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You’re only paranoid if nobody’s out to get you.

Mackenzie’s paranoia hasn’t ebbed, if anything, it’s only gotten worse, and it’s starting to wear thin on her family. Add in a new familiar, and her sister’s sudden rebellion, and tempers ignite.

As a hunter for Catch and Release, Mackenzie doesn’t choose her assignments, they are chosen for her. So, when Lucan has doubts about the security for the upcoming peace summit, he hires Mackenzie to be his deadly arm candy.

But being on Lucan’s arm has an unexpected effect.

He’s the Dragon Protector, and she should know better than to get attached, but despite her best effort, her feelings for him spark into something more.

As the summit drags on and things heat up Mackenzie receives a terrifying message and she’s forced to choose: freedom or the life of someone she's bound to protect. However, Mackenzie’s choices have deeper consequences, as secrets she has carefully guarded are about to be revealed…

448 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 1, 2022

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J.S. Kennedy

6 books249 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 182 reviews
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,805 reviews238 followers
September 19, 2023
DNF at 53%.

I’m always excited to read urban fantasy but so many times, book 1 shows a ton of promise that just doesn’t hold up in book 2.

I adore the heroine and her family. I like the world building and really enjoyed all the various characters. EXCEPT FOR THE MALE MAIN CHARACTER, who is a giant tool and abusive jackass.

The first time we meet the “hero” in book 1, he physically and mentally attacks the heroine when she has just saved three girls of his tribe. With no provocation, he tries to dominate her. Immediately, I was concerned that the author was going to make him the love interest and I was going to watch and see how she redeems him.

Sadly, he is not redeemed in my eyes AT ALL but somehow, in Book 2, we get the heroine getting all gooey and mushy over him. And this is after he physically attacks her, choking her out, when he has just hired her. In that attack, she has to break his bones to make him release her. AND get backup.

And yes, at the end of book 1, he does save her life. But at no time does he apologize for physically attacking her. They actually have discussions that his mental attacks aren’t cool and the MMC “blushes”. But that’s the attack that could be construed differently (tho I don’t understand the idea that he didn’t know). But they NEVER address the fact that he attacked her physically for no reason.

He’s even banned from ever getting another contract with her guild and somehow in book 2, everything is forgotten and forgiven and she is contracted to be his bodyguard/eye candy.

And if that weren’t enough to make me cross my eyes in annoyance, she ends up dressing herself with her own money. If a client hires you for something, they pay for the costs associated with that something! A formal dress is a great example. Instead, she ends up going into $3,000 of debt for an appropriately fancy dress.

And the hero keeps switching personalities from “soft eyes and humor” to “pride and ignoring her”. It’s exhausting.

Also, there are plenty of editing errors in this book. It wouldn’t distract me enough without everything else. But the author needs more help in editing to make the character changes flow better and more believably. And while she’s at it, to fix spelling and word choice.

I cannot feel great about a kickass heroine who is sighing over an abusive man. It’s distressing. Not romantic.
643 reviews
July 30, 2022
I almost didn’t read this book when I saw the “deadly arm candy” part of the description. Cliches like that scare me off. Yet somehow, that was one of the few parts of the book that had good reasoning behind it. That, the family dynamic, and a few choice pieces of humor were the good parts of the book. I also liked the cat, and the magic, the (not shifter related) magic is very cool.

Before I get to the complaints, there were a lot of good things to say about this book. There was just a lot of things that hit upon my pet peeves and general annoyance. Writing is hard, I don’t think I could do any better, but because it was just on the chaos of something I could like, I have a lot of complaints.

Now for the less good parts:

The conversation between characters was still awkward and the banter was so much worse than in book one. Most of the humor fell flat, or was not nearly as funny or clever or interesting as the characters made it out to be. There were a few gems, but they were mostly drowned out by the sun park material.

I had a completely different reaction to most of the things people did in this book. As in I flat out disagreed with a lot of what was said, whether it was over the viability of a plan or some self description that was only sometimes sort of true.
-“It was an excellent tactical decision” (it was not).
-“She was clever” (not particularly).
-“I don’t trust anyone” (dude just spilled her heart out to the last 3 people she talked to).
-“I’m so paranoid” (very selectively apparently).
-“You are looking well. I hope there were no lasting injuries from last night.” ​Wow, the Dragon Protector could talk the talk. Impressive. (What was impressive about that? That was wholly unimpressive.)

