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Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder

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Is fate messing with them or is he just unlucky? And seriously, how many times does a girl have to say she's sorry?

Sabrina Eckhart is losing it. Oasis, the restaurant she manages, is getting battered by a trendy newcomer and with everyone looking to her for ideas, you could say she's under a little pressure. But wait, that's not all. Her evil landlady has given her until the end of the month to vacate her crummy apartment. Then there’s her thirtieth birthday looming, reminding her of the milestones she’s missed. No wonder she’s so distracted by the jogger with the tight glutes she nearly flattens him with her car.

Jackson Murphy is an avid jogger, and the local television station’s scrumptious news director -- if he can keep the job. Unfortunately, he has one year to resuscitate their wheezing news department or the owners are going to pull the plug. His hands are already full even without Sabrina dropping into them. The last thing he needs is to be involved with a publicity stunt.

The road to love is bumpy. It’ll take all of Cupid's arrows, and a hard shove from interfering friends, for these two to win the Dating Game.

​Read the romantic comedy that’s been described as a little ‘What’s Up, Doc,’ a little ‘Bringing Up Baby,’ and a whole lotta laughs. Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder, a romance that packs a hilarious punch!

330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 15, 2012

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About the author

Tara Mills

34 books120 followers
I write stories I like to read, with authentic characters and realistic themes. From laugh-out-loud romantic comedy to nail-biting suspense, I've got you covered. Escape with me into books.

In the real world, I'm a happy wife, proud mom, doting nana, and dog owner - again.

Stories with a heartbeat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
Profile Image for Desere.
758 reviews75 followers
August 11, 2016
We have all seen those commercials where the woman is jogging and has the good looking butt and then the guy in the car comes driving along and cannot stop staring and BANG he smashes his car.

But have you ever thought that this is what could happen to woman too? I certainly never have, but in this read from the brilliant Tara Mills it does and my oh my it's so funny I laughed over and over.

But it did not stop there, the read goes on to be without a doubt the funniest thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading no wait that would be listen as I had the pleasure of this being my very first audio book ever!

I laughed so hard that yes people stopped and stared I even got a lot of " Are you all there ?" looks pointed in my direction and you know what I could have care less! The read was so worth the stares.

The book tells of Sabrina and how she is more than just losing it, anything and everything is going wrong, you name it and it goes to heck!

So smashing her car whilst checking out the nice buns on Jackson, is just the beginning and of course in true Tara Mills fashion Sabrina smashing her car is not the only thing that crashes, nope poor Jackson goes down too! But that is the least of Sabrina's embarrassing worries, believe me it gets much worse and so much funnier!

If however you are thinking this read is all fun and games you're wrong. The author also incorporated a lot of bittersweet emotional and heartfelt moments for Sabrina and Jackson. The combination of funny and bittersweet made the read one of the most perfect of it's kind that I have read in a long time. That is all I am giving away for now, because believe me you want to read this, no you need to read this book!

I highly recommend this book for EVERYONE! It has loads of humor for the comic in you, enough bittersweet romance for that special romance side and enough twists and turns ( that btw you will never see coming) to keep you glued to your seat or as in my case permanently attached to my headset!

And yes be prepared to be given the crazy stare for once you start this read there is no turning back, laughing, tears, erratic reactions, crazy pulling out your hair, riveting stuff!

If you are feeling down or simply in need of some fun romance this is the read to do the trick!

Keep them coming Tara it ROCKS!!

5/5 star review
" Oops just doesn't cut it anymore"
Profile Image for Amber Smith.
Author 2 books24 followers
March 16, 2013
You need to clear your schedule for this one, because I can guarantee that nothing will get done until you finish reading it. From the opening scene - where Sabrina first spies Jackson in his tight running shorts - this book flies from one hilarious scenario to another in quick succession. Sabrina's first reaction is 'nice buns', and she's definitely not talking about the baked variety. The trouble is, she's so busy ogling Jackson's hypnotizing 'attributes', that she loses control of her car and ends up knocking him over. Not the best of introductions, to be sure, and it paves the way for more catastrophes. 'Accidental meetings' is a phrase that takes on new meaning as poor Jackson is literally battered black and blue whenever he bumps into Sabrina.

