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Psy-Changeling #8

Bonds of Justice

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Return to the powerful, turbulent Psy/Changeling world created by the “amazingly talented” Nalini Singh, as a human detective finds himself working the most unlikely of cases—in the dark heart of a Councilor’s domain . . .

Max Shannon is a good cop, one of the best in New York Enforcement. Born with a natural shield that protects him against Psy mental invasions, he knows he has little chance of advancement within the Psy-dominated power structure. The last case he expects to be assigned is that of a murderer targeting a Psy Councilor’s closest advisors. And the last woman he expects to compel him in the most sensual of ways is a Psy on the verge of a catastrophic mental fracture . . .

Sophia Russo is a Justice-Psy, cursed with the ability to retrieve memories from men and women so twisted even veteran cops keep their distance. Appointed as Max’s liaison with the Psy, she finds herself fascinated by this human, her frozen heart threatening to thaw with forbidden emotion. But, her mind filled with other people’s nightmares, other people’s evil, she’s standing on the border between sanity and a silken darkness that urges her to take justice into her own hands, to become judge, jury . . . and executioner . . .

348 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 6, 2010

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About the author

Nalini Singh

231 books26.1k followers
I've been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There's no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I've worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer's mill.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,341 reviews
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
January 1, 2022
4 stars

Sophia and Max - good couple. Had plenty of chemistry.

I didn't necessarily love this book but it was a good addition. I liked Sophia's character, her background as well as her power. She was a mystery and I wanted to know more. One thing which left me bit confused was her miraculous recovery at the end - I needed a better explanation.

One of my favourite parts in this book was Nikita's storyline. That woman is a powerhouse and NOT what she seems. There are layers and layers there. I wanna know more.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
November 26, 2018
Max Shannon (human) and Sophia Russo (Justice-Psy)

“Hello, my Max,” she whispered.
“Hello, my sweet, sexy Sophie.”

I loved Max and J-Psy Sophia together. Sophia is the sweetest girl who has suffered a lot as a child and now as an adult and a justice Psy, she knows that she does not have much time left being herself.

All J-Psys after a certain time they go crazy, or they die or they get “rehabilitation” and they are never the same. Since they have the power and can dive into the darkest minds, they are used in order to provide evidence for the worst, darkest actions of evil humans. Obviously they can not stay sane for long. In one of the cases, Sophia needs to dive into the mind of a serial killer who reminded me a bit Patrick Bateman from American Psyco. He is rich, good-looking, smooth and he loves to torture his victims before he kills them. The problem is that he does not reveal where he has buried his victims. So Sophia needs to dive into his mind and find out what he has done with them.

At the same time Sophia will have to work with a guy that has piqued her interest, Max, and find out who is killing Sascha’s mother associates. There is obviously a disturbance in the net. The PsyNet seem like it has been split into two separate functions.

Max is human and he is such a strong, honourable character. He will never push Sophia and he will offer her respect, acceptance and love.

I think these two are one of the nicest couples in the series.

Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
October 7, 2015
Bonds of Justice, Nalini Singh’s 8th book in her Psy-Changeling Series focuses on Max Shannon, a human cop working for the New York Enforcement, who we previously met in Mine to Possess, Clay & Talin's story. He’s asked by Nikita Duncan, one of the Psy Council members to assist in an investigation into discovering who is causing a series of murders. He’s teamed up with

Sophia Russo a J-Psy whom Max previously met while working his last case.
Sophia knows that she doesn’t have much time to live. She’s broken Silence, her shields are severely fractured and all the dark memories she’s able to retrieve from criminals, has damaged her to the point that rehabilitation will be next..
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“There's not much left inside me, Max" Sometimes, all she heard were echoes.”
She longs to feel love, feel cared for, to feel emotions before it’s too late. I felt for her. And I really liked her.
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Max is deeply attracted to Sophie – he appreciates her for the person she is, for her beauty and understands her abilities and sees through the coldness she attempts to project. I liked the way their relationship develops and loved seeing how tender and loving and understanding Max was with Sophia.
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I really liked Max and Sophia as a couple. They had incredible chemistry and the sexual tension between these two is pretty hot!!!
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The storylines in Bond of Justice are multi-faceted. We are given an insight into the Psy Council organization and how they continue to fight for control and power, causing a further split in it. We are also introduced to Kaleb Krycheck, a very mysterious and fascinating Psy. He’s on a mission we have no idea what it is….
Not today. Are you certain, Nikita?
She didn’t ask him how he knew what she was going to do. There’s no use fighting the wave. Those who do will drown.
Some will say that you’re the one who’ll drown, smashed against a wall of Silence.
And you?
Kaleb looked down into the blackness of the gorge, but it was another darkness that he saw, the light blinking out in a woman’s eyes as she begged for mercy. I think it’s time.
We also see another side of Nikita Duncan I never expected!!
Key appearances made by characters from previous books and Sascha and Faith play a very important role in this story.
A huge and unexpected surprise at the end………and believe me …ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS!!
Another great addition to the series.
One of my favorite quotes:
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Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
September 15, 2016

