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Rescued from Ruin #6

Confessions of a Dangerous Lord

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To keep her, he must unmask his darkest secrets.

Never judge a man by his cover…

Society knows the affable Earl of Dunston for his flashy waistcoats and rapier wit. Lady Maureen Huxley knows him as Henry Thorpe, her best friend—an irresistibly kissable, strictly platonic friend. Which means her dreams of marriage, motherhood, part-time cookery, and full-time domestic bliss must be fulfilled elsewhere. But after three seasons and a parade of fickle suitors, Maureen’s hopes are fading. Worse, she suspects Henry is to blame.

Never trust a man with too many secrets…

Years spent hunting his father’s murderer through London’s dark underworld have honed Henry Thorpe into a deadly blade with one purpose—catching a killer of fathomless evil. Nothing mattered more until Maureen Huxley came along. To keep her safe, he must keep her at arm’s length. Yet he can’t resist drawing her close, making her laugh, dreaming of doing wicked things to her lush body. Very well, perhaps he also dissuaded some of her suitors. But what’s a little deception between friends?

Never provoke a man as dangerous as this one…

With his enemy growing bolder and Maureen contemplating marriage to another man, Henry is caught in the crossfire between his mission and his heart. Any move could exact a devastating cost. But losing the woman he loves is one price he refuses to pay.

334 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 20, 2017

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About the author

Elisa Braden

25 books1,571 followers
Reading romance novels came easily to Elisa Braden. Writing them? That took a little longer. After graduating with degrees in creative writing and history, Elisa spent too many years in “real” jobs writing T-shirt copy ... and other people’s resumes ... and articles about giftware displays. But that was before she woke up and started dreaming about the very unreal job of being a romance novelist. Better late than never.

Elisa lives in the Pacific Northwest, where you're constitutionally required to like the colors green and gray. Good thing she does. Other items on the "like" list include cute dogs, strong coffee, and epic movies. Of course, her favorite thing of all is hearing from readers who love her characters as much as she does.

If you're one of those, get in touch on Facebook (@authorelisabraden), visit her website (www.elisabraden.com), and - most importantly - be the first to hear about new releases, price specials, and awesome free bonuses by signing up for her email newsletter (bit.ly/ElisaNewsletter). It's easy, quick, and FREE.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 293 reviews
Profile Image for Katy.
268 reviews70 followers
July 27, 2017
I don't know if I can properly convey just how much I loved this book. It was everything I've ever wanted in a historical romance. Okay, who am I kidding? It's everything I've ever wanted in any romance novel. I have loved all of Elisa Braden's books but this one is by far my favorite. This one blows the rest out of the water.

Plot time. Throughout the series, we've been following the Earl of Dunston, Henry Thorpe. He purposefully hides a darker, secret side of himself behind his absurd waistcoats and a general dandy-like demeanor. Not only is he actually a very dangerous man, he is the best at what he does. He is a genius with knives and pretty much any other weapon. He is hunting his father's murderer and the entire ring of crime that is connected to his father's murder. He does a good job of convincing everyone that he is just a normal dandy of a nobleman who loves waistcoats a bit too much. One of the people he is forced to fool is the woman he loves, Lady Maureen. They are essentially best friends who happen to be in love with each other but Henry has to keep her at a distance so that the people he is hunting don't figure out how important she is to him. She is of course, completely ignorant of this. When she writes him and confesses her love for him, he is forced to break her heart by denying that he returns her affections. Maureen is crushed but decides to dust herself off and find a husband. She wants a husband and children. Finally, Maureen finds someone could imagine marrying. She'll never love him like Henry, but she really likes him. Maureen decides that in order to move on, she needs to stop seeing Henry. Being around him is just too hard. When she tells him this, his resolve finally starts to wear down. He can't bring himself to let her marry someone else knowing they both love each other. He realizes he can't live without her and vows to do everything in his power to protect her, even if that means keeping secrets from her. Big secrets. He means well, but you know what they say about good intentions.

There was quite literally nothing I didn't like about this book.

Henry. Oh, Henry. He was pure magic. He had a wicked sense of humor and loved nothing more than making Maureen laugh. He was completely smitten and loved everything about her. He was the perfect combination of sweet and dangerous. He was deadly to his enemies but tender with her. He didn't always make the right choices *cough*keepingsecretsfromMaureen*cough* but he was willing to admit when he was wrong. He did the wrong things for the right reasons. The whole scaring away her suitors so that she wouldn't marry someone else was a real douche move, but I get it. He planned to marry her when he was done with his whole take down a crime boss/revenge thing. BUT. It was still a douche move. But hey, no one's perfect, right? He makes up for it with his swoon worthy personality. He was smart, witty, and so very protective. It was all just so romantic. Can you tell I just adored him?

Maureen was just lovely. She was his perfect match. She loved to laugh, lacked any kind of pretension, and loved Henry with everything she was. I loved the fact that not only did she enjoy cooking, she was fantastic at it. She had an actual personality. She also had a backbone. I thought her reactions to Henry's lies and secrets were completely reasonable and it really made it easy to connect with her.

One of my favorite parts of the book? The angst and drama. Henry had an almost PNR level of possessiveness when it came to Maureen. I can't exactly put my finger on why it worked instead of coming off as over dramatic. Maybe because they had been friends for years and loved each other from a far for years? It wasn't like they met and then BAM he decides that she shouldn't talk to any other man but him. That's off-putting. Instead, he just felt as though they were made for each other. Meant to belong to each other. He loved her so completely and nothing in the world mattered more than her. It was the sexiest kind of "mine" that I've ever read in a HR. Maybe because she felt the same way. I don't know. Regardless, it was incredibly sexy.

Also, THE SEX. Good lord. It wasn't that there was more than usual, it was the sex+angst factor. It was the perfect ratio. It was like they'd had two years of mental foreplay. Holy hell it was fantastic.