Sabrina is sweet and kooky, and is adorably insecure, making her identifiable with women everywhere. Jackson is a dream of a hero, all gorgeousness and sensitivity rolled into one. Despite being literally scared of Sabrina - what with the physical danger she seems to put him in every time he sees her - he still can't help being attracted to her. And Sabrina, mortification aside, can't help feeling the chemistry between them either.

At first hostile towards each other, they end up thrown together during a dating game, each of them having been coerced into participating. Watching these two blunder and stumble through their relationship is at times hysterically funny, and other times bittersweet. They both have inner demons to face, especially Jackson, whose father was a serial cheater, and now has a new young wife on the scene.

There are plenty of curve balls thrown at them on their journey, and the chemisty leaps of the page during their more intimate moments. This makes for a page-turner of a read (the state of my living room is proof of this!)that is both entertaining and satisfying at the same time.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Terri Herman-Poncé.
Author 4 books75 followers
March 20, 2013
Flirty, Feisty and Fun

Tara Mills is a talented writer and her passion for giving her characters a good time shows in Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder. From page one, Tara gives us a romp that not only entertains but gives the reader some memorable laugh out loud moments.

Sabrina is trying to get her life back on track, at work and at home, so she's not really thinking about men - until she catches sight of the most perfect butt she's ever seen on the opposite sex. Fascinated by this guy's incredible assets while he's jogging, she can't stop staring at him - and ends up plowing right into him with her car. This is Sabrina's first encounter with Jackson, a down-to-earth-guy with a body to die for, but it won't be her last. Seems that fate has its own ideas for these two, and every time they come together it's through some cosmic, and comic, misalignment that ends up getting Jackson bruised, battered, and black and blue.

But Jackson's a really nice guy. Wealthy but understatedly so and, like Sabrina, trying to find his way through life. What he'd prefer, however, is a life without Sabrina. She's an accident waiting to happen for him, and his only recourse is to run the other way every time he sees her coming.

And this is where Tara's writing shines and the story really takes off. Despite the initial aversion between Sabrina and Jackson, things eventually start to simmer until a slow sizzle emerges and then a fire begins to burn. But a relationship won't be easy for Sabrina and Jackson, and Tara tests them both with turns and surprises that will keep you hooked until The End.

If you're into romantic comedies with truly likable characters, this is a read for you.

(Note-I received this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for Mark Morris.
Author 3 books38 followers
March 3, 2014
Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder - by Tara Mills

The great Bard wrote ‘the course of true love never did run smooth,’ and that’s certainly the case for Sabrina Eckhart. True, she’s a one-woman accident-zone but whenever her heart takes the wheel, you can guarantee that there’s going to be more than just a fender bent out of shape - and really soon.

This is a delightfully funny full-length novel that will tease and surprise you, first making you smile and then making you laugh out loud from the beginning right up to the end. There’s romance, self-doubt and calamities galore and the story has a warmth and wit to it that make it a perfect read whenever you feel down and need a zap of instant sunshine.

