Facts And Ideas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "facts-and-ideas" Showing 1-12 of 12
Stacy Schiff
“And in the absence of facts, myth rushes in, the kudzu of history.”
Stacy Schiff, Cleopatra: A Life

Ernst Jünger
“The anarch is oriented to facts, not ideas. He fights alone, as a free man, and would never dream of sacrificing himself to having one inadequacy supplant another and a new regime triumph over the old one. In this sense, he is closer to the philistine; the baker whose chief concern is to bake good bread; the peasant, who works his plow while armies march across his fields.”
Ernst Jünger, Eumeswil

“Always trust a microbiologist because they have the best chance of predicting when the world will end”
Teddie O. Rahube

Mahatma Gandhi
“world has things which full fill man needs, but not greeds.”
Mahatma Gandhi, The Moral & Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi 2: Truth & Non-violence

“If you take steps based on fantasies and illusions, you shall meet realities and remember the had I knows in sorrow”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Jack Caldwell
“I think lots of things, Denny, and I dismiss nothing. When I know, then I'll act.”
Jack Caldwell, Pemberley Ranch

“The worst fact is better than the best opinion.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“There is more hope for an opinion than for a false fact.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Abhijit Naskar
“Facts alone without the human warmth, is a nut without the kernel.”
Abhijit Naskar

“It's who you're and what you're doing that defines you not by your physical appearance, whatever you're doing keep it up either good or bad the time is coming so soon!”
Zakariyya Sadiq

“I say you are reading to slow.

You need to read at least 93.5 mph.

According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Around 2.2 million new titles are published worldwide each year.

If a book is in average 250 pages.
Or 3 cm.
That is 66 km of books every year.

Or just 180 meters of books every day.

If you can spend 4h/day to read you just need to read 45 meters of books an hour or 1500 bph (Books Per Hour).

You are probably reading at 0.025-0.1 books per hour.
But if you practice, you might have a chance?

If each book contains 250 pages.
And each page is on average 20 cm tall.
And you can spend 4h on average each day reading.

That means you have to read text at a speed of 187.5 km/h to keep up. However that is probably a bit too fast, since there is usually some white space on each page of a book so lets round it down to 150km/h.

According to Stephen Hawking

“if you stacked the new books being published next to each other, at the present rate of production you would have to move at ninety miles an hour just to keep up with the end of the line.”

90mph equals 144.841 km/h.

I say, Stephen Hawking was a bit too generous.

I calculated the reading speed needed on my own and came to the same approximately the same conclusion as Hawking.

Yes I know. Great minds think a like, but since I think my calculation was a bit better. It must mean I'm a bit smarter than him, right?

Not that I would want to flatter myself, just a little bit smarter is enough.

Now I just need to study physics so I can solve how we may travel back in time to keep up reading all the books or make an alternative world with less authors so we can keep up reading.

If you like me, think this situation is unacceptable.
You too may sign my petition to forbid anyone from writing more than one book of 250 pages in their entire life for the next 2000-10.000 years.
So we can catch up with reading all those books.

You will have to excuse me but I tried to set my goal of reading 2.3 million books next year here on goodreads. But it only allowed to set the counter to 99 thousand so unfortunately it will have to wait until they fix this.

I suspect the limit is there by intent. Since if everyone read all the books published each year and a few millions more, goodreads would not be needed. Their business model is based on you not reading 150kmbookpages/h.

I have contacted customer support, unfortunately they did not take my suggestion seriously, if you could please help me and also email them then hopefully they will come to their senses and fix this once they see there is a demand. (Don't do this, it's just a joke.)

In the meantime I will just go back to reading 10-20 books a year.”
myself and Stephen Hawking?

“An upside-down condition makes it extremely difficult to discern the difference between facts and opinions.”
Scott Shumway, The Invisible Four-letter Word: The Secret to Getting What You Really Want in Life.