The main characters were bipolar? He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me… the entire book, there was a sever lack of critical thinking skills in just about every character involved… so much angst, so little brainpower.

Every bad character is just so ridiculously and blatantly bad… and even more stupid than the other characters which really seems like an achievement sometimes. Every time an antagonist was introduced, big or small, they acted the same way, 1-dimensional, too stupid to live, let me bash you with my narrow minded viewpoint, and then let me tell you my master plan just because. Very boring, very unrealistic.

And of course the ever present “I’m sure I’ve read this before”. Sure, in a way there is no original idea or original thought, but there’s a big difference between putting your own spin on things and just taking large chunks of plot devices from other books and sticking them in yours. And a lot of the time it was executed with less skill and no background to tie it into the book. I realize I’m not describing this well, but it felt like a lot of things were transplanted and then rewritten in a way that severely lessened their impact because it wasn’t built up enough earlier in the book. I can’t find the examples that bothered me most, but there were quite a few that felt like having an entire room or characters gasp at the fact that someone lied during a conversation but the author had forgotten to mention that in this universe a characters entire self worth and social standing is derived from their personal honor and refusal to break oaths. I felt very adrift while reading.

Also, lude != lewd. I’m not sure the first is even a word.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,475 reviews
May 12, 2022
3.5 stars

This book begins shortly after the events of the first one. McKenzie takes a job as “deadly arm candy” for Lucan, the Dragon Protector, during a key multi-species summit. There is plenty of action, and we get further insight into Kenzie’s relationships with her family and co-workers. She picks up an interesting new ally/familiar and her relationship with Lucan develops an intriguing angle. We see some heartbreaking betrayals along the way, ending with a cliffhanger.

I hate cliffhangers. (Grumble, grumble.)

Aside from that, though, I have a plea for Ms. Kennedy: You clearly have a gift for storytelling and for crafting compelling characters. But the frequent editing errors, from wrong words to made-up spellings, detract from the quality of your work.

Some examples: raise instead of raze, refrained for restrained, pouring for poring, caulked for cocked, flare for flair, lude for lewd, elk for ilk, etc. I know I can be a stickler for these things, but I cringed at each mistake I read.

This is an easy fix. Find an anal-retentive friend who hates spelling and usage errors and have him or her read through your draft before finalizing it. With all the creativity and hard work you obviously put into writing these stories, this is a small but necessary step. Your stories deserve it.

Profile Image for Kay ❣.
553 reviews79 followers
September 22, 2022
Great news everyone, there is 50% less martyrdom from the main female character!! *applause* 👏👏👏

Mack accepts the role as a bodyguard (aka she gets to play dressup and be pretty 💅) for a 3 night negotiation between the main magical races. Of course, her employer is also the main love interest. The romance is slowly getting past the awkward stage and each new progression between them is cute.

The worldbuilding is great, the characters are interesting...the dialogue is still odd, but I feel like it's improving. Or maybe I'm just getting better at not noticing it?

There wasn't as much mystery-solving in this story because all the DRAMA took center stage. I gobbled it up regardless, was planning to rate this four stars, but the cliffhanger threw me for a loop and now I'm mad lol 😆

I hope the next book comes out soon!
Profile Image for Casey.
369 reviews
July 17, 2022
The majority of this book was 5 stars for me. The ending was so awful that it dropped all the way to 2. The characters acted stupidly. There was major "drama for drama's sake". Nobody thought anything through. Then it ended on a cliffhanger. Oh...and I hate Brooke with the passion of a thousand exploding suns. Not sure if I even want to read the next one, honestly.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
November 4, 2023
Green Mage is book two in the Mackenzie Green series by JS Kennedy.

We start shortly after the events in book one. Mack ends up accepting a gig to be a bodyguard for three nights. Turns out her employer is the man she’s got a crush on.

Mackenzie is such a great character. She’s strong yet venerable shy yet outgoing. Her power is growing and her desire to protect her family and others is powerful.