So...this book was not so good as the previous others. Yeah, it happened and I blame my (too) high hopes for this book to be really great or as great as the others in this series. I love PNR and with this story I just didn't feel that much of PNR going on. You have a human detective and a psy. They have two murder cases and one of course leads to a deadly situation that resolves in some action and good loving afterwards. I love that type of plots but with this book, it simply felt too real, too non PNR and I just wanted more changeling and their world. But it happened and now I have to deal with it, yeah, yeah... What I'm trying to say here is that this book is good for readers that don't mind to be in a world where there main focus is more on real life, action and mystery than on romance and fantasy. For me, that was what let me down so I couldn't enjoy the story so much. I don't know, maybe it's just me or I'm in a weird book mood but for those of you who don't mind that kind of a plot, go for it! The writing is as always amazing! It's Nalini Singh after all! :)
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,982 followers
October 1, 2013
4 Solid Stars

Bonds of Justice is a FANTASTIC addition to this AMAZING series. It's not my favorite as the plot and romance seemed to drag a little, but I went gaga over Max and loved the active role some of the DarkRiver members played in this book. As for the Psy Council…HOLY COW! The plot thickens! NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS!!! *rubs hands excitedly*

Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
February 23, 2011
Wow! Max, you sure know how to seduce a reader, I mean woman. I just fell in love with you. They should put a 'Dangerous' label on you. You are not at all intimidated being a plain old human (snorting when I write that), even though you are surrounded by folks who could rip you to shreds or melt your brain. You are confident enough to claim a formidable 'J' Psy as your very own woman. How could you not become one of my favorite heroes in this series? Not to mention the fact that you are gorgeous and part-Asian (drooling on keyboard). Again, I wonder if this author is actually a Psy and is extracting data directly from the dark corners of my mind.

Bonds of Justice moved up the list of books in this series, and to near the top of my favorites list. Unlike many fans, I actually enjoy the Psy-focused storylines. Something about these people of formidable mental abilities, and their struggle to stay in control. Control is a theme that hits me hard. Control of oneself, control of others. Escaping control, gaining control. Different aspects of control as a concept resonates deeply with me. I like stories in which the protagonists wrestle with control issues. I like to see the ice cold walls come down, or for them to loosen enough to let that character love and be loved.

Max and Sophia are a perfect pair. They are both wounded on the inside (and for Sophia-also on the outside). Both of them look deeper to see their soulmates. Max was one of the first people to actually 'see' Sophia. To want to take care of her, and to know her. She was thrown away by her parents because she was deemed 'unfit' after she was nearly destroyed by a psychotic Psy as a child. She took the only option available for a Psy of her talents, that as a J-Psy. They have a notoriously short lifespan because of the stressors of their job. They have to work with the worst of humanity, extracting ugly memories to help to solve the most heinous of cases. Eventually all that ugliness destroys them from the inside out. When Sophia meets Max, she knows her days are numbered. But, because she was never subject to Silence, she feels an attraction to him that she decides to pursue, to allow herself to feel that way before her life is taken from her by the Psy (or face total rehabilitation). Close proximity to Max on a case in which they are trying to determine who is trying to kill powerful Psy Councilor Nikita Duncan reveals that he's a man she cannot resist. And Max is more than willing to pursue her. I cared about Sophia, loved her. I wanted her to find that chance of happiness with Max. I think she's deserved it, with her lonely, selfless life. No one should feel so isolated and unloved.

Max has all the traits I love in a hero: keenly intelligent, possessive, strong-minded, a good sense of humor, an infallible sense of justice, and the insight to see the beauty in a wounded Psy like Sophia. Max had some very deep scars. His mother was very cruel to him, abusing him and showing her hatred in every way. He never felt worthy or loved growing up. As an adult, he became dedicated to seeking justice for people, and became one of the most relentless and formidable cops in the Enforcement system. I just adored him. I wanted him to see how worthy he truly is.

I was rooting so hard for Max and Sophia to find their happy ending. I like the way that Nalini Singh worked things out in this book. She broke a pattern and found a resolution that progresses the Psy storyline in a way that makes my interest even more keen.

Big changes are coming for the Psy, that have the potential to affect all three races: Psy, Changeling, and Human. I am excited to see where things go from here.

Gosh, I am so addicted to this series, and this book only made it worse. Ms. Singh tantalized me with glimpses of one of my favorite supporting characters, Psy Councilman, Kaleb Krychek. She has me drooling here. What a sexy, scary, cool, dangerous character here. He's terribly enigmatic. The man has one heck of a siren call going on for this reader. She has to write a book for him. I insist.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I loved this book. There was quite a bit going on, but the romance was lovely, and the Psy elements were awesome. There was even a good mystery thrown in. It was cool to catch up with some of the characters from past books, and to see that they were doing well. I liked how Ms. Singh intertwined Sascha's ongoing storyline so well into this story. There are layers and layers of subtext going on here that balance the Psy-Changeling storyline beautifully. Yup, this is definitely in my top three books in this series. Max, you are giving Hawke, Dorian, and Dev a run for their money, and you have surpassed Judd, although I love that man too. What a major feat for a mere human!

Great story here. Loved it!!! Check out this absurdly-addictive series if you haven't yet. It starts with Slave to Sensation.
Profile Image for Felicia.
Author 43 books128k followers
August 24, 2010
I really like this author but this couple did pretty much nothing for me. I guess I really like it when the two are NOT into each other and grow closer. On first sight these two were total horn-dogs and basically abandoned all their previous patterns of behavior to jump into it together. Meh.

