Funny Story Quotes

Quotes tagged as "funny-story" Showing 1-30 of 53
Emily Henry
“And I know I'm not who you pictured yourself with, but I think I could be, eventually. If you'll let me. So don't go. Because I don't want you to. Because you're my best friend, and I'm in love with you.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“And you did panic. Even though you didn't want to. And I did expect something, even though I tried not to."
"Good!" he half shouts. "Expect something! You want to put me on a hook? Put me on the hook. I freaked out, Daphne, but that doesn't mean I don't love you.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“His hands fly up to cradle my jaw. "I won't hurt you, Daphne."
"You don't know that," I whisper.
"I know how hard I'll try," he says. "Just stay. I love you. I want you. Stay.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I spent so much time accustoming myself to one kind of surprise –the kind hinging on disappointments, hurts, small abandonments, and emotional bartering– that I'd stopped considering there might be any other.
A surprise, it turns out, is different when it comes from someone who knows and loves you.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“He loves me. Present tense.
And I love him. He knows me, and I see him.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“You mean so much to me, Miles," I say. "So much. But you can't be everything. You were right that I'd love it here. I do. And you're a huge part of why I want to build a life here. But I can't build it around you.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“You're so nice and so hot and so fun and funny, and you smell really good, and the brownies you made for last night were amazing."
"And you love me," he says softly.
"So much," I agree, "I feel like, why would anyone who can't date you even bother dating? And somehow, you like me."
"Love," he corrects. "Somehow you love me."
"I do," I tell him.
I do. I am. Right now. Every muscle in my body is busy loving him.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I want to kiss you all the time, Daphne," he says. "Sometimes it's just easier to find an excuse.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I don't trust my perception of things. That's what my childhood did to me. Made my brain into a fucking fun house where I might think I'm standing on the floor, but really I'm stuck to a wall. I never know if I'm feeling the right thing, and I'm tired of fucking things up for the people I care about."
"I don't think there's a right way to feel," I say. "And you can't control it anyway. Feelings are like weather. They just happen, and then they pass.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“So I stopped showing it when I was upset, just went along with whatever she said and did. And eventually, I just sort of...stopped getting upset. Stopped feeling the bad stuff.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I don't want to play this game anymore," I say. "I don't want you to say things you don't mean and do things you don't want to do. It's confusing."
"Who says I did anything I don't want to do?" he asks.
"You did," I fire back. "You're the one who told me you don't want anything to happen between us–"
"I never said that," he argues, stepping closer.
"–and I don't want to be a prop to make your ex jealous, and I know I started it–"
"You're not a prop," he says, looking hurt.
"That's exactly what I just was," I counter. "You only want to kiss me when they're there to see it. And I know I started it, but things are different now."
Miles's gaze drops on a hoarse laugh, a shake of his head. He steps in closer, our hips brushing.
Then he looks back up, takes my face in both hands, and kisses me again.
Rough, deep, messy, breathless.
With no on to see it.
Nothing to stop us.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Miles smiles tentatively, an apology of a smile. Should I be here right now?
You should always be here, my heart answers.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Okay, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to be your tour guide."
"I'm not doing acid with you, Miles," I say.
"Good to know," he replies, "but not the kind of tour guide I'm talking about.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Whenever any of us had a negative emotion, it only made things worse. She turned it around on us, and we'd end up apologizing for being hurt or angry or sad, and I never knew what was right or normal. I mean, everyone who met my mom loved her. Teachers, the other parents, my friends. If she wants to, she can make you feel like the center of the universe, like her favorite. I used to love having friends over, because she'd turn into this different person. The funny, warm mom who loved me.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Can I do anything?" I ask.
Now his smile softens. He touches my chin again. "Nah," he says. "This is enough."
"I'm not doing anything," I point out.
The corner of his mouth twitches. "Then why do I feel better?”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“The first 'we' was my mom and me, then it was Sadie and me, then Peter. I've always cleaned to the people I love, tried to orient my orbit around them. Maybe, I realize, I've been trying to make myself un-leave-able. But it hasn't worked.
"I don't want to just be a part of we," I say. "I want to be an 'I”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I don't want you to look at me like I'm broken."
"Miles." I touch the sides of his neck and pull his gaze back to mine. "You're not broken. You're okay. But what happened to you isn't. It's fucked up."
"It's over," he says quietly, his hands ringing my wrists.
"That doesn't mean you can't still have feelings about it," I tell him.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“To him, he's the brother who ran away. To her, he's the one who stays, even when he shouldn't.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“You can't just throw that out there like it makes everything better. I didn't need an I love you or a box of fudge or whatever big plan you had to make it up to me. I don't even like surprises! None of that stuff matters when you don't show up for the little things, and if you loved me, you'd know that.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“It's okay."
"It's not," I say.
"That's the thing, though," he scratches out. "I need it to be okay. Because I need to be okay. As a kid, I just felt so fucking scared and powerless, all the time, and now I just need to be okay.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I want him, I like him, and I care about him enough to push those first two thoughts aside.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Unfortunately, I'm probably Charlotte Lucas."
She was the most practical character I could think of, even if her practicality did lead her to marry Mr. Collins.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Don't apologize." I wrap my arms around his waist, and his eyes lift back to mine. "I'm your friend. I want to know all this. I want to be there for you."
I knew it was true, but when I say it, some crank inside my abdomen is slowly turning, pulling my heart tight against my chest. That's what Miles needs right now. A friend.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“This isn't just a fun distraction or a rebound anymore. He matters to me, and if this between us blows up, there'll be nowhere for either of us to run right now.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“Sometimes you make it sound like I'm a snake-oil salesman."
I grab his arm. "That's not what I meant at all."
"Then what do you mean?" he asks.
"I mean that you're nice," I say.
He laughs. "This again."
"I mean," I say, more fervently, "you're probably the only person I've ever met who's genuinely curious about everyone he meets. And makes them feel interesting and welcome, and like–like they should be confident in what they do. You make them feel like growing corn or making cherry salsa or recommending books is a superpower."
"If you're good at those things," he says, "It is.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“I don't want to dump this on you."
"You're not dumping it on me," I promise.
"I'm used to keeping all of this separate. And nothing is, with you. You're my roommate and my best friend and the woman I just slept with.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“As much as I'd dreamed of being a part of Peter's tight-knit family, I realize now I'd also never cried in front of them, never complained about work or opened up about how hard I found it to trust new people. I'd never even used a curse word in front of them. Their perfection hadn't drawn me in– it had intimidated me. I spent our whole relationship auditioning, the same way I I always feel when I'm with Dad, praying I'm doing enough to make the cut.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“My life, five months ago, was picture perfect, but it wasn't the picture I wanted.
And I don't want him.
I'm totally over him.
If any part of me had wondered whether this thing with Miles was just a distraction, a rebound, or an act of vengeance, that part is brutally dispelled.
Because even now, in my misery, no part of me jumps at the chance to go back to how things were before.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

Emily Henry
“You were a realist,” I tell her.
“Honey.” She laughs. “I’m a cynic. And a cynic is a romantic who’s too scared to hope.”
Emily Henry

Emily Henry
“There was no point clinging to something that wasn't really yours. Mom was the only permanent thing in my life, the only thing that mattered.”
Emily Henry, Funny Story

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