Goodreads România

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Showing 4 of -3 topics — 833 comments total
+ Începe aici
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Biblioteca Goodreads România - lista cărților discutate
By Gabriel · 28 posts · 321 views
last updated Jan 20, 2023 07:26AM
Hai să ne cunoaștem
By Victor · 240 posts · 1301 views
last updated Sep 11, 2024 01:07AM
Voi ce citiți acum? Primele impresii...
By Gabriel · 409 posts · 1228 views
last updated Jan 25, 2024 01:56AM
Apel pentru cei care vor să devină moderatori
By Victor · 5 posts · 167 views
last updated Jan 14, 2022 03:11AM
* Citește cu mine/Buddy Reads: Propuneri
By Victor · 53 posts · 571 views
last updated Jan 29, 2024 06:56AM
Citește cu mine: Dragă viață
By Gabriel · 3 posts · 78 views
last updated May 17, 2024 11:13AM
Citește cu mine: Sons and lovers, de D. H. Lawrence
By Maria · 2 posts · 65 views
last updated Nov 02, 2023 05:36AM
Citeste cu mine : Flori pentru Algernon
By Delia · 8 posts · 105 views
last updated Oct 19, 2023 10:42AM
Citeste cu mine: Stephen King - Un basm
By Victor · 5 posts · 98 views
last updated Aug 08, 2023 03:16AM
Citește cu mine: Căpitanii nisipurilor
By Gabriel · 9 posts · 44 views
last updated Jul 11, 2023 10:54AM
Citește cu mine: Cruciadele văzute de arabi
By Gabriel · 17 posts · 121 views
last updated Mar 13, 2023 01:39AM
Bret Easton Ellis - The Shards
By Victor · 18 posts · 182 views
last updated Feb 28, 2023 10:05AM
Maraton Saramago - Istoria asediului Lisabonei
By Gabriel · 2 posts · 73 views
last updated Apr 10, 2022 02:19AM
Maraton Saramago - Pluta de piatră
By Gabriel · 7 posts · 66 views
last updated Mar 03, 2022 02:20PM
Showing 10 of 88 topics — 1,401 comments total
+ Cartea lunii
Octombrie 2024 - Eseu despre orbire
By Gabriel · 3 posts · 29 views
last updated 4 hours, 32 min ago
Septembrie 2024 - Crimă și pedeapsă
By Gabriel · 2 posts · 82 views
last updated Sep 28, 2024 04:27AM
August 2024 - Lumii îi spuneau pădure
By Gabriel · 9 posts · 160 views
last updated Aug 28, 2024 02:14AM
Iulie 2024 - Solenoid
By Delia · 2 posts · 91 views
last updated Jul 08, 2024 07:02AM
Iunie 2024 - Strada Sardinelor
By Gabriel · 3 posts · 84 views
last updated Jul 02, 2024 03:49AM
Mai 2024 - Rătăcirile fetei nesăbuite
By Gabriel · 4 posts · 104 views
last updated Jun 02, 2024 06:56AM
Aprilie 2024 - Leaganul pisicii
By Delia · 1 post · 85 views
last updated Apr 01, 2024 10:43AM
Martie 2024 - Cel mai iubit dintre paminteni
By Algernon (Dar… · 8 posts · 139 views
last updated Mar 26, 2024 06:31AM
Cartea Lunii în 2024 - propuneri de autori
By Gabriel · 31 posts · 208 views
last updated Mar 21, 2024 06:16AM
Februarie 2024 - Trei camarazi
By Gabriel · 8 posts · 104 views
last updated Feb 21, 2024 08:37AM
Showing 10 of 87 topics — 1,514 comments total
+ General
By Victor · 102 posts · 367 views
last updated Sep 28, 2024 04:00AM
Carti a caror actiune se petrece in Dobrogea
By AMDCLV · 4 posts · 20 views
last updated Sep 21, 2024 09:37PM
Recomandări de cărți
By Cristiana · 4 posts · 41 views
last updated Aug 18, 2024 12:58AM
Carti despre Holocaust
By Andra · 22 posts · 180 views
last updated Aug 17, 2024 08:45AM
Cărți gratuite, promoții și oferte
By Gabriel · 36 posts · 357 views
last updated Jul 02, 2024 03:53AM
Carti care au cultul femeii(nu din punct de vedere feminist)
By Raluca · 10 posts · 126 views
last updated Mar 26, 2024 12:16PM
