Dream Job Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dream-job" Showing 1-23 of 23
Non Pratt
“Of the seminal moments in my life, Careers Day in the autumn of Year 5 is my favorite. Everyone had to dress as whatever they wanted to be once they grew up. I had gone in a tweed jacket and a bow tie, and when Miss Weston asked me what I wanted to be, I told her that I wanted to be the Doctor.

'Shouldn't you be wearing a lab coat and stethoscope like Paul?' She pointed to Paul Black, who was trying to strangle everyone with the stethoscope in question.

Before I could answer, a boy I didn't know from the other class spoke up.

'Paul's *a* doctor,' he explained, giving me a look of approval. 'He wants to be *the* Doctor.'


'Exactly,' we said at the same time, relieved that she understood.

She didn't. We were sent to the quiet table to reflect on why cheeking teachers was wrong.”
Non Pratt, Trouble

“God's plan for your life is happening right now. It doesn't begin when you get married or when you get your dream job or when everything feels perfect. You are IN the plan. - TLC's friend Kris (p.159)”
Tara Leigh Cobble, Crowded Skies: Letters To Manhattan

C.S. Lewis
“Satan and his devils want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow's end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the Future every real gift which is offered them in the Present.”
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

“Matthew kept hinting that Strike was somehow a fake. He seemed to feel that being a private detective was a far-fetched job, like astronaut or lion tamer; that real people did not do such things.”
Robert Galbraith, The Cuckoo's Calling

“Acts don't mean anything. Acts do not matter--you,your awareness, your being conscious,mindful, is what matters. What you do is not the concern.”
Osho, Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance

Sanhita Baruah
“A world full of "certainties"
All the plans, all the vanities.
Where black covers the white
Suited in "confidence"- the constant fight.
A million roads I dream to take
One destination, knowing not I turn where.
A green veil covers for two years, some two decades.
But the "plan" awaits, new roads to make.
I pant, I struggle, I do my best
While they say,
"You are, dear, but so inadequate".”
Sanhita Baruah

“Only focusing on what you love is a bad priority, and thinking you even know what that is and that nothing will change is a bad assumption. Eventually, you’ll hate your job, or it will disappear, or it won’t challenge you anymore, or a million other things! Following your dream job usually leads to being stuck in a miserable career, and with it, you sacrifice your health, family, and identity.”
Evan Thomsen, Don’t Chase The Dream Job, Build It: The unconventional guide to inventing your career and getting any job you want

Aspen Matis
“But in creative fields, a degree is a prerequisite for nothing.”
Aspen Matis, Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir

“Navigating your professional life isn’t just a game of numbers and résumés, but emotions.”
Evan Thomsen, Don’t Chase The Dream Job, Build It: The unconventional guide to inventing your career and getting any job you want

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Millions of people will each be killed by their dream car, job, or lover.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Lisa Kleypas
“Since they had established a household at Riverton, Beatrix had increased the size of her menagerie, and was constantly occupied with animal-related charities and concerns. She had also compiled a report for the newly established natural history society in London. For some reason it had not been at all difficult to convince the group of elderly entomologists, ornithologists, and other naturalists to include a pretty young woman in their midst. Especially when it became clear that Beatrix could talk for hours about migration patterns, plant cycles, and other matters relating to animal habitats and behavior. There was even discussion of Beatrix's joining a board to form a new natural history museum, to provide a lady's perspective on various aspects of the project.”
Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

Jolene Stockman
“We all have different dreams and different worlds we want to dominate. Your favorite food is someone else's phobia. Your dream job is someone else's worst nightmare. Your perfect world is unique to you.”
Jolene Stockman, Total Blueprint for World Domination - Illustrated

Richie Norton
“Every day can look like your ideal day if you do something ideal.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Would-be entrepreneurs leave jobs to become entrepreneurs and mess it all up when they create another job for themselves.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Dreams become nightmares when dreams become jobs.”
Richie Norton

Daryl Banner
“A dream job certainly feels a lot different when you’re paid in nothing but reality checks.”
Daryl Banner, Bromosexual

Richie Norton
“The job of a dream is to set you free. Don’t turn dreams into jobs.”
Richie Norton

“I got my master's in library science last year," she said. "Remember how we said we wanted to be librarians because we'd be so good at book recommendations?" She spread her hands wide, like all this could've been mine except for the elephant graveyard. "Well, now that's what I do. I love it.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

“The most successful people do not blame themselves and others when a goal is not achieved. They self reflect, ask for feedback and try again by not repeating the same mistake. This method enable to achieve their goal next time.”
Saaif Alam

“The most successful people do not blame themselves and others when a goal is not achieved. They self reflect, ask for feedback and try again by not repeating the same mistake. This method enable them to achieve their goal next time.”
Saaif Alam

“The most successful people do not blame themselves and others when a goal is not achieved. They self reflect, ask for feedback and try again by not repeating the same mistake. This method would enable them to achieve their goal next time.”
Saaif Alam