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Breeds #2

The Man Within

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He had protected her as a child, filled all her teenaged fantasies, and as a woman, he stole her heart. Only to break it.

Now, fifteen months later, the news has released. The man she loves is one of the genetically altered Feline Breeds who have shocked the world with their presence. He's also her mate. The mark on her neck attests to that. The fire that rages in her heart and in her body further proves it. But he hadn't wanted her then; does he really want her now?

Deceit and treachery, born in the past, now haunt the present as Taber and Roni fight to make sense of a sudden bonding. The mating of heart, body and soul as the man and the beast within merge; both battling the forces raging against the union and dominance over the woman he claimed.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 28, 2004

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About the author

Lora Leigh

201 books10k followers
Lora Leigh lives in the rolling hills of Kentucky, often found absorbing the ambience of this peaceful setting. She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared. Lora’s family, and her writing life co-exist, if not in harmony, in relative peace with each other. Surrounded by a menagerie of pets, friends, and a teenage son who keeps her quick wit engaged, Lora’s life is filled with joys, aided by her fans whose hearts remind her daily why she writes.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 529 reviews
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
October 25, 2020
Breeds 2
Feline Breeds 2
Location: Virginia Mountains – Breeds’ base
Featured Couple: Taber Williams (Panther) & Roni Andres (Human)

The story starts 15 months after the revelations about the existence of Breeds. The four Breeds and their leader Callan that appeared in “Tempting the Beast” will manage to bring down the immoral scientists of the Genetic Council and will make their case known to the public.

Callan, Taber, Tanner, Sherra and Dawn will have their own book, their own story and their happily ever after at some point in the series.

In the second book of the series, Taber and his fated mate Roni are introduced. Taber knows Roni since she was a child. He had always protected her from her abusive father, Roni had fell in love with Taber and Taber marked her without actually realizing what he had done.

So the difference with “Tempting the beast” is that this time Taber and Roni do not have an ista-love, insta-lust relationship, but they had been in love with each other for years, until a misunderstanding tore them apart.

In this book the Breed Colony has been set up in Virginia, after they have gone public with their hopes of freedom and safety elevated.

When Taber feels it is time for his sweetheart to join him and to protect her, he basically flights back to her town with a helicopter and grabs her. Fortunately their misunderstanding is resolved soon and now they just need to understand what mating frenzy is.

I believe the couple was well matched and they had a great chemistry. I loved their passionate moments and all the growling and mewling. There is the combination of the dominant, even maybe insensitive male and the definitely too stubborn but also prideful female.

Some new characters that will have their own books are also introduced like Cabal, Mercury and the very rich guy Seth (Dawn’s future mate).
February 19, 2020
Another great Breeds story

I am really liking these books. They are good stories that are building and changing. The first was about the fact that they were genetically engineered from humans animal DNA and born from surrogate mothers in a lab environment. From then on they were basically experimented on, trained and tortured until they finally escaped.

Then the escaped feline Breeds went into hiding from the powerful Genetics Council that created them and the council kept sending mercenaries after them. This book is about Taber and Roni who first met when the original family from book 1 was in hiding. Taber found Roni when she was 11 and protected her often. She work at his auto Mechanic Garage from the time she was 16 Till she was 22 and they were attracted to each other. They were almost together but someone got in the way. The chemistry between them is explosive. And the plot keeps you interested throughout.

There are over 30 of these Breeds books overall. Not all of them are feline breeds. I can see myself wanting to read quite a few if not all of them. The romances are hot as Hell and the storylines are great.

Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
February 7, 2018
The story of Taber (one of the first breeds we met) and Roni is re-released with a new sexy cover.
If you wanted to read the book and couldn't find it, now it's your chance.
This is basically the second book in the series and the rest of he humanity has just found out about the breeds and the experiments.
There are Breeds' lovers and many more Breeds' haters.
Roni is Taber's mate, but unfortunately and unforgivably Taber has abandoned her a few years ago without realising the consequences. She is not safe. And she suffers. Now he is back and he wants her with him at the new Breeds's sanctuary.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
March 15, 2017
Muy similar a la primera entrega de esta serie; la pareja protagonista pasa por los mismo conflictos y estados en el avance de su relación, aunque ahora con un poco más de conocimiento ya que se enfrentan a los mismos síntomas de Merinus y Callan... y, por supuesto, con el mismo (o incluso más) nivel de intensidad, erotismo y pasión, que hace imposible postergar la lectura... no se puede parar hasta terminar la novela.