We get mysteries inside mysteries. I was captivated. The romance is slowly growing past the awkward stage and progressing. The world is great and the characters are interesting.

I enjoyed that we got more of our hero The Dragon Protector.

Green Mage was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the storyline and mysteries. I can’t wait to see were things go in the overall ARC and with our characters.

Rated: 4.5 Stars

296 reviews4 followers
October 12, 2023
The entertaining urban fantasy of the first book devolved into a shallow, annoying paranormal romance.

The engaging female lead of the first book devolved into a silly girlschool complete with cinderella fantasies, erratic behavior and over-analyzing every move, look and utterance the love interest made. I felt like I was trapped in a fifteen year old's head during her first crush.

She also became ridiculously soft not just with the love interest but with everyone.

Oh, and the entire situation with the dress was idiotic.

The ahole love interest from the first book did not redeem himself for the actions he took in the first book. Actions speak louder than words and his actions never demonstrated he had changed. In fact, given what was right in front of the female lead's nose and she was too stupid to figure out, him not sharing that particular piece of info established he hadn't.

The romance itself was choppy and weirdly presented. They were client/bodyguard, they were making out, they were trying friendship, nothing was fleshed out, it was all over the map and none of it said romance or even passion.

And then it ended on a cliffhanger.

Will not be continuing.
Profile Image for Cassie.
614 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2022
This is a tough one to rate. After reading just the first two books by Ms. Kennedy, it’s clear that she has a very bright future. She has a knack for telling a story. The main issues I have with this book are similar to the previous book - mostly, the formatting, and editorial issues. There are some misspellings, and issues with punctuation. There are several times where characters repeat the same thing several times in the book. A few inconsistencies. And just a general feeling that the whole thing could be tighter and more pulled together.

All of that being said, this was not a bad book. I’m enjoying the storyline, and the characters. I loved the addition of Saber, and I’m a total sucker for a slow burn romance, especially when the romance does not take over the story. I like all of the different power aspects of Mac’s family, although I do wish we would learn more about them.

Ms. Kennedy - idk if you read these reviews or not, but please don’t take this one negatively. I think you have tremendous potential, and I’m very excited to see where this story goes. I’ve read a lot of shitty books, and yours isn’t one. I rarely write reviews, but wanted to make you aware of those few issues above.
Profile Image for Hanna.
731 reviews8 followers
December 18, 2022
aaand I'm done. So sick and tired of these freaking martyr tropes.
Really the only good thing about this 2nd book was Saber

The story was essentially a mix of KD 2 + 7 with a few tidbits from other familiar stories thrown in.

The first thing that irked me was the Brooke + Ben side story. Was never a fan of the Julie story in KD either. So no surprise there
Didn't like Mac and Lucan's "romance". I was ok with them as potential romantic interests in the first one, but really did not like how it played out here. It all happened way to suddenly, out of sync with the story and the characters.
I liked even less how it turned her into a simpering drooling fool.
It just didn't fit with what we kept being told about her character.
All in all it felt very immature, more teenage drama than anything else (both Brooke and Mac)

I also have to admit to being quite underwhelmed by "Terra" the boogieman, how Mac ever managed to achieve that title is beyond me. TTSL 9 times out of 10

The writing is still an issue as well. She still has a tendency to announce her actions. But this time the most noticeable thing was it getting repetitive. We were given not just one but several recountings of the events in the first book
The same explanations were given multiple times, dialogues were often rehashed, repeated some times verbatim or as good as. the banter didn't work either, mostly because she kept giving us half-page long explanations while we were waiting for her comeback

Halfway through the book I'd more or less already decided that I wasn't coming back for the next one and the ending really only clinched it.
Yet another martyr act, kinda left one with the impression that she'd just been jonesing to go back all along
and then the ultimate no-go ending it on a cliffhanger
Profile Image for Aarann.
858 reviews75 followers
March 26, 2024
This is fun enough to read the third book, but it had some editing issues with a few too many typos for me (I can't remember if that was an issue with the 1st book). Also, Mackenzie came off a bit too Mary Sue-ish where she almost always had the last word, always knew the best course of action, and really only made mistakes when it came to her emotional dealings with Lucan. In fact, she was so always in control that it seemed like it was at Lucan's expense, like the author had to make him look kind of douchey at times just so Mackenzie could come off better.

