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Lore & Lust #3

The Awakening

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How does lust turn into love? Slowly. And it might hurt.

Contrary to popular belief, we don’t like feeding from humans because they taste like dirt. But I date them. They’re excellent for that.

Vampires are demanding, arrogant and too focused on mating. I realize this sounds odd, considering I’m a vampire, but I like to explore. I need my freedom. Even if it means staying in this hellish situation orchestrated by my father.

But lately, there’s a bright spot. My senses are pulling me toward a delicious human doctor. I don’t know what it is about him, but I’m intrigued. In a way that I haven’t been in a very long time… if ever.

400 pages, ebook

First published October 1, 2021

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Karla Nikole

14 books441 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews
Profile Image for Jordan.
66 reviews121 followers
August 27, 2021
Karla has done it again! And at the same time managed to out do her first two books in this series! I am in love with all of these cinnamon roll blood suckers way to much.

In The Awakening, we step away from serious Haruka and playful Nino, and follow Dr. Jae Davies and international fashion designer, Jun.

And I love them both. Their story is intimate and feels authentic and relatable. Jun and Jae struggle with their own personal baggage and have to learn how to deal with their own problems while also letting someone else in.

It's a poignant and sweet story with enough queer vampire spicy scenes to keep you reading.

It's not easy to write a 3rd book in a series that, I think, is better than the first two in how it crafts its love story. But Karla has ma aged this with ease.

Maybe it's the switch to 1st person that really let's these characters shine. We get to see them more intimately than we did with Haruka and Nino. (Don't get me wrong, I love Haruka and Nino very much). But this one just bit differently.

I was also very impressed by the authentic portal of mlm sex scenes and the overall sex positivity (specifically mlm sex positivity) thag Karla wrote into the story as well. It didn't just have sex scenes for the sake of having sex scenes, and when there was sex scenes (of which there were plenty) it felt thoughtful from a writing perspective.

I very much enjoyed this book and I really want the fourth one. There had better be a fourth one.
Profile Image for akacya ❦.
1,419 reviews288 followers
July 19, 2022
this is the third book in the lore & lust series.

though he is a human, doctor jae davies has always felt drawn to vampires, both in his work and personal life. first-gen junichi takayama, on the other hand, finds other ranked vampires too stuck-up for his liking, and sticks to humans. the two are drawn to each other and soon find out that jae might not be the human he was raised to be…

this had the perfect mix of plot and character development, in my opinion. i thought it was really cool how this is the third book in the series yet parts of their world were still being revealed. and i’m really glad jae and jun were so lovable since they were the only ship we got a lot of content for haha.

if you enjoyed the first two books, definitely check this one out!
Profile Image for Vero Exposito.
529 reviews5 followers
March 9, 2022
5 Stars

Even though this book wasn’t about Haru and Nino, I did love it. I truly believe this is the best book in the trilogy. Due to the writing, the construction of the plot, and the couple.

Don't get me wrong, I love Haru and Nino but their books lacked a little on plot. Jun and Jae's had the beautiful couple energy, but also the plot to go hand in hand.

This was very good. I couldn’t stop reading and I loved seeing all the characters. Even Giovanni and Cellina.

I really enjoyed this book and I believe, in the future, I’ll read more of this author. Toodles!
Profile Image for Danny_reads.
393 reviews243 followers
April 30, 2023
This series was so comforting to me. I felt like I was reading fanfiction!

Even though I still like Haru and Nino best, the couple in this was cute (although a bit angsty at times). The smut was great in this one, probably the best in the series. I also liked the "awakening" plotline a lot more than the "vanishing" plotline.

I'm looking forward to reading the final novella in the series!
Profile Image for Veronica.
323 reviews6 followers
October 6, 2021
My friends, Karla Nikole has done it again.

I cannot say much about the plot as that would spoil the events of book one and two, however, I can say that Junichi and Jae brought just as much passion, love, and heart melting moments as the other couples in this series. We see them struggle, see them make mistakes, and see them work through their own traumas in order come together as something wonderful.