También nos muestra cómo es ahora la vida de los personajes que conocimos en el primer libro, una vez que se hicieron públicos los experimentos genéticos a los cuales fueron sometidos.

Realmente esta serie me ha enganchado mucho, voy por el tercero!!
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
September 7, 2008
Reviewed for www.thcreviews.com

"4.5 stars" After reading The Man Within, I am finally starting to see why so many romance readers love Lora Leigh's books. While I had liked the idea behind the Breeds series, Tempting the Beast, the first book, had failed to fully resonate with me. The Man Within now has me hooked on the series and wanting to know more. It continues the fascinating story of a group of humans who were cruelly treated as science experiments when their DNA was mixed with that of various predatory animals in an attempt to create the perfect soldier. No longer in hiding, the Breeds are now known to the public and living in their own compound, but are still in grave danger from their creators and extremist groups. This whole overarching sci-fi/suspense plot and continuing storyline has really drawn me into the Breeds world. I think the main reason I liked The Man Within better than Tempting the Beast was the relationship of the hero and heroine. Unlike it's predecessor, which had an immediate “meeting and mating,” Taber and Roni had known and been in love with each other for years, ever since she was a little girl. Taber was very protective of Roni throughout those years too which I thought added a nice touch. Another thing I enjoyed more was the love scenes, which for the most part exhibited the tenderness and loving feelings which I had felt were missing from Tempting the Beast. I also appreciated that the misunderstanding that had kept Taber and Roni apart for three years did not drag out for the entire book, but was resolved about halfway through.

Taber and Roni themselves also made the story more enjoyable for me, as I found them to be more relatable characters. I remember liking Taber as a secondary character in Tempting the Beast, and he definitely did not disappoint me in his own story. Because of his animal DNA, Taber still had dominating alpha tendencies, but I thought he had a very gentle, loving and even vulnerable side as well. I love that Taber was so protective of Roni even before he marked her as his mate, and wish that those years had been explored in a bit more depth. Overall, he was just a very yummy hero, in my opinion. I thought Roni was pretty likable too, as a young woman whose childhood had been extremely difficult, having lost her mother at a young age, and grown up with a father who was more interested in where his next con and his next bottle were coming from than his little girl. It was nice to know that Roni had found someone like Taber to watch over her during those years. Roni did annoy me a bit with her stubbornness, especially when it led to arguments or she was having trouble trusting Taber's judgment. She liked to say that it was Taber who was the stubborn one, but in my opinion, her's outweighed his by quite a bit. Roni did have a softer side though, and it was when she was letting it show through that I liked her the most. I thought she was at her best when she was being loving, giving and nurturing toward Taber. I also liked that in spite of her instinct to fight any male dominance in her life, that most of the time she was fairly willing to surrender herself to him. All in all I thought they were well-matched and had good chemistry in their relationship.

Even though I really liked The Man Within, and it has definitely earned a place on my keeper shelf, there were a few things I thought could have been better. I thought the editing in this book was better than in Tempting the Beast, but I found that it still had several typos and one glaring age discrepancy. There wasn't a lot of background information given on Taber other than the standard stuff that all the Breeds seem to have gone through in the lab. At one point Dawn said that Taber deserved happiness more than any of them, which led me to believe that there might be some big reveal about his past, but that never materialized. I also would have liked it if Dayan had been given more solid motives for his actions, which readers are still learning about even from beyond the grave. Right now, I just feel like that part of the story is a bit fuzzy and hope that it will be explored in more depth in future installments. I admit that I enjoy alpha males who occasionally use statements like, “You're mine” toward the heroine, but once or twice in one story is sufficient. I thought having Taber say it nearly every time they made love, and then some, was a little too overwhelming. I did enjoy that Roni returned the sentiment in one love scene, and found it to be a really fun reversal. As I mentioned earlier a bit less arguing would have been nice too, but at least Taber seemed to be more amused and aroused by Roni's obstinacy than anything else. Also, Taber and Roni's first love scene was a bit rough for my taste, leaving me with concerns that it was going to be that way throughout the entire story, but I was impressed when Taber immediately showed regrets for initially loosing control and made up for it by being generally more patient and restrained.