The favorites from this series always have some character tension going on before they "get it on". I do like the WORLD plot in this one, the Psy are always interesting, and it seems like there's a tipping point coming, so I'll definitely be into that one! I just wish the next one were about the Arrow guy character who popped up a few books ago, or the lead Psy guy from this one.
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,507 followers
November 6, 2016

Edit after reread: This is very strange, but this book didn't work for me even after the reread, but for completely different reasons. The romance was actually sweet and lovely for me this time, but the story and the case they were working on were extremely boring, plus that horrible psycho dude was, well, horrible! But at least I like them more as a couple than I did at first read :)

Although I love the Psy world and characters, this book I just couldn't get into.

First of all - I miss the usuall characters, the pack members Photobucket even though some made a short appearance, that just wasn't it. Only Sascha had a bigger part, and I loved that, the whole story with her and Nikita! I hope Nikita really does have some feelings for her daughter or something <3

Second - The love affair here seemed forced. From the first scene there was talk of their attraction and almost immediately Sophia wants to touch him and stuff Photobucket So after a few touches (yes only touches) they become the love of their lives, all muchy and gooey Photobucket

Third - The saddest thing is that I read this for all the story that DIDN'T involve those two touching and seducing one another. I really wish the story was better and much more developed, because Singh really knows how to make this universe interesting, and I have to admit, I'd read her book about Psy even if there wasn't any romance in it ( Photobucket yes I know ) and sadly, this book here would be better if the romance was a little toned down, and made a little more believable.


Off to the next one, hope it'll be better Photobucket
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
January 19, 2016
Bonds Of Justice is the eighth installment in Psy-Changeling series. Even so, the author never ceases to amaze me with the world she has created. In this book, we will meet Detective Max Shannon, a human cop who was born with a natural mental shield that protects him from Psy mental interference, and Sophia Russo, J-Psy who has almost reached her 'retirement' age and her telepathic shield are beginning to fail.

Max and Sophia were chosen to work together to solve the special case. Both of them were intensely attracted to each other. I loved this couple, they were brave enough to take a risk and open their hearts to love without restraint, no secrets, no holding back, just trust and love. It was wonderful seeing how these two imperfect persons create one perfect relationship and make each other whole.

He could almost feel the vibrating tension in her, every tendon held taut. “I know who you are,” he said, holding her gaze. “I’m not going to be scared away because of your ‘imperfections.’”
A sheen of wet in her eyes, turning the midnight iridescent.
“We fit, you and I,” he whispered looking into that haunting gaze. “Two broken pieces making a whole.” It wasn’t the most romantic of statements, but it was torn from his soul. “I am not losing you.”

But their time together was almost up. Sophia came close to losing an ability to get her thin, fragile mental shield under control. Still, Max never gave up and he would do anything to save her.

All in all, this was my thrilling read, full of emotion, passion, fast-paced suspense, and drama. This series just keeps getting better and better! Nalini Singh is definitely one of my auto-buy authors.
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
September 6, 2020
“Will you remember me?”
His heart broke into a thousand pieces. “Always.”

No one knows much about the Justice-Psy. Except that they’ve always been part of the world’s justice system, able to retrieve and share memories from minds. They are quite rare, and have a short work span. Everyone among the justice world knows that they are only around a certain number of years, until they just disappear, never to be seen again. And Sophia Russo has been a J-Psy for twelve years. Her mind is filled with nightmares, with the evil she has witnessed over the years. Her shields are paper-thin, on the verge of collapsing, and she struggles with the darkness that urges her to take justice into her own hands. The only one who fractures the ice around her heart is the human cop, Max. But her yearning will never come to fruition, because no one has ever been able to love her broken self.

“Max, are you trying to fix me?” It was impossible, and she couldn’t bear for him to realize that too late, walk away.
“No. I’m trying to save you.” An implacable, absolute answer.

Because of his natural shield Max Shannon is immune to Psy mental invasions. This means he won’t ever advance in the justice ranks which is dominated by the Psy, but that has never bothered Max. He is a good cop, and all he cares about is getting justice for those wronged. His latest case brings him to the aid of a powerful Psy Councilor, whose closest advisors are being targeted by a murderer. Max always works alone, so when he’s assigned a Psy liaison, he’s more than unwilling. Until he finds out the liaison is the very woman who has been fascinating him with her haunted eyes.

“There’s not much left inside me, Max.” Sometimes, all she heard were echoes.

I loved the broken Sophia. She has suffered so much, broken into so many pieces that it’s a miracle she’s still alive. The horrendous acts she has witnessed as a child, and as a J-Psy would have broken most people a long time ago. However Sophia might be broken, but she’s brave and determined to never again be helpless. She has never experienced love, and I thought it was so sweet how hopelessly attracted she was to Max, but so unsure about how to act, how to handle the feelings she had about him. And I loved the way she viewed him, how he made her want to fight for her survival, for keeping the darkness at bay.

He’d lost everything else and survived, but he couldn’t lose her, not his J. It would break him.

I adored Max, and how serious he took his promises, how determined he was to bring down the bad guys, and protect the innocent. His childhood wasn’t easy either, and he knew what it meant to lose those you loved, and to be unloved. I loved how he saw the real Sophia, the woman beneath the scars, and how patiently he pursued her. And of course I loved his possessiveness and protectiveness over Sophia, and how playful he could be with her ;-D

The possessive urge, the violent need to claim her to the core was a gnawing ache in his gut. He wanted the world to know she was his—make certain no one would dare lay a finger on her.