The one thing that I have always highly praised about Karla's stories is the open communication between our love interests. Do they still hesitate because of their fears? Yes, but it does not stop them from communicating.

I just loved this. It's something that I really needed at the moment as a pick me up.

Please consider reading this series if you have not already. It's the queer vampire romance you didn't know was missing in your life!

Loved Jae and Jun’s journey just as much as Haru and Nino’s.
Profile Image for buwan.
23 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2023
I like this one. There, review over.

TLDR: Overall best book in the series. The author is clearly getting more comfortable with her style in this one, and it's easily as enjoyable, if not more enjoyable than the first book (up until the last stretch where the resolution may or may not tickle your fancy). It does have some issues but they're not dealbreakers, just something to chew on and keep in mind while reading. That aside, this book pulls the best parts of the first and grows from them. 3.5 stars, this is a pretty good one.
Profile Image for ashleigh - ladyofdarkriver.
290 reviews21 followers
December 2, 2021
↠ MM / Vampires / Discovery

I liked this one.
It’s a very enjoyable read featuring two of our side characters we meet in the original duology - Jae, our human doctor and Jun, international fashion designer.

I really liked that Nino and Haruka still play a big part in this book and it aided so well to who Jae is and the mystery surrounding his character. Is he really who he says he is? Why does he smell so alluring to one vampire in particular? As a doctor, why hasn’t he explored his blood ancestry further?

The story is a little predictable but it was beautiful. There is so much sex positivity being discussed throughout and I was really happy to see Karla handle all things consent and trust in the same manner as she did with the first two books. Truly an enjoyable relationship to read about.

𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
260 reviews8 followers
September 4, 2024
It’s rare that I end a book feeling like the couple shouldn’t be together, but, this book went off the rails for me. It wound up feeling like a lesson on the toxicity of conditional love.

Vampires, fated-mates type bonding, human-vampire pairing with a twist. A world with a strict vampire hierarchy with purebreds at the top. Vampires have to feed from other similarly ranked vampires for nutrition, and it can be intimate, or it can be platonic, depending on the arrangement.

It started off fabulously. The first half was terrific, engaging and intriguing, and I enjoyed getting to know human Dr. J. Davies and finding out why he fascinated designer and first-gen ranked vampire Junichi to the point of pursuit. There’s strong tension—why can Jun smell Jae, why is Jae so appealing to him? Will they or won’t they get it together and date? Will Jun ever try tasting Jae? And there’s additional tension due to Jun’s OM issue with the purebred vampire he’s been contracted to as a feeding source (mutual, they feed from each other) since childhood, who thinks he owns Jun and is a jerk. Jun was put into this untenable situation by his late father, an abusive real piece of shi—uh, work, and I sympathized with Jun. But.

For me, the story devolved into watching Jun destroy Jae’s confidence and joy. After a promising first half, Jun freaks out over the main plot twist that develops with Jae, and makes it all about Jun. Jun didn’t expect this. Jun isn’t ready. Jun needs space. Jun has childhood trauma. Jun. Jun. Jun.

Poor Jae.

Seeing the isolated Jae blossom in Japan and start to own himself, embrace his career as a doctor to vampires, and finally risk opening his heart to Jun was so lovely. I truly was into them as a potential couple at first. The initial attraction Jun had for Jae and Jae’s clunky, misguided reaction to it based on his own previous (rather poor) experience with vampires was so awkward and sad but also funny, and made me root to see them together. Their strong chemistry and connection held possibility, and I was holding my breath for them. But something always soured it a little, especially Jun telling Jae, sincerely, and repeating it a few times throughout, even late in the book, that Jae was free to sleep with anyone he wanted. It felt like Jun truly wouldn’t care. I love a “I hope he’ll be only mine” dynamic (who am I kidding—I love “touch him and die” LOL), and that sentiment isn’t present at all in this book, as it was in the first two books (featuring MCs Haruka and Nino, who are prominent and terrific secondary characters here). And then, when they started to realize what was going on with Jae, Jun gradually stopped seeing Jae for who he was and started worrying about what it might mean for Jun.

