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Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice

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"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few."

So begins this most beloved of all American Zen books.  Seldom has such a small handful of words provided a teaching as rich as has this famous opening line.  In a single stroke, the simple sentence cuts through the pervasive tendency students have of getting so close to Zen as to completely miss what it's all about.  An instant teaching on the first page.  And that's just the beginning.

In the forty years since its original publication, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind has become one of the great modern spiritual classics, much beloved, much reread, and much recommended as the best first book to read on Zen. Suzuki Roshi presents the basics—from the details of posture and breathing in zazen to the perception of nonduality—in a way that is not only remarkably clear, but that also resonates with the joy of insight from the first to the last page.

176 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 1970

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About the author

Shunryu Suzuki

25 books625 followers
Suzuki Roshi was a Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the United States, and is renowned for founding the first Buddhist monastery outside Asia (Tassajara Zen Mountain Center). Suzuki founded San Francisco Zen Center, which along with its affiliate temples, comprises one of the most influential Zen organizations in the United States. A book of his teachings, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, is one of the most popular books on Zen and Buddhism in the West

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,011 reviews
Profile Image for Keleigh.
90 reviews53 followers
June 26, 2008
This book was recommended to me by various persons in different phases of my life, but I clearly wasn't ready to read it till now. Suzuki's talks on zazen are spare and direct, demystifying Buddhism as a religion or philosophy and continually bringing the focus back to the simple and perfect practice of sitting--cleaning out your mind through meditation. Though we all choose different paths according to our culture and temperament, the ultimate desire is the same: for the soul or "big I" to freely express itself, released from delusion. Whether you meditate or not, Suzuki provides useful and illuminating truths for anyone interested in becoming more mindful. Here is one of my favorite passages:

"Each of us must make his own true way, and when we do, that way will express the universal way. This is the mystery. When you understand one thing, you understand everything. When you try to understand everything, you will not understand anything. The best way is to understand yourself, and then you will understand everything. So when you try hard to make your own way, you will help others, and you will be helped by others. Before you make your own way you cannot help anyone, and no one can help you. To be independent in this true sense, we have to forget everything which we have in our mind and discover something quite new and different moment after moment. This is how we live in this world."
Profile Image for Fergus, Quondam Happy Face.
1,178 reviews17.7k followers
August 23, 2024
- Donovan

In this age of rabid misinformation, it’s best to pay attention. An ancient Zen teacher said we’ve got to scrutinize it ALL - ‘Attention means ATTENTION!’

Another old Zen Master used to shout at his young students, “You’ve got to climb to the top of a thousand-foot wooden pole!“

Yeah, well, we all know such poles aren’t made that high.

So what gives?

The point of the story is simple: when you run out of pole, just keep climbing!


Maybe not. Because life‘s like that, too.

I’ll explain...

You‘re late for a crucial Power Meeting. As you open the door to the conference room, you see your zipper‘s at half-mast...

Or you‘re coming home from a nice, harmless office Christmas party. As you open the door, you‘re happy you‘re home early, because your wife will be there to greet you. What you don‘t know is there‘s hot pink lipstick on your cheek...

We‘re not born with attention! And now - we’re suddenly climbing in VERY thin air.

Shunryu Suzuki would chuckle quietly over that one. A quiet, humble man, his way was not the way of those autocratic old masters.

He liked a simpler, more decent approach to spirituality.

He was the Heart and Soul of The San Francisco Zen Centre back in the glory days of the Hippie Era. Long-haired sandalled young searchers from all around the world carried this book in their backpack as they hitch-hiked to Nirvana!

Yes, he was really something, and he had to leave us much too soon.

But he reminded us that our faith is STILL not a happily-ever-after affair, though it can be unhurried.

It is earned - and has to be LEARNED, just like these old teachers said - every single day of our lives.

For the REST of our lives.

But we now have his kinder, gentler way to make us get back up and stand on our own two feet, when we fall flat.

Like the old song says:

C‘mon you little fighter,
No need to get uptighter.
C‘mon you little fighter -
Just get back up again.

Sound corny?

That’s all this little solid-gold book is - simple, heartfelt encouragement for our own long and winding road...

And learning to meditate quietly through the process of simple, unhurried, and UNFORCED attention.

Till one fine day, that door at your long journey’s end will open for YOU.
Profile Image for Sean Barrs .
1,122 reviews46.9k followers
December 20, 2016
“In the zazen posture, your mind and body have the great power to accept things as they are, whether agreeable or disagreeable.”


How do I put this into words? This does actually work. Simple Zen meditation on a nightly basis does help to put things into perspective. It helps clear the mind and get rid of those false delusions and expectations; it helps you move away from dangerous attachment and recognise the impermanence of everything. Not to mention its benefits in reducing stress and actually allowing one a peaceful night’s sleep.