I’d heartily recommend it to anyone and have no hesitation in giving it a full five star rating. If you want to fill your rainy weekend with smiles, you can hardly do better than buying this.
Profile Image for WiLoveBooks.
862 reviews58 followers
June 14, 2013
I loved this! I was hooked by chapter one. Sabrina is mesmerized by the buns of a jogger and as she is staring, she nearly runs him over with the car. Then she is staring at the rear end of another patron in line at the gas station and it turns out to be the same guy. They keep accidentally meeting and most of the time he ends up injured. What makes it funnier is that Sabrina is not normally a klutz, bad things just happen when they are together. Naturally Jackson wants nothing to do with her, so how to they end up together? You just have to read to find out. The characters are very easy to like and this is just a fun read. If you like romantic comedy at all, this one is a keeper.
Profile Image for Peggy Bird.
Author 40 books105 followers
May 19, 2014
If laugh out loud fun is what you're looking for, you've come to the right place with "Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder." It's hard to imagine a less likely way to start a romance than the way Sabrina Eckhart and Jackson Murphy start theirs--she's so entranced by looking at his…ah…rear end as he jogs past her as she's driving that she runs off the road and sends him flying into a hedge. The weird (and literal) run-ins continue--in her restaurant, on the street, in a grocery store. In spite of it all, the attraction is obvious. You'll have to read the book to find out how it all ends. But I promise when you do, you'll be happy with both the story and the results.
Profile Image for Amy.
16 reviews
March 20, 2013
In this story, Ms. Mills has accomplished a very difficult task: she took an exaggerated situation and made it absolutely work by grounding it in true and telling details. Sabrina and Jackson are as realistic a pair as I've run across. The author sold me on the settings, the newsroom and the restaurant, and I loved the rhythm of her writing, with its punchy changes in POV and spot-on dialogue, some of which is laugh-out-loud funny. If you're into RomCom, or just plain good writing, I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Carol Smith.
Author 10 books8 followers
July 16, 2013
I loved this book! So much fun and highly entertaining. Tara Mills has a beautiful writing style and is fast becoming a favourite author. There were parts of this story that made me laugh out loud. Well done!
Profile Image for Trisha.
69 reviews7 followers
May 15, 2013
Really funny and fun story. I love a romance that can make me laugh out loud. The characters were realistic, and the progression of their relationship was more realistic than your average romance.
1,153 reviews16 followers
August 19, 2014
This book was just alright. The beginning was really annoying, it got better, then it fizzled, then it got worse, and then I didn't care anymore.

The story follows Sabrina and Jackson. Their encounters are mired in accidents that threaten Jackson's life and they are all perpetrated by Sabrina. Their relationship starts off rocky since Sabrina escaped after running over Jackson. I really didn't like the beginning because Sabrina seemed self-righteous. I gave her a chance after she admitted to her confidence as a defensive tactic. Anyways, Jackson has the patience of eunuchs since he put up with her. Their animosity towards each other eased somewhat after the dating game. Of course, this is helped by the heaping sexual attraction between the two. After getting to know each other, their enemy status turned into lovers. It was a so-so chick-lit then but it got worse when it delved into cliche territory. Jackson had been feeling skittish since he realized his feelings. He avoided her but then she got ran over, after she stupidly ran to a car. Cue in her best friend serving guilt on a platter by explaining that she had tears in her eyes. I hated this book at that moment because it was just total cliche. After that,I mourned for the time lost. It was such a shame too since it showed promise that it would develop into a good story. It didn't.

My main gripe about the book is that the characters aren't really fleshed out. Their motivations seems shallow and their actions peter in and out. I wasn't gripped by the story line. I couldn't figure out whether it wanted to be a comedy or a light drama. It did not accomplish either.

I think the author was going for the cute factor for Sabrina but I just didn't find her antics cute at all. I found her annoying and irresponsible. She really didn't endear herself to the reader when she justified her hit and run. The only time I even opened up to the idea that she is a tolerable character is when she admitted to her assholery.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews68 followers
December 3, 2013
ACCIDENTS MAKE THE HEART GROW FONDER was a pleasant way to spend several hours with a light diversion. Mills weaves a cute story of worst case scenarios between Sabrina and Jackson. Sabrina is well written as she could easily turn into a caricature but never does. The dark cloud that follows her whenever Jackson is anyway near borders on the unbelievable but never crosses into the ridiculous. Instead, the forces that keep drawing them together prove to have a purpose and that these two should, no must, be together. Sabrina spoke to me. She is moderately successful, independent and yet she’s not some polished, self-confident perfect person. Much like I suspect most women in similar situations, she has let life proceed with little conscious thought or effort on her part to direct her achievements. She works hard, keeps her life minimally together but never quite finds herself or her happiness. For some inexplicable reason, being with Jackson gives her the courage to change and be more assertive but not in any way that makes it his accomplishment and not hers. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t push her, tell her what to do or otherwise try to dictate her life that she is able to grow. Jackson, well who wouldn’t like Jackson? He’s sexy, accomplished and nice. I genuinely liked all the major characters and cheered Sabrina and Jackson on in their life pursuits and romance.


HEAT RATING: Mild: Mild detailed scenes of intimacy, mild violence or profanity.

