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A great collectible book!

222 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1979

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William Howard

1 book2 followers
William Howard was a pseudonym used by William Johnston. See William Howard for books written by others with the same name.

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Profile Image for Theo Logos.
994 reviews171 followers
July 13, 2023
I’m trying to make my Goodreads lists as accurate a reflection of my lifetime reading as possible. Every once in a while something will remind me of a book that I read decades ago that I had totally forgotten about. This is one of those times.

I read Gore Vidal’s Caligula as a raging hormones teenager, in service to those raging hormones. It is a pornographic novel using historical reports of Caligula’s decadence and perversion to appeal to what we euphemistically call “prurient interests.” I don’t remember how I got ahold of this sordid little book, or how I hid it from my parents.

Despite the prominence of Gore Vidal’s name on its cover, he did not write it, and had (almost) nothing to do with it. Vidal had been working on creating a screenplay for Bob Guccione with the working title “Gore Vidal’s Caligula.” Vidal’s vision for the screenplay differed significantly from Guccione’s (who wanted to make a high production value porno), and consequently, Vidal removed his name from the project. What this book actually is is a novelization of Guccione’s movie, Caligula. Vidal didn’t write a word of it.
Profile Image for Md Shariful Islam.
258 reviews76 followers
March 3, 2022
ভালো বই। ক্যালিগুলার ক্যারেক্টার ডেভেলপমেন্টটা দারুণ, সম্রাটের দয়ায় বেঁচে থাকা এক পালক-নাতি থেকে 'ইশ্বর' হয়ে ওঠার যাত্রা। কিছু কিছু জায়গা খুবই হিংস্র।
Profile Image for Oliver Clarke.
Author 42 books1,503 followers
July 17, 2022
Honestly, this might be the trashiest book I have ever read. It’s certainly the most obscene. I can’t imagine any publisher would go anywhere near it today.
Profile Image for Gebanuzo.
399 reviews35 followers
January 16, 2013
It is so sexual

Es un poco complicado hablar de este libro, digamos que lo he leído en mi etapa de secundaria, a veces me pongo a pensar al respecto, y bueno, mientras muchos veían la televisión, y leían a Wilde o yo que sé, las lecturas que te piden en esa edad, yo andaba divulgando en ese libro con contenido altamente explícito sobre prácticas sexuales jajajaja, no es la gran cosa, pero vaya, seguramente la gente no se da cuenta que afuera posiblemente las cosas no hayan cambiado mucho, y que haya un par de hijos de putas queriendo actuar como emperadores romanos; las perversiones en lo prohibido.
Profile Image for Farzana Raisa.
477 reviews166 followers
June 13, 2021
অনুবাদ ভালো হলেও খুবই বিভৎস :/ কাউকে সাজেস্ট করব না।
822 reviews23 followers
February 20, 2024
Paranoid, scared for his life, scared of being poisoned, he had bad dreams, a sexual deviant, balling not just one sister but three. His brother chopped into mince meat by his grandfather. The crazy world of Caligula who delighted in torture. His grandfather the Emperor, a bag of bones, symphilitic sores. After his grandfather's death, Caligula now Emperor. As the shouts, hail Caesar, Caligula glittered with delight. An arena spilled with blood by the Gladiators, the crowds in a frenzy, skulls cracked open like watermelons, blood spilling like juice. His sex addict wife, guarded by Eunuchs 24 hours a day. Caligula feasting on wine, truffles, roastered boar, oysters, mussels, his heir done for treason, Caligula couldn't have anyone to replace him. He made himself a living God. Debauchery, carnage, bonkers, sexual exploits, this book is part entertainment, part history lesson, part pure bullshit.
Profile Image for H M Al amin.
44 reviews6 followers
May 3, 2023
সহজ পঠ্য ছিলো না আমার জন্য৷ বেশ কস্টকরেই এগুতে হয়েছে৷ ভালো লেগেছে। ৩.৫০/৫ আমার রেটিং।
Profile Image for Rodolfo.
329 reviews12 followers
June 23, 2018
Calígula fue el tercer emperador del imperio romano, y a través del paso del tiempo y a la historia es mejor conocido por muchos gracias los escándalos que se vivieron durante su mandato así como a su demencia que lo llevo a mandar a asesinar a diferentes personas, entre ellos incluidos grandes personajes de la historia como su abuelo el emperador Tiberio entre muchos otros, así como considerarse un Dios, por otra parte otro de los grandes rasgos por los que es recordado es por la vida sexual que llevo y los numerosos escándalos que vinieron con esto; la primera vez que escuche de este hombre fue hace unos años cuando por casualidad vi una película estrenada en 1979 que retrata parte de su vida y que en su momento fue muy polémica por el alto grado de escenas sexuales que aparecían en ella, de la cual hubo dos versiones, una con tintes eróticos según los analistas de cine y posteriormente una sin censura en al cual se muestra explícitamente los actos sexuales de todo tipo incluidas algunas parafilias, pero dejando de lago esto, este libro en si no es una biografía como tal del personaje, sino al contrario, es la novelización del guion escrito por Gore Vidal y del cual está basada la película que antes mencione.

