the suffering of others.
Durst does a super job expressing the unease and insecurities of a young girl. Many children feel inadequate or up to their tasks. Durst shows that reticence and quietness are not shortcomings but just traits. Traits that do not have to define your existence. In the book she shows Mina’s growth and how you can maintain your identity and break out of your shell simultaneously.
Mina’s care for not only those like her but for those who seem totally foreign demonstrates that accepting others, hearing their voices and acting in support of their needs is exemplary.
This is a good book to read, regardless of your age.
I highly recommend.
The Deepest Blue
The Queen of Sorrows
The Reluctant Queen
The Queen of Blood
Profile Image for Elaine.
87 reviews
June 30, 2020
This book takes place in a country called Aloria. The weather is always perfect and people are prospering. Twelve year old Mina is excited that she will soon form a partnership with a storm beast she has been carefully tending as an egg. Through this partneship Mina will join a long line of Alorians and storm beast that make the prefect weather in Aloria possible. But until the birth she does not know if she will be working with a sun beast, a wind beast, a rain beast, or a lightning beast. Everyone in her family is betting on a sun beast based on how they view Mina. But the hatching of the egg brings many surprises and while Mina works at learning how to be a storm beast guardian she uncovers a disturbing catch to Aloria's success and future.
Profile Image for Laura Haske.
407 reviews7 followers
August 7, 2020
My 8-year-old son is picking a book a month for me to read. This one set me back a bit because it dragged in the beginning. I understand what the author was trying to accomplish in presenting the main character the way she did, but I thought she hit the same note too many times. Mina is quiet. Mina is shy. It was a bit heavy on that without any action for too long to keep me engaged.

Once the action began though, I really liked it. I think it gives kids a new perspective on government and how policies that might benefit one group could harm another. It does this in a cool way that involves the weather and dragons.
Profile Image for Via Luino.
79 reviews12 followers
July 13, 2023
4.75 Stars

Mina is quiet. In the world of Alorria, storm beasts (dragons) and their guardians (humans) control the weather, ensuring perfect summer days all the time and plenty of food for all. When Mina's storm beast egg hatches into a lightning beast, everyone thinks it must be a mistake, because lightning guardians are loud and brash--nothing at all like Mina. But Mina knows it wasn't a mistake, and just because she's quiet, that doesn't meant she can't be strong. Mina and her beast Pixit set off for lightning school, determined to make the world a better place, but when Mina starts to unravel the secrets behind the storm beasts and the true cost of perfect weather, she discovers that there's a lot more to being a hero than she ever realized. But Mina believes in Pixit, and they both believe in doing what's right, no matter the cost. They know that together, their spark can set the world on fire.

Spark is a wonderful book full of magic, and with the perfect balance of fun and seriousness, danger and laughter, it's a fantastic story about the importance being yourself!
Profile Image for Sarah.
69 reviews
January 29, 2019
Who doesn't love an original dragon story? I loved that dragons could control the weather and that to create a bond, it wasn't instantaneous as some stories but that each child had to invest their time, energy and love into an egg to create almost a soulmate. Pixit just shocked my heart into overdrive with his sweetness and Mina just makes you want to hug her. This book would be a great family read aloud or for an adventuring 9-12 year old to read on their own. There is also a hidden element of learning about the weather and how it can affect the land.
Profile Image for P.M..
1,345 reviews
July 1, 2019
After reading a couple of duds recently, I was looking for a good read. I found it in this book about a lightning dragon and his guardian who are learning to control the weather to keep their country perfect. Of course, there is a dark side to this perfection - the ten year storms. When Mina realizes what is going on, she enlists her friends and their lightning dragons to confront the problem and find a solution. Mina was a great character but my real favorite was Pixit. He was funny, brave, innocent, and determined.
Profile Image for Yapha.
2,958 reviews95 followers
October 22, 2019
Everyone assumes they know what is best for Mina, because she is so quiet. When her storm egg hatches into a Lightning Beast (the fiercest of all), she uses the opportunity to follow her dreams of becoming a hero like in the beginning days of Alorria. To do this though, she must learn to tame lightning and to speak up for herself and others. As she grows more confident in her abilities, she knows she must do whatever she can to lead her new classmates and save their neighbors. Highly recommended for grades 4 & up.
Profile Image for ˚✧ Kenzie ✧˚.
160 reviews15 followers
December 6, 2022
This book was very inspiring and fun to read. My favorite character was Mina. I loved her personality, and how Pixit helped her find confidence in herself. I also liked the quote on the cover that says, “Even the quietest voices can change the world.” I liked that Mina made friends at Myrtis that helped her through the challenges. I also liked how it wrapped up in the end and Mina got the prime minister to listen, and still helped the people from Dern. But my favorite part was how Mina got people to listen in unexpected ways. This book was overall positive.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hannah Belyea.
2,402 reviews36 followers
June 14, 2019
No one, especially Mina, thought that she would be partnered with a lightning beast, not with her quiet nature, but as she heads out to school and begins to train - and learn some dark truths about the world beyond her country - she finds that it may just take a couple shocks to set her path. Durst will keep readers thoroughly entertained with this enchanting tale of friendship and the phenomenon of weather, magical or not. Will Mina be able to speak up in time to save the innocent?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 273 reviews

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