The Man Within is book #2 in the Breeds series and has a strong and varied secondary character palette. Several characters who were first introduced in book #1, Tempting the Beast, once again made appearances. Readers get to see Callan and Merinus again, not long after the ending of their own story. There are also quick visits from Tanner, a Bengal Breed, who becomes the hero of book #9, Tanner's Scheme, and Dawn, a cougar Breed, who becomes the heroine of book #14, Dawn's Awakening. Kane, Merinus's brother, and Sherra, a snow leopard Breed, who have a previous history together are also seen, and by the epilogue of this book, more of Sherra's secrets are revealed, leaving me very anxious to read their story, which is book #4, Kiss of Heat. Readers are also introduced to Mercury, a lion Breed, who becomes the hero of book #16, Mercury's War, which is due to be released in October, as well as a brief introduction to Seth who will become Dawn's mate in her story. There are currently a total of 15 novels and short stories in the Breeds series with more to come. According to Lora Leigh's website, she wrote the Breeds series out of order chronologically and it has been printed by two different publishers, making the ordering of the books confusing to some readers. For the proper order in which the books should be read, check out Ms. Leigh's website. The Man Within left a few rather open-ended threads with some mystery still shrouding a couple of Roni's long-lost relatives and who was trying to infiltrate the Breed compound, as well as the reveal of Sherra's past, which really make me look forward to continuing this engaging and creative series soon.

Note: This book contains extremely explicit language which may offend some readers and a couple of scenes of strong violence. The sexual content is frequent and sometimes intense, containing some erotic elements, but did not, in my opinion, contain anything particularly kinky.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,329 reviews357 followers
June 13, 2022
2.5 Stars
When I started this series back in the day, I missed this one for some reason… So, when I saw it for .99, I snatched it up. Had I read it back then, I might’ve been happier with it, but now having the benefit of reading some really great Breed books… this wasn’t great.

Taber and Roni grew up together. He’s 8 years older, and the relationship started out more as a protector role that eventually morphed into lust/love. The book opens with the couple finally deciding to act on their feelings when Roni receives a breakup letter from Taber’s nasty brother. I don’t think it’s a major spoiler because we learn quickly after that Chapter one picks up 15-months later, but it takes until chapter 5 for them to reunite.

My main issue was I was bored… a lot. It takes a while for them to reconnect, then they don’t communicate about the breakup, so we’re stuck in a misunderstanding cycle for over half the book. This is filled with bicker/bitching because Roni is angry and argumentative… Or them having sex, which wasn’t super sexy. There’re loads of womb clenching and juices flowing.

If all that isn’t frustrating enough, when they finally get on the same page, they start acting TSTL. Why would they allow someone who has proven they mean them all harm stay at the compound?? It made ZERO sense. And, why was there so much importance placed on his barb? Who cares… move on. So much of the plot was filler, and frustrating filler at that.

Bottom Line- I’d only recommend this to readers interested in taking on the series. The next book is much better.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
June 23, 2024

Another reread for me, so here we have book two in the breed series and this time we are joining Callan's pride and family member Taber who is a Bengal feline hybrid. We first met him in book one. So after the events that occurred prior the breeds are now firmly out of in the open which brings with it a whole new set of problems. Now with an established home base, a former council property more breeds have been rescued or emerged from hiding.

When Taber spots Roni Andrews on the news being hounded by the media he knows he's messed up. Over a year prior he managed to mark her as his mate though without the additional pheromone she hasn't gone fully into heat. But the effect is enough to cause her issues. Now she's in danger from the council and Taber is determined to protect and claim her for his own.

After a misunderstanding leaves Roni suffering she vows to never forgive the male she once trusted completely. Now though all bets are off as she's unmasked as a breed mate before everyone. Now whatever her own feelings Taber and his family are the only ones who can protect her and the additional heat that is triggered by Taber's kiss is not something she can just ignore.