Live in the now, enjoy the now. Don’t waste a moment because you won’t get that moment back. Ten years from now when you look back you’ll kick yourself for missing those opportunities. As we get older we always look back to a time in the past and cling to it, we wish to go back to it, which is folly because at each stage in our life we are doing the same thing. The point is to make the most of it all now, in every now. Learn the state of emptiness.

Open your Zen mind and begin to walk down the path of Buddhism.
Profile Image for Heather.
43 reviews
February 5, 2010
I know this is supposed to be THE zen book for beginners, by one of the most influential western zen masters, etc. But it didn't set a fire under me at all. I found myself trying to mine a few words of relevant wisdom from chapter after chapter of semi-opaque discourse. It's not that the book is difficult to read, but that the insights offered by Suzuki Roshi (undeniably a great zen master) are the insights of an old man who has been practicing zen for a long time and talking to serious zen students for a long time. In other words, it's not a beginner's book at all, and it's not really about beginners' minds. You have to already know the benefits of Zen and Buddhism before you read this book, or it will bore you and turn you off of Zen.

A true beginner is the person off the street who is sincerely interested in Zen but doesn't know why he or she should start a serious practice. This person is full of problems! Life is really problematic! Life is really hard and painful! What can Zen Buddhism say to this person? A lot, but this book doesn't say much. Suzuki Roshi talks a lot of typically riddle-ish circles about emptiness and expression, calmness and oneness...his audience are serious Zen students. There are a few nuggets to entice the true beginner into wondering what riches lie beneath the smooth, hard, polished surface of this practice called Zen. But to get at those riches, I would recommend a different book: Everyday Zen, Love and Work, by Charlotte Joko Beck. That book lit a fire under me. I'll go write a review of it right now.
Profile Image for Riku Sayuj.
658 reviews7,393 followers
February 24, 2013
If and when you meet The Buddha,
Kill him.
Then come back
And sit.
In Zazen.
Enlightenment is there,
Before it arrives.
Profile Image for William2.
802 reviews3,559 followers
March 2, 2019
This book is balm. My second reading. It contains its own instructions for reading too. If some metaphor or anecdote seems too dense, just let it pass. There is no need to read the text as closely as I just have; that’s me. Suzuki-roshi explains it all. Toward the end it gets a little bit repetitious; that’s because these are in fact transcripts—elegantly edited—of talks given at Tassajarra Zen Mountain Monastery, Los Altos, California in 1969 or so. Really worthwhile if you seek big Mind.
Profile Image for Erik Graff.
5,085 reviews1,274 followers
September 29, 2015
This is the best non-academic introduction to Zen Buddhism that I've come upon. What caught me especially was a moment in the introduction when an interview with Suzuki was interrupted by his wife. She was serving tea, overheard part of his discourse and remarked to the interviewer that, in essence, he was full of shit, having never attained satori--all given and taken in good humor.
Profile Image for Jan-Maat.
1,614 reviews2,267 followers
November 10, 2018
The most important things in our practice are our physical posture and our way of breathing. We are not so concerned about a deep understanding of Buddhism. p99

To cook is not just to prepare for someone or for yourself; it is to express your sincerity. So when you cook you should express yourself in the activity in the kitchen. You should allow plenty of time; you should work on it with nothing in your mind, and without expecting anything. You should just cook! That is also an expression of our sincerity, a part of our practice. It is necessary to sit in zazen, in this way, but sitting is not our only way. Whatever you do, it should be an expression of the same deep activity. We should appreciate what we are doing. There is no preparation for something else. pp53-54

This is one of those curious books like the The Muqaddimah that did not start out as a book but rather as lectures or in this case brief talks. The author's talks were taped, transcribed and then put into the order they have in the book. Reading it from cover to cover then is as arbitrary as reading it in any order. Each piece is free-standing. Each can be reread. In my experience it is even better to reread pieces and not to try and read too many at one time. The murderer is not revealed on the last page, there is no shocking denouement. It is what it is. A series of commentaries on the practise of Zen. I imagine that someone familiar with some other form of Buddhism might find this book rather curious.

The more you understand our thinking the more you feel it difficult to talk about it (p90) by which measure it seems that I apparently have an excellent understanding of it, but I can say that there are two themes that crop up in a lot of the talks. The difficultly of talking about Zen or Buddhism - one dialogue of about four sentences ends with 'lets have some tea'. This at least is a philosophy that I can understand, although naturally can't explain easily. He's keen to avoid doctrine, this is a book about being engaged in the practice of Zen, it is not a book about Zen.

The other main theme is the ordinariness of Zen. It is very domestic in this book. Nothing special. Simply being true to ones own nature. This reminds me of hearing how Buddhism was transformed in China from having a tendency to be difficult and hard to achieve, requiring particular effort, to being something that people could do at home, without families having to be broken up by people running off to monasteries, caves or mountain tops. I would write further about what this means in terms of the domestic and the every day, but it seems that I understand it too well.