Add to all of that the action and mystery and you have an amazing book. The writing was perfect. So perfect that I didn't really notice it. My mind never strayed to "review" mode. I was strictly in omgwhatisgoingtohappen mode. By the end of the book, I realized I hadn't really highlighted any sentences or made any notes. Whoops. I regret nothing.

I also want to add that I adore the Dowager Marchioness of Wallingham. Each chapter begins with a quote of hers and they are just hilarious. She is probably my favorite secondary character ever. She is whip smart, sarcastic, and so damn funny. In my head, she looks like Dame Judi Dench a la Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book. I have a feeling it is going to be about Reaver. Henry made a comment about him not understand the depth of his feelings for Maureen because he's never been in love. Reaver agreed and wanted no part of love. DUN DUN DUNNN. Famous last words. YAAASSS. I need the next book. Yesterday.

Profile Image for Caz.
2,983 reviews1,114 followers
July 26, 2017
I've given this a B+ at AAR, so 4.5 stars

Confessions of a Dangerous Lord is the seventh book in Elisa Braden’s Rescued from Ruin series, and although it features a storyline that has obviously been present in some of the earlier novels, this is the first of Ms. Braden’s books I’ve read and I was able to follow along quite easily.  I won’t deny that there were a few times I wished I’d had a stronger grasp of how that plotline had evolved, but that’s down to me, and not any lack of skill on the part of the author – and anyway, it in no way detracted from my overall enjoyment of the book. The writing is strong and the opening scenario drew me in straight away, quickly supplying some necessary back-story without being an info dump.  The two principals are well-drawn, attractive characters, with the hero being one of those Pimpernel-esque types I’m particularly fond of; the garrulous society favourite who is widely believed to be interested only in horses and fashion but who is, beneath it all, fiercely intelligent, highly competent and utterly deadly.

Maureen Huxley has been in love with Henry Thorpe, Earl of Dunston, for pretty much the whole of the two years she has known him.  He’s wealthy, deliciously handsome, charming, kind, clever and makes her laugh – in short he’s perfect for her, apart from one small thing.  He doesn’t want her.  Or rather, he isn’t interested in her romantically, much preferring to remain on terms of friendship with her.  Reckoning that half a loaf is better than no bread at all, Maureen hides her disappointment at his rejection and they continue as friends, but lately, she has begun to wonder if her friendship with Henry may be scuppering her chances of making a suitable marriage.  She has been out for three seasons and hasn’t received so much as a single offer; she longs for a husband and family of her own and realises that the only way she is ever going to stand a chance of getting those things is to cut ties with Henry and try to make room in her heart for someone else.

When Maureen announces this decision, Henry is stunned and furious at the thought of her marrying another man. He is as deeply in love with her as she is with him, but he can’t afford to let her know it, or to show any signs of preference for her while he is still working to unmask the Investor, the criminal mastermind he believes murdered his father and whom he has been tracking for the last ten years at the behest of the Home Office. He fears for Maureen’s safety if he marries her, but when she appears on the verge of accepting another suitor, Henry realises he loves her too much to lose her and decides it’s time for him to hand over his investigation to someone else. Unfortunately, however, things don’t go according to plan and on their wedding night, Maureen witnesses Henry fighting with and killing an intruder, and is shocked to look at her new husband and see a cold, calculating stranger. With no explanation, Henry orders Maureen to pack and whisks her out of London and to the Devonshire home of his friends, Colin and Sarah Lacey (whose story is told in book three, Desperately Seeking a Scoundrel) while he formulates a plan to put an end to the Investor, once and for all.

I admit that there are a couple of plot-devices at play here that I’m not particularly fond of; the “I can’t let anyone close to me because they will be endangered” and then the “I can’t explain and sully my innocent beloved’s ears with the darkness that surrounds me”. In the case of the former, however, Ms. Braden makes it work by making the Investor a truly nasty piece of work, detailing the methods by which he manipulates and uses people to gain his ends. In the face of these, Henry’s desire to keep Maureen out of the firing line makes perfect sense. And when it comes to the “no explanations” device, when I saw it coming, I admit my heart sank, but once again, Ms. Braden pulls things back by putting a slightly different spin on it and not allowing the misunderstandings to go on for too long. Maureen is justifiably angry with her husband, but is sensible enough to understand his reasons and they work through their differences in a refreshingly mature way.

Confessions of a Dangerous Lord is part romance, part mystery, and Ms. Braden gets the balance between the two elements just about right. She writes the longing that Maureen and Henry feel for one another so well that it’s almost palpable, and the air fairly crackles with sexual tension whenever they are in a scene together. Henry’s delightfully dry sense of humour and powerful charisma make him a hero who fairly leaps off the page, and he and Maureen are clearly well-matched in every way. As I said at the beginning, I was able to follow the mystery plot well enough, although I would probably have benefitted from reading at few of the earlier books in the series – a situation I intend to rectify at some point. The dénouement – in which the motives of the Investor are finally revealed – is a little weak, but overall, this is a very readable yarn that moves at a cracking pace and I enjoyed it enough to give it a strong recommendation, especially to those who enjoy a side order of adventure with their romance.
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
September 20, 2021
I was expecting something more from this book...

It could be that this is the first book by this author, or it could be because I skipped all the previous books in this series, but there you have it: I was expecting more!

What I disliked was the heroine! She was dangerously bordering on TSTL!

What did you not understand Maddy? If you know that you are in danger and your husband tells you to NOT go out of the house, what will you do? Obviously: you'll go out!!!
How much stupid that is rating from 1 to 1000000000? I'd say 1000000000 and you?

And that was just the most stupid thing she did, but there were much, much more...

I just didn't get what Hanry saw in her...

Not that he was so smart... he thought he was, but I didn't catch that thought!

I'm so sorry, but for me this doesn't deserve more than 2,5 stars that I've rounded up to three because it's just me and not the book...
Profile Image for Lady Nilambari Reads HR.
490 reviews167 followers
February 3, 2023
When I first read this book, I gave it a 5-star rating. On the re-read, it's a 4-star story.