REVIEWED BY: ReadWarrior

Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
Profile Image for Jeanne Stone.
859 reviews4 followers
January 26, 2017
ACCIDENTS MAKE THE HEART GROW FONDER was a pleasant way to spend several hours with a light diversion. Mills weaves a cute story of worst case scenarios between Sabrina and Jackson. Sabrina is well written as she could easily turn into a caricature but never does. The dark cloud that follows her whenever Jackson is anyway near borders on the unbelievable but never crosses into the ridiculous. Instead, the forces that keep drawing them together prove to have a purpose and that these two should, no must, be together. Sabrina spoke to me. She is moderately successful, independent and yet she’s not some polished, self-confident perfect person. Much like I suspect most women in similar situations, she has let life proceed with little conscious thought or effort on her part to direct her achievements. She works hard, keeps her life minimally together but never quite finds herself or her happiness. For some inexplicable reason, being with Jackson gives her the courage to change and be more assertive but not in any way that makes it his accomplishment and not hers. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t push her, tell her what to do or otherwise try to dictate her life that she is able to grow. Jackson, well who wouldn’t like Jackson? He’s sexy, accomplished and nice. I genuinely liked all the major characters and cheered Sabrina and Jackson on in their life pursuits and romance.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
47 reviews3 followers
May 1, 2014
(I think it was Cupid's arrows that was complicating things.)

Oh my gosh, this book is hilarious! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard while reading a book. I'm talking shoulder shaking, teary-eyed, busting a gut laughing. It was great. The premise, the story, the plot - everything, it was just a perfect little gem.

I have so many favorite scenes; Sabrina almost running into Jackson, their official first encounter at the grocery store, the game show at Oasis, when Jackson goes to the hospital...so many more! I could probably say the whole book was my favorite scene. Poor Sabrina, every time she turned around she was hurting Jackson. (Guess it's really poor Jackson.) This is the first Tara Mills book I've read, but I'm definitely going to have to look for more. See if this was a fluke, or if this author's other stories are as funny, heart-warming, and perfect as this one.

Pretty short review, but not much to say, except I 100% recommend this book to anybody that likes funny contemporary romances.
9 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2013
I saw the story in my head while reading. I stayed interested in the characters and story. I laughed out loud at the funny scenes, comments and comebacks. Great humor. I love the strong connections between siblings.
My favorite scene was Sabrina sitting behind the news anchor desk. Such creativity! I would watch the news more frequently if Sabrina was the nightly anchor.
I need to reread to find and bookmark some of the food/recipes, especially Jackson's individual pizzas (chapter 16).
The descriptions in the book were thorough and complete. The beginning was a bit overwhelming and wordy with all the information trying to set the story. Based on these descriptions, I would like to live in this town, meet all the characters.
I guess the book is not listed as erotic, but is definitely spicey. I think the sex was well written, believable and important to the story. I loved all of Tanya's innduendos.
Overall, a delightful book that I have recommended to my adult family and friends.
Profile Image for Steph.
993 reviews85 followers
August 6, 2013
I liked Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder. I enjoyed the hilarious mishaps that Sabrina and Jackson find themselves in constantly. Even their banter was funny. What I didn't like was the overabundance of banal information. I don't need to know step by step what each of them does in the morning before work. I don't need to know what was done on each hole of a 9 hole golf game. It just became to darn much extraneous information. That said, this book was well written, funny and romantic and the couple had great chemistry that was believable. Their relationship developed organically and in a way that made you feel like part of their inner circle. If you don't mind a LOT of detail in your romcoms, then this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Bette Stanek.
1,939 reviews4 followers
February 12, 2014
3.5 Accidental stars that deserved to round up to 4 on humor alone. I had just finished reading some emotionally draining books and was ready for a light and humorous read. Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder fit that bill. I was in tears, from laughing so hard, after only a page and a half!

Sebrina is a klutz, even she'll admit it. She normally isn't a hazard, though. Except when she's around Jackson. Some of their encounters are farfetched, but somehow totally believable in the context of these characters. The banter between Sabrina and Jackson draws the reader into the story. Their interactions with each other and with family and friends is hilarious and heart warming. There's nothing deep here, but if you're looking for a book that'll make you laugh out loud give this one a try.
Profile Image for Ambs ❤❤.
298 reviews47 followers
April 15, 2015
Cute story.

