Faith That Works Quotes

Quotes tagged as "faith-that-works" Showing 1-3 of 3
Nicky Verd
“The problem of the church is not lack of prayer. The problem of the church is lack of action. So many Christians are on prayer mountains at the beginning of the every year (and that's wonderful) but few actually lifts a finger towards doing what they are praying for.

Too many Christians have used this phrase "I'm waiting on God" to escape their life's purpose and work in general. Some do nothing but wait on God from January to December. But God doesn't work with waiters. God works with doers, movers and shakers.”
Nicky Verd

Daniel I. Block
“. . . the symptoms and effects of the life of faith are totally unspectacular. . . .true covenant faith is expressed by concern for others. . . .this concern is expressed by loving actions that promote the next person’s well-being and by verbal expressions of prayer for the next person. Block, Book of Ruth, p. 612. See also James 2:17.”
Daniel I. Block, Judges, Ruth