But the relationship really lost me when, after undercutting all of Jae’s trust and confidence by It kept bringing to mind the idea behind one of my favorite lines from Taylor’s “All Too Well”—what happened was YOU. YOU are what happened to Jae, Jun. It was all about you, after all.

When I realized Jun really didn’t

Example. At the end, It read like a power imbalance in every instance, and as if Jun decided he now “loves” Jae, so he’ll put up with what Jae is.

The final nail in the already closed coffin was about therapy. Jae had already told Jun he wanted to see a therapist to deal with his changed life, someone other characters were seeing. Then, It just showed yet again that everything is at Jun’s whim and this is not an equal partnership.

HEA that felt unearned and unsatisfying. No cheating, but despite several truly beautiful intimate scenes that did feel special, for me, the “you can sleep with others, it’s fine” refrain that popped up like sour milk here and there cast a pall over the relationship. It left me uncertain about whether either was with others, despite nothing specific being mentioned.

Overall, I still feel slightly sick for Jae after finishing. Jun ran out on Jae for something Jae genuinely could not help. What’s he going to do when, god forbid, Jae makes mistakes he could have helped, has a bad day, gets angry at Jun (he probably won’t, he’ll be too scared to call him out on anything…).

Not recommended.

However, this author is a talented writer, and the book engaged my emotions (from aww to sheer outrage) throughout, so, if you loved the first two books as I did and don’t have my hang-ups, perhaps you’ll enjoy this better! I hope so. And I do plan to keep reading this author, because I loved books 1 and 2.
Profile Image for Olivia Orr.
121 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2023
this was hard to finish. it was way way way too long, and i ended up really hating jun by the end because of everything. i like the writing style, but this last one was my least favorite from the trilogy
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,014 reviews82 followers
June 11, 2024
The Awakening is the third book in the queer vampire romance series Lore & Lust that now follow two secondary characters from the previous books. Human doctor Jae Davies manages his interest in vampires by specializing in the fringe field of vampire medicine. First-gen vampire Junichi Takayama is a jet-setting designer and professional benefactor. When circumstances throw them together, these two men are immediately drawn to each other despite being different species. But when Jae starts changing as their relationship develops, they must move past their prejudices and preconceived notions if they want to make it work.

This third book is probably the best written and most conventionally plotted of the series so far. It also reads like a more traditional romance complete with a third act break-up (of sorts) compared to the first two. The awakening plotline was much better utilized and intricately tied together with the romance compared to the previous book’s vanishing plotline. It seems Jae might not be quite as human as he thinks he is.

Despite a rough start to their relationship, both men put in the effort and overcome their personal issues— first through Jae’s past casual encounters with vampires then Jun’s restrictive family and personal history. It’s always nice to see realistic issues even in fantastical couplings like Jae and Jun. Of course, Haru and Nino are still prominent characters and I loved seeing them develop further and guiding others as the established couple. Giovanni and Cellina also make a short appearance towards the end.

The Awakening delivers another slowburn queer romance while remaining fresh and never feeling like a rethread.
Profile Image for Lily Heron.
Author 3 books106 followers
October 1, 2021
"It’s like I’ll never be the same. How can I ever accept anything less?"

Thank you Karla Nikole for Jae and Jun's beautiful story. I loved the first two books in the Lore & Lust series, but I think this one is my absolute favourite. Perhaps it has to do with being somewhat longer, but there is a new depth to this installment, and so many layers to unravel in the lives of the main characters and their developing relationship.