I absolutely LOVED the romance in this book. The intense fascination both of them experienced, and the attraction neither could deny. It was so very special the way they shared secrets they never told anyone else, and how it just strengthened the bond between them. Both are so damaged by their pasts, has so many nightmares, and seeks justice for the innocents. They understand and accept each other, and are just perfect together. I love how much they loved each other, how hard they fought to be together. Their romance was simply beautiful and so very powerful.

With every book we learn more about the Psy and about the effects Silence has on the PsyNet. I loved that we learned more about the DarkMind, which is so broken, slowly going insane because of Silence. This race has so much power, but also so much horror, so many monsters. Change is definitely coming for the Psy, but will Silence ever fall, and if it does can the NetMind and DarkMind be saved?

The plot was very captivating, not only with the increasing escalation of threats from the Pure Psy, but also the serial killer case that Sophia and Max were working on, and how they had to get information from him about his victims. And things with the Council also gets more interesting, and I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next.

I’m very happy that we got more information on the mysterious Kaleb and cold Nikita. Both are such fascinating characters, but until this book I was unsure whether they were good or bad. Luckily we finally get that answer in this book ;-)

Nalini Singh is my favorite author, and this my all-time favorite series. I love this series and its amazing world-building, loveable characters and fantastic romance. HIGHLY RECOMMENED TO EVERYONE!.

Profile Image for Choko.
1,375 reviews2,660 followers
October 7, 2016
*** 4.5 ***

A buddy read at BB&B with my friends Joanita and Angela! We love our Psy and Changelings:):):)

Wow! I can not believe this is the 8th book in the series already! I think in the case of PNR this is a better fit, since every book deals with different couples within the same world, imaginatively created by Nalini Singh and richly populated with humans, changelings and Psy, all with their racial and cultural differences and all basically yearning for the same things, even if some of them have lost the ability to understand or accept that.

" ... “Take care of my heart won't you, Sophie? It's a little odd having it outside my body-but I'm planning to steal yours to make up for it.” ..."

This time we deal with a character we have met before, the human cop Max, who on occasion works cases with the Justice Psy, J designation, Sophia. Max finds her fascinating, somehow understanding that this Psy is not like most others, he can feel her humanity trying to come up on the surface of her Silence trained shields. What he does not understand is that this same humanity is what is dooming her to the faith of the broken Psy - complete rehabilitation, a total decimation and erasure of her personality, memories, everything that makes her who she is.

"... “This reconditioning will be your last—your telepathic shields are too severely degraded to allow for a further reset.” Cool green eyes met hers. “Do you understand?”
“Yes.” The next time she walked into a Center, only a shambling, empty-eyed shell would walk back out.... "

Sophia knows that she is living on borrowed time and the assignment she is given by counselor Nikita in San Francisco is just a temporary reprieve. Aware of her expiration date, she decided to explore this weird attraction she feels when she is in the company of the human Max, whom she has been partnered with. All the unfamiliar feelings, sensations, need that run through her body and mind are things she can not even define, they are so foreign to her and she sees them as just another symptom of the erosion of her shields and her unnaturalness... So, lucky dog that he is, Max get to teach her what all of those feelings are and how much fun they can be:):):) But Sophie is broken, shattered, on the verge of self-destruction... Can Max find a way to put the pieces back together and heal all her fractures???

" ... “I’m just trying to know who you are.” And why she spoke to a part of him that had gone quiet a long, long time ago.
“Nobody,” she said, her tone so flat, he could’ve imagined the soft-voiced woman who’d told him his nightmares would pass. “I’m nobody.”..."

What a sad people Silence has made of the Psy! So afraid of their nature, so terrified of the tendency to go insane and violently bad, that they have suppressed all the good and positive feelings and connections which are also part of their nature.... How terrible a life, when suicide has become one of the acceptable ways to end it, instead of giving in to feeling and the desire for human interaction...

Once again Nalini gives us not only a wonderfully appealing couple, who are sexy and fit together, but also enriches our knowledge of the world, the variety of Psy abilities, and deepens the overall political intrigue of power and unexpected alliances. Nikita, I am looking at you girl! You fascinate me and I am waiting for a book where you find your human core and give in to happiness and love!!! And once again Nalini shows us that no games or needles angst is needed for sexual tension between the characters and they can keep our interest without manufactured drama:):):)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, but I am very well aware that I have invested myself in this world and my liking of the books has to do with this attachment, so it is not an impersonal judgement:) I want to thank my very enthusiastic buddy readers Jo and Angela - reading this series with you guys is a joy and pleasure on its own!!! Thank you!

I wish all Happy Reading and may you always find something uplifting in the pages of the books you read!!!

Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
June 20, 2017
5 stars – Paranormal Romance

WOW! This is another amazing installment in Singh’s phenomenal, original, and brilliantly crafted Psy-Changeling series. I just loved the relationship between sexy, possessive, protective alpha human cop Max Shannon and Justice-Psy Sophia Russo.

I’m continually impressed by the unique, spellbinding world-building, intriguing, complex characters that are impossible not to fall in love with, and the deeply emotional, passionate romance, and this is one of my favorites of the series. Oh, who am I kidding? I love them all!