My Thoughts
- I am posting this review after a re-read. When I first read it, I think I found it awesome. The second time around, I liked it but felt it was a bit lacking.
- The plot had potential, but it was not explored enough. Henry's side of the criminal plot needed more fleshing out.
- The writing is great, the characters are quirky, very rarely do we find that both, the hero & the heroine have been in love with each other forever, as generally, it is one-sided.
- The pacing & the structure is a little different from Ms Braden's other books, the criminal subplot takes over the story in patches and the couple is nowhere to be seen. I am not a big fan of that, keep them in the picture, please. I am reading a romance, not an investigative thriller.
- The chemistry between the main characters was great, they were a cute couple. There was steamy goodness too, the "Compatibility *ahem* Conversation" was delicious.
- There were plenty of supporting characters, I personally loved the appearance of Harrison & Jane (awww), Sebastian Reaver has a prominent role, Lord Colin & Sarah appear as well.
- Maureen was spun sugar of a heroine. Very very homey character. Nice girl, caring, mothering, strong when she needs to be. A lovely, balancing partner for Henry.
- Now Henry, that character had so much potential. He is hilarious, extremely intelligent, collects waistcoats, is weirdly jealous and all in all, great. His Sabre persona, as character explorations go, should have been a goldmine. Alas, it left something to be desired. Him, shirtless, wielding knives & killing intruders, taking charge was damn sexy though. The investigative subplot should have been more Henry, less Sebastian. I wanted more Henry.

My Recommendation
I know this review seems complainy but that is because this book could have been so much better. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it aplenty and I am sure, you shall as well.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,145 reviews380 followers
August 3, 2020
With this novel, I will stop reading (for real this time) any more novels in this series (maybe). 3.5 stars rounded down.

It was promising in the beginning. I've always like the devil-may-care fobs with steely assassin characteristics in disguise. Reminds me of Elizabeth Hoyt's Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane, #10) by Elizabeth Hoyt . Maureen was also OK ish in the beginning, nothing good or bad, just meh. A pretty girl who cooks. Woopdeedo.

The plot was not terribly riveting, maybe bc I already know the plot. But the meandering way this story took us through the plot was... meandering. Convoluted. And therefore, not riveting.

Then somewhere along the way I started to dislike Maureen. She kinda ruined things for me. She got mad at Henry for not telling her all of his secrets, got mad that the "dragon" knew before she did, along with about 20 other ppl. So I'm thinking to myself - are you stupid? Are you blind? That you couldn't have been more observant about the man you claim to love?

So I felt none of her umbrage. And I sided completed with Henry for keeping things from this git. And then I think - Henry, are you stupid? you fall in love with a woman who doesn't know you at all well enuf to see the other side of you while everyone else can see it. WHAT do you see in Maureen? Besides her prettiness? Do you LIKE simple women?? It spiraled downhill from there...

I kinda lost respect for both characters, but mainly for Maureen. And esp. when she went to visit Holstoke, saw his gardens and felt a little ... forlorn, imagining what it would have been like had she chose the other man instead.


NOT my fave heroine at all in this series. or any of the books this author has written.

Some inspiration:



Not that Henry would be wearing speedos... but... this is what I imagine beneath his stuffy shirts and cravattes.

Profile Image for Esther .
923 reviews197 followers
September 8, 2021
Rating 4.5

These two were wonderful!!! Henry and Maureen have to be my favorite couple of the series.
Maureen loves Henry but he just wants to be friends. I mean this girl L O V E S him.
Henry, he loves Maureen but there's a side of him she doesn't know about. He's been looking for his fathers killer for a decade and it's been a dark and dangerous endeavor and he refuses to put Maureen in danger.

But it all comes to a head when Maureen asks Henry if he cares for her more than a friend and this scene, ugh the angst, was emotional. Henry of course lies because again he doesn't want her endangered at all. When he responds she pretty much said goodbye for good as she cannot continue loving him and him not having the same feelings. She wants a family and someone has been showing interest that she could consider for marriage.

Well Henry doesn't last long in allowing Maureen to be courted by someone else. He hands over his investigation to a friend and goes after Maureen.

The two end up marrying but Maureen meets the other Henry, the side that had pursuing a killer for ten years. And is surprised, hurt and angry. She learns that he's been protecting her and that is why he denied his feeling about her. Well that made things worse. The two work through the past and where they are now. They realize their love can overcome any obstacle together. They are true soulmates. But there is a threat to now to Maureen so Henry is now back to finding his fathers killer. Both work on exposing the killer and solving the case.

The angst in this story was tangible. The love the two had for each other jumped off the pages, ugh it was good. This couple represented soulmates.

Loved the storyline, characters and suspense/mystery as well. Great pacing.
Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
627 reviews317 followers
October 18, 2019
*3.75 stars*

I liked it. This is my least favorite from the series but it still was good. I really enjoyed the mystery part, but I needed a little bit more from the romance.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
September 4, 2021
4.5 stars. The obsession that the hero shows for the heroine in this book is right up my alley. I loved it, I loved their love, I loved the hero the most. There’s something so satisfying about a hero who knows who he wants. The best part? While this was a friends to lovers romance, the hero was very obviously committed to the heroine right from when they first met.

This is my favorite of the series.

Safe; virgin heroine, hero not a manwhore… his mother mentions something about how he hasn’t had a mistress for the past two years (the time he had known the heroine). Hero pushed heroine away because his life was dangerous and he didn’t want to involve her, she nearly engages herself to OM during this time, and kisses him.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,027 reviews1,214 followers
November 19, 2023
Note: Some of my goodreads shelves can be spoilers

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Readability: 📖📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Humor: A bit
Perspective: Third person from both the hero and heroine (And I think some side characters? Like Reaver?)
When mains are first on page together: I think almost immediately (going to double check later!)
Cliffhanger: No, this ends with a happily ever after
Epilogue: Yes – last chapter is a bit in the future (few months maybe?)
Format: borrowed audio from library (Hoopla)
(Descriptions found at end of my review)

Should I read in order?
Ideally, yes. Especially Colin’s story, which comes into play here – that is book 3. But to enjoy book 3 you should read books 1 and 2 because they set up Colin’s character. And REALLY you should read the prequel novel because I love it. So yeah.