I have had this book on my shelves for a long time. One of the good bad things about my austerity reading programme - the difficultly of talking about duality and non-duality is also important - is reading the dusty as well as the new books. Reading this from cover to cover works and does not work. It is best perhaps to read a piece after practising Zen. I can't tell you how to practise Zen - you sit, preferably cross-legged, and become aware of your breathing but don't think 'I am practising Zen!'. Perhaps you bow, or read Sutras which you can't understand but strive to. All of this is hard easy to talk about, but which makes more less sense if you do it I imagine.

The beginner's mind is good because it is free from pre-conceptions. It has not learnt what is impossible. It has not learnt to constrain itself.

I wonder about what is unwritten here. Sitting and observing your breathing does not strike me as a particular remunerative activity (although it would be nice to be wrong about this). How did he afford to establish himself in the USA? Does he have an intention to bring Zen to the USA - how does this effect his teaching? It is interesting to think of this book as the missionary lure, dangling to catch the convert.
Profile Image for Francisco.
Author 21 books55.6k followers
February 15, 2015
One of the classic introductions of Buddhist Zen practice in America. So many books on Zen written since this small jewel first came out forty-five years ago. Is there really more to say than shikan taza - just sitting: "When you bow, you should just bow; when you sit you should just sit; when you eat you should just eat. When you do this, the universal nature is there." We are achievers, us westerners. Goal oriented. Forever striving. But what if what your heart most wants (even if you don't know it) is already there in you. The effort needed to get there is one more of return than of advancement, more of letting go than of attaining. There's so much wisdom in this little book. Even if you have a hard time undertaking a practice of meditation. Let's not call it meditation. Let's call it calming your mind by letting things be as they are. Don't fight and struggle against your problems. For a few moments just sit and let everything in your mind and your life be as it is.Take a few minutes now and then to be a beginner in whatever you do. "When we have no thought of achievement, no thought of self we are true beginners." Isn't this also the secret of the great artists: to always be a beginner? You begin to write because of a need to express something in you. There's no pulitzer prize in your mind. There is just the writing. "If you do something in the spirit of non-achievement, there is a good quality in it." "So try not to achieve anything special. You already have everything in your own pure quality. If you understand this ultimate fact, there is no fear. There may be some difficulty, of course, but there is no fear."

I'm pretty sure that Shunryu Suzuki would not mind if you incorporate the wisdom in his book to wherever you are in life, whatever religious beliefs you have (or not have). "Whether or not you make yourself peaceful is the point, and whether or not you stick to it." Stick to it, as in taking some of that peacefulness into your daily life. I like this book (which I re-read periodically) for the insights and the inspiration it gives me. It helps me to see where creativity comes from and to where I must return to find it again. You can call it "God" or "Buddha Nature" or "Emptiness" or the "Self" with a capital s, or simply the unknown subconscious, but there is a reality, a mysterious reality, that exists behind your thoughts. Shunryu Suzuki sometimes calls it big mind, sometimes he calls it our true nature. Whatever name you give it, once you know it is there, you will realize it to be the source of all true creativity (and also of all true compassion). "You must put confidence in the big mind which is always with you, you should be able to express things as an expression of big mind. This is more than faith. This is the ultimate truth which we cannot reject."
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
1,096 reviews1,571 followers
January 13, 2018
This book had been on my radar for a while, and then in his bibliography of "Don't Be A Jerk" (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...), Brad Warner basically says "You need this book!!". Who am I to argue with Brad?

As the subtitle "Informal talks on Zen meditation and practice" implies, the essays in this book are transcripts of lectures Shunryu Suzuki gave to students, arranged by topics. Suzuki is often described as a "founding father" of Zen in America, as he was one of the first to bring the teachings to the continent and to teach Westerners. He was also the first one to found a Buddhist monastery outside Asia, in California.

In the afterword, David Chadwick perfectly captured why reading this book is so inspiring: he says Suzuki "has confidence that you, whoever you are, can understand Zen, Buddhism, reality, truth, yourself." Zen is ultimately very simple; it's grasping that simplicity that can be a complicated process.

Anyone interested in practicing Zen should read this book, but I also can't really recommended it to newbies: if you haven't already read a couple of books about Zen, some of the material in Suzuki's essays will be impossible to grasp. Suzuki gave those lectures to people who were already practicing Zen, so it assumes you are familiar with basic teachings and meditation techniques. For people who are working on their Zen practice however, the material in this book is invaluable. It's also the kind of book that needs to be read more than once!