Added bonus - Mackenzie gets a talking cat for a new sidekick. I'm a crazy cat lady so I'm always happy for a cat to be involved.

This got to be a bit of a slog in the middle, during the leadup to the summit and while Alec and Quinn were off-page on their honeymoon. Another complaint is that the story abruptly changes POV at the end from MacKenzie to Lucan without clarifying that was what was happening (just put the name of the narrator at the beginning of the chapter -- it isn't that hard). But overall, this was fun enough that I've already checked the third one out from KU and have already gotten started
Profile Image for KLynn.
1,414 reviews18 followers
August 7, 2024
How did this book go so wrong? Up until the last couple chapters, this book was a solid 4 star read. I mean, you have a character that is supposedly smart and then she makes the DUMBEST decisions EVER! Feels like lazy writing.

** Don't read this if you are looking for romance and chemistry between love interests **

The found family and storyline are good though:)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for S.M..
Author 4 books24 followers
October 2, 2023
The paperback's interior formatting is a mess from page one. I would be surprised to find that Kennedy actually paged through it before approving the final version, because this is literally one of the worst examples I've ever seen. Not only that, but there were a not insignificant number of times when the wrong word was used. ("Chase" instead of "chaste," "tonight" instead of "tomorrow," "elk" instead of "ilk," and "inferred" instead of "suggested," that sort of thing.)

(There should not be so many examples I can pull from memory.)

The story was quite different from the first book, too, though whether that's a good or bad thing is up to individual readers. In the first book, the romance took a backseat to the mystery. In this one, it's the opposite. I enjoyed watching Mackenzie come out of her shell and make friends--her emotional arc is pretty well done--but the plot just isn't as well structured as the first.

That being said! I read this one almost all the way through, and stayed up way too late doing so. I think being tired helped keep me from getting annoyed by all the formatting issues. I just sort of marveled at anyone putting this out into the world and then kept reading. (Also, I already own the third book, so I'm going to read the third. I'm even looking forward to it.)
Profile Image for ArrowBreaker.
254 reviews
January 26, 2023
This book was slightly better than the first one, but there were soooooo many grammar/spelling mistakes. It really takes you out of the story. This one made me laugh:

And if I don’t, Dr. Smith and her elk won’t stop.

The word should be "ilk", but this fantastic image of a corrupt government scientist chasing McKenzie with a herd of elk was definitely entertaining in the least.

My boy Lucan has not made his intentions clear to McKenzie. Throughout the book everyone around them is always like “oh, he’s got it bad for you, girl”, but we never catch that from her point of view. Sometimes she'll say something about his eyes and not knowing what a look means, but I never would've guessed they had a mate bond forming.

Their romance is a bit disjointed in my mind, but I like McKenzie so that's why I kept reading. I don't know if I have the patience to keep going though. Especially when Lucan is being stupid.

Profile Image for Beth.
817 reviews75 followers
July 15, 2023
ML is still bothersome, although him coming across with emotional control of a toddler through all book 1 is semi-explained here.

The world/creature setup is good. I do really like Sabre and the way the earth magic was designed in both books.