Basic plot:
Henry secretly longs for Maureen, but must keep her at a distance to keep her safe. At least until he can solve the danger posed to anyone he gets close to...

Give this a try if you want:
- Regency (1819)
- heroine wants a family – a husband and children
- heroine loves to cook
- hero with a dark, mysterious past
- unrequited love – soooo strong!
- friends to lovers
- VERY protective hero (and possessive and a touch jealous)
- angsty!
- hero wears flamboyant colored waistcoats
- medium to higher steam – 4 full scenes

First line:
Most men saw poorly in the dark.

My thoughts:
Ohhh my goodness, I just LOVED this book!!!! I think it surpassed Ever Yours, Annabelle for me (book 0.5) and I swooned for that one.

This novel has so much unrequited love, the longing, the angsty pining – so perfect. I loved the tension building, the moment when the hero’s self control breaks and he finally shows her how he feels…

I adored how much Henry loved Maureen. Her safety is his priority even at the cost of his own desires. The fact that we start this story with one of the most adorable friendships ever made me love it even more. I adored how he couldn’t stay away from her. And I also loved that he refused to let anyone else near her.

Maureen is so sweet and I actually loved that she just really wanted a family. I know most of our heroines end up with families and children but rarely do I see it as one of the driving focuses of a heroine. I loved that she enjoyed cooking too!

I loved the dark side of Henry too. The kind of hero that will rip people apart to protect his woman. I loved it. I loved it!


Quotes/spoiler-y thoughts:Any mistakes/typos are my own

Content warnings: These should be taken as a minimum of what to expect. It’s very possible I have missed some.

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:

Extra stuff like what my review breakdown means, where to find me, and book clubs
Profile Image for Ursula.
601 reviews166 followers
October 19, 2017
This was a fun story with two very likeable protagonists and a suitably nasty villain. I haven't read many of the previous books so I was a little lost with the plot, initially, but worked it out after a while.
Initially I found the heroine too weak- she was constantly doing the running and the hero was, like, friend zone. I am not keen on a dude who scares all possible suitors away but refuses to become one himself. Just a bit selfish, I am thinking. Even if he believes she loves him and would be happiest with him, doesn't make it ok to refuse to allow her at least a chance of some happiness.
Anyhoo, it all works out in the end, of course, and that's why we read 'em :)
Profile Image for Missy.
923 reviews
May 15, 2023
It was okay. The mystery behind The Investor seemed dragged out in the last 30% of the book. I liked the couple. They were friends before they made it official. I liked seeing them make each other laugh. I like jealous, possessive heroes but I felt that the hero (Lord Dunstun) was unnecessarily overly jealous of another male character, Lord Holstook. He has this jealousy and possessiveness in Lord Holstook's book, too. 🙄🙄🙄 I'm like, "Come on! Get over it! Your wife chose you!"

I didn't read this series in order but I would recommend it if you don't want spoilers.

I have Once Upon a Midnight Kiss (book 9.5) to read and then I would have completed this series!!!
Profile Image for Tracy Emro.
1,952 reviews55 followers
June 13, 2017
Of all the books in this series, this book is my favorite (to date) and I would give it 10 stars if I could!

Lady Maureen Huxley has been in love with Henry Thorpe, the Earl of Dunston for years and considers him her dearest friend, there was a time when she thought that he might be more than a friend, but Henry made it clear that friendship was all he would offer.

Henry Thorpe has been in love with Maureen for years and would love nothing more than to marry her, he has been dissuading her suitors for years and keeping his true feelings for her hidden. Because Henry love Maureen, he cannot bring her into his life right now, he has spent years hunting the ruthless villain that murdered his father and he fears that Maureen would become a target if he married her.

Maureen makes a final attempt to declare herself to Henry, but when he tells her he can not be the man she wants, she says goodbye and tells him she must move on with her life.

Henry is beside himself at the prospect of losing his love and frantically tries to find a way to keep her in his life. When Maureen is courted by the Earl of Holstoke, Henry seethes, when Holstoke asks her to marry him, Henry makes a decision and chooses love over his quest for vengeance. Now all he has to do is convince Maureen to forget everything he said before and agree to marry him.

Henry turns over all his information about the villain to Reaver, assures Maureen's father that he is done with his quest, makes plans to marry Maureen and then hunts down his bride to be. Maureen has decided that she will marry Henry, but wants to turn down Holstoke's proposal in person before she accepts Henry, she feels that that is the right thing to do, because even though she doesn't love him, she does like him and would like to continue being friends. Unfortunately, Henry shows up and that plan is shot - he reacts badly to seeing Maureen with Holstoke and it takes a bit of doing to calm him down.

Henry and Maureen marry and on their wedding night all hell breaks loose and Henry becomes a man that Maureen doesn't recognize. He whisks them away from town and barely speaks to her. It isn't until they reach Colin and Sarah's house that Maureen learns the truth of why Henry kept her at arms length for years. When she finds out the entire truth, she is shocked, hurt and very angry.

Henry and Maureen have a long road to reach their HEA, but thankfully, the argument between them regarding Henry's deception does not drag on and on. They talk and Maureen is very forgiving and Henry is very sincere. But the villain is not done with our lovers and when Henry must return to London to hopefully end this once and for all - an unexpected twist puts Maureen in danger and threatens to destroy their dreams of a life together.

This book is well written, has very likable characters, some laugh out loud moments, some heartbreaking moments, some suspense, steamy love scenes, cameos from Harrison, Jane, Colin and Sarah and a very hard won HEA.