Posture, breathing, intent, attitude, mindfulness, enthusiasm, mistakes; all these ideas are addressed in a way that is tailor-made for Western students. The essays are clear, encouraging, inspiring, motivating and uplifting. Suzuki's tone is full of joy and devotion, which I thought made reading this a truly great experience! Very highly recommended!
Profile Image for فؤاد.
1,082 reviews2,054 followers
March 6, 2018
وقتی در صومعۀ اهیجی بودم، همه فقط کار خودشان را می کردند. در زمان نشستن، می نشستیم، در زمان تعظیم به بودا، تعظیم می کردیم. وقتی مراقبه می کردیم، هیچ احساس خاصی نداشتیم. حتی حس نمی کردیم که در یک صومعه زندگی می کردیم. برایمان زندگی در صومعه زندگی معمولی بود، و وقتی مردم عادی از شهر برای دیدن ما می آمدند و به ما احترام می گذاشتند، برایمان عجیب بود و می گفتیم: باز این خل و چل ها آمدند!
اما وقتی مدتی از صومعه دور شدم زمانی که برگشتم و دوباره صدای ناقوس ها و سوترا-خوانی های راهبان را شنیدم، ناگهان احساسی شگفت به من دست داد و اشک از چشم و بینی و دهانم مثل چشمه جاری شد!

آن گاه بود که فهمیدم این مردم بیرون از صومعه هستند که احساس خاصی از فضای صومعه دارند. کسانی که در بطن صومعه زندگی می کنند، هیچ احساسی ندارند. فکر می کنم این در همه چیز صادق است. وقتی ما آواز درخت های کاج در باد را می شنویم، در حقیقت باد فقط دارد می وزد و درختان کاج فقط سر راه باد قرار گرفته اند. باد و کاج فقط همین کار را انجام می دهند. اما کسانی که صدای باد در میان کاج ها را می شنوند، دچار احساساتی شگفت می شوند و برای همین صدا شعر می نویسند. فکر می کنم همه چیز این گونه است.
بنابراین کار ما در ذن این نیست که احساس خاصی راجع به ذن داشته باشیم، حال بخواهد احساسی خوب باشد یا بد. کار ما این نیست. ذن خوب یا بد نیست. ما فقط باید کاری که باید را انجام دهیم. ذن این است.
Profile Image for Hanna Ghasser.
38 reviews68 followers
February 20, 2022

«وقتی کاری انجام می‌دهی، باید خودت را به طور کامل بسوزانی، مثل یک آتش سوزی تمام و کمال، هیچ رد و نشانی از خود به جا مگذار. »
ما بیش از عمل فکر می‌کنیم، و این فکر کردن ردی از خود به جا می‌گذارد، بلکه در مورد فعالیت‌ها و چیزهای دیگر تصورات زیاد دیگری در ما ایجاد می‌کند.
در دنیایی که همه چیز از حد معمول سریع‌تر پیش می‌رود، عنصر تنها و فقط یک کاری را انجام دادن در آن واحد بیشتر به یک شوخی بدل شده است؛ که چه حیف!
کتاب با این جمله آغاز می‌شود: در ذهن آغازگر قابلیت ها فراوان اند، در ذهن آزموده ناچیز.
در همین جملۀ آغازین، یکی از بزرگترین درس‌های زندگیتان به شما داده می شود؛ که با ذهنی آغازگر سراغ همه‌چیز بروید: مانند کودکان.

این کتاب یکی از مهم‌ترین‌هایی است که خوانده‌ام، امیدوارم انتشارات بیدگل بداند که چه کار مهمی با چاپ کردن این کتاب انجام داده است.
Profile Image for Mike W.
59 reviews40 followers
June 17, 2013
This book is frustrating to read. There is some wisdom here, and in Zen Buddhism generally, but the delight Suzuki takes in paradoxes and contradictions serves to obscure his meaning, rather than illuminating it, eg 'we prepare by being unprepared'.

The book gets its title from his contention that wisdom consists in being open to the present moment, with the eagerness of the beginner, rather than closing oneself off like the self-styled expert.

A closely related concept is that of zazen, which, to the extent I understand it, involves being in the present moment, without judgment, analysis or anxiety, accepting what comes and not struggling against the present reality. And the process of sitting with a certain posture, and focusing on one's breath, is a means to quieting the mind and just being.

The idea of zazen is an important one, but it would have been helpful is Suzuki had explained it more clearly. I gather that there is method in the madness, that Suzuki believes that the essential enlightenment cannot be attained through ratiocination or analysis, and that the endless stream of paradoxes are intended to help the reader move away from from analytical thinking toward a different mode of being and thinking. But I still would have preferred a more straightforward explanation.
Profile Image for mark monday.
1,784 reviews5,755 followers
September 2, 2013
I read this book, learned a lot, and decided to do the exact opposite. what is the opposite of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind exactly? I dunno. Crazy Expert Mind?
Profile Image for Vaishali.
1,120 reviews295 followers
October 19, 2020
Exceptional, and highly surprising. Really helpful in clearing up obstacles to motivation, and why we sometimes cannot practice/complete tasks.

Notes :

“Keep your practice pure.”

“In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, there are few.”

“When our mind is compassionate, it is boundless.”