By Victor · 111 posts · 456 views
last updated Jan 04, 2024 05:12AM
Bunaa!! A citit cineva caraval?:)
By Carmen · 3 posts · 50 views
last updated Jan 03, 2024 09:33AM
Gândul bun - citate, idei, însemnări
By Gabriel · 37 posts · 190 views
last updated Sep 02, 2023 12:09AM
Vitrina cu cărți
By Gabriel · 3 posts · 112 views
last updated Aug 27, 2023 09:14AM
Showing 8 of 8 topics — 11 comments total
+ Recenzii
* Ce-i aici?
By Victor · 3 posts · 127 views
last updated Mar 09, 2021 10:35AM
serviciu de recenzii expert cu publicare
By Infarom · 1 post · 61 views
last updated Oct 11, 2021 04:55AM
"Crăciunul lui Poirot" de Agatha Christie
By Mari · 1 post · 47 views
last updated Jan 01, 2021 12:08PM
„Sunt o doamnă, ce p*** mea”
By Victor · 1 post · 152 views
last updated Mar 03, 2020 09:41PM
Temporary’ Is a Debut Novel That Leans Into the Absurdity of How We Work Now
By Victor · 1 post · 37 views
last updated Feb 29, 2020 10:24PM
The Life of Laowai
By Victor · 1 post · 34 views
last updated Feb 27, 2020 09:41AM
* Bine ați venit
By Victor · 11 posts · 344 views
last updated Mar 27, 2024 06:25AM
caut betareader
By Ana · 7 posts · 38 views
last updated Aug 18, 2024 10:15AM
Mongol - Corpses of the Divine, carte publicata de mine, Nicu Stefan Cristian
By deleted member · 1 post · 30 views
last updated Aug 01, 2024 01:06PM
Nouă publicație la Editura Letras
By Mirela · 7 posts · 32 views
last updated Apr 29, 2024 09:47AM
Povestiri SF
By Alexis · 1 post · 33 views
last updated Oct 05, 2023 12:45AM
Gioco di mano
By Radu · 2 posts · 38 views
last updated Jan 30, 2023 09:02AM
Beta readers -> protagonista queer, anii 80, light fantasy
By Maria · 4 posts · 61 views
last updated Sep 06, 2022 10:44AM
O nouă nuvelă de satiră și umor
By M.M. · 1 post · 33 views
last updated Sep 12, 2021 07:41AM
„Sub Cortina de Fier” , editura Niculescu.
By Andrada · 1 post · 25 views
last updated Aug 24, 2021 05:34AM
Bani în Plus( blog cu cărți de dezvoltare personală)
By deleted member · 45 posts · 94 views
last updated Jul 24, 2021 02:15AM
* Jocul nr. 3 - La mijlocul nopții, o poezie riscă să te ucidă
By Gabriel · 7 posts · 43 views
last updated Apr 01, 2022 09:36AM
* Jocul nr. 1 - Cum să năruiești castele de nisip
By Gabriel · 18 posts · 70 views
last updated Feb 07, 2022 09:42AM
Jocul nr. 2 - Lumina palidă a unui far
By Gabriel · 23 posts · 87 views
last updated Mar 09, 2022 10:22AM
Experimente literare - cine vrea să intre în joc?
By Gabriel · 7 posts · 72 views
last updated Jan 13, 2022 09:59AM
* Cartea itinerantă: A City in Short Fiction (Tokyo, Shanghai)
By Victor · 5 posts · 52 views
last updated Jan 16, 2023 10:20AM
Holly Jacksons books
By Annalia · 9 posts · 77 views
last updated Jul 06, 2024 09:12AM
Honorè de Balzac
By Annalia · 5 posts · 31 views
last updated May 23, 2023 09:17AM
Serie - The Murderbot Diaries #1: All Systems Red, de Martha Wells (4⭐ din 3✔)
By Gabriel · 7 posts · 66 views
last updated Feb 08, 2021 04:29AM
Citeste cu mine: The Likeness, de Tana French (Dublin Murder Squad, #2)
By Grip · 5 posts · 30 views
last updated Dec 27, 2020 09:11AM
Serie - The Murderbot Diaries #2: Artificial Condition, de Martha Wells
By Victor · 10 posts · 41 views
last updated Oct 19, 2020 08:24AM
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Gabriel Nita

Algernon (Darth Anyan)
Algernon (Darth...

Costin Cocioabă


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