January 6 Quotes

Quotes tagged as "january-6" Showing 1-11 of 11
“We can gain a lot more striving for harmonious coexistence than we can by giving in to hate-filled rage and fear-driven ignorance.”
Aberjhani, Splendid Literarium: A Treasury of Stories, Aphorisms, Poems, and Essays

“Three of my daughters are Asian American. I've seen through their eyes the racist ways in which Trump labeled Covid-19 the "China virus," China plague," and "Kung Flu."...When my youngest, who is still in elementary school, heard the words, she immediately understood the hate was direct against Asian Americans--directed against her. I read somewhere that Trump and his people find community in rejoicing the suffering of those they hate and fear--that cruelty is the point. This is not easy to explain to a six-year-old.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“The insults didn't faze me. It did piss me off to hear them call Jimmy a traitor. The man had earned a Purple Heart for wounds sustained in Afghanistan while serving his country. He'd returned for multiple tours of duty. He was already a certified American patriot, a hero. Jimmy brushed off the taunts with sarcasm. "That's hurtful." My body-worn camera caught him smiling as he said it. It was the last time either of us would smile for a really fucking long time.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“If you're going to start talking about Donald Trump like that, we're going to end this meeting right now," (Senator Lindsey) Graham said. Sandra Garza, the widow (of deceased Officer Brian Sicknick), gave Graham a tongue lashing. I cant' recall what she said, specifically, but he shut the fuck up and slumped into his chair.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“I'd never seen the footage on the news, and now in a way I'd never experience, seeing it on CNN somehow seemed to validate, at least in my mind, the significance of the event. On national television, in prime time. I broke down and sobbed, burying my head on the bar. At that moment, I cried harder and longer than I have in my entire life.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“Jamie Raskin, the brilliant and perpetually disheveled Maryland Democrat, asked me about internet conspiracies that alleged I was beaten by the mob because I was mistaken for an Antifa agitator. I stifled a smile. "Well, I was in full uniform. I was wearing my uniform shirt adorned with the Metropolitan Police Department's patch. I had my badge on until somebody ripped it off my chest." I could have added that I also wore a jacket with the words," METROPOLITAN POLICE" stenciled across the back and a helmet emblazoned with the letters "MPDC." Keeping a straight face, I told Raskin, "I do not believe I was mistaken for a member of Antifa.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“At no point that day did I ever think about the politics of that crowd. Even the things that were said not resonate in the middle of that chaos, but what did resonate was the fact that thousands of Americans were attacking police officers who were simply there doing their job, and that they were there to disrupt members of Congress who were doing their jobs.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“The rule of law should mean something. If there is probable cause to believe Trump committed crimes--and by now there's little doubt--he should be charged, arrested, and tried. If convicted, Trump should go to prison for the rest of his life. He directed and unleashed an attach on American democracy and destroyed countless police officers' lives. People may say I'm bitter, but I don't give a fuck. I'm angry. I love my country, and I want justice. Attorney General Merrick Garland, who is said be reluctant to indict a former president needs to grow a pair and do his job.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“I looked up at the politicians and said, "I feel like I went to hell and back to protect them and the people in this room, but too many are now telling me that hell doesn't exits or that hell actually wasn't that bad."
I let that sink in.
Then I f*cking lost it.
Raising my voice and slowing my speech, I said, "The indifference show to my colleagues is disgraceful!" and slammed my right palm to the table, like an exclamation point.”
Michael Fanone, Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

“That's the thing with the Trumps. The truth is always worse than you can even imagine--”
Michael Fandone

“The rule of law should mean something.”
Michael Fandone