This was an easy read and though I have rated it the same as book one I did enjoy this one slightly more. There just seemed to be more going on in regards to story direction. As its predecessor was this is also totally scorching stuff and the chemistry between Taber and Roni was off the charts. This is an enjoyable read that doesn't take a whole lot of brain power and does what it says on the tin, I liked it, sometimes It's not that deep just what you're in the mood for and this hit that spot

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
February 15, 2017

Too much sex, too much! This series is an archaic New Species by Laurann Dohner. It's still more erotica and lacking in actual plot.
Taber and his mate Roni have known each other for most of Roni's life because Taber always came to Roni's rescue when her drunkard dad abused her. Taber and Roni made love and mated without them realizing that Taber marked her.

Then the dreaded misunderstanding occurs and Taber leaves Roni. The issue is resolved early in the book because Roni is in a mating frenzy and she needs Taber, her mate.

So we get sex, sex and more sex. I can't continue with this series as the writing is bad, plot is so elementary, and its just much sex. i don't even enjoy New Species as much as I used to even though that one has a much better plot. I tried but this series is 2 and out for me.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
August 15, 2015
เล่มนี้ดีกว่าเล่มแรกแบบผิดหูผิดตา อ่านไปก็ถามตัวเองไปว่านี่ใช่ผู้แต่งคนเดียวกับเล่มที่แล้วที่เขียนเนื้อเรื่องออกมามึนๆหรือเปล่า มันใช่หรอ ใช่จริงๆอ่ะ 555 อาจจะเป็นเพราะเราชอบความสัมพันธ์แบบนี้ด้วยล่ะมั้งเลยอ่านแล้วชอบเป็นพิเศษ พระนางรู้จักกันตั้งแต่เด็ก แต่มีเรื่องเข้าใจผิดที่ทำให้สองคนต้องแยกจากกันไป พอกลับมาพบกันใหม่แล้วเช็คความรู้สึกกันอีกที อ้าว ! เราสองคนยังใจตรงกันอยู่นี่นา แล้วเนื้อเรื่องก็ดำเนินไปแบบร้อนฉ่า ร้อนแบบต้องเอาพัดลมจ่อหน้า ถึงจะมีรำคาญนางเอกบ้าง (อยากจะโบกให้หัวทิ���ม) แต่ก็สนุก เราว่าการสร้างตัวละครของ The Man Within คล้ายๆกับชุด New Species ของ Laurann Dohner ที่สุดละ พระเอกจะรักนางเอกรุนแรงมาก แต่อยู่ในขอบเขตที่เรารับได้ และพอมาอยู่ในเล่มนี้ด้วยแล้ว มันสนุก ครบรส

มีตินิดนึงตรงช่วงท้ายที่จู่ๆนางเอกก็เปลี่ยนบุคลิกซะงั้น แบบก่อนหน้านี้เราก็ไม่เข้าใจอารมณ์เธอเหมือนกันนะ ย่อหน้านี้ตั้งแง่กับพระเอก ย่อหน้าต่อไปเธอก็แบบ...เอ้อ ไม่เป็นไรเนอะ คิดแบบนี้ดีกว่า อืม ! ถือว่าเป็นตัวละครที่เราตามอารมณ์ไม่ทันจริงๆ ส่วนพระเอกโอเคอยู่ มีอะไรแปลกๆ เหวอๆโผล่มาให้เห็นบ้าง แต่ไม่ได้เยอะจนเสียอารมณ์เหมือนกับเล่มที่แล้ว โมเม้นต์ฟินจิกหมอนเยอะอยู่นะเล่มนี้

Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews852 followers
August 26, 2016
Wow just wow!
Ok this was one thrilling hot mess, but in a good way!
Where do I start with this story but the plot I guess
The hero is a genetic experiential hybrid man-feline and the heroine is his marked mate.
Their story started in the woods with the heroine escaping her father and his creditors. The hero finds Roni and is immediately drawn to her. His need to protect her!
He is older by about 8 or nine years (I don't remember), and had recently escape this prison of a lab.
Their needs grown until such a time that he feels the compulsion to mark and mate with her. She is over the age of consent and has always been in love with him.
The whole story is a series of misunderstandings, manipulations, action, emotions, and smoking hot sex!
And if that was not good enough they had twists and turns that kept you on the edge of seat screaming "NO WAY", "SHUT UP", "ITS NOT HIS FAULT", "DONT TRUST THAT ASSHOLE"
Some moments the heroine made me f*cking mad I wanted to slap her silly but then I remember all the shit he "father" put her thru and said "Yeah she is right be cautions". But it still pissed me off as Taber was such an awesome mate! I was so upset when she told him she did not want his child! I was crying.
I should say I started this book as an audiobook but then it was going to slow I switched to e-book.
Ebook was much better.
Again if they used a man's voice for Taber's voice I would have enjoyed it more.
4.5 stars lost a half star because it's a series and to find out how their story really end I have to keep reading!!!!