Ends cliffhanger, read the blurb of #3, not in the mood for that pit of despair... probably won't continue.
Profile Image for Swalsk.
629 reviews6 followers
August 18, 2022
Omg I'm dying. I heard there was a cliffhanger, and the further we got into the story, the more I expected this to happen. But it was still so good!! I absolutely loved this. Full rounded characters, the plot, the budding love and heartbreak, the writing. Please come out with book 3 soon.
Profile Image for rcrockett.
212 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2023
My biggest pros and cons…
Pro: The characters. I love the main character. She is a kick ass heroine who doesn’t need the MMC to come save her. I’m grateful to Kennedy for letting her save herself and fix her own problems. I enjoyed watching her character develop and work through her trust issues. I like that the MMC is also flawed and has his own issues to work through. He’s reserved and hesitant about their bond instead of all gung-ho where he instantly falls in love. That’s a nice change from other paranormal romance books. The siblings and Saber are also fantastic.
Con: An annoying aspect of the story was how many times information was repeated. I know it’s normal to repeat some key aspects from the previous book as a reminder to the reader, but it was way too much, and some details were repeated multiple times. I found myself skipping paragraphs because I got sick of the repeated information. I also had a big issue at the end. Why would they let McKenzie be taken, especially after they saw that bracelet get slapped on and she was screaming in such agony? They’re supposed to have access to some crazy power and they even had a super strong dragon and griffin with them, so why in the world would they stand back and just let her go to face horrible torture? Dumb dumb dumb. I was really bothered by that. As soon as Brook got shot with the antidote, they should have leapt in.
I’ll enjoyed the first two books, but after reading some reviews about the third book and reading the blurb, I won’t be finishing this series. I don’t like feeling down and depressed when reading, but it sounds like that’s what I’d be in for. I’ll go try other authors. I don’t think this series is for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meg.
19 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2023
I hate the self sacrifice trope with a passion, add in miscommunication and all characters suddenly losing their ability to think and use their powers (because of shock)? Beyond frustrating. This ending made me unnervingly infuriated. Why build up such strong, powerful, and smart characters for it all to end with them just staring uselessly? What happened to all their training and gifts?

The story was intricate, and the build up to the main conflict kept me on the edge of my set. As soon as it clicked that the “ending” was going to be a self sacrifice I felt deflated. I see how it sets up the next book, but there are so many other plot lines that could have achieved the same outcome. But also, why couldn’t she have used her web to detect the plant matter in the antidote, which would have indicated how close it was? Why didn’t anyone else use their power? Or attack after the antidote was given?? How can someone suddenly cross wards if they have been banned?

Not sure if I’ll read the next one, even though I was so heavily invested almost to the end. The authors writing style (for the most part) is great, and I really enjoyed getting to know the characters. The magic system, fated mates process, and the society structure was refreshing. I just can’t believe that ending.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jumms.
171 reviews5 followers
October 25, 2022

Ok I'm confused with this ending. Are we getting another book after this cliffhanger ending or is this the end of the series. Book 2 definitely ramped things up from where we last left off.

We took a roundabout way to get back to interaction with Lucan and Mac. Anyone can tell and see where this was leading. It was great to see them build trust with each other and grow with each interaction.

The reveal at the end to me didn't really make sense. It was a convinent mesh of both worlds and an easy out.

I don't like authors to drag things out but I would have liked to see Mac revel in happiness for a little longer and a bit more w interaction w Nic.

I am also surprised that they were able to let their guards down enough for what happened at the end. They have been guarding against things for how long and no one thought this could happen.

I don't want to reveal too much but I think this was a better than book one and hope that there is at the very least one more book in this series.
Profile Image for Linzi Stevens.
35 reviews
September 29, 2023
Fantastic read

Best book I've read in ages - I usually just star rate the book, but feels the need to share. I actually cried!!!I love them all, Curtis, Chris, Liz, Quinn, saber - all the family. Lucan and Mac are the perfect combination, and whilst I was able to predict what was going to happen, I didn't anticipate the twist, turns, how what, where and when. Highly recommend this story and will be looking out for JS Kennedy as her writing style is the perfect combination of anticipation, description , spice - just fantastic!
62 reviews
May 16, 2024
Loving this series

I love all of these characters & want spin offs so the series never has to end! I can't wait for Mackenzie's next story but I also want to know more about the rest of the Guild, the Shifters & the Vampires
5 reviews1 follower
August 11, 2023
This book is bad for my health it's so exciting. Genuinely had to stop and calm down even while rereading cause my heart rate got too high and I was in danger of fainting
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
October 7, 2022
JS Kennedy has done it again. "Green Mage" is an excellent follow up to the first book in the MacKenzie Green series. Boy, let me tell you, the author leaves the readers with one major cliffhanger!

This time Kenzie has been hired to attend a ball involving the Triad with none other than Lucan. She is to accompany him to the various balls, pretending to be his girlfriend and eye candy. The problem is this situation is bringing feelings they both have been fighting for awhile. It is not professional to fall for you client. However, the most important problem is that Kenzie is keeping a secret that will destroy any hope of being when Lucan when he finds out exactly what it is.