Lore & Lust has always been a beautiful series for its depictions of true romance, consent, love and trust. But there was something more in The Awakening, something deeper that I can't quite put my finger on yet. Perhaps it's seeing Haru and Nino through the eyes of a character like Jae, perhaps it was how Jae and Jun worked together as a pair, or perhaps it was simply that Jae as a character spoke to me so completely. Whatever the case, I adored it, and I hope as many people as possible pick up this series and enjoy meeting these characters.
Profile Image for Stacie Adams.
226 reviews6 followers
July 17, 2024
This 3 book series was an absolute pleasure to read. I would have liked a **little** more plot based on the lore in the first book but it definitely delivers in the queer romance department! I loved that the Vampires were an accepted part of society and not the villains. This book focuses on a new couple but you still get your favorite characters from the first two books which I loved.

✔️Vampire m/m
✔️Slice of Life

The end of the book…
“The End (For Now).

I would be thrilled to read more stories in this universe if the author decides to write more books in this series!
Profile Image for Shubham Roy  Choudhury.
140 reviews10 followers
June 19, 2022
So, this books shifts the POV to Jun and Jae, both of them are adorable. This book was definitely a lighthearted read and I enjoyed the series. Although, I took some time to like Haru, but eventually he grew on me. I will recommend this book, if you're into hot vampires, slow-burn and character driven books. I saw the author drawing numerous inspirations from Japan and Italy as she mentioned which is a bonus. I'll be looking forward for the novellas.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,255 reviews93 followers
October 10, 2021
I wanted to be able to give this 5 stars and love this as much as I did the first 2 but sadly I can't. I honestly did love it up until the 65 % mark and then it spiraled for me. The characters' acted in ways that were disappointing and where there should have been a grand gesture they wasn't. It was all just quietly fixed and just ending. I did enjoy the epilogue though and it warmed my heart seeing the future of the previous books' main characters.
Profile Image for Aneta.
332 reviews
August 14, 2022
This book focus on a new couple - Jae and Junichi. But Haruka and Nino are still big part of this book. I enjoyed both of new characters (at first) and mystery surrounding Jae. Jae is great character who undercomes big changes and it's hard for him to understand what it means and the way he deals with it isn't necessary healthy but understandable. On the other hand, Junichi is not great. The way he behaves toward Jae is awful especially around 65-90% point of book.
2 reviews
May 22, 2021
yeah, i also saw someone giving it a low review before it was out
Profile Image for dasfraeuleinliest.
198 reviews4 followers
April 24, 2022
Hach, es war so schön, wieder in die "Lore & Lust" Welt abzutauchen. Ich liebe diese Reihe! Band 1 und 2 haben mich letztes Jahr schon komplett abgeholt und auch Band 3 konnte mich überzeugen. Queere Vampirliebe in einem modernen Setting, mit ganz viel japanischem Flair? HIT ME UP! In diesem Teil geht es um Junichi und Jae, die man schon in den Vorgängerbänden als Nebencharaktere kennenlernt und ich habe sie während des Lesens so, so lieb gewonnen. Diese beiden Figuren sind einfach etwas ganz Besonderes und ich liebe ihre Dynamik! Sie sind witzig, charmant, flirty und vor allem head over heels füreinander. Es war so schön, zu lesen, wie sich die anfängliche körperliche Anziehung zwischen ihnen im Laufe der Geschichte zu einer einzigartigen Verbindung entwickelt und wie sie für sich selbst und einander wachsen. Ein richtiges Wohlfühlbuch. Schade, dass die Reihe (erstmal) vorbei ist.
Profile Image for Palvi~.
287 reviews47 followers
November 1, 2021
This book was definitely better written than the first, as the author kept on getting better at it.
I loved Jae and Jun, both of them were so well built, with interesting backgrounds and personalities.
They are not perfect, but they are amazing. There were insecurities and fear involved, as some anxiety and uncomfortable situations too, but it only made them feel more like actual people than books characters.
I loved how we get the chance to see the story about the other couples going on, together with the main couple: we have some information about kids too!
I'm relieved that I kept on reading this story, as it kept on getting better and better. I really hope there will be other books.
231 reviews
August 28, 2021
Another wonderful installment of my favorite vampires! If you’re worried about not getting enough Nino and Haru (can there ever really be enough of those two though??), don’t be - Jae and Jun are more than up for the challenge of having a whole book dedicated to them. And rest assured Nino and Haru still make plenty of appearances!

