Fuse Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fuse" Showing 1-15 of 15
Mark Helprin
“I think it takes some terrible or great event to fuse two people together without inhibition. Without heat or shock, it can't be done. I believe that's why sexual love, which needn't be, is so intensely intertwined with sin.”
Mark Helprin, A Soldier of the Great War

“I don't wanna change the world,
I just wanna leave it colder..
Light the fuse and burn it up,
Take the path that leads to nowhere..”
Breaking Benjamin

Julianna Baggott
“When you’re in the world looking for only one thing, you find it or it finds you. The obsession can be mutual”
Julianna Baggott
tags: fuse

Julianna Baggott
“When I first met you, I thought we were made for each other even though we seemed like opposites in some ways and we fought. But now..."


"Now I feel like we weren't made for each other. We're making each other—into the people we should become. Do you know what I mean?”
Julianna Baggott, Fuse

Scott Hastie
“Such is true joy’s absolute certainty,
Its slow lit fuse that burns holes
In the shabby shroud of death forever.”
Scott Hastie

Steven Magee
“It really should be a criminal offense for an electrician to mount a breaker box on a bedroom wall. Unfortunately, I see the solar industry mounting inverters on bedroom walls also!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“In the era of electronic products, all electrical fuse boards should have a surge protector and a filter installed into them as standard.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When I was commissioning a brand new solar photovoltaic utility site, I came across metal tubes installed into the fuseholders that were marked up as 100 amp fuses on the diagram. Needless to say, it had already gone on fire.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It may be possible that Leukemia in children is linked to the location of the fuse board and the electrical meter on the home.”
Steven Magee, Electrical Forensics

Lisa Kleypas
“Reaching the brow of a stunted hill, Amelia paused in bewilderment at the sight of a towering contraption made of metal. It appeared to be a chute propped up on legs, tilted at a steep angle.
Her attention was caught by a minor commotion farther afield … two men emerging from behind a small wooden shelter … they were shouting and waving their arms at her.
Amelia instantly realized she had stumbled into danger, even before she saw the smoldering trail of sparks move, snakelike, along the ground toward the metal chute.
A fuse?
Although she didn’t know much about explosive devices, she was aware that once a fuse had been lit, nothing could be done to stop it. Dropping to the sun-warmed grass, Amelia covered her head with her arms, having every expectation of being blown to bits. A few heartbeats passed, and she let out a startled cry as she felt a large, heavy body fall on hers … no, not fall, pounce. He covered her completely, his knees digging into the ground on either side of her as he made a shelter of his body.
At the same moment, a deafening explosion pierced the air, and there was a violent whoosh over their heads, and a shock went through the ground beneath them. Too stunned to move, Amelia tried to gather her wits. Her ears were filled with a high-pitched buzz.
Her companion remained motionless over her, breathing heavily in her hair. The air was sharp with smoke, but even so, Amelia was aware of a pleasant masculine scent, skin-salt and soap and an intimate spice she couldn’t quite identify. The noise in her ears faded. Raising up on her elbows, feeling the solid wall of his chest against her back, she saw shirtsleeves rolled up over forearms cabled with muscle … and there was something else …
Her eyes widened at the sight of a small, stylized design inked on his arm. A tattoo of a black winged horse with eyes the color of brimstone. It was an Irish design, of a nightmare horse called a pooka: a malevolent mythical creature that spoke in a human voice and carried people away at midnight.
Her heart stopped as she saw the heavy rounded band of a thumb ring.
Wriggling beneath him, Amelia tried to turn over.
The strong hand curved around her shoulder, helping her. His voice was low and familiar. “Are you hurt? I’m sorry. You were in the way of—”
He stopped as Amelia rolled to her back. The front of her hair had come loose, pulled free of a strategically anchored pin. The lock fanned over her face, obscuring her vision. Before she could reach up to push it away, he did it for her, and the brush of his fingertips sent ripples of liquid fire along intimate pathways of her body.
“You,” he said softly.
Cam Rohan.”
Lisa Kleypas, Mine Till Midnight

Steven Magee
“The Desoto Solar Farm had exploding electrical fuse problems by the time President Obama opened it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Most electrical engineers have never seen an exploded fuse, as they are very rare!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Most electrical engineers know an exploded fuse is a sign of a dangerous interrupt current issue.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“An exploding electrical fuse is an injury and fire risk!”
Steven Magee

Aesop Rock
“There’s few things I love more than scoring a bag of fireworks and spending an evening, alone or with company, lighting them. It feels exciting and fun and dangerous and youthful and awesome. I love the smell. I love watching a bottle rocket soar up into the sky and explode. And I love being the one who lit the fuse.”
Aesop Rock