Fatherhood Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fatherhood-quotes" Showing 1-15 of 15
Charlena E. Jackson
“Fathers of the fatherless sons and daughters, you all need to get on the full-time ship of love, support, and financial help. Your parental alienation is emotional child abuse. As you violate fatherhood, your children build up walls and it is not so easy for them to forgive. If it’s not too late, you need to make it right."

- Charlena E. Jackson, Author of Dear Fathers of the Fatherless Children”
Charlena E. Jackson, Dear fathers of the fatherless children

“The importance of fatherhood is indisputable. And children always reach for their fathers.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Mitta Xinindlu
“This world makes excuses for fathers who lack interest in the lives of their kids. The same world crucifies mothers who dedicate resources and attention to their kids. It's weird.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“You know, Marco, they can leave us, they can grow old, but it's like they're still here, running around our feet, just like when they were little tykes.”
Zidrou, The Adoption

“Fatherhood is the silent language of love, spoken through actions louder than words —the unspoken gestures and care, the tireless efforts and sacrifices, and the unwavering support and guidance.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“A sons duty is to become greater than his father. A daughters duty is to become greater than her mother.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“One of the most beautiful sounds in the world, is hearing your child or children call you Dad.”
Mekael Shane

“My children won't understand just how much they inspire me, until they have children of their own.”
Mekael Shane

“Any male can spread a seed but fatherhood is a design”
Mac Duke The Strategist

“Becoming a father increased my capacity for love, to love and to be loved. When I fell hook, line and sinker for Helena, I would never have believed that I would be able to give, that I could even consider sharing a single fragment of my heart with another- only her, but as I sit here in the rocking chair and a serene calmness surrounds me, I gaze down upon our four day old twins, Athos and Lucy. While I cradle these tiny little miracles of life in the crook of my arms, another level of love expands within the four chambers of my heart. Everything that once created my tumultuous past has paled into insignificance, and at last I finally feel as if I am not just systematically breathing in oxygen but that I am alive in the truest sense of the word. © J.L. Thomas 2019”
Jl Thomas

“The concept of fatherhood is missing in our society, our men are growing up loving the superficial and paying tribute to falls Gods and Idols, that have corrupted their spirit.

The words compassion, love, honesty, loyalty, family and respect are a foreign language with a blurry translation...”
Alicia S. Riley

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Fatherhood must continue, no matter how many veils are cast on it. Because even the priest aspires to be called father, despite the prohibition for the majority of them to have children.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Carl Williams
“Fathers have the obligation of becoming authoritative figures.”
Carl Williams, Parent Not Perpetrator

“I’m a dad, but my kids call me ‘DAD DAD DAD.”

“The Car is the space where Dad gets to ask his kids stuff he wants to know about their lives.”
Mike Carotta, A Long Cast: Reflections on 50 Years of Visiting the Martha's Vineyard Surf