Jae and Jun have a whole different brand of romance and I was really impressed with the author for switching it up so well - from the change in perspective to first person making you feel more immersed to dealing with different kinds of personal baggage but still keeping it healthy and consensual, she did a great job with making this feel very different from the previous two books but without missing any of the things that made me love those so much.

And that cover!!! 🥰
Profile Image for vini &#x1f383;.
18 reviews
October 13, 2021
I’m actually confused as to how you can rate a book you’ve never read? Still I saw someone rate this book already low, so that’s my try to fix that. The first two books of the Lore and Lust series were so incredible and I honestly can’t wait for the third book! Good luck to the writer!

UPDATE: I read the book and it‘s soooo sooo beautiful and lovely!!!! I really fell in love with Jae and Jun and Lulú and even Audrey and NAMI OMG and they way they all interacted and the newfound family AND- okay I need to take a breath!

But the story is just so beautiful, I never want it to end :( (now I sound like Ren hehe)

I‘m so thankful that I found this wonderful world, I will always keep it in my heart ❤️🥰
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ray.
423 reviews16 followers
June 28, 2023
The best one of the series hands down. I feel like her writing definitely improved on this one and i feel like the dual 1st person pov really suits the story. Nino and Haru are cute to see as side characters as well. I really liked the relationship in this one. Plus it was really funny at times. It had me audibly laughing and smiling. I love these books so much, theyre such a comfort read.
Profile Image for Stephie.
352 reviews12 followers
July 18, 2022
The story was sweet and heartwarming. Some things bothered me about the book but I enjoyed it overall.

I'm really not a fan of the use (and in most cases overuse) of different languages within the book by the author. It's great that the characters are so diverse but inserting foreign sentences and phrases with no inkling or translation anywhere of what they're actually saying is such a huge turn off when reading the books. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a one off thing but it's something that's been happening since book one.
Characters would be having entire conversations in written Japanese or any other foreign language of choice and readers are somehow expected to either know the foreign language or break out the translator apps. It's extremely distracting and takes people out of the books. You can't even try to understand what they're saying in context at all.

The other thing that bothered me the most is how a good chunk of plot threads are left completely hanging. A lot of things are mentioned once as something important and never get mentioned again. Time flows weirdly as well where characters are added at random out of nowhere and it's treated like we should know them.
For example the pureblood formerly from that reserve living with Haru and Nino was introduced to have been living there literally out of nowhere. As if that isn't bad enough, the character is barely mentioned afterwards and literally does nothing for the plot, the story or the characters the entire book. They're just there existing for no clear reason. What was the point of introducing them?

Another thing is the vanishing as a plot point was abandoned completely by the author. There's really not much of an update or clear explanation of what happened to the vanished vampires. What happened to the ones vanished against their will? Do they also choose to live at the cult despite the fact that a lot of them had family and literal children before they disappeared? What happened to Lajos? What happened to the other Brazilian vampire after he was rescued? Why was watching binding ceremonies made to be such an important deal in the first book but is not mentioned since until an offhand comment at the end of book 3? Why the heck do all the MCs bond so easily when the norm is above three tries?

Actually coming to the bonding requirements, doesn't it feel like there's no clear process and even the alleged process is not that well thought out? It seems like it can happen any time blood and intimacy is shared (pretty much any time the author wills it). It doesn't matter at what point any of those things happened as long as they occured within a vampires lifetime . In the beginning we were told vampires would have to feed intimately for this to be triggered but now even feeding from a hand would lead to the same results???

Let's not even talk about how bonding promotes strict monogamy for basically immortal creatures and polyamory would simply not be a thing at all. What happens to vampires that can love more than one person in a lifetime. Sucks for them I guess.

Imagine being stuck in a bond with an abusive vampire for eternity where breaking up is not an option unless you want to risk dire consequences. You can't even break up mutually.