Safety is just about perfect for this book as they mate for life! She is Virgin and I have a feeling that if the hero had sexual experience it was not voluntary.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
November 21, 2013
I liked the 2nd book in Lora Leigh’s Breed Series more than the 1st - my review -https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5....
I felt that there was more character and romance development with Taber and Roni. And of course, we know that there will be some and even lots of sizzling heat-filled pages…
“His soul exploded with the tip of his cock, spewing out an emotion, a need, a compulsive hunger as thick, hot and life-giving as the semen winging its way to her fertile, hungry womb.”
Wow, this author sure has a way with words!!!!!
I liked Taber and Roni – the physical tension, the intense emotions
Roni: In a few short days, he had given her the very things she had longed for the most: his heart to nurture, his soul to protect, his body to enjoy and love to her heart’s content.
I loved the fun banter -
Taber: "Cats love cream, Roni," he whispered wickedly. "And I bet you have the sweetest cream in the whole damned world."

Roni: "I swear to God, Taber. I may not be woman enough for you, but if you leave me after this, I'll make you pay. I'll cut your black heart from your chest myself and I'll carve your c**k into so many pieces you'll never find them all."

Mating frenzy, lots of growling and mewling, lots of wet and drenching sex moments, lots of the sex barb appearances…….betrayals, violence, action, loyalty and an amazing feeling of family between the Breed members -

I loved seeing characters from the 1st book. The Breed Colony has been set up in Virginia, after Callan and his pride had gone public, hoping that they would finally be free and safe.  photo download4-Copy_zps49586e22.jpgBut this has not happened – the threat has increased and dangerous times still follow them as the Genetics Council continues in the pursuit to continuing with their experiments.

Lora Leigh has introduced us to a fascinating world of human/feline characters that entice you, with intriguing story-lines that pull you right in.

We continue learning more about this world as we are given little hints and clues throughout the stories, leaving you wanting to start on the next book to find out …what next in the human/
 photo tumblr_larbbuoE101qd5owvo1_500_zps51eae30f.jpg

cat world??

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Profile Image for Sarah {Literary Meanderings}.
680 reviews282 followers
February 26, 2017

The first thing I should say is, although I gave this one the same rating as the first book - I did like this one a bit more. Just a smidgen.

My complaints: (which were pretty much the same with book 1)

1.) The story line has so much potential, and it'd be so great if she would elaborate on it some more - give it more attention. Keep all the sex, but add more story too!

2.) The damn womb references. Ugh. I can't be the only person who is completely discouraged by it. I want to put the book down each time I read something like "clenching womb", "her womb rippled", "cramps in her womb", "her womb spasmed", "convulsing womb" - etc. There is more, trust me. It's horrific. It ruins a good sex scene for me.

3.) Some of the dirty talk the lovers do reminds me of bad hentai. Like, too many weird metaphors and too much describing things in detail. Almost cheesy at times. But, it'll make you giggle.

Other than the extreme obsession with using the word womb too much, the sex scenes are great. They can be tedious sometimes, but she mixes it up pretty well. It's a definite treat.

The story got a bit more interesting in this book, and I hope to see more as I continue the series.
Profile Image for Zeek.
889 reviews149 followers
January 4, 2011
The Man Within: Feline Breeds 2! I don’t know why this series just does it for me. The Man Within was no exception. Again with the uber-alpha male, again with the “she’s known him all her life thing”, but this time? SCORE!!!!

I think I like The Breeds best of all the Lora Leigh series because the plotting works for me. Oddly enough, the The Island of Dr moreau cum Dark Angel thing is more believable to me then then some of the other "contemporaries" she writes. Deh I’m sure it’s because I just adore my Sci Fi/Fantasy mixed with Romance! Eitherway, the plot in TMW works well enough, (although she did do a much better job with her later entries into the Breeds series.) and because she continues to write great characters into the series, I'm giving this one 4.5 outta 5.