Book started off with excitement right off the bat and continued to be a disastrously fantastic romance. At one point I thought I could have guessed how the story was going to turn but I turned out oh so wrong. There were some serious moments too, which balanced everything out nicely.

The lead female in the story was a complete spaz in front of her "crush" but it was cute, and when they finally got together, she didn't hang on him every second of the day. Although she thought he could do better, and had her moments of doubt, she did her own thing, which was extremely commendable. I definitely recommend this if you are interested in a rom-com.
Profile Image for H.J. Harley.
Author 7 books157 followers
April 14, 2013
I absolutely loved this book. I'm not going to give it away here but, wow, if you need some good laughs and a great HEA, look no further. You found it in Accidents Make the Heart Grow Fonder. Sabrina is not only likeable but she's a real person likeable...very believable. And don't get me started on Jackson...hubba hubba. Seriously, once I had the time to actually dive into this book, I couldn't put it down. You're missing out if you don't pick this one up. Well done Ms. Mills. Loved it!
Profile Image for Juli Morgan.
Author 8 books38 followers
April 22, 2013
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, start to finish! It was laugh-out-loud funny, and a heart-warming romance at the same time. The chemistry between Sabrina and Jackson sizzles! That is, when he's not at the hospital. I really admire the way the author was able to incorporate Sabrina's klutziness that usually resulted in Jackson getting injured without it being over the top or unbelievable. This is a wonderful, light-hearted romance that's just perfect for a relaxing, hilarious weekend read!
Profile Image for Kate.
2,205 reviews341 followers
August 10, 2014
This was a freebie over Amazon and what a great read it was!!! The amount of accidents that happened was so funny that it had me laughing out at home and unfortunately on the tram where it was really hard to restrain and contain my laughter. Jackson Murphy was great. The one thing that bothered me was Sabrina and how weak she sometimes came across that's why I didn't give the book 5 stars. But thank you very much to the author for this great book.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,714 reviews23 followers
July 20, 2014
Oh my goodness! I loved this book. It's fabulous. Funny and sexy without being too dirty. There was a tiny bit of angst, but that was all.

I picked this up as a kindle freebie using my kindle app. Not sure if it is still free. If it is, grab yourself a copy. I haven't been able to put it down today. (I just looked. It's 2.99 now.)
Profile Image for Melanie Tikalsky.
240 reviews
September 13, 2013
If you're a chick lit fan, you will love this one! The author does a wonderful job of weaving the perfect tale of humor, mischief and mayhem! The characters are loveable and well developed as is the supporting cast. One of the best things about this book were the laugh out loud moments, which were too numerous to count! I also loved the fact that this book was not just a partial short story.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,320 reviews22 followers
May 23, 2013
This book was so funny. Sabrina. Is so clumsy she reminds me of myself cause lord knows I could totally have done half the things she did. I love how things were crazy even up till the very end. A very enjoyable read.
June 10, 2013
Laugh out loud... beware its contagious! Great story of boy meets girl, except in this case, girl is always running over the boy. I laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks. This is an unusual romance story full of life and serendipity. Must read!
42 reviews
February 21, 2014
It was fun to read, the characters were real, and it was´nt erotic novel disguised as romance...lets say i dont have to find FIFTY SHADES sex in every book to like it LOL.
I felt the ending was a bit too obvious and not as fun as the rest.
Profile Image for Diane Burton.
Author 16 books253 followers
February 21, 2017
An Eyerolling Funny Story

This is one laugh-out-loud book. Sabrina is an accident waiting to happen. Jackson keeps getting in her way. I didn't think they would make it to first base without serious injury. Surprisingly, they do, without bloodshed. An enjoyable story.
15 reviews13 followers
April 14, 2013
Really enjoyed this! It was lighthearted and funny, and I had to read it all in one sitting. I'll be looking out for more books by Tara Mills.
265 reviews
April 18, 2013
book was good, thought there was a little to much "back ground" stuff but the couple of sex scenes were good, and the h/h were funny and interesting.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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