It's a mess. I still love it though.
Profile Image for kaylina.
455 reviews17 followers
November 1, 2022
"There isn't anyone else, sunshine. Only you."

you know how like there’s always that one book that has everything you’ve been looking for in a story, even if you weren’t consciously aware of it? it just feels like it’s for you, like you’re the perfect target audience for the book and every page that you read, the story gets better and better as if the author knows the exact spots that will hit you deeply?

i don’t think i have enough emotional capacity to explain how much this book fits that perfectly for me.

my journey with this series was a brief one due to how quickly i tore through all three books, but it’s surely become quite memorable due to the fact that this book is most certainly going to be on my “favorite reads of 2022” list. it hit all the right spots for me, not just as a reader who has my own preferences and all when it comes to fiction, but simply as someone who enjoys reading because of how many characters i’ve met who i could feel connected to. and in this one, jae & junichi are absolutely everything to me, no question.

i’ll always be thankful towards the author for that first book with haruka & nino because i had read it at the most perfect time, and these characters felt so warm & familiar it was hard not to want to hide myself in the pages as a source of comfort. that emotional attachment i built was quite a big one and it helped tide me through the second book as there were certain parts in the vanishing that was just not as satisfying as i may have hoped for. it was still amazing, but out of the three books, the second one felt a bit faded. then this came out a couple months after, jae & junichi’s story, and just…wow. i thought my feelings were strong enough about the first book, and it definitely stems from the fact of how comforting it was for me to read it, but this one? this one is absolutely brilliant in every single way.

jae & junichi’s characters didn’t just provide me some comfort or give me a sort of escape, they were quite literally the best example of how strong this author’s writing has clearly become over time as they were writing these books and i love that for them so much. it isn’t just about how compelling this world of vampires was, that allure that drew me in to this series in the first place, it was about how vast & truly diverse this group of characters were and how deeply their bonds move the reader in an incredible way. the author has always done an amazing job from the beginning with exploring these characters’ backgrounds, not simply labeling them according to their respective heritages/traits but actually delving into what makes them them, along with all the little things that piece them together throughout each of their stories. i was blown away with the japanese representation, especially as this series is set majorly in japan, but then there was the dominican representation here in the awakening…it wasn’t there just to be there, like it felt so real and it made me connect to junichi in a way i didn’t expect.

i became so enamored me with his & jae’s relationship as they took the time to get to know each other and deal with their own respective “baggage”, as they themselves claim. the development of their bond was so incredibly moving, it touched me straight through the heart, and it genuinely did feel like something human the way that the author wrestled with their fears and showed the dark parts of a vampire aristocracy and how far it can push you away from it. in the case for both of these characters, this story provides so much depth as to just how significant it is to live in a time where humans & vampires live alongside each other and how they both affect each other. jae himself is a character who you only meet briefly in the second book and yet you feel like you got a good impression of him, only to realize just how much there’s yet to know about him, things he didn’t even know about himself.

seeing the author take his & junichi’s journey so slow and with such careful hands made the emotional impact hit that much harder, and it did almost make me cry, i have to say. they both have experienced and still experience trauma connected to the vampire community that created this divide so hard to ignore as the story moves along, and to see how they grapple with it and try to keep themselves afloat felt harrowing and i was in it every step of the way. the decision to have this book in first-person dual pov was yet another creative choice on the author’s part that at first, i was really wary of but it quickly became probably one of the most genius things that came out of this entire book. i don’t know how to explain it well, only that first-person obviously is much more personal, and it gives a deeper exploration of how chaotic a character’s feelings can get as they experience turmoil in their own story. here, it was so clear how taken jae & junichi were with each other but outside of that, being in their respective first-person pov’s offered a more sharp picture that reflected their personal fears & desires.