TMW: Breeds 2 is much the same as Breeds 1, but that’s ok. It’s why I read series- so I can get more of what I love!

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I loves me some Breeds!!!
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,208 reviews304 followers
May 8, 2016
This was a really good book. This is the second book in the Breed series. Since she was 11 years old Taber as also protected Veronica "Roni" Andrews he stole her heart then and as a woman he broke her heart. For 15 months Taber has stayed away from Roni at her request not realizing that when he kissed her on the neck he marked her and now she is in heat. This was a really good book the "Breeds" are no longer living in hiding the world knows about them so not only is the council after them, but they have to deal with people who don't want them around other humans. Roni is so angry at Taber because she thinks that he left her when he didn't show up not knowing that he was betrayed by one of his brother's. When her father becomes aware that Roni carries Taber's mark instead of keeping his mouth shut all he sees is a chance to make money I hated her father which turned out not to be her father. Reggie was willing to kidnap her to turn her over to people who want to lock her up and use her like a test dummy. This book was really hot and erotic and I loved listening to it I am looking forward to reading or listening to the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Summer.
1,382 reviews329 followers
July 5, 2018
WARNING: My language here may be inappropriate so be warned!

Wow. I like erotica, which is what I would categorize this as, but this was a little over the top for me. I'm a sucker for things with shifters which was a plus for me in this book, and the fact that this actually had a semi-semblance of a plot here too was nice as well. However the language here is utter ridiculous. I mean, someone correct me here if I'm wrong, but my womb has never spasmed due to extreme arousal nor have I heard of anyone as gratuitously overflowing with the ocean of fluid as the heroine mentioned in this book. Even the supposed 'romantic' moment have either the hero or heroine mentioning their bodily organs doing something sexual.
People who don't mind a lot of that kind of language may find better luck here as it has a lot of things going for it, but it was a little sensory overload for me.
3,079 reviews60 followers
October 7, 2023
OTT steamy fun with older H who broke the h's heart and put her in danger when he left. She's strong and rebuilt her life. But she's outed as his mate and he learns just how much she had suffered after he left her.
Profile Image for Amyiw.
2,558 reviews63 followers
September 26, 2015
The premise is so close to Laurann Dohner's New Species. I believe Dohner probably had read it before writing it but wow, what an improvement. Reading this makes me appreciate New Species a lot. I can even forgive the idiotic extremist in that series and their antics, when reading this. The plot is so, so simplistic. The erotica is so sickeningly floral, along with very crude. And in the end the first couple of times, it is definitely, drugging and rape just as Taber called it so.

The plot, she lets him know that she's left messages, lots, and he had none. Even the police left messages and had to go get him. Obviously message from her are getting deleted by someone. So they get hot and heavy, he leaves and says, "if you are here when I get back, we will finish it". He doesn't come back (we have no idea why) but his brother has a note from him, rejecting her. Really? really? she takes that at face value when she knows the messages are getting screwed up by someone? She doesn't confront him? No, no. And then later, we find that he receive a note from her also. Again, are they both idiots? When you know someone is deleting her message and doesn't want you close to her? Then when the mating drug he gives her thorough saliva makes them fuck, they don't confront the issue, not the first time, not the second time, not even the 3rd. What an idiotic communication breakdown ploy. They fuck like bunnies and are pissed off at one another, yet they don't ask, why? NO, no, no. Very bad plot point that is drawn out. So along with him giving her the drugging kiss and her saying "I can't do this" and him rutting her from behind. Even he admits that he drugged and rapped her the first time. Yeap, I agree. I could forgive that as the hormones and her smell saying yes, pushes at his instincts... except, she had too much no.

And then the ending, well the last chapter is just a lead in to Meriuses brother's book, so just skip that, though it looks like it could be interesting. But the actually ending and conflict at the end with a big reveal, meh. First the father is just too much a uber-evil. Yet, he is a sorry excuse. We always are thinking, what is he planning? and in the end, not really anything different than the whole of the other story and this. The breeds all know, but hey communication impasse is what this series is all about apparently. Taber, or anyone else, didn't bother to tell her. Also, why the hell keep him? Why not just bury him out back, he obviously deserves it and there is no love lost with Roni. He had already risked her by telling the media in the beginning. It is HIS fault the house is gone. It was just a stupid plot point to continue the story about 2/3 through and give an "exciting" ending, not.