In this, we get to see a lot of Lucas, Sascha, Faith, and other members of the DarkRiver pack, and I just melted over Lucas’s fiercely protective, affectionately tender nurturing of his pregnant mate, Sascha. He’s definitely one of my very favorite Changeling heroes!

Bonds of Justice is another exceptional read in an awesome series. My only complaint is the same I had with the previous book, Blaze of Memory, which is that the sensuality and steam level of the love scenes seems to have cooled a bit compared to the other, earlier books in the series. Ms. Singh, I’d appreciate it if you’d turn the heat back up just a little, and I’d really love another Changeling hero, please! Still, it’s worthy of big 5 stars!

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
October 7, 2015
The great thing about this series is the world it is set in. And, the chapters go back and forth between what is going on in the big picture and what is going on in a romance between different characters each book. So, even when I'm not a fan of the romance, I am still hooked on reading the books to find out how the bigger story will play out.

And, that's a good thing because as creative and interesting as the world is; the romances can get a bit stale. The males are almost all the same - alpha's who are over-protective, jealous, and sexually aggressive. I mean, I can see it with the changelings - they are part animal, but in this book we get a human male and he is written in the same exact way that the changelings are. He wants to "mark" her (with a hickey), he practically growls when another man looks at her, and he pretty much does the old "mine" thing with her. I almost expected him to start humping her leg or something. (Freaking dogs! My poor teddy bears! I don't leave them on the bed anymore...)

step away from the bear, sir!

So, in this one, we get Max, the human cop, and Sophia, a J-psy. A J-psy is a psy who can see into people's memories and are used to find out the guilt or innocence of a criminal. They also have a tendency to go crazy because of the crap they are forced to watch in the minds of the deranged.

There are two "mysteries" going on. One is with a serial killer whom they are trying to extract the locations of his victims' bodies. The other has Max and Sophia working for Nikita to find out who has been killing all of the people close to her. Of course, this brings them together, in close proximity, and sparks fly. And, also of course, Sophia is on the edge of going crazy and will die if Max touches her too much. Sucks to be you, Sophia!

going crazy never looked so good...

So, we get a lot of sappiness because Sophia is expecting to die. That's another thing that is getting a bit old. The females in these books are always about to die. Owning a uterus myself, I find this a little objectionable. All the males get to be domineering asshats, and all the females have to be martyrs willing to die for these asshats? Personally, I would rather go without some alpha jerk slobbering all over me if it meant my death.

there are other ways to scratch that itch..... non-deathy ways...

So, we have disgustingly corny and annoying beautiful heartfelt notes that they write to each other about losing each other, and long long conversations about "hanging on and fighting for their love." Seriously, for a person like me (emotionally dead inside) - it made me want to puke.

Ryan Gosling is right! Never cry and Always eat burritos!

Umm, burrito..... (shit, I hate dieting! I'd kill someone for a burrito right now. With guac! Don't forget the fucking guac!)

Alright, I'm grouchy. Time to end this rant/review.

Profile Image for AvidReader.
1,318 reviews284 followers
August 10, 2024
Absolutely amazing!. Their journey was one hell of a ride. The plot, the action, their witty banter, secondary characters, I enjoyed it all.

Sophia is an insanely amazing character. My heart bled for her. From the beginning itself I was rooting for both of them. They deserved each other and the happiness.
Let’s not even discuss Max Shannon, the detective. He was just awesome.
He completely supported, understood and protected her. What more do anybody need?! Also, insanely in love with her too.

Recommended and safe.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
November 28, 2019
Bonds of Justice is a Psy/Human pairing. I was so curious how this one was going to play out because I really didn't know how Sophia was going to escape being rehabilitated. In the Psy/changling pairings, the Changlings were able to carry the Psy mates in their own network. Sophia did not have that available to her since Max is human. I clearly did not expect what happened at the end but I also am not sure I understand it either. I'm sure more scenarios like this will come up in another pairing in the series. Overall, I liked the story, the main couples, and I genuinely enjoyed the small appearances of the previous pairings. I'm looking forward to seeing Lucas as a father. I'm also curious about Nikita. Things are changing and I wonder how her personality, or lack thereof will be by the end.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
April 29, 2021
~ 4 Bonds of Justice Stars ~

I love this series. Love the characters. Love the factions. Love the world building.

Amazing! Fascinating! Interesting!

Bonds of Justice is book eight in Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh. I had a wonderful time reading about Max and Sophia. We don’t see Max expect in Clay and Tally’s book Mine to Possess. It was a suprise to see him get his own book, but very rewarding, especially after being disappointed in the last book Blaze of Memory. We get a great plot, lots of suspense, several new Psy being revealed, more in-depth into the Psy world and romance.

I enjoyed the visits with past characters. We get to see how they are doing and the parts they play in the storyline. The Psy, at least most, are finally understanding that change is coming a type of awakening. I liked the progress of the plot with the Silence and the Council. I also liked the idea of the J-Psy, Justice Psy, they have a hard life. The concept as a whole, with the J-Spy, was interesting. The sexual tension between Max and Sophia was at an all time high. Their was no lack in making me wait and wait for the relationship to hit the critical point. As for Sophia she was a little flat I never really felt like I got to know her. Max I liked as a character, but was never completely enthralled with him.

Another good book in the Psy-Changeling series. I can’t wait to read the next one.