Si bien una gran parte del guion y de esta novela tiene una narración completamente sexual con muchas descripciones que caerían en lo vulgar y lo pornográfico, destacando las depravaciones sexuales que involucro el personaje, también tenemos una historia de trasfondo que me aprecio completamente fascinante y que me gustó mucho la manera en que está narrada, ya que a lo que he leído de este emperador, es fiel a los acontecimientos que pasaron y a lo poco que se sabe de ellos, pero sabemos que en este tipo de historias cuando están basadas en hechos históricos se tiene que mezclar un poco con la ficción para dar un buen resultado y ajustarlo a la trama y el autor tanto de este libro como del guion, me parece hicieron un excelente trabajo.

En esta parte de la historia de Calígula la comenzamos unos días antes de que se convierta en emperador, nos da una visión o mejor dicho un perfil más psicológico del personaje describiéndonos desde el gran miedo que tenía ante su abuelo y el de ser asesinado por este, posteriormente llegamos a la etapa cuando ya es emperador y como su demencia lo lleva a que sea asesinado, pero en este viaje conocemos muchas cosas que van desde el enamoramiento con su hermana, sus perversiones sexuales tanto de él cómo de su abuelo, intrigas políticas, algo que me encanta, traiciones, desamores, etcétera, pero como digo, si dejamos de un lago el sexo y todo lo que conlleva con este personaje, es una historia sumamente interesante y digna de recomendar, pero en fin, solo puedo decir que me ha gustado mucho y que se le diera una oportunidad, que si bien no es una biografía apegada a la realidad es excelente para pasar el rato y conocer un poco de este emperador, pero eso sí, puede que no llegue a ser para todos, gracias a esas descripciones tan graficas que se hacen en cuanto al sexo pero por Dios, si hoy tenemos libros como 50 sombras de grey y Pídeme lo que quieras, solo por mencionar algunos, entonces no critiquemos este libro porque sigue los mismos pasos en cuanto a descripción de sexos solo que en este caso con un poco de perversión y situaciones enfermas tipo el marqués de Sade.
Profile Image for Kibo Mahojenin  Khan.
52 reviews10 followers
May 23, 2020
উইলিয়াম হাওয়ার্ড আর ডিউক জন দুইজনের লেখাই আমার ভালো লাগে। তাই এটাও ভালোই লেগেছে।

ক্যালিগুলা যখন খুব ছোট তখন তার বোন ছাড়া পুরো পরিবারকে মেরে ফেলা হয়। তখন থেকেই সে প্রচন্ড আতংক নিয়ে বড় হতে থাকে এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত ভয়ংকর এক চরিত্রে রূপ নেয়! রোমান সাম্রাজ্যের ত্রাস হয়ে দাঁড়ায়!

কিছু কিছু জিনিস খুবই বিরক্তিকর ছিলো :v
Profile Image for Paul.
130 reviews5 followers
December 20, 2019
Although much deviant depravity and gratuitous violence is tangled around this tale of Caligula, it is a compelling narrative and has elicited in me, a desire to read more about the excesses of some of Rome's very worst. I'm not sure if some or even most of the deviancy is apocryphal but if not, then Yikes! The eponymous caesar and his predecessor, Tiberius, are both stark raving mad, not to mention murdering rapists. Tertiary syphilis sharpened the evil in Tiberius, but Caligula didn't seem to have that mitigating factor. I read that the author's name was a pseudonym but of Gore Vidal? I'm aware that Vidal penned the screenplay for the film, which I assume is the one starring Malcolm McDowell. I'm happy to be corrected.
Profile Image for Md Fahim Khan.
195 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2019
ক্যালিগুলা নিয়ে ছোটখাট উৎসাহ আছে আমার। বিশেষ করে ক্লাসিক ক্যালিগুলা সিনেমা, I, Claudius টিভি সিরিজে ক্যালিগুলার ভয়ঙ্কর রূপ দেখে আমার এই আগ্রহের সৃষ্টি। যদিও এই বইটি ক্যালিগুলা সিনেমারই স্ক্রিপ্ট থেকে বানানো, তবুও বইটি পড়তে নতুন মনে হলো।
অনুবাদ হিসেবে কিছুটা জড়তা আছে যেটা সবসময়ই দেখা যায় বাংলা অনুবাদকদের ক্ষেত্রে। বইতে রোমান শব্দগুলোর টীকা দেওয়া আছে পৃষ্ঠার শেষে যা নতুন পাঠকদের জন্য সহায়ক হলেও রোমান সংস্কৃতির সাথে পরিচিত কোনো পাঠকের জন্য বিরক্তির কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়াতে পারে। পরিশেষে, ভয়ংকর অধ্যায়ের সুন্দর সংকলন, তাই বাহবা দিতেই হবে অনুবাদককে।
Profile Image for Masfiq Reza.
101 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2019
I have read a translated version of this book. The book really tells about the horrible dynasty of Caligula. Thanks to William Howard for such a nice book.
Profile Image for Andrew.
679 reviews12 followers
June 12, 2023
There are few more notorious films made in the last 50 years than ‘Caligula’. Originally developed by the American author Gore Vidal, then produced as a bizarre pornographic ‘epic’ by Penthouse Magazine’s Bob Guccione and sort of directed by Tinto Brass, it is legendary as a terrible movie that has offended most who have seen it. However, it has also aroused the curiosity of many who have seen it, or are at least familiar with the film’s history, or indeed those who are interested in the infamous Caligula himself. As one who has seen the movie and is definitely intrigued by all that comes with it, it seemed right to tackle the film’s novelisation.