Then there is the sex. I just read Hades of Larissa Ione and in it he is torturing some Sem demon souls in hell by reading really bad porn/erotica. I kept on coming back to that scene and this is how I felt when I come across the sex scenes. They are so floral and descriptive with imagery that borders on idiotic, several comparative adjectives in each phrase. The sex was cringe worthy for me, between the several floral adjectives used over and over to the change up from one poor word choice for the female anatomy to another, in the middle of a scene. I mean here there is nothing you can do in English, there is no great word choice as we like to curse with most, but pick one and use it, like cunt, pussy, vagina, etc... don't use them all. Explanation not spoiler... Also, every sexually encounter is pleasure, pain. For a regular reader of erotica and romance (with descriptive scenes), I still was almost offended at points. Actually at one point Taber calls her "his girl" in a way that I found very demeaning and I was offended.

Really didn't like it, in any way.
Profile Image for Unapologetic_Bookaholic.
565 reviews71 followers
October 13, 2009
Roni is a woman with a tortured past. Her father abused her emotionally and she felt no one was there for her except Taber, a Feline Breed. When he abandoned her she felt she could never trust anyone again. Taber is a Breed, he has marked Roni but refused to bond wth her. Things get heated when he sees her on TV being mauled by reporters and goes to get her.

The mating is a process in which the Feline Breeds secrete an aphrodisiac from glands hidden under their tongue, once their find their mate. Once they kiss their mate the hormone is released and the mating heat is activated. The plot revolves around Roni excepting Taber as her mate, the Breeds protecting themselves against the Council. We learn about Callan and Merinus' Breed mating and how the mating heat is doused. Lora Leigh's Breed series is a blazing inferno of erotic sex and brutal action. Alpha males and confrontational females is what works in this story.

The Breeds world creation is interesting and the mating heat allows for this novel to almost be labeled erotica. I liked learning about the Breeds enough to want to go back and read Book #1. Lots of sex but there is an element of romance that is prevelant. The paranormal aspect is also entertaining and draws you into the Breeds world. Typical of Lora Leigh there is a formula of harsh, dominant male/stubborn, prideful female, lots of erotic, hot sex and action/adeventure. So if you enjoy Lora Leigh familiar style but want to read a new type of 'shifter' then this book is for you.

3.5 rounded to 4
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
April 6, 2010
Ok, so I'm giving 2 stars to this one, but it's a good 2 stars.
I did like it much more than the first which I gave 1 star,LOL.This is a really hard series to rate.

There are some things I really like about this series. I had the same problem with both of the books I read in it, it's like there are some excellent elements to exploit that could turn this series into a much more interesting one, but they are left as secondaries to let the sex scenes overrule. The hole time I felt like so many things could turn this series into a really good paranormal romance. For example: The laboratory and experiments done to the breeds are a very interesting thing to develop. I would be extremely incline to read more about this, as to know the rest of the characters better. You get some characters mentioned that seem very appealing but then nothing is explained about them.

I really tried to enjoy this series because all my goodread's friends seem to adore it, nobody gave less than 4 stars to this series, but I just can't. Seriously, you just can't give this series the same ratings that are given to other paranormal romance series that are so much better.

If you're looking for hit scenes and well the whole deal, this is a series for you. I don't like it. I will be reading one more but just because It is about the only character who has been active and develop in the first 2 and my curiosity needs to learn what will happen with her, but that's it for me with this series, not one more book,LOL.
Profile Image for SheLove2Read.
2,974 reviews193 followers
September 19, 2009
I learned a little more of the early Breed history and have met a few characters whose books I've already read. (Mercury, Tanner, Dawn). I really liked Taber although I think his name could have been better. Taber?? Is that the best she could come up with? I liked his intensity and his devotion. Unfortunately his devotion was to an idiot. I hated Roni. She seemed like a selfish person, even despite her background. I never felt the chemistry (no pun intended) between them was genuine. She was hot one minute and cold the next. And the crude language she kept spouting was a turn off.