“The most important point is to own your own physical body… when we have our body and mind in order, everything will exist in the right place, in the right way.”

“When my teacher was 70 he said ‘When I was young, I was like a tiger. But now, I am like a cat.’ He was very pleased to be like a cat.”

Four Buddhist Vows
Although sentient beings are innumerable, we vow to save them.
Although our evil desires are limitless, we vow to be rid of them.
Although the teaching is limitless, we vow to learn it all.
Although Buddhism is unattainable, we vow to attain it.

“It is easy to have calmness in inactivity. It is hard to have calmness in activity. But calmness in activity is true calmness.”

“Zen is not some type of excitement, but concentration on our everyday routine. If you become too excited, your mind becomes rough and ragged. This is not good. If possible, try to be always calm and joyful, and keep yourself from excitement.”

6 Paramitas (Sanskrit: "traversing, crossing over")
Dana........ giving
Sila ..........morality or ethics
Shanti....... patience
Virya..........energy or enthusiasm

“Not to be attached to something is to be aware of its absolute value.”

“When we sit in the cross-legged posture, we resume our fundamental activity of creation.”

Types of Creation
1. Sitting
2. Producing something, like food
3. Systems within self

“Our problems should be solved or dissolved in this life.”

“If we are aware that what we do or what we create is really the gift of the Big Eye, then we will not be attached to it.”

“The future is the future, the past is the past. Now, we should work on something new.”

“To do something through and through is to resume our true activity of creation. This is why we sit. If we do not forget this point, everything will be carried on beautifully. But once we forget this point, the world will be filled with confusion.”

Mistakes in Practice:
1. Having an ideal to strive for : You sacrifice yourself now for some time in the future. This is absurd.
2. Being in competition with someone - A poor, shabby practice
3. Practicing because it gives you joy - Eventually you will discover the worst side of the practice, and become discouraged when it is too late. This is silly.

“Whether or not someone encourages our practice, just do it.”

“It is when your practice becomes greedy that you become disturbed.”

“Whether or not you are aware of it, you have your own true enlightenment in your practice.”

Stages of Mahayana practices
(in descending order of purity)
1. Just do it. No feeling, not even spiritual joy
2. Have physical joy in your practice
3. Have mental and physical joy in your practice
4. No thinking, no curiosity in your practice

“If you find some difficulty in your practice, that is a warning that you have some wrong idea. But do not give up your practice.”

“When everyone knows the value of pure practice, we will have no conflict in our world. This is the secret.”

“There is no particular way in true practice. You should find your own way.”

“Concentrate on the activity you do in each moment.”

“When your mind is wandering elsewhere, you have no chance to express yourself.”

“If you understand the secret of practice, wherever you go, you yourself are boss.”

“The problem is you, yourself. When this is so, there is no problem.”

“To solve a problem is to be a part of it… to be one with it.”

“True existence comes from emptiness and comes back again into emptiness.”

“Begin with enlightenment, and proceed to practice.”

“Practice zazen [seated meditative cross-legged posture] to express our true nature, not to attain enlightenment.”

“Buddhism is to be practice, to be enlightenment.”

“If we become too serious, we will lose our way. If we are playing games, we will lose our way.”

“We have to be careful of the rules we establish. If they’re too strict, we will fail. If too loose, the rules will not work.... The important thing is to obey your rules without discrimination.”

“Our inmost nature wants some medium, some way to express and realize itself.”

“That you can do it in this moment means that you can always do it.”

“Your efforts should extend to saving all sentient beings.”

Profile Image for Nguyên Trang.
573 reviews636 followers
September 28, 2023
Đây là cuốn sách mà my idol-soulmate-therapist-only Ig following Thom Yorke chọn nếu chỉ được chọn một cuốn sách để mang lên đảo hoang. Quả là lựa chọn khôn ngoan trong cuộc sống hoang đảo (vốn thường chết vì chán) bởi ngay ở những trang đầu - và cơ bản là ở ngay tựa đề - cuốn sách nói rằng hãy nhìn mọi thứ như lần đầu ta nhìn thấy nó (dù (ta nghĩ) đã thấy nó mỗi ngày) và cuộc sống dù thế nào cũng chỉ là sự lặp đi lặp lại .
Cũng vì thế nên ngay từ đầu, thiền sư nhấn mạnh rằng dù đã đọc những điều tương tự rồi thì cũng hãy cứ đọc với một tâm thế mới mẻ. Quả thật, khi bắt đầu, tôi đúng là có kiểu cái này biết rồi biết rồi nhưng càng đọc càng... câm nín =)))
Idol Yorke thường ít chia sẻ về tôn giáo. Cách đây hơn 20 năm, anh nói rằng mình thích thú với Phật giáo và muốn thiền nhưng chỉ mới nhúng chân và rút lui. Theo thời gian, anh đã có thói quen thiền nhưng một cuốn sách nặng đô như thế này vẫn khá bất ngờ. Tất nhiên, Phật giáo chưa bao giờ là một tôn giáo mà chỉ là phương pháp nhưng hầu như mọi người không nghĩ vậy và với ai theo tôn giáo, thật khó để chấp nhận cuốn này. Và với ai chấp nhận nó, vẫn thật khó để hiểu cuốn này.
Sau vài chương mở đầu nhẹ nhàng, tầng sâu của cuốn sách thật sự chỉ dành cho những người đã thực hành thiền (đúng đường lối). 80% cuốn sách diễn giải điều mà trí năng không hiểu, chỉ có thực hành hiểu. Giống như khi Thích Ca Mâu Ni im lặng giơ đóa sen lên và chỉ có Ma Ha Ca Diếp hiểu. Nếu tôi cố tóm tắt thì sẽ rất thô thiển và không thể đúng nên từ đây tôi sẽ chỉ viết để tự nhắc lại cho mình thôi.

