Kanin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kanin" Showing 1-22 of 22
Julie Kagawa
“You are a monster.” Kanin’s deep voice droned in my head again, as I forced myself to move, to walk away. “You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it. But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you.”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Julie Kagawa
“There are no good choices, Allison," Kanin offered in a quiet voice. "There are only those you can live with, and those you can work to change.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“I am proud of you, Allison Sekemoto,” he whispered as he drew back. “Whatever you decide, whatever path you choose to take, I hope that you will remain the same girl I met that night in the rain. The one decision for which I have no regrets.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: kanin

Julie Kagawa
“I would not suffer anyone to endure the path I walk. My road must always be traveled alone.”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Julie Kagawa
“There will come a time when man is no longer concerned only with survival, when he will once more be curious as to who came before him, what life was like a thousand years ago, and he will seek out answers for a hundred years or so, but humans' curiosity has always driven them to find answers.”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Julie Kagawa
“This is the most I have ever been in the sewers in one place. If someone had said to me a month ago, 'Hey, Jackal, guess where you'll be spending most of your time in New Covington? Ankle-deep in shit!' I would've ripped their lips off.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“If we are talking about choice and regret, what has happened cannot be undone. And dwelling on the past changes nothing. You will only drive yourself to insanity if you do.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
I almost collapsed in relief. "Yeah," I whispered, forcing a pained smile as he stared at me as if I were a ghost. "It's me. Damn you, Kanin. You were a pain in the ass to find, you know that?"
Kanin didn't answer. Without warning, his hands rose, pressing to either side of my face as I went rigid. His stare was awed, hopeful, as if he couldn't quite believe I was real and had to touch me to make sure I wasn't a phantom.
"You're here." I barely caught the whisper, and Kanin's eyes closed again as he bowed his head. It was a broken sound, a man desperately grasping at the last thread of hope, when he had been in the darkness for so long. "You came."
And, as I stood, shocked, against the wall of the cell, Kanin sank to his knees in front of me, holding the backs of my legs. The top of his bowed head pressed against my thighs. "You came," he repeated, a chant holding him to sanity. I swallowed the lump in my throat and touched his broad shoulders, biting my lips to keep the tears in check, as the cell door opened with a creak, and the Prince beckoned us both to freedom.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“No.” Kanin’s voice was suddenly hard, terrifying. “You are simply using your demon to hide from what you really feel. Because you are afraid of what that means, that it might be painful. It is far easier to be a monster than to confront the truth.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: kanin

Julie Kagawa
“I watched him depart, steeled myself and then walked over to Kanin, who hadn't moved from his place in the corner.
"That was interesting." he mused in a toneless voice as I joined him along the wall. "I assume that last display was solely for my benefit?”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Humans are ever resilient, and their will to live surpasses everything else. Do not lose hope, Allison.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: kanin

Julie Kagawa
“I believe I also said I would kill you if I ever saw you again.”
“Yeah, well…” Jackal shrugged and nodded to Zeke. “Get in line behind the little bloodsack over there. Although, really, you should be the one at the top of his list. It’s kind of amusing, really. That he has no idea who you are, what you’ve done.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Kanin peered down at me, his impassive gaze softening just a touch. "I am no longer your teacher, Allison," he said quietly. "You have been one of us for a while now. You have hunted, and you have killed. It is not my responsibility to curb you demon." He glanced past me to the place Stick and the men had stood moments before. "And I wanted to see what type of monster you had become.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Dont panic, Allison," soothed a low, quiet voice, stopping me from doing just that. I jerked my gaze to the door...and there he was, standing beside the frame, watching me. "I'm right here.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
He turned back, eyes questioning. And before I lost my nerve, in full view of my sire, I stepped up to him, put my hands on the sides of his face and kissed him one more time.
I know you're watching, Kanin. And yes, this is my answer.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“We watched the humans in silence, two vampires standing in the darkness on the outskirts of humanity, always looking in.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“There is a difference between killing while in the throes of Hunger or Blood Frenzy, and giving in to the monster. Once you fall, once you willingly cross that line, it changes you. Forever.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: kanin

Julie Kagawa
“You're a freaking pschopath," I said, but he only chuckled.
"I don't expect you to understand, little bird," He turned toward me fully, fingering his blade and smiling. "I expect you only to sing. Sing for me, sing for Kanin, and make it a glorious song”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Julie Kagawa
“From here on," Kanin said, "you will have to decide what kind of demon you will be. Not all meals will come to you so easily, ignorant and seeking to do you harm. What will you do if your prey invites you inside, offers you a place at the table? What will you do if they flee, or cower down, begging you not to hurt them? How you stalk your prey is something you must come to terms with, or you will quickly drive yourself mad. And once you cross that threshold, there is no coming back from it.”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Julie Kagawa
“Don't be too enamored," Kanin warned, as if reading my thoughts. "The humans of the Inner City might be better dressed and better fed, but only because they are useful. And what do you think will happen to them, once their master grows bored or displeased?"
"I'm guessing they don't have a retirement plan”
julia kagawa

Julie Kagawa
“Sarren is one vampire (...) No matter how deadly, how terrible plans, even he cannot wipe an entire city from the face of the earth in a few days. Humans are ever resilient, and their will to live surpasses everything else. Do not lose hope, Allison (...) Your hope is the reason we have a chance to stop this.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Rabids, the stranger had called them. It fit. I wondered where he was now, where he was going. I hoped, wherever it was, he would find his peace.”
Julie Kagawa, Dawn of Eden