If I had started this series from the very beginning, I doubt I would have continued with it. Having read later, much better books, I can say Ms. Leigh improved the series dramatically. I will continue to play catch up with the early books but they will no longer be a priority read for me if they are as lame as this one was.
Profile Image for Erica.
713 reviews43 followers
April 12, 2013
I love this series so far. I'm not sure if I liked the first one or this one better. Both were equally hot, but I think this one had a tad more emotion to it, probably because Taber and Roni have known each other a LOT longer. As soon as I read the note at the end of the prologue, I was like, "damn Dayan!" It just smacked of him, and not of Taber. It's too bad Callan didn't let him live because I think his story would have been fascinating to say the least. This book sweeps right from book one into the action...Merinus and Callan are still integral characters in the book which didn't bother me because I liked Merinus in the first book and I thought it was really good that Roni had a friend there that could relate to how she was feeling during the mating frenzy. This book seemed to be pulled together a little better since they really knew what was going on this time, and there was a little more action now that the Breeds have come out of the forest. Lots of setting up for future books in a good way and I just loved how Taber and Roni found their way back to each other despite Dayan's interference. Really a great story. I can't wait to read the next one.

And this time, Kane wins the prize for the stupidest name. He called Taber Garfield. Really? GARFIELD? He keeps it up with those stupid kitty and cat references and one of those guys is going to SHOW him what a cat fight is. He he he.

Profile Image for Sarah (is clearing her shelves).
1,066 reviews165 followers
August 3, 2015
9/4 - This is the second book within Leigh's breeds series that I've read and it felt pretty much the same as Aiden's Charity, except with cats instead of dogs (well wolves, but you know what I mean). Once again the idea of being confined to a compound that's supposed to be safe, but isn't completely and is constantly under threat of sniper attack or infiltration disturbs me slightly. The cats have had the same horrific experiences in the labs as the wolves in Aiden's Charity did (can't understand how those scientists can miss the comparison between themselves and the Nazi scientists who experimented on twins, homosexuals and the mentally challenged). The sex was the same as in (I assume) most of her other books in this series, hot, detailed and frequent. The overall plot of the series wasn't advanced much, although I couldn't really say I expected anything different, in fact I expect that most of the books in the series (and any off-shoots) will follow mostly the same general storyline (in danger out in the world, get to the compound, continue to be in danger, lots of sex, a pair of "I love you"s and probably a pregnancy, but the continuing story of staying safely out of the hands of the government doesn't get resolved until the very end). I reckon, as long as I don't go on a binge of them I shouldn't get too sick and tired of them before I've finished them all.
Profile Image for Yona.
1,247 reviews253 followers
August 26, 2012
I loved this book.
It's nice that it showed what happened in the previous book and will continue to do that with the next and the next as well.
My favorite type of man - shifters or like in this case breeds are the cat ones. I just love when they purr. And the mate thing - finding you soul mate, the one you are suppose to be with and love forever. I love to read about this kind of thing, the constant need to be with the one you love, the passion. I don't believe that it exist but i like to read about it. And here when the female is in heat the only way to stop it is when she get pregnant. I especially like this.

I'll read the other books as well but not soon. Because I don't want to jump to the next couple . When the books of a series are with different couples I prefer if some time passes before I start reading them.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sana Zameer.
908 reviews124 followers
January 27, 2022
I'm done. The writing is bad. There's minimum of plot and I can't believe Taber was even more irritating than Callan. In fact every male in the story behaves like a neanderthal and the women aren't much more than a doormat. I tried but that's it for me.
Profile Image for Cindyg.
968 reviews61 followers
April 26, 2010
Tabor & Roni's story just has heart wretching as the first book in the series. Damn this is an awesome story. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Jen.
144 reviews7 followers
October 30, 2020
3.5 stars. The ending picked up for me which bumped it up a star. I could use a little more violence and drama to make the threats feel real. But you say, but the bad guys... Yes, yes, I know what happens. I just mean I want more from the bad guys, more real drama. Just a touch darker. But as always I liked the felines and their mating relationships. Can not wait for Sherra's book!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,805 reviews238 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
March 5, 2023
DNF at 4%. It doesn’t seem healthy to read a book that makes me roll my eyes so hard. I might strain them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 529 reviews

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