Trong một thời gian dài tôi luôn tự hỏi và đi hỏi mọi người rằng ý nghĩa cuộc đời là gì. Tôi nhanh chóng gạt bỏ những những thứ như thành tựu, con cái. Một số câu trả lời đỡ khát hơn: sư thầy nói rằng cuộc đời chẳng có ý nghĩa gì còn một người bạn nói là giữ giới. Khi đọc cuốn sách này, tôi thấy ý nghĩa của cuộc đời là sống một cuộc đời hoàn toàn không có ý nghĩa gì, nhưng chính sau khi sống một cuộc đời không vì ý nghĩa gì, cuộc đời sẽ đạt được ý nghĩa - thứ mà ta không bao giờ mong cầu trong đời. Nó cũng là như vậy trong mọi hành động. Ví dụ như thiền, chỉ thiền thôi, để mọi thứ tự nhiên theo luật tự nhiên nhưng đồng thời vẫn phải có kỷ luật và mục tiêu rồi lại để chính kỷ luật và mục tiêu đó tự biến mất và mây mây ;))
Khi tôi bắt đầu học thiền từ cách đây hơn 10 năm, theo một nhánh thiền, ngay từ đầu, chúng tôi được dạy rằng đây là thứ phải tin mới học được, bất khả tư nghị. Lối học khi đó là thiền dạng định, gọi là thiền định, cứ định rồi sẽ giác ngộ. Tuy nhiên, với một người OCD logic, trong tôi luôn có sự chống cự. Trong nhiều năm theo nhánh này, đúng là tôi có thể định được ở thời điểm thiền, tức ở trên bề mặt. Ngoài ra, gốc rễ không thay đổi. Gần đây, tôi chuyển sang thiền Vipassana, tức là thiền tuệ. Thật dễ chịu khi tôi được dạy rằng đừng tin cái gì mà mình chưa thực chứng bằng chính máu thịt theo nghĩa đen của mình.
Hai năm gần đây, càng ngày tâm trí tôi càng bị điên đảo. Tôi đã đi tới một giai đoạn gần như bệnh lý kiểu lucid dream vậy. Tôi luôn sống trong tình trạng không biết thực hư thế nào và thỉnh thoảng, sau một thời gian nhập thất hoặc bị sốc gì đó, tôi có được một vài ngày tỉnh táo. Ngay trong thời điểm tỉnh táo đó, tôi lấy sổ ghi chép ra, gạch đầu dòng những điều tôi thật sự nghĩ khi tỉnh táo. Tuy nhiên, chỉ vài ngày sau, tôi lại rơi vào mộng mị và khi nhìn lại những dòng chính mình viết, tôi không tin nó. Tôi vẫn sống một cuộc sống hoàn toàn bình thường, làm việc, dọn dẹp, vui chơi nhưng ở riêng lãnh địa đó, tôi u mê vậy đó, nhiều khi cứ đi lại nửa ngày như tâm thần hoặc đập đầu vào tường. Thời gian gần đây, khi thiền, tôi hay bị hôn trầm (mà biểu hiện chính là ngủ khi thiền đó :">) và chỉ thức dậy khi nước miếng nhỏ xuống tay =)) Thật kỳ lạ vì tôi vừa ngủ đẫy giấc dậy với cái bụng rỗng, là điều kiện lý tưởng cho thiền tỉnh táo. Tới khi đọc cuốn sách này, tôi mới chợt nhận ra nguyên nhân cho cả hai tình trạng trên. Đúng là cuộc đời là sự lặp lại và nó cần phải lặp lại. Cuốn sách này đã lặp lại cho tôi nghe điều tôi đã được nghe ngay trong buổi đầu nhập thiền và sau đó được nghe trong tất cả sách thiền và pháp tho��i. Hàng ngàn lần được nghe và tôi thậm chí đã ứng dụng để dễ ngủ, nhưng chỉ khi đọc cuốn sách này, tôi mới nhận ra vấn đề bao lâu nay của tôi: vọng tưởng. Tôi đã bị chìm trong cả cuộc sống và thiền định vì vọng tưởng. Đơn giản vậy mà không thấy =)))
Sau suy nghĩ như vậy thì tôi ngồi thiền và chỉnh đốn nghiêm khắc vụ vọng tưởng. Mỗi khi vọng tưởng nổi lên, tôi nói ngay "Tập trung" và tôi đã có buổi thiền tử tế nhất từ trước tới nay, không hề ngủ gật và vi tế đầy người hoho Tất nhiên cái lối kỷ luật và sung sướng này là đi trái rồi nhưng nếu ai nghĩ thế thì phải đọc cuốn này đi =)) Sau khi đã thực chứng trên cơ thể mình, tôi liền áp dụng lên cuộc sống, ngừng mọi hoạt động stalk, suy đoán, tưởng tượng. Dù trước nay tôi luôn tự tin là master trong vụ này nhưng quá khứ cũng chứng minh rằng ngu si hưởng thái bình. Và ngay cả khi thời điểm đó nó là đúng, chắc gì thời điểm sau nó còn đúng. Trong cuộc sống rộng hơn, tôi cũng bỏ lập tức thói quen đọc báo lá cải và đọc facebook mấy người hay chém gió =)))
Gần hai năm trước, khi falling vào chuyện không tưởng kia, tôi đã cố gắng quẫy ra, trở lại trạng thái bình thường tuyệt đẹp, bằng cách trở nên khốn nạn hơn bao giờ hết. Kết quả là tới giờ tôi vẫn chẳng thoát được, tình trạng thì tệ hết mức và tôi thì thảm kinh lên. Sau khi đọc cuốn sách này, tôi được nhắc thêm một lần nữa là đừng có quẫy, và do đó, tôi lại trở về là trang nô ngáo ngơ vui vẻ loving girl hihi yep tôi sẽ chỉ là tôi thôi còn ai như thế nào mặc kệ họ không stalk không suy đoán không tưởng tượng ;)) Tất nhiên sẽ mất thời gian nhưng tôi tin là sẽ ngày một tốt hơn. Trong thời gian meta tôi sẽ quán triệt hơn với bản thân.
mấy hôm nay, hòa theo độ ẩm 97%, tôi bị zona. Ban đầu chỉ là vết nhỏ ở cổ nhưng tôi không biết nên tập đàn hăng say đè vỡ hết mụn rộp nên lan ra hết một bên vai cổ và hai tay. Bây giờ tôi ngứa rát rồ dại và bị cấm mọi hoạt động. Nhưng chiều nay nhìn mưa tầm tã, nghe Suspiria và lại được là tôi chời ơi tôi đã ứa nước mắt vì hạnh phúc hoho anh mãi là người hùng của em Thom Yorke xoxoxo
Profile Image for Jokoloyo.
453 reviews295 followers
December 22, 2019
This is the first book about Zen that I read, found it in a library. At that time I read it before I had any experience of meditation. For me, this was a very enlightening read. And even without remember much of the contents, I rated this book as a solid 5 star when I was inputting my reads in Goodreads.