Audio March 2018: Had a superb time listening to the audiobook for Bonds of Justice I actually enjoyed the audio more then reading the book. I think it's because I'm getting so much more out of hearing these characters. The voices are all so different and enjoyable. I feel I get a more in-depth feel for them. I highly recommend the Psy-Changeling series in audio and/or reading.

Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,099 reviews454 followers
February 5, 2024
This book and the previous one of the series finally give us a better look into the world of the Psy. Things are not well in the PsyNet. It's those pesky emotions. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Some of the Council realize that protocols are going to have to change. Others advocate complete Silence, discounting the dangers of such a course. Nikita is an interesting window into the Council's inner workings. Could there lurk a bit of motherly feeling under that ice queen exterior?

Meanwhile, we learn about the J Psy (J for Justice). Able to find, record, and project the memories of criminals or witnesses to crime, they are integral to the justice system. They are rare and tend to have weak shielding meaning that their lives usually end young, in the reconditioning centres that all Psy dread. It seems to me that death would be preferable to a vegetative state, so it seems odd to me that the unsentimental Psy would keep these unfortunates alive, except as a warning to the general population I guess.

Sophia Russo, a J Psy, knows she's reached her best-before date. Soon, she won't be able to fool the Med Psy and reconditioning will be the outcome. So she is clinging to life and when Detective Max Shannon offers the possibility of tasting a real relationship and she grasps that chance (and him) with both hands.

These books are addictive when I'm in the right mood. The Psy slant is irresistible.
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
December 4, 2020
I have a lot of favourite characters in this series, but these two are special in their own way.

Bonds of Justice is still one of my favourite books in the series. I love both main characters.

Also, Nikita is awesome. And Krychek. And Arrows (what, you didn't think I'll miss this opportunity to mention them again?).


I loved Bonds of Justice the first time I read it. This time it was even better.
In short, there is the main story reserved only for this book. A number of Councillor Nikita Duncan's people either committed suicide, had some kind of accident or just died. Too many not to be suspicious. And who better to find out what is going on than the cop with strong natural shields, the fact a lot of Psy told Max Shannon revealing that every now and then someone tries it. Nikita partners him with Sophia Russo, a J-Psy that is nearing her 'expiration date'.
That's the main story.
That is not the only thread that connects Max and Sophia. There is a human sociopathic serial killer sitting in jail thanks to Max, and Sophia is the Justice Psy sent to extract the information about the victims still waiting to be found.

The romance is beautiful, but it definitely doesn't overwhelm the rest of the book. These two were simply waiting for the other to appear to be whole.

However, as much as I loved these two characters, I loved the other parts of the book even more.
My favourite Councillor doesn't just appear in the book but plays a very important role. His story kicks off for real in this book. The information he has been searching for six years comes through.

It may sound weird but I love Nikita Duncan's character. She was interesting before but now when I pay more attention to her behaviour towards Sascha and a lot of other 'flawed' Psy (like Sophia), I appreciate this character even more. She will end up being one of the strongest characters in this series if she had done what I suspect. I can't explain how much I love reading her parts of the book whether she is with the changeling, other Councillors, Sascha (these moments are truly special) or a 'flawed' Psy like Sophia.

And to end this, I have to mention how much I love Justice Psy. They are heroes. The way this particular designation is described is heartbreaking. Since they are telepaths born with a quirk that allows them to retrieve other people's memories and share them, they are perfect for justice system. Js are needed so their weak Silence is tolerated. They do have to be reconditioned every now and then, though. When they get to the point of no return when it comes to their shields, they are discarded.
Right from the beginning, you can see how peculiar they are compared to other Psy. 'And Js were rare enough and necessary enough that they were allowed their little . . . peculiarities. Of course, Js were also never to be left alone in “suggestive” locations.' Being anywhere near, say, a paedophile is suggestive to a J-Psy to do something about it. I freaking love this trait.

'We’re the last resort when the tools of justice fail the victims.'

Anyway, there are so many things I haven't mentioned (NetMind and DarkMind and Sophia's shields, the Arrow squad). It would simply be too long.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,782 reviews1,590 followers
June 28, 2021
Re-read This one holds up about the same. I really liked Max and Sophia seems like a great match to him. I like seeing the Humans make a strong showing since they deserve some love in this series too.

3.5 Stars

“You can drive.”
When he raised an eyebrow, she said, "I've had enough contact with human males to realize you seem to have a congenital inability to function while a female is at the wheel, and I'd rather your full attention be on the case.”

And with that I fall in love with Sophia. This is our first look at the J-Psy inner workings. Max and Sophia are working on a case involving a serial killer and trying to also figure out who is targeting the people in Nakita’s organization. The things that were interesting to me were how the J-Psys are used to pull memories out of killers so that they are sure to be convicted of the crimes they have committed. But, it is clear that the more time you spend in the mind of extremely disturbed people the more lenient your ideas of justice can become.

The story of the couple is also slightly different as they are both broken people and accept each other for all their flaws with no conditions. Even as Max asks Sophia to not dispense J-justice out anymore he lets her know that it isn’t a condition. He wants her to protect herself but will not abandon her if she can’t change her impulses. He truly sees Sophie for who she is and everything she has done and takes all of it not trying to change who she is at all.

“Take care of my heart won't you, Sophie? It's a little odd having it outside my body-but I'm planning to steal yours to make up for it.”