This is the seventh book in the series and it would probably be helpful to the reader to have read at least the second and third books, but the author does give enough backstory to make this enjoyable as a stand alone title.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC provided to me by the author.*
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
October 30, 2023

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨✨

First Impressions
Confessions of a Dangerous Lord is the sixth installment in the "Rescued from Ruin" series and this was a fantastic read. I honestly couldn't put this one down and there is something about Elisa Braden and how she writes a regency romance that just strikes deep. And I do think this is one of my favorite books from her. I honestly adored every single thing about this book and never wanted to put it down. That doesn't happen very often anymore with historicals and I am completely hooked by this author and the talent that she has to write such beautiful historical romances that just engage you right away and this one with Maureen and and Henry just strikes deep in so many ways and it captivated me so dearly and the humor was just the right amount here. If you need a refreshing historical, then I highly recommend this one. You can read as a standalone if you need to.

First Line
Most men saw poorly in the dark. Sabre was not most men.

The Main Protagonists
The Hero: Henry, Early of Dunston
Puts off a persona of being into fashion and a bit flashy with a witty dialogue upon everyone he meets. But deep down he is a undercover spy to hunt down the one responsible for his father's murder.

The Heroine: Lady Maureen Huxley
Maureen has been in love with Henry for years, but he turned down her advances for marriage, and every suitor she has ends up running away from her. But is determined to find a man to love and marry.

Maureen and Henry have been best friends for years and as their families are connected to each other, they have always been in the same circles. For at least two years Maureen has been in love with Henry but when he turned her down she is determined now to finally move on with her life and find closure in the best way that she knows how to. However, Henry doesn't seem to want to let her go despite his insistence that they never can get together. Henry knows a life with Maureen can never happen as long as his enemy is alive. And that if they ever find out how important she is, then her life would be in danger. But after some wake up calls, Henry realizes that this is his last chance to fight for the woman he loves. But will marriage to him put her in more danger than ever before?

What I Loved
This book swept my heart and mind away to another time and setting in such a brilliantly masterful way. This book was my catnip and I couldn't seem to get enough of what was delivered within this story. I am not sure exactly what it was about this one here, but it had so much deep moments that strikes to your soul in such a way that I will remember forever. The connection that Henry and Maureen have together was so poignant and the mutual longing that they have melted my heart. Henry you completely understand why he has denied Maureen in the beginning. He lives a very dangerous life and she is so loving and innocent and doesn't want to ruin who she is or break her spirit by knowing the type of life he leads. But you see how much he yearns for her but can't have her and knows her parents know about what he does and would never approve of him. Then we have Maurren, who has such a gentle but strong soul. And what she wants....find love, be married and have a family. And I resonated so much with her. She is the TYPE of heroine I need more in my historical's. But when she starts courting another man (who does get a book later on in the series because I adored Phineas) Henry starts fighting for the woman he loves and proving to her he is genuine. Henry and Maureen have such an intense connection and their bedroom scenes are much higher in steam but the intimacy and connection is just as strong and really builds within these scenes when they are able to connect on a deeper level. And when Maureen finds out the truth and her reaction was brilliant and Braden really wrote that scene so well. I just loved everything about her spirit and fire and her deep love for her man.

What I Struggled With
Nothing to be honest. I loved everything about this one here.

Overall View
I fell so hard for this one here, and the way in which this author captured this beautiful intimate romance that brilliantly tugged at my heartstrings and provoked deep resonating moments to hold close to the heart.

Favorite Quote(s)
It is all right, you know. To love a man and also see his faults, ask him to do better. If marriage teaches you anything, it teaches you that we are all constructed of faults—cracks and fissures in rather interesting shapes.” She leaned closer. “With the occasional spot of grace to make things bearable.”

“Strength is not instilled at infancy. It is built over time as we face hardships and either flail about or find a way through.

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Historical Romance, England-Regency Era
Character Types: Earls, Aristocrat, Undercover Spy
Themes: London Underground, Family Bonds, Espionage, Danger, Pining Hero & Heroine
Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Unrequited Love

Book Perspective
3rd POV

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
A mix of both

Song This Book Inspires
Endless Love by Lionel Richie, Diana Ross

Recommendation For Reading Order
Yes I do recommend reading this series in order

Steam/Spice Explanations

Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.

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Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
November 10, 2017
3.5 rounded up.

At first I didn't recall why Dunston should be interesting to me. Then I remembered Colin's book (my least favorite of the series). It turns out he actually is rather interesting.

For a while I was ticked at him for not letting Maureen go. It was a thing of, "I can't have you, I'll keep anyone else from having you." But by the end, I understood him a little better. His back story is heartbreaking and he's so dedicated to his goal it's admirable.

Maureen is smart and sweet and I can see why Henry is head-over-heels for her. My only complaint is that she did something a bit TSTL in the end to make some action happen. There was a lack of communication and just because I figured out who the baddie was didn't mean those in the story would, but it was still kind of dumb.

We get to see more of Sebastian Reaver in this book. Apparently he's the star of the next one. I'm interested in his back story and how he might go forward. I do not know if that's the final book of the series, though.

The only thing I'm sad about is that this marks the end of my Braden as a new-to-me author experience. I'm anxiously awaiting the next book which won't be out until 2018.

Profile Image for ✨ Gramy ✨ .
1,382 reviews
November 27, 2019

Confessions of a Dangerous Lord is book seven in the 'Rescued from Ruin' series by Elisa Braden.

This series is intended for ***MATURE AUDIENCES ***

This may be considered a spine-tingling adventure with a hero that is able to elicit a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy from more than just the heroine. He was also humorous, good-looking, finely dressed, and dangerous. Sounds alluring, right?

The heroine spent three seasons husband-hunting unsuccessfully, completely flummoxed by how fickle men can be. She never found anyone she cared as deeply for as the one man that means to remain only her friend. You know, the man that is always around, shamelessly flirting with a rakish smile, yet holds back any intimate affection . . . until he doesn't and her life changes without warning.