both characters felt so distinct, i enjoyed every minute of their perspectives—jae with his passion for healing those in the vampire community; even as self-sufficient as they might seem, his kind & ambitious heart pushes for there to be a much wider scope of care to give to those who are in need of it. as for junichi, having small insights into his career in fashion was an absolute delight. the amount of detail paid attention to the styles of all these characters in this book was phenomenal, an extension of each individual as they battle with internal forces. junichi wears such bright and daring clothing, but hides himself away from building any sort of intimate connection with a ranked vampire due to his traumatic past. jae, at least near the beginning, wears mute colors that seem to have him fade in the background as if to pass off as just some ordinary human, but whenever he’s with junichi, his charm and personality practically exude with pure confidence, it was hard to not be so enchanted by him; hence why junichi inevitably starts calling him “sunshine”.

i love them together, i loved seeing them shed so many layers, even if it does get them hurt, because they learn so much more about themselves that they didn’t think was possible before. i loved how other characters we’re very familiar with added more depth and support in the longest book of this entire series, haruka & nino having such integral roles even without being the central pov’s as i was used to with the previous books. the author did a fantastic job in this book when it came to switching pov’s, because in this story, there was nothing directly in haruka & nino’s povs, which could’ve gone very badly if the second book wasn’t indicative enough. but jae & junichi’s characters are just phenomenal….i wish i could get to read more about them, they captured my heart completely. this world of vampires is such an ambitious and captivating landscape, i definitely can’t wait to see what more stories the author has to tell.

content warnings:
sexually explicit content, descriptions of blood & malnourishment, death, emotional & physical abuse, exploration of grief & PTSD
Profile Image for Nês.
54 reviews
September 8, 2022
Ok so… I don’t even know how to begin…
First things first, Haruka is raising my f*cking standards too damn high, Asao is the sh*f and Nino is the love of my love😹😹😹🫶🏻🫶🏻
Doctor Davies, also known as Jae, is half korean… and that enough to justify my love for him😹😹😹 now seriously I don’t like him that much, actually at the beginning I couldn’t stand him but when he started to fell in love with Junichi his way of thinking and acting changed so fast and dramatically that suddenly I found myself simping over him😹👅
Junichi, I loved his character at the second book but in this he was such a tiring soul Jesus Christ it was so damn hard to understand his way of thinking… well I know his father was an asshole, aggressive and a heartless mf and Jun is the literal meaning of Daddy Issues but that doesn’t justify all of your action. Yes he spent so many years in an abusive relationship with Ren, who treated him like a pet (PLEASE NOTE THAT I'M NOT DEFENDING ANY TYPE OF ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR) but that doesn’t justify the way he acted with Jae. Jun hated purebred vampires because the mostly of them were rude, selfish, smug and snob but he was acting just like them during the whole book and that really pissed me off because I really enjoyed him on the second book but in this one it just wasn’t my cup of tea✌🏻
Overall I liked it, it was pretty catchy, better than the second but not as good as the first one I must say it but it was actually nice and easy to read✨
Sentences that made the book better and better while I was reading it:

“He says pricks who don’t like people with brown skin are just jealous deep down.”

“I don’t like drama, and all genders are capable of it.”

“ I’m human… a human with a great deal of anxiety.”

“He’s such a mentally strong person that anyone getting the better of him—no, abusing him—is beyond me. I can’t fathom it.”

“You’re ravishing. Christ, Jun. How is this scientifically possible?”

“You’re officially choosing le petit doctor?”
“Le petit sneaky doctor.” (Asao you’re the best😹😹😹🫶🏻🫶🏻)

“I’m a dog in human form, essentially.”🥹

Excerpt From
Lore and Lust Book Three: The Awakening
Karla Nikole
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Profile Image for |Stephanie|.
1,129 reviews36 followers
October 11, 2021
I always get so excited when I know another book is going to be released in the Lore & Lust series and this time was no different.

The story starts off with our Doctor Jae getting accustomed to living in Japan while working to help better the vampire community. He’s a little lonely since he devotes all his time to work but then someone starts paying him attention and finally asked the good Doctor to dinner.