It is a typical relationship in the Psy-Changeling books where two people have to work slowly to break through the bonds that have held them back for years. While I like them as a couple this part of the book is a little repetitive.

The thing that made this book better for me than some of the others in this series is that it spent more time with Lucas, Sasha and Nakita. Sasha is about five months pregnant now and is trying to hone her skills as an E-Psy, while also keeping her pregnancy a secret from others outside the pack. She is also having some doubts about being a mother and wondering if her mother secretly has some sort of affection for her. Nakita is maybe more than I had initially expected. She is a deadly woman to be sure but there are hints that maybe her silence isn’t as intact as initially thought and she did some stuff in this book that leads me to believe she is going to help push for breaking silence.

This book is very much about mothers and the roles that are played by them. I was happy with the slightly different conclusion of this one as it different from some of the others in the series. The interactions of the Net Mind and the Dark Net with Sophia were interesting and I think made a lot of sense since she sees the world and good and evil differently from everyone else.

There are a few hints about the upcoming book with Hawke and Sienna which is the main reason I’m plodding through this series just one more book and I’m there. I like all of these books they are fun and an easy distraction that I read in-between other books.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,629 reviews425 followers
April 15, 2018
Ya voy acercándome cada vez más YEEEY!!

Este es el libro 8 de la serie y cuenta la historia de Max (personaje secundario del libro 4, humano con escudos naturales irrompibles) y Sophie una Psy-J o justos que son nuevos en la serie.

Este tipo de Psy-j son a los recurren en los casos más complicados o atroces que implican psicópatas y esa clase de gente enferma, ellos actúan extrayendo los recuerdos para presentarlos como pruebas. La mayoría de este tipo de Psy son telépatas y cada vez que se extraen recuerdos sus escudos se van rompiendo y llega a un grado que ya es irreversible y tiene que ir a rehabilitación donde prácticamente se convierten en vegetales.

Sohpie está a aun paso de la rehabiliatación le queda muy poco de tiempo útil sus escudos son cada vez más delgados y está en peligro que su proceso se acorte por la presencia de cierto sexy policía Max. Son asignados a trabajar juntos en el caso de Nikkita la mamá de Sasha ya que hay un topo es organización y están matando a la gente de su confianza y que son de importancia.

Para serles sincera este libro no me llamaba tanto la atención por esa combinación de parejas Humano-Psy, pero Max me cayó la boca, me gustó mucho, a veces era juguetón, divertido y muy sexy y junto con Sophie formaron una pareja muy linda, ella era tan inocente, espontánea y sincera que me agradó mucho.

Lo que más me gustó de este libro fue Kaleb y sus intervenciones, a estas alturas ya se habrán dado cuenta que tengo un Crusheo mega intenso con él, me gusta que sea neutral ni bueno ni malo, pero si muy peligroso y con mucho power, estoy contando los libros que me quedan para llegar a él.

Pd: Como me encanta las escenas de Sasha y Lucas.
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
July 20, 2010
Going straight to the point: I loved the continuing development of the overall story arc and can't wait to see what will happen next, but Max and Sophia's romance was kind of bland. I also thought that the ending was "strange": it wasn't as unsatisfying as a HFN would be, but it wasn't a fulfilling HEA either - at least, not to me.
Profile Image for Tara♥ {MindforBooks}.
1,515 reviews113 followers
February 9, 2024
"Will you remember me?"
His heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Always.”


2nd read - 11 March to 13 March 2013
3rd read - 3 May to 5 May 2014
4th read - 15 to 21 April 2015
5th read - 8th April 2021
6th read - 8th - 9th February 2023
7th read - 7th -8th February 2024

I'm going to start this review by saying that I absolutely adore Sophia and as a result there may be some gushing about her in this review.

As with 'Blaze of Memory' this book has a different feel to it compared to the rest in the series. Here we get to see the development of a relationship between a Human and a Psy who is all but broken. We first met Enforcement officer Max Shannon in 'Mine to Possess' after he'd traveled to San Francisco in order to help Tally with the disappearance of children linked to The Shine Foundation. We learned then that Max had incredibly strong natural mental shields that prevented Psy from messing with his mind (Human's lack of natural shields being something that the Psy have taken advantage of regularly). On account of these shields and his moral code Max is a rarity in Enforcement, he is incorruptible.

Sophia, a J-Psy, a Psy designation that allows her to enter someones mind and take their memories, then share it with others, is introduced to us as she sits across from a human serial killer, she is about to attempt to enter his mind in order to find the burial sites of his victims. Max has dedicated himself to capturing the truly evil Gerard Bonner and bringing his victims home. Bonner is a twisted individual and the insight we get into his mind is really very unpleasant.

Sophia is incredible, she faces down an absolute loop the loop, enters his mind and sees the nightmares that he has gotten off on. But this is her job, she has done it countless times, she has done it so often that her telepathic shields are all but worn away and she knows that soon the world will bombard her and drive her to insanity. Sophia's gift is such that it is unlikely that she was ever really Silent which makes the fact that she is still sane even more incredible. Her life is quite simply a living nightmare.

Add to that a heart breaking past and a crushing sense of loneliness and it becomes almost too much to bare.

Sophia knows her time is almost up, and when she gets recruited by Councillor Nikita Duncan to pursue a traitor within Nikita's ranks she realizes that her time is hurtling ever faster to an end, when she discovers that Max has also been brought into work with Nikita she decides to try and live before it all ends, by doing so she allows Max to give her something beyond compare.

