Chemo Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chemo" Showing 1-15 of 15
Shaun Hick
“Cancer gave me an understanding of the point of all this. To survive. Most of our lives it is easy but for the moments when it becomes difficult, when accident or sickness or sadness strikes, it's just about remembering one thing. You must simply survive.”
Shaun Hick

“ addition to feeling sick and tired and feverish and nauseated, I also felt forgotten. And there was no easy cure for that.”
Sarah Thebarge

“Love will cost you dearly.
And it will break your heart.
But in the end, it will save the world.”
Sarah Thebarge

“ occurred to me that maybe Samson's hair wasn't the source of his strength; maybe it was the symbol of his strength. And maybe when Delilah cut off his hair, he didn't lose his power because he lost his hair; he just woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror, and suddenly for the life of him couldn't remember who he was.”
Sarah Thebarge

Lawrence Wray
“Why does chemo always have side effects like sickness and hair loss?
Why not 'invisibility' or 'spontaneous orgasms'?”
Lawrence Wray

Joni Rodgers
“They say the Lord never gives us more than we can bear. This is only true of money and cleavage.”
Joni Rodgers, Bald in the Land of Big Hair: A True Story

Lawrence Wray
“Don't delegate your survival to the doctors and hope for the best.
You have to participate in your own cure.
You have to fight.”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“If cancer was a mugger you would at least throw a punch.
What's different?”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“If you have cancer, The Cancer Survivors Club is looking for new members.
We're waiting for you.”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“Cancer is a fight to the death.
Either you kill it, or it will kill you.
Get ready to brawl.”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“We all have two lives.
The second one starts when we realise we only have one.”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“You have to fight, because if you don't, you let the opponent win, and if your opponent is cancer, the results can be deadly.”
Lawrence Wray

Lawrence Wray
“Did you notice the smile on a cancer patient's face after the last treatment?
That's the smile you want on your face.”
Lawrence Wray

“Due to my weakened immune system from the said treatments, I was forced to become jailed in my own house for fear of going out in public.”
Matt Danner

Brett M. Cordes
“I never let anyone see me cry or feel sorry for myself. Attitude and the will to live is so important during and after treatment that if you don't have a good attitude or a strong will to live, treatment doesn't work.”
Brett M. Cordes, Cancer Is for Older People: How Young Minds Beat an Old Disease