Beautiful Girl Quotes

Quotes tagged as "beautiful-girl" Showing 1-18 of 18
“Dear, sweet, beautiful girl,”
Tehereh Mafi

Enock Maregesi
“Mapema, kabla ndege haijaondoka na baada ya kuagana na maafisa waliomsindikiza, Nanda aliingia katika ndege na kutafuta namba ya kiti chake. Alivyoiona, alishtuka. Msichana mrembo alikaa kando ya kiti (cha Nanda) akiongea na simu, mara ya mwisho kabla ya kuondoka. Alivyofika, Nanda hakujizuia kuchangamka – alitupa tabasamu. Alivyoliona, kupitia miwani myeusi, binti alitabasamu pia, meno yake yakimchanganya kamishna. Alimsalimia Nanda, harakaharaka, na kurudi katika simu huku Nanda akikaa (vizuri) na kumsubiri. Alivyokata simu, alitoa miwani na kumwomba radhi Kamishna Nanda. Nanda akamwambia asijali, huku akitabasamu. Alikuwa na safari ya Bama kupitia Tailandi, kwa ndege ya Shirika la Ndege la Skandinavia na Maxair kutokea Bangkok; sawa kabisa na safari ya kamishna.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

C.D. Bell
“Nessa had never really felt truly beautiful before, but tonight she not only understood that she was beautiful, she understood that everyone was. That for all the competition and fear and knowing that the next runner was coming up behind you, she had been missing out on how beautiful life could be. She should have been watching and appreciating others instead of waiting inside herself for the right time to shine. The time was now.”
C. D. Bell, Weregirl

“Amazing girl! her voice is like liquid gold, so special .”
Imran Shaikh

Ken Poirot
“When she smiles all are captivated by her radiance and everyone knows she is the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Ken Poirot

Emily R. McCormick
“At some point, the girl who never thinks she is pretty, will believe she is. And she is beautiful.”
Emily R. McCormick

Alex Diaz-Granados
“Hello, Jimmy,' said an all-too-familiar voice from somewhere behind me. It was Marty. No one else at South Miami had that delightful, almost exotic English accent.

I turned around slowly until I faced her. “Hi, Marty,” I said.

She got up from one of the few chairs that had not been placed in storage and gave me a shy half-smile. “So, come to say goodbye, then?” Marty asked.

I gazed at her, committing every detail of her appearance to memory. She wore faded Levi’s blue jeans, a white and orange SOUTH MIAMI CHORUS T-shirt, white socks and an old pair of Keds sneakers. Her chestnut hair was tied into a ponytail. She wore very little makeup; a touch of mascara here, a hint of blush there, a bit of lip-gloss to make things a bit interesting. She was shockingly, heartrendingly beautiful.

My heart skipped a beat. “I couldn’t go without seeing you, you know,” I said.

She smiled. “Oh, come on; I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“It’s true,” I said. “And no, I don’t say that to all the girls.”
Alex Diaz-Granados, Reunion: A Story: A Novella

Jessica Sorensen
“I crack my knuckles and my neck.Okay, first off when I win one, it's not going to be for you. It's going to be for that beautiful girl right there.
I point at Callie, then want to take it back,even though it's true.”
Jessica Sorensen, The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden

“I just Not Love Your Because You Are The Most Beautiful Girl On Earth..
I Love You Because, Me Want To Alive To See Both Of Us Smiling ..”
Yaganesh Derasari

Hank Bracker
“Monique was the most unlikely girl to be tending bar at a place like the French Hotel in Monrovia. She was the girl guys would ask, “What’s a sweet girl like you doing in a place like this?” I, like everyone else, liked Monique and always chatted her up. Monique loved the attention and had a heavy hand with the bottles. The later into the evening it got, the more she poured. In Liberia there were no laws holding a bartender responsible for the inebriated actions of their patrons and she was just being friendly. What’s more is that all the expats kept returning.
Monique was a dark haired beauty. Slight of stature, she had a pleasant demeanor and a cute French accent. Having some difficulty with English, she would listen intently and try to repeat what was said. Her mannerisms were a delight to watch as she tended bar. For the men, in this hot forsaken place, Monique was a breath of fresh air and an attentive young female to talk to. Her French perfume was a most pleasant contrast to the foul odors that normally filled the air in Monrovia.
I liked Monique, didn’t everyone? She was a hot French mademoiselle and looked the part with her cute slightly turned up nose, brown eyes and dark brown hair. In fact she looked very much like Leslie Caron. No one took photos like they do today, so just to give you an idea of how she looked, I was tempted to use a publicity photo of Leslie. However with copyright laws being what they are, I prudently resisted that idea. Although Monique always flirted with me, it was always in a cute or perhaps an innocent way. Without the little encouragement, which I hoped for, I was starting to think of her more like a sister. No, that wasn’t quite it. Although she was always flirtatious and cutesy, the truth was that she just wasn’t available to me and I didn’t know why.”
Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater Two...."

“A beautiful girl! she is capable of achieving new horizons .. Just give her some time and see her bedazzle world ..”
Imran Shaikh

“A beautiful girl! carrying the fire within her. she don't know how to quit ..”
Imran Shaikh

“Aesthetics is the alignment of symmetry, proportions & harmony”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil

Jack Freestone
“All a man really wants, is a girl who looks good in a bikini.”
Jack Freestone

Jack Freestone
“The secret of celebrity power and the most beautiful of girls, and how to seduce them? Well, if you look at a celebrity’s page and pics one hundred times a day, you will kneel to her fake and often satanic power, and she will feed off your worship. But if you do not, and that celebrity or extremely beautiful girl looks at your page, even a couple of times, the power is reversed. So, if you want to seduce a celebrity, and she shows you even glancing curiosity, at that point you can prise her off the rock like a limpet, and then she is lost, flailing around in the scary ocean, which most of us know as the real world, until you rescue her. Celebrities are the most insecure of people, after all, disattached, and scared of the real world.”
Jack Freestone

Kiana Krystle
“After perfuming my neck with lychee and fig oil, I touch up my barrel curls and apply a fresh coat of lip gloss. As I stare at my reflection, I almost believe I'm the angel I masquerade as.
My skin shines like opals, the iridescence catching the fullness of my lips and the high points of my cheeks. Coalescing down to my waist are ribbons of black hair, perhaps my favorite feature about myself. Though my mother has always loved my eyes the most--- upturned and narrow, blooming with feathered lashes. I, for one, have always been frightened by them. Some would mistake their red-honey color for brown. But in the light, they glint with a tint of ruby. Like devil eyes. I shut them.
No more ocean of a girl.
At least not tonight.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea