Bad Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bad-love" Showing 1-15 of 15
Nathanael West
“She wasn’t hard-boiled. It was just that she put love on a special plane, where a man without money or looks couldn’t move.”
Nathanael West, The Day of the Locust

John Mark Green
“Your heart was
a wishing well.
Trying to love you
bankrupted me.”
John Mark Green

Michael Ben Zehabe
“No.” The smile had left Sarah’s voice. “He still works for the Basij. Beware of weak men, little sister. He never returned to help, not even to express condolences for Father. Find a strong man. Get a man who will stand up for you, even if it means he has to fight the whole world. There is nothing more dangerous than a weak man.”
Michael Benzehabe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Zapanjen sam kako sam svjesno, korak po korak, ušao u sve to; kako sam uvijek u tako jasnom svjetlu vidio svoj položaj, a ipak sam postupao kao dijete; kako i sada još jasno vidim, a još uvijek nema ni traga nade da stvari pođu nabolje.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Christine Evangelou
“Feeders (A Narc in Love):

They'll feed off your energy,
Soak up your adoration,
Seem perfect in your eyes,
As the love-bombing ignites the manipulation
They will never truly love you,
They do not love themselves,
But they'll break you down from the inside-out
And demolish your sense of self
And then when they see they cannot control you,
They'll shout, and shut the door,
As you elevate from the ashes,
Gone, is the backing down you had displayed before
Then, they'll drop you,
And from a shaky, fantastical ivory tower you'll fall,
Because they've realised,
They cannot keep you on their puppet-strings anymore”
Christine Evangelou, The Stars In Our Scars: A Collection of Unique, Healing and Inspirational Poetry

Dan Skinner
“I was now privy to how a calm, average , peace-loving individual can suddenly get infected with a special kind of crazy. Higher reasoning is replaced with killer animal instincts.”
Dan Skinner, The Price of Dick

Laura Wiess
“So I wait for him because I always have, because out of all the moments that went wrong, I think there were just as many that went right, just as much love and heat and want as hurt, disappointment, and cruelty. I want to believe there's a balance here, that out of this tragedy will come some good, and there will be a happy ending.”
Laura Wiess, How It Ends

Jonathan Anthony Burkett
“In life we all go through trials and tribulations. So now tell me, will you pass or will you make a mess?”
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Nitya Prakash
“Hopelessly holding on to bad love, because of the fear of being alone.”
Nitya Prakash

David Nicholls
“[...] and she was reminded once more of his almost limitless capacity to disappoint.”
David Nicholls, One Day

“The house was burning. The kitchen was on fire. All I smelled were the coffee beans from Tuesday morning. You stand between the thought of staying and leaving because toxicity is a dangerous electricity.”
Dominic Riccitello

“In theory, it never worked. Yet I saw us like an unfinished book. Chapters build, metaphors create, words enhance, and in the end it still made no sense.”
Dominic Riccitello

“His voice was the saddest song I’ve ever heard until I saw him at 3 am begging to see me.”
Dominic Riccitello

“it’s cold
from the tar
of his heart
yet i still breathe
as this falls apart”
Dominic Riccitello