Enter Junichi who we have met in the previous books. Fashion designer, friends with Haruka & Nino and all around a good guy. He sets his sights on Jae from the start and is intrigued by this human doctor who wants to help vampires.

They finally decide to give a date a try and let’s just say it doesn’t go well. And from here we get the journey these two me take to be together. I loved the first half of the book. It was sweet, bumbling and endearing. After Jae realized his mistake with Jun he went full steam ahead to get what he wanted. I loved their banter, nose brushes and the intimate scenes were done well and just plain hot. Ms. Nikole really stepped up her game in that department.

This was going in the 5 star folder easily until we reached a certain part of the story and one character acted so well out of character that is left a bad taste in my mouth. I was willing to give them a chance, make a grand gesture, maybe even grovel but sadly we don’t get that. So while I loved the beginning of this book with my whole heart the last half was just ok.

I will say that I was so happy how involved Haruka & Nino were in this story. I love those two and have since book one and I couldn’t get enough of seeing their lives now and watching how comfortable and set they were in their lives and their love for each other. They are the definition of True Love.

The Lore & Lust series continues to be a favorite series of mine despite my issues with this one and I hope Ms. Nikole will give us more in this beautiful, cultured vampire world❤️ 4 Stars!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Librukie.
605 reviews479 followers
December 30, 2021
Pues para mi sorpresa... Creo que este tercer libro ha sido el que más me ha gustado de todos, a pesar de que esté escrito en primera persona.

Me ha sorprendido mucho esta saga. La forma en la que Karla le da un pequeño cambio a las historias de vampiros y las hace un poco más suyas, como integra sus naturalezas en nuestro siglo y como trata las relaciones románticas.
Me ha gustado el desarrollo de todos los personajes y como se relacionan entre ellos. Como construyen relaciones sanas basadas en la comunicación, el respeto y el entendimiento mutuo. Quizá al ser una historia de vampiros alguien se espere algo oscuro y truculento, pero yo me he encontrado con todo lo contrario. Unas novelas románticas sencillas pero muy correctas, que exploran una nueva especie de vampiros bastante rica en cultura y tradición.

Por ponerle una pega... Hay un tema que se empieza a tratar por encima desde el final del segundo libro que a mi me escama bastante, y que no puedo comentar porque es spoiler. Me ha empañado un poco el resto de la historia porque es algo con lo que yo no concuerdo mucho. Por el resto... Creo que merece la pena.
Tendemos a veces a menospreciar las historias románticas por sus tramas sencillas. Yo también lo he hecho alguna vez y me avergüenzo bastante de ello. Pero creo que es importante no infravalorar aquellas historias que hablan de las relaciones entre las personas, simple y llanamente. Porque al fin y al cabo, ¿Que seríamos sin ellas?
Profile Image for Sarah.
327 reviews110 followers
December 29, 2022
This series has such a chokehold on me but it's the sweetest, coziest, most loving chokehold I've ever experienced in my life.

I will admit, when I realized we were taking a step away from Haru & Nino, I was a little bit sad; I felt like nothing could ever match my adoration for those two. Now, in hindsight, I'm furious that I ever doubted Karla's ability to make me fall in love with every character she ever writes. Jae & Jun squeezed their way into my heart in a spot right next to Haru & Nino, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I swear, reading these books makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud wrapped up in the warmest, softest blanket in the world. They just make me feel so gooey and melty inside. The characters are so endearing and the story is so gorgeously atmospheric and intimate I feel like I'm intruding on something sacred. And if you think that the softness of the story takes away from any spiciness, you couldn't be more wrong. UGHHHH - it's just so beautifully done!! I swear, the more I love a book, the more I lose the ability to articulate how I feel about it because, just, GAH! LOVE!!

Even though I'm reading The Arrival very soon, I selfishly hope that Karla comes back to write more in the Lore & Lust universe even after that because I truly can't get enough. These books are the most intoxicating of drugs and I am but a simple addict.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews

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