Never judge a man by his cover…

Society knows the affable Earl of Dunston for his flashy waistcoats and rapier wit. Lady Maureen Huxley knows him as Henry Thorpe, her best friend—an irresistibly kissable, strictly platonic friend. This means her dreams of marriage, motherhood, part-time cookery, and full-time domestic bliss must be fulfilled elsewhere. But after three seasons and a parade of fickle suitors, Maureen’s hopes are fading. Worse, she suspects Henry is to blame.

Never trust a man with too many secrets…
Years spent hunting his father’s murderer through London’s dark underworld have honed Henry Thorpe into a deadly blade with one purpose—catching a killer of fathomless evil. Nothing mattered more until Maureen Huxley came along. To keep her safe, he must keep her at arm’s length. Yet he can’t resist drawing her close, making her laugh, dreaming of doing wicked things to her lush body. Very well, perhaps he also dissuaded some of her suitors. But what’s a little deception between friends?

Never provoke a man as dangerous as this one…
With his enemy growing bolder and Maureen contemplating marriage to another man, Henry is caught in the crossfire between his mission and his heart. Any move could exact a devastating cost. But losing the woman he loves is one price he refuses to pay.

The cover depicts a young man with a very modern haircut. And the young woman has on a skin-tight dress that could not possibly have a corset and petticoats beneath it. Neither person in the photo seems to relate to the time period in which this book was written about.

"Compatibility is a complex measure, requiring numerous elements of aligning. Fit together like a lock and key, you might say

The first element to consider its origin. A common language, common stature within society ... Not strictly necessary, of course, but swimming downstream rather than up lends itself to greater endurance over time.

Second, one must examine the intersection of one's interests and tastes. Riding, for example,. Dancing. Excellent food. Intellectual pursuits. Again. perfect alignment is unnecessary and often tedious but direct conflicts should be avoided.

The third element involves a confluence of essential character. This is where true compatibility lies. Shared humor requiring no explanations i. An instinctive understanding of one another's thoughts and desires. Patience with one another's faults. Such synchronous alignments are both rare and miraculous, pet.

Now one might suppose if the first three elements converge, eternal bliss cannot be far behind. But that is to ignore the fourth element.

Which is? The flesh, of course. These determinations require a great deal of study. Contemplation at great proximity. And experimentation with great frequency. A critical aspect of compatibility. When judging fleshly compatibility, one must consider above all, one's response to a stimulus.

Come, let us explore the subject in greater depth, you and I."

I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about this book. There was a deep bond and heart-melting romance. Notwithstanding, it also included a dark vibe that incited anxiety and apprehension about villainous deeds in order to perpetuate fear. Trials and adversity often provide avenues for character growth, but I personally prefer to avoid angst, torture, and violence especially in my literary adventures into fiction.

This is NOT a clean series. Those who actually prefer steamy to clean and sweet might not view it as flawed. Due to this aspect, I recommend it with reservations. If you prefer clean and sweet reads, avoid this book. It is not fair to an author when readers provide bad reviews about steamy scenes if they know they are included in advance. I have been guilty of this offense myself, and take this opportunity to apologize for doing so. It takes a lot of time and effort for an author to research and write each book. And there are readers who prefer the material included in this one to a clean and wholesome read. However, I actually prefer the latter. This does have steamy sex scenes, so if you like a sex-free book this is not it. If you enjoy steamy reads, jump into this book looking forward to the pleasures painted here in words. 

This book does have the ability to stand on its own, but if you read them in order, you will become more familiar with some of the other characters that carry over. Each story does include its own H.E.A., which is always a good way to conclude the adventure you have chosen to become immersed in.


A cryptic message under pressure . . . "She says I may bid you farewell. This is what I would like to say. I trust you. Do you trust me?" He was suffocating. Frozen and flailing in the void. "Always." Those secretive lips trembled into a tiny smile. Golden-brown eyes glowed with love for him. Love and purpose. "When you think of me, I want you to remember one thing: There are storms, of course. Storms big enough to carry your hat away. But there are also orange cakes, my love. And they are divine."

Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
911 reviews1,614 followers
October 13, 2021
If there's one thing I absolutely can not stand in a hero it is when he manipulates the heroine's life deliberately and selfishly which causes her emotional pain, and to question why she is undesirable. This hero took her choices away about her future, so no one else can have her, while not being willing to step up and claim her for his.

What kind of hero is that? A selfish one. That ain't love.

Also the story was all over the place pacing wise until the last 30%

I loved the first 4 in this series but these last two were not it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,882 reviews90 followers
January 21, 2023
Maureen and Henry. Henry leads a double life as the notorious Sabre, hunting the skilled and illusive Investor, the cutthroat cold blooded killer who stoops at nothing to have his will obeyed. Henry, waistcoat enraptured Henry, who smiles his way through the ton, is a cover for the dark, focussed and dangerous Henry.
Maureen has loved Henry forever but he must protect her from his love, from laying her open to the machinations of the Investor.
When he does make her his, well, all hell breaks loose.
Loved this, along with the whole series of course!
Profile Image for Ally.
16 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2024
I think I will just leave a couple of my highlights for most of my review, I hope it is enough to explain my thoughts on it.. so turn away if you don't want "spoilers"!

"Henry" she whispered. It was the best she could do without proper air.
"I've tried to spare you, pet. Unlike Holstoke, I am decidedly not a good man" He cupped her cheek, this thumb stroking her brow tenderly, his fingers caressing her jaw and ear. "But you insist on tormenting me, and I cannot allow you to marry anyone else. Which leaves only one choice. You must marry me. God help us both."

*swoon, this was only 37% in and I couldn't get enough (esp of Henry)

"Am I your pet, Henry? You have called me that from our first conversation. Is that how you see me? Simple and amusing but ultimately useless? Someone to keep by your side, stroked and fed and contented with your company?"
He bristled. Henry rarely bristled. For some reason, she found the reaction reassuring.
"Bloody hell, Maureen. I call you 'pet' because, of all the people I have ever known, you are my favourite. The one I hold above all others. The one more precious to me than my own life."

