Kindle Unlimited Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kindle-unlimited" Showing 1-28 of 28
Laura Thalassa
“But not everything is normal. After all, there's no indictation that religion exits here. Granted, I've only been at camp for a day, so maybe I just need to be patient. However, so far there have been no calls for prayer and no public sermons. I haven't seen anything that indicates which god — if any— these people believe in. The only signs of religion that I have seen are the few religious items that people wear on themselves. Other than that, it's as though God doesn't exist.”
Laura Thalassa, War

Laura Thalassa
“Everyone deserves to die—even that abominable man I cut down only minutes ago.” He kneels across from me and reaches out, caressing the skin that he just so recently healed. “To live is to die,” he adds. “That was the agreement you made when you came into this world. You cannot have one without the other. All your life, all your suffering, all your loss—it was all for this.” He gestures to the dead around us, his wings spreading wide. “You all have been running towards me your entire life.”
Laura Thalassa, Death

Laura Thalassa
“Lazarus,” he says, his face fierce, “nothing actually goes. It transforms, but transmutation isn’t actually lost or gone at all. You were you before you had a body, and you will still be you when you no longer have one. A caterpillar might become a butterfly—and a human might become a spirit—but it is still the same essence. It has simply been transformed.”
Laura Thalassa, Death

Shari J. Ryan
“I want the freedom to explore the world, sleep beneath the stars, eat from the land, and take pride of every feat I endure.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I want love. The real kind where two people choose each other over and over again and never give up.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I want the ridiculous love story of two people who will fight against all odds to be together.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Liberty Stone
“You're the best," Rachel cheered. Her hands drifted to his chest and started tugging at the top button. "I am going to text her as soon as I am done with you," she winked, and then pushed him towards the bedroom.”
Liberty Stone, Crossing a Line: Womens Erotica

Marta Martín Girón
“Me abalancé sobre él sin miedo de ningún tipo, ni siquiera a caernos. Y, si caía, sabía que no habría forma más bonita de...
La campana sonó, dando permiso a que las cientos de personas que allí nos hallábamos, dejásemos volar al aire nuestros farolillos y, con ello, nuestros sueños.”
Marta Martin Giron, En aquel último aliento

Shari J. Ryan
“A woman can be strong but lack the willpower to carry her to greater heights. She can also be weak, but with iron fists held out in front of her.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“He reaches out, touching his fingertips to my shoulder, but I pull away as if I’m a fire that will burn him.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“I want the freedom to explore the world, sleep beneath the stars, eat from the land, and take pride in every feat I endure.”
Shari J. Ryan

Shari J. Ryan
“He’s speaking nonsense, and his portrayal of my life—my past—is something he has conjured up like a fairy tale. The life he dreams of is one I’ve run away from. Only a stupid man would run toward the shadows of my past, and he’s anything but senseless.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“We’re living within a fog—one that will lift and expose the truth.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“We all face the threat of losing how much or how little we have, and I can’t help wondering what the point would be in destroying something that has survived much longer than either of us.
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“Ben is everything that is wrong with my world, and I know well enough to walk away from temptation.
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho
“Doa Mares ao Céu
Na Tempestade ou ao Léu
Não tem coisa mais bonita
Que uma história bem escrita”
Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho, Série Cortes: Inferno.: O segundo conto da antologia Abóbora Maldita.

Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho
“Ler é viajar no espaço tempo dentro da mente de outro alguém.”
Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho, Contos sobre a morte.

Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho
“Não ignore um poema
Isso pode ser problema
As vezes basta uma lida
Para aliviar um pouco a vida”
Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho, Contos sobre a morte.

Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho
“Dos Mares ao Céu
Na Tempestade ou ao Léu
Não tem coisa mais bonita
Que uma história bem escrita”
Claudio Roberto de Oliveira Filho, Contos sobre a morte.

Bethany Monaco Smith
“he’s been my best friend and my person. I don’t know exactly how to explain what that means, but my mom says it’s someone who gets you in a different way than everyone else. Someone you can talk to or go to about anything.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I realize Aaron only ever has eyes for me. That’s what I want. A boy who thinks I’m the best thing ever. Because I am.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I look at Aaron, and he’s still smiling at me. So, I get really brave, launch myself forward, and kiss him on the lips.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“Still gonna marry me?” I ask.
“Yep,” he says.
“You’ll have to tell me I’m pretty every single day.”
“Still a deal,” he says with a smile.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I pull back a little and look up at him, eyes big. “You’d do that for me?”
He furrows his brow at me. “Don’t you know I’d do anything for you?”
I can’t help it. I melt a little bit when he says that.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“I want true love. And a happily ever after.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“Why are you crying?” Sarah demands, wondering who she needs to kill.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This

Bethany Monaco Smith
“Joel scowls, then turns toward the stairs. “Okay, that’s it. I’m punching him.”
Bethany Monaco Smith, Friends Like This