Fast forward decades later (and more experience in meditation practice), I re-read this book, and I found new understandings. This book is not only good as an introduction for people who want to learn Zen, but also good at discussing Zen understandings for practitioners.

Why not rated it 5 star? I want to encourage you guys to learn more, do not stuck by reading this book alone if you are starting want to know more about Zen. For an example, this book has quotes from Dogen, and there are many books about Dogen or his teachings.
Profile Image for Gergana.
227 reviews426 followers
May 28, 2020
Short and to the point. What I like about books about Buddhism, Taoism and so on, is that they make you feel really relaxed and accepting of yourself. Although self-improvement books on how to get rich, find love, loose weight etc. are great, it's nice to hear that life can be uneventful and boring, yet completely satisfying if you just stop and relax.

PS: On a personal note: People who have been the happiest in their lives, who lived the longest and didn't get ill as often, were not the ones that were rich, successful or popular, but the ones that had the strongest relationship with his/her partner and their family and friends.
...Not sure why I wrote this here, but I felt like sharing.
Profile Image for Lea.
1,026 reviews275 followers
October 25, 2021
I listened to the audiobook from 1988 and it felt like I was listening to an old tape in my walkman in the 90s, crackling sounds and all. I found the reading really soothing, but I can honestly not say if I would have felt the same reading this myself and not having it being read to me by Peter Coyote. I fell asleep to this for two weeks straight, so I know I missed bits and pieces, but that's okay. I feel like I want to revisit thie book anyway.

I realized, a few years ago this book would have driven me crazy. There are parts that I have no idea what they are supposed to mean, but now I think: that's okay. Just listen and register what is being said. It feels like a mindfulness practice in itself.
Profile Image for Kimb.
47 reviews
April 5, 2012
As a music performance major who is burned out and bitter going into her last year of her undergraduate career, this book was invaluable for its ability to have the notion of practicing zazen also be equal to practicing her instrument.