*88% and I didn't want it to end - Go Maureen!

Gosh, I'm not normally one for these 'cheese' scenes, but I couldn't get enough of it with these two for some reason. I felt like they were just so 'perfect' together.
3,079 reviews60 followers
November 25, 2021
I loved this heroine; she's sweet and absolutely determined to be happy. But it means she must fall out of love with the H who doesn't love her. Once he sees that she will marry another man, he decides he has to change his life because she is everything to him. Loved his mother's response when he tells her about his impending marriage. The H and her family discover her hidden strength when they solve a terrible mystery. Loved this couple.
Profile Image for Aou .
1,880 reviews192 followers
September 18, 2021
Beginning and through the end it was great but in the middle I was bored little bit.
Profile Image for SunnyCAGirl.
115 reviews6 followers
March 21, 2022
Henry Dunston…I mean, dark and twisty, but also strong and 🔥🔥🔥

Dunston: Chace Crawford
Maureen: Gal Gadot
Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,867 reviews
October 13, 2019
Loved it! Further review to come when I am at home with all my notes. LOL

ETA My official review with my notes. :)

In all honesty, Elisa Braden never really disappoints me. I'm always excited to read one of her books.

Henry wants Maureen but Henry can't have Maureen. It's too dangerous. Someone killed his father and he has spent the last couple of decades trying to find the killer. He plays the fop and Maureen's friend when inside, all he wants is Maureen. He's done everything in his power to steer away any would be suitors. Even though, Maureen can never be his, he doesn't want anyone else to have her.

All the while, Maureen loves Henry and only wishes to be his but 'knows' he doesn't love her.

"So you see, he does not love me. Not the way a man loves a woman." Her answer choked her, squeezing the bones in her throat until they ached.

This book is full of angst as Maureen loves Henry and Henry loves Maureen. Circumstances happen that causes Henry to break his rule and he does marry Maureen. This leads to Maureen seeing another side of Henry and it isn't one she is sure she likes. The "other Henry" she calls him.

Although it was easy to deduce who the Investor was I still loved the lead up to the end. I really love this series.

My Ramblings and Quotes as I Read This Book:

❤ Gah! Jane and Harrison are pregnant! My babies are having a baby! Or a rhinoceros as Jane ponders why she agreed to give birth to one. LOL (We all been knew what was happening with that).

❤ Imagine my heart isn't breaking for Maureen as she thinks of how Henry doesn't love her. (See above quote and picture me sobbing)

'Maureen shivers as she imagines Henry is naked.' She calls it embarrassment but we know better. It's lust, my dear.

When would she stop dreaming of him, worrying about him, craving the silken way he call her "pet?" She hated the litter endearment and yet loved it. She loved...Henry.

❤ Me while reading this book: Oh the agony of loving someone you believe sees you only as a friend. How do you deal with the pain?

Any time she was near Henry, she was his. If ever, for one blessed instant, she believed he wanted her, she would be in his arms before he could blink. Ballroom, billiard room, bedchamber. Location mattered not at all.

❤ OH MY GOD! She's saying goodbye to him. She's letting him go!!!

❤ ...And oh man HE IS NOT HAPPY. Me thinks, Henry doesn't want Jane to say goodbye.

❤ First kiss = ON FIRE. DAMN!

Because the problem had never been that Henry didn't want her. He simply didn't want her enough. *insert broken heart emoji here*

❤ He is losing his mind over Maureen saying a final goodbye to him. Stupid man who is in love but is protecting the one he loves, because he's a protective, stupid man.

❤ A man who tears his room apart at the loss of the woman he loves is enough to break my heart.

❤ He wants to keep her safe but he can't stand the pain it causes - his chest constricts at the thought of her with anyone else. He loves her, wants her, wants to let her go, but can't. MY HEART!

A piece of her would always be a part of him. I don't think she can live without it.

To his great, everlasting frustration, her nearness was akin to breathing. Without it, he drowned.

❤ 'The small of her back' - HIS FAVORITE SPOT! I CAN'T.

❤ Henry loves Maureen so much. He wants to protect her but he may just lose her in the process.

He'd listened to the battering rain, awash in the full force of his love for her.

"I only know this," he continued, breathing her in and battling the urge to touch her. "Standing in St. George's on Harrison and Jane's wedding day, I heard the vows and imagined saying them to you."

No longer. He would repair what he'd broken, beginning now. He would bloody well put her heart first, as he should have done from the start. Gah! He is giving up his vengeance for her...but will still find them...

❤ 'The woman he loved more than his own life' - IMAGINE I AM STILL BREATHING.

His hand found hers. Interlaced their gloved fingers. The brims of their hats brushed, forming a shaded canopy. "I will live upon your laughter, for it is as necessary as sunlight to me. I will give you children because that is who you are - a mother. And I will love you, my beautiful Maureen, until my last breath.

"And I am hour husband. I love you more than you will ever understand. More than anything in heaven or hell. More than anything on this bloody earth. I will kill ten thousand men before allowing anyone to harm you. So long as I live, you will be safe."

And that is all the notes and quotes I have on this one! You can see I adored it!!! :)
Profile Image for Topastro.
470 reviews
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 12, 2020
DNF at 65%

The first few chapters were interesting but I found myself skimming. The drama with the bad guy really took away from the romance and both the hero and heroine were bland. I have really enjoyed other books in the series but this one fell flat.
Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,226 reviews575 followers
September 22, 2017
"'Two strapping men testing one another in a battle of strength and will? Hmm, yes. How brutish. Step aside, dear boy. You are blocking my view.'
- The Dowager Marchioness of Wallingham to her son, Charles, on an otherwise uneventful stroll in Hyde Park."

Wow! Who would have thought Dunston with the fun waistcoats would be such a possessive alpha?

Contrary to the previous books, here we have a couple who have been in love with each other for the past two years. It was a breath of fresh air not to have a hero who was struggling to accept his feelings.