Max and Sophia are both broken in some way but as Max points out together they make a whole. They both fit together and Max accepts everything that is Sophia and he does not see her as flawed and scarred, what he sees when he looks at her is everything he wants. I liked Max before, but the way he treats Sophia is so sweet and tender that it's hard to do anything but love him in the end.


Now I'm not one for pulling different themes out of books (there is always a but!!) BUT this story seemed somehow darker than any of the others to me, I think maybe it was the human element involved here. This series is fantasy but with the addition of a human serial killer a certain amount of reality manages to make its way on to the page. Gerard Bonner is not a fictional character in a fictional world he is very real but he has many different faces and many different names, humans are capable of great cruelty and evil. But, on the other hand as humans we are also capable of great kindness, dignity and compassion, the ability to stand up for what is right and fight for what we believe in such as the way Max does. Bonner definitely stayed with me a lot longer than the other villains in this series and I think that the reason for that was his humanity or lack of.

Anyhoots, I really liked this, Max and Sophia are great together and I loved their story, again there is not much of the Changeling's in this but we see snippets. We get to see how amazingly, totally, fabulously, incredibly in love the oh so perfect Sascha and Lucas are. This is not getting old at all.

Seriously though, they are becoming nauseating!!!

Also from what we learn in this book, Nakita and Kaleb don't appear to be what they seem. Most intriguing!!
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
August 21, 2021
After reading Last Guard, the latest in the Trinity-Psy-Changeling, it was nice to get Sophia's story. She's one of the anchors for the Psy-Net mentioned and integral to it's survival. Loved her an Max together.

Got a softer side of Nikita and I'm intrigued by Kaleb Krychek. He's been in the future Trinity books, but I'm looking forward to his story/romance. Getting his backstory.

As usual Angela Dawe's narration is excellent!
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,744 reviews215 followers
December 19, 2014
What I didn't like is that the romance was an exact replica of that in the previous book, Blaze of Memory: Psy heroine with a time-bomb in her head and severe fractures in her mind, meets extremely handsome and thus far very cold man, who upon first setting eyes on her becomes possessive and obsessive. I know many people will say that the storyline was completely different between the two books and I agree, but I read books mainly for the romance and as far as romance goes, these two were pretty much the same.

I also have the impression that in this book, the romance took second place to the rest of the story. So many things happen between the Psy, the leopards and the case that Max and Sophia are investigating that the action is non-stop, thus the romance was more or less cast to the side. As Max and Sophia didn't really have any emotional issues to solve since they both early on agree that theirs is a serious relationship, this was not difficult to happen. And since I'm not fond of love at first sight plots, I found it hard to understand Max's initial obsession with her. The good thing was that Sophie was not the weakling that Katya was in BOM, but I still felt she didn't have much to offer as a heroine herself. Max was much more interesting, but after a while, I felt like Sophie was dragging him down to her own mediocrecy:)

All in all, a lackluster romance but a very engaging read as far as politics and suspense go. Luckily, there was too much of Lucas and Sascha and Nikita and of course Kaleb to keep me interested. Worth reading for the developments in the overall arc of the story rather than the protagonists' romance IMHO.
Profile Image for Lena.
1,191 reviews325 followers
February 17, 2020
Take care of my heart won’t you, Sophie? It’s a little odd having it outside my body—but I’m planning to steal yours to make up for it.
- Handwritten note from Max to Sophia

Third Reread: Still enjoyable... but I fast forwarded all the love/sex bits. That part is boring the third time around. I’m more interested in the vertical happenings. And when will River be part of the story again?

Second reread: I thought Max and Sophie happened a little quickly and without foundation but once that train started I felt no need to get off. Nikita and Kaleb's characters are fleshed out and the PsyNet itself becomes a character. I had completely forgotten about River but I hope to see him again soon. It was also nice to see the changelings from the outside.

Love my Singh rereads. Four stars.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,282 reviews8,898 followers
August 31, 2016
I love this series. I love the characters. I love the factions. I love the world building.

Know what I don't love?

The I'm-dying-and-there-is-nothing-anyone-can-do-about-it-just-kidding theme that the last several books have had in reference to the MCs. It's getting a little bit tired.

Just saying.
Profile Image for Lana Reads.
494 reviews216 followers
May 25, 2021
Oh how wonderful it was to read this book after the catastrophe of the previous story! I loved Sophia and adored Max, their slow burn was everything and it was really well done.
And even if the conflict was resolved kinda fast and a bit chaotic after a huge buildup, I'm still happy with this addition to the series. 

I'm loving how much the author manages to make every character just a little bit different so that every couple has its own believable dynamics. And I loved how the main conflict was resolved, even if a little unexpected. But I won't spoil anything, get in and check it out for yourself!

I'm off to read the next one.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
January 3, 2021
It's been a while since I've read this book and overall it was an enjoyable read even if it's not one of my favourites.

Max is a fab fit for Sophia, and Sophia is one hell of a strong Psy. As a couple they don't pack the punch I would like but they are nice.

Loved seeing more of Lucas and Sascha in this.

How the Js are treated by the Psy council is deplorable and I'm hoping one of the new books will show things getting better for them since the fall of Silence.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,341 reviews

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