Meanwhile, if that is not enough, Brooke is going through a rebellious stage and hanging out with the wrong boy, Ben. She is breaking the rules and even brought Ben home without asking anyone. Additionally, Kenzie suspects that Ben is a mage and has the ability to pour his influence over people's minds.

The balls are also the prime target of a major attack. The vamps, shifters and other paranorms are attempting to broker a deal for peace; yet, someone has something different in mind including the purist theory that species should not intermix under any circumstances.

All and all "Green Mage" was an extremely satisfying read. I am really enjoying MacKenzie and her fight to protect those she loves as well as her desire to develop friendships without revealing her secrets. There is plenty of action in this installment. There is also plenty of distress and subterfuge. The author provided a few snippets of Lucan's point of view at the end of the book. It was very insightful. After the cliffhanger, I for one cannot wait to read the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Alarna.
2,033 reviews
August 8, 2023
good. while i still liked this book i have to say the amount of time the author kept expaining every little thing to us got quite annoying, it seemed like they forgot this was the second book in the series so most of it had already been explained to us in book 1 and then to make matters worse they explained somethings agin even when where over halfway though the book and the charaters had been using them for the whole book like at the round about 3/4 of the book it starts explaining how they have magic phones and that most modern things are gone, we know they went over that in book 1 and at the start of this book, i get re-explaing a little from book 1 incase people hadn't read it in a while but that was just over the top. i also felt that the h was different, she suddenly depended on coffee to wake up when that wasn't true in the first book she also seemed to have lost some of her tolerance for pain because she got hurt way worse in some scenes in book 1 but acted fine but not so much in this book, the author also seemed to forget some things from the first book like how lucan has been to there house unless the ground pit thing from book 1 isn't at there house, for all the over explaning this book does sometimes it doesn't explain enough tho that was a issue in the first book to. i did like how we got to see a bit from lucan's perspective from the first book but it did feel like all the scences stopped just before it got to the most intreating parts. ill still read book 3 because despite how annoying and inconsistent some of this book was it was still good. :)
2,231 reviews22 followers
January 28, 2023
This is fine. The characters are all pretty one-note and the overarching plot (a shifter purity movement) is not particularly impressive, but it moves along at a good clip and is very readable.

That said, the world-building is just sloppy. On the one hand the setup is pseudo-medieval - meat pie vendors operating in the town square, etc. - but on the other hand people casually have cereal for breakfast, regularly drink coffee, reference Kool-Aid, and go to the deli for lunch. A minor character is referred to as being “of native American descent” which is silly when no one seems to know what the USA or the Americas are in the first place - shouldn’t a specific tribe be referenced? Characters display a twenty-first-century level of sexism/misogyny despite the fact that the worldbuilding is explicitly egalitarian (as in Kate Daniels) and women are as powerful as men in pretty much every arena we’ve seen. We’re told that everyone has magically-operating cell phones, which seem ubiquitous, but on the other hand plastic is a thing of the past (not just its production but its existence). One of the things that's nice about the Kate Daniels books is that the world-building is thoughtful - that there are reasons behind the decisions the authors made. While there are a few nice bits here (e.g. the use of bicycles by people who can't afford horses), for the most part it's a contemporary urban fantasy world until the author remembers it's not.
Profile Image for Vannessa.
1,066 reviews22 followers
June 23, 2023
I really enjoyed this book and loved the various plots in this one. Mackenzie, a mercenary for hire, is hired by no other than the same person that was banned from her guild in the first book. There wasn't any explanation as to how or why he was un-banned, but I'm guessing it included a lot of money! This same person is the main love interest and although he can be quite an arrogant, selfish character most of the time, there is a softer, redeemable side to him that is starting to appear.

The main plot involved Mackenzie being "deadly arm candy" for Lucan's supernatural event, but the side plot involving her sister and her new friend was a good one and exactly what I thought it would end up being!

The ending was very surprising though especially after everything the family had been through, everything they had been fighting against and everything they had been hiding from! Mackenzie seemed to give in way too easily, but knowing her, she has a bigger plan than just this!