Sadly, this book is a fairly substandard work of hack-writing that revels in poor prose, swathes of pornographic text and an occasional nod to the ancient sources for Caligula’s life. One thing is for sure, whilst the title refers to Gore Vidal there is no literary connection between that great writer and William Howard (the nom de plume of this book’s true author, William Johnston). Vidal understood how to write evocatively of a specific historical period or character, whereas Johnston is at best a copyist and worst just an average pornographer. Additionally Vidal knew how to structure and pace his novels’ plots, whereas this effort dawdles for the first half before sprinting to its resolution. Howard/Johnston is no Vidal, no Robert Graves. He is a pulp novelist who has churned out a film tie-in that makes an adequate connection to its cinematic basis.

If there is one redeemable aspect of ‘Gore Vidal’s Caligula’ it is that Howard/Johnston has more than a nodding acquaintance with the ancient literary sources. I was particularly taken by his discussion of how his version of Caligula understood the differences between each of the three types of marriage legally established in ancient Roman society. Also, and this is less secure but still interesting, in this novelisation it is Caesonia who removes Drusilla’s influence on her brother by poisoning Caligula’s incestuous lover. This is a different take than others I have encountered.

Would I recommend ‘Gore Vidal’s Caligula’? No. However, it is like the film it novelises; it is a curiosity that in its own way recreates and re-represents Ancient Rome and one of its most infamous emperors. On these grounds this book does bear consideration.
Profile Image for G.
143 reviews4 followers
February 28, 2023
Gore Vidal's Caligula is the novelisation of the screenplay for the notorious 1979 film Caligula. The Bob Guccione-produced film gained notoriety for focusing on the madness and depravity of Caligula with over-the-top scenes of extreme violence, and pornography. The movie was a challenged production, taking four years to film. In the end, Gore Vidal asked for his name to be removed from the film due to artistic differences, and director Tinto Brass was fired with Guccionne taking over the editing, leading to the hot mess of a final cut. The novelisation retains much of the excesses, but provides a more coherent storyline of political intrigue and ambition. The book is a quick, trashy read for those with a tolerance for the taboo.
Profile Image for Rasel Khan.
170 reviews7 followers
October 21, 2022
রোমান সম্রাট ক্যালিগুলা। জনপ্রিয় উত্তরাধিকার থেকে নিকৃষ্ট শাসক হয়েছিলেন যে। রোমের মানুষ যাকে এক সময় ভালোবাসতো, শাসক হিসেবে দেখতে চাইতো, তাদের উপরেই চালিয়েছিলেন অকথ্য অত্যাচার।

সম্রাটকে খুন করে ক্ষমতায় এসেই পথের সব কাটা পরিষ্কার করেন ক্যালিগুলা। প্রথম দিকে ভালো ভাবে শাসন করলেও নিজের প্রেমিকার মৃত্যুর পর হয়ে যান বেপরোয়া। একের পর এক জঘন্য সব সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে থাকেন তিনি। এসবের ফলাফল তার জন্য ভালো কিছু বয়ে আনেনি৷ চরম মূল্য দিতে হয়েছিলো তাকে, তার স্ত্রীকে এবং তার নিষ্পাপ সন্তানকেও।
Profile Image for Luke.
89 reviews
July 27, 2021
I initially wanted to rate this book lower because the outrageous sex scenes and gore seemed unnecessary and out of place. Turns out much of the content included by Vidal in this book is actually based on (probably biased and false) accounts of Caligula's life; meaning, this book was just a cringey and fascinating extension of some wild rumours about Caligula.
Profile Image for Jheelam Nodie.
279 reviews7 followers
March 21, 2021
Cruel and Bloody. It was a joy to read this chapter of roman history as a good novel
101 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2019
Suffers from the same problem as the film, in that it has no narrative momentum and the political allegory is unclear. Seems quite faithful to the Suetonius account of Caligula's life, even down to the fact that it often feels like a collection of somewhat disjointed scenes. Still, this is good value for anyone who is curious about what shape the film was supposed to be in. It's a shame that the homosexual scenes were excised from the film, they seem very much part of what Vidal is trying to get across about human sexuality, see his early essay about 'The Twelve Caesars' for reference
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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