Nice Guy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nice-guy" Showing 1-14 of 14
Miya Yamanouchi
“Don't allow yourself to be fooled by how "nice" a person appears to be, measure a person's virtuousness by the way in which they treat others with their words and actions .”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

“Nice guys finish last but that's what makes them good in bed.”
Nicholas M. Bugden, Blue Eyes Blazing

“And yet sometimes he'd lie awake at night imagining Rachel telling her story to a tribunal of all the girls who'd ever rejected him, regaling them about his deceptions, the way he'd pretended to like her when he didn't, the mask of 'niceness' he wore when the truth was he was a selfish, lying piece of shit—and he saw all those girls, Anna at their center, shocked but not shocked, nodding and agreeing that yes, of course, they'd known something was wrong with him all along.”
Kristen Roupenian, You Know You Want This

“I'm a nice guy, I swear to fucking God.”
Kristen Roupenian, You Know You Want This

Hideyuki Furuhashi
“Nothing like doing good to make you feel good!!”
Hideyuki Furuhashi, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Series 1-4 Books Collection Set

“The Nice Guy is not a nice guy, he's not kind, respectful or honest. He's a chameleon. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.”
Traver Boehm, Man Uncivilized

“Many men understand and appreciate that seduction first makes women feel uncomfortable. What these men do instead is focus on comfort first.
What these men don't realize is that women of beauty get bombarded by these nice guys every day, and it can grow quite tiresome. While not as offensive as these seducer, the nice guy is no less a bother. There are simply too many nice guys approaching them in a day to indulge in the same old lengthy dialogue time after time. Without attraction first, simply saying, "Hi, I'm Joe. What's your name?" will smack of every nice guy before you. Why would a woman who isn't attracted to you care what your name is or bother to even remember it? Why would she divulge personal information just because you asked?”
Mystery, The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed

Isle McElroy
“I fucked them because I liked predictable men, the guarded and repressed. Sensitive men wouldn’t be trusted; they assumed their sensitivity made them special, deserving of praise. Most sensitive men were, at their cores, narcissists who constructed elaborate expectations for how relationships were meant to evolve. When those expectations weren’t met, the facade of sensitivity deteriorated into a petulant rage.”
Alex McElroy, The Atmospherians

Samantha Verant
“A few layers of what was once a stinky onion reveal themselves. Charles respects and protects the women in his life. My heart rate picks up a beat or two.”
Samantha Verant, The Spice Master at Bistro Exotique

“Nice guys finish but that's what makes them good in bed.”
Nicholas M. Bugden, Blue Eyes Blazing

Nitya Prakash
“It costs 40 lacs to be a doctor, 30 lacs to be an MBA, 20 lacs to be a pilot, 10 lacs to be an engineer.

And just 0 to be a nice guy.”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“Many of my batchmates in college remember me as the nicest guy in college.
I have the superpower of sublime deception, it seems...”
Nitya Prakash

“If you are a nice guy, you are living someone else's life.”
Traver Boehm

Jane Washington
“I think he’s just a really nice guy.”

“Uh-oh.” Eve chuckled, winding spaghetti around her fork. “It’s always the nice Alphas you have to be suspicious of—haven’t you heard?”
Jane Washington, Plier