A great read, with a some good character developments - I definitely could see more of Mackenzie reluctance to trust and the reasons for her paranoia more this time round. Yes there were a few typos & incorrectly used words, but they didn't spoil the read for me at all! Looking forward to reading the next one now!
10 reviews2 followers
November 11, 2022
What a wonderful book this was! It pulled me right into her world and carried me along on a high excitement story that I wished would never end. Mackenzie and Lucan join forces again, to try to ferret out a possible traitor who is trying to destroy shifter society. I particularly like the fact that there is a lot of action, and conflict on many fronts, but there is still a lot of energy put into the relationships in the book and you learn a lot more about both her family AND Lucan’s background, including why he despises mercenaries. A really wonderful addition to the cast of characters is Saber, an experimental animal that Mackenzie is hired to find, and I won’t say anymore because it’s a great story. There is no actual romance in the book, although strong feelings are developing between Mackenzie and Lucan, when they can pause long enough from hating each other.

There were only two huge disappointments for me with this book: 1) the ending. First the fact that it did end, and secondly HOW it ended, which was horrifying and left me gasping. And 2) the fact that the third book in the series isn’t out yet, and I really, really hope it’s coming soon. I HIGHLY recommend this book

49 reviews
April 21, 2023
A rather brilliant second book!

Miss Kennedy, thank you for such a great second book!

Let's get the knitpicking question out of the way... there were some areas where my mind noticed a word choice or something was out of sorts only it didn't slow me down so I don't imagine it will someone else. I mean, unless, of course, you're some kind of criticism who gets their rocks off at slamming author's?

The romance angle of the book is well done and lowkey, which I liked. They are of similar backgrounds or it's alluded to in any case.

My only real issue is that it felt like she kept forgetting or just dropped the whole thing about the person who was trying to speak to her mind. For it to be such a big thing and never did she attribute it to one and when she actually talks to the guy it again is like no big RED ALERT which just didn't make sense to me. Even amidst all the distractions I would have thought it would have garnered more attention... I suppose it's all a setup for the next book though.... which I'm starting to worry will be just as good, save these little things may serve to disappoint.

Gah now I'm I'm just frustrated as hell and I don't know if I wanna!!

Excellent writing. Fun. Sad. Lovely.
Profile Image for Tony Hisgett.
2,830 reviews33 followers
July 22, 2023
It became clear during the previous book that the author was working towards Mackenzie and Lucan becoming an item, I really wish she hadn’t.

What I don't like is the message the author is giving that Lucan is arrogant, controlling, abusive and violent, but because he is good looking we are supposed to ignore this. Even though his first reaction to a woman saying or doing something he doesn’t like is to physically hurt and damage them.
Then there is Mackenzie, who becomes increasingly pathetic when thinking about Lucan.

Unfortunately there were several other issues with this book. Given Mackenzie's past and self confessed paranoia the whole 'Ben' storyline did not ring true. Mackenzie's reactions were just wrong and I really couldn't believe the author thought she could get away with making her so passively unconcerned.
The storyline became more and more annoying as Mackenzie's lack of action against Ben was so out of character. This wasn't just unbelievable, it made the whole book unbelievable.

The middle of the book with the conference was fairly tedious, especially the interaction between Mackenzie and Lucan, although things did pick up in the last quarter of the book.

I really liked the first book, but I had real problems with this one. They start with the author pandered to the Romance and ‘Bodice Ripper’ readers, but the ending was just ridiculous, it was so disappointing after such a good first book.
501 reviews25 followers
March 19, 2022
This just gets better!

Mackenzie's new task is that of a bodyguard, a protective role, for a mysterious stranger. No names given, but there was a familiarity, a niggle, she knew this person, and argued with herself... could it really be him?
Mackenzie continued to be the mother figure for her family, and certain rules remained, for the protection of them all. Brooke, however, broke these rules and the repercussion from this far out weighed anything Mackenzie had ever experienced before.
This is the 2nd book in the series by this talented author and it didn't disappoint at all. There are snippets of information from the first book, helping the readers recall, which I found really helpful. The intensity and suspense builds through the chapters, progressively increasing in the two main stories that run concurrent, and reaching a crescendo at the end with suprises I didn't see coming.
The story flows well and the detailed descriptions let your imagination form both new and old characters in your minds eye. Well written, great read, looking forward to the next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 182 reviews

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