Redley asked Everina Maxwell:

I read the original version of Winter's Orbit on AO3 many years ago and recently discovered you've officially published this (big congrats on that!) Wondering if you made substantial changes to the original story and if it's worth a re-read for that? Thanks!

Everina Maxwell Hrm, really difficult to say! I would say fuller worldbuilding, more depth to the second half plot, no huge differences? It’s a bit hard to remember what was essentially an earlier draft seven years ago. Your mileage may vary!
(For those wondering, an early draft of Winter’s Orbit was originally posted on Ao3 in the “Original Works” category, now removed, so the same characters, largely the same worldbuilding, an early draft of the same plot. Some people ask about this so occasionally I have to explain there’s no fanfic version you’re missing - it was always these characters).

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