I really enjoyed this book. Maureen and Dunston had really good chemistry (that first kiss was incredible) and I have been on board of this ship since Book 2 of the series. There were still a few things that bothered me. While I admired Maureen for trying to move on, I think that it was unfair to Holstoke because her mind was always on Henry even when she was being courted by Holstoke. Moreover, I hated that she took a while to make her decision on who to marry. I understand that she felt betrayed by Henry for having hidden his feelings for so long, but even contemplating being Holstoke's wife was annoying because she knew deep down she would never marry Holstoke. In the end, it was weird that a dream convinced her to marry Henry, when it was obvious that was the choice was going to make anyway.

Maureen thought she knew Henry and she was shocked to her core when she discovered the darker side of him. She had a hard time accepting that this stranger was indeed her Henry. I enjoyed going through that journey with her because I was also having a hard time understanding that Henry with the fun waistcoats had such a dark side to him. My main issue with this whole situation though was how Maureen's father convinced Henry to not tell her the truth. I think Henry should have gone with his gut and told her the truth before they got married. Keeping a woman in the dark because of her "sensibilities" is idiotic. I guess the plot required Maureen to find out about his dark side after the wedding.

I did like the fact that Henry gave up on his quest for revenge so he could marry Maureen. That was very admirable. While I know that Maureen didn't know what it took for Henry to propose to her, again, it still bothered me so much that she wavered on her decision.

The blurb makes it seem as if Maureen suspected that Henry had dissuaded her suitors, but that is actually quite misleading. She found out about this at the very end of the book, and to be honest, it was at the wrong time. When she found out, they grew all sentimental and angry and it did not affect me at all because I was too anxious knowing that the Investor was coming to take them by surprise. .

Finally, one minor complaint: the fact that Henry never said anything to his mom and sister regarding their past treatment of Jane still bothers me to this day.

Anyway, the author confirmed that the next book is Reaver's story and I am SO excited for that!!!!!! Not only is he a gentle giant like my beloved Tannenbrooke, but he wears reading glasses too!!! Be still my heart. After Reaver's book, we'll be getting Holstoke's book!! I need both now!!

P.S: Harrison FINALLY called Lady Berne "Mama"
Profile Image for Phoenix77.
347 reviews44 followers
July 20, 2017
Elisa Braden isn’t quite a new-to-me author, but after reading a book in the Rescued from Ruin series two years ago she sort of dropped off my radar. What a mistake that was! After reading an extremely positive review for Confessions of a Dangerous Lord I knew this was my chance to rediscover her world of noble spies and deadly secrets.

The last few London seasons haven’t been as successful as Lady Maureen Huxley would have hoped. She’s watched her older sister and good friends find love and marry their perfect match while Maureen has seen her own suitors lose interest. The only bright spot in continuing to attend the balls and receptions in town is meeting up with her best friend Henry Thorpe, Lord Dunston. Their private in-jokes and easy dialog have kept Maureen from getting deflated when men seem to dance around her rather than choosing her for a partner. Once upon a time Maureen dreamed of sharing a life with the handsome, dashing earl but Henry made it devastatingly clear that he was not looking for a wife. That should have been the end of their relationship, yet Henry has continued to be a friendly presence in her life and Maureen was reluctant to push away the only man she really cared for.

With the current season in full swing, and with her mother pushing her towards the newly arrived and eligible Lord Holstoke, Maureen risks her heart one last time to see if Henry returns her affections. Though there is no shortage of sparks between them he still tells Maureen that friendship is all that he can offer. Disheartened, Maureen tries her best to push her feelings for Henry aside so she can stop comparing each new man against the one she can never have. When Lord Holstoke begins to show some interest in Maureen she doesn’t experience the same deep feelings for him as she does for Henry, but his kisses are pleasant and she hopes that their companionship will be enough to sustain her.

Please read the full review at Romantic Historical Reviews
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,075 reviews37 followers
March 2, 2021
So, I'm currently obsessed with Elisa Braden's Rescued from Ruin series, and can't seem to read anything else at the moment.

In Book 2, The Truth About Cads and Dukes, Maureen Huxley and Henry Thorpe's romance begins when they first meet each other during her sister Jane's wedding to Harrison, the Duke of Blackmore. There were cute, flitting interactions between the two. My favourite moment in Book 2 of their romance was when Henry says, "there she is", when he and Harrison are waiting for the ladies to arrive during a party. Harrison is confused because the "she" in question is Maureen, not Jane.

I would give 5 stars to the opening chapters of Confessions of a Dangerous Lord alone but it's a 3 star read, overall.

I absolutely ate up the camaraderie between Maureen and Henry, and I loved that scene when Maureen tells him she has to stop her friendship with him if she wants to marry someone. So. Good. I need more of this in my romance stories - a hero and heroine who like each other, and have fun, teasing interactions with each other that aren't necessarily mocking or insulting in nature. Although Elisa Braden sure can write an arrogant duke too!

What's also unique about Henry and Maureen is that they are not necessarily portrayed as dumb or foolish or seen as so by other characters. I'm trying to think of other good-natured characters but the closest parallel I can think of are some works by Mary Balogh where she's played with the hero and/or heroine who are not traditional leading men or ladies, but are everyday and a little foolish. And I don't mean awkward wallflowers or scarred heroes where there's still a romantic and mysterious depth to them, but heroes and heroines who are plainly seen in their everyday foibles. I am thinking particularly of The Secret Mistress (a chatty heroine with no pretence, and a man that seems a bit stuffy and boring), and the dumb as rocks Homer Simpson hero from The Precious Jewel.

But if we were go to by hero archetype, Henry reminds me of Sherry Thomas' His At Night in that both are heroes who are considered dandies but are spies. I MUCH prefer Henry, however, because Henry isn't annoying.

As Henry is a spy, there is a mystery afoot but that did not engage me and I started to skim this about halfway through.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 293 reviews

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