I have taken a bit of a break from meditation and music for 3-4 months now, and these informal talks are exactly the kind of thing I need to get myself to head in the right direction. It's a book that I recommend re-visiting often, for it provides a perfect impetus to look at yourself honestly.
Profile Image for Shaghayegh.l3.
355 reviews53 followers
December 5, 2020
کتابیه که تو ناامیدی دست آدم رو می‌گیره و اگرچه اواسط کتاب رو به تکرار بیش‌از‌حد جملات میره و همین به‌نظرم مفهوم رو دور سر می‌چرخونه، اما در کل اگر با ذهن باز و بدون جبهه و گاردی ��تاب رو دنبال کنیم، خیلی مشوق راه آدمه.
Profile Image for rahul.
107 reviews269 followers
February 11, 2015
गम और खुशी में फर्क ना महसूस हो जहा
मैं दिल को उस मकाम पे लाता चला गया

Gham aur khushi mein fark
na mehsoos ho jahaan
Main dil ko us makaam pe
lata chala gaya

Where there is no difference felt
between Joy and pain,
I kept bringing my heart to that realm,
again and again...

Movie : Hum Dono Lyricist: Sahir Ludhiyanvi
It is practice, is what enlightenment is. And you won't be able to say it in words. Words, they just confuse.

Profile Image for E.S.O..
Author 3 books6 followers
October 7, 2014
And the best part of the book is the quote: "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few." And I think the zen mindset can be summarized by three words: "Attention, attention, attention."

I picked up this book because I thought it would have genuine insights about being mindful and compassionate. I was disappointed; it turned out to be a lot of navel-gazing, typical of the pseudo-spiritual circle-talk that Westerners seem to think is profound, but really isn't. Maybe other people got more out of it. It just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Ankur Banerjee.
26 reviews20 followers
October 24, 2012
As an introductory book to Zen Buddhism, this is quite daunting or useless. The publishing industry seems to have cashed into the misconception that this this is a book for beginners because it has "Beginner's Mind" in the title. This book is really not where you should be starting as the first point for any sort of reading on Buddhism - Zen or not. I'd recommend reading something else first, actually attending a zazen session somewhere and *then* reading this book to get the full impact.

Suzuki's talks are very elliptical and it can sometimes be hard to decipher, but I think the spirit of the book is that you shouldn't even *try* to decipher it. Rather, just try to *feel* what his words mean. I can see myself re-reading this book many times and it illuminating something new each time.
25 reviews8 followers
August 17, 2022
This is, I feel, one of those books that one wouldn't be able to get into unless one has some past encounters with zen, or meditation in general. It is a short book but is also quite complex and takes time for mental digestion---and that's why some background is needed. It gave me feelings of intense calm while reading the book. I will definitely revisit this book many times in future. For the uninitiated, get Dan Harris' book---10% happier---and then go for this one, imo.
Profile Image for نیما اکبرخانی.
Author 3 books147 followers
August 20, 2021
یکی از باخت‌های بزرگ من در زندگی، دیر آشنا شدن با بودیسم بوده.
کتاب خیلی خوبیه، فقط نه برای شروع مطالعه، اگر اطلاعات پایه ای ندارید خوب نیست.
کتاب به شرح چگونگی تمرین ذن، اهدافش و موانعش می پردازه و حسابی توضیح می ده.
اگر خواستید می تونید با جستجوی ذن بودیسم اطلاعات بیشتری رو پیش از مطالعه به دست بیارید.
البته این ذن بودیسم رو خود نویسنده بهش قائل نیست، منم نیستم ولی چاره ی دیگری هم ندارید
Profile Image for David.
2 reviews5 followers
February 19, 2008
This book was put together from a series of lectures by Shunyru Suzuki who was one of the first Zen Buddhist teachers to share Buddhism with Americans in the middle to late 20th century. I met Suzuki when I was a teenager, and was influenced by him a great deal. Because of him I found that I was very attracted to meditation practice and to his particular style of teaching. He was a good spiritual friend. In this book Shunryu expresses the heart of Zen in the simplest but most profound ways. His style is casual but enigmatic. If you want to get a feel for Soto Zen, this is the best book you'll find.

When I was an idealistic 19 year old, I ask Shunyru if I could be his student.
He said, "Of course. Now we're good friends". I never forgot his words.
Profile Image for A. Raca.
757 reviews162 followers
August 4, 2020
"Eğer çalışmanız iyiyse, ondan gurur duymaya başlarsınız. Fakat bu gurur fazladan eklenmiş bir şeydir. Yaptığınız şey iyidir, ama ona fazladan şeyler eklenmiştir. Doğru çaba, fazladan eklenmiş şeylerden kurtulmak demektir."


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