Orthodox Christianity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "orthodox-christianity" Showing 1-30 of 48
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“If you are forgetful of the Lord, you will not pray, and without prayer the soul will not dwell in the love of God, for the grace of the Holy Spirit comes through prayer.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“The Lord vouchsafed us to be in His likeness, but the Lord is so meek and lowly that wert thou to see Him, from much joy thou wouldst want to exclaim, "O Lord, I melt with Thy grace!" but at that moment thou art unable to utter a single word concerning God, for thy soul is transformed from the abundance of the Holy Spirit. Thus it was with St. Seraphim of Sarov - when he beheld the Lord, he was unable to speak.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

“Where there is love, a person can bear everything - sorrows and worries, temptations and thoughts, even various tragic events like wars, earthquakes, disasters, etc. This is how much grace helps him.”
Gerondissa Makrina Vassopoulou, Words of the Heart

“My longing is The Father, my shelter is The Son, my protection is The Holy Spirit, holy Trinity, glory to you.

Надање је моје Отац, прибежиште моје је Син, заштита је моја Дух Свети, Тројице Света, слава теби.”
Saint Joanikije Devički/Свети Јоаникије Девички

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“[The Lord] is exceedingly meek and lowly, and when the soul sees Him she is all transformed into love for God and her neighbour...becomes meek and lowly herself. But if a man lose grace, he will weep like Adam cast out of paradise.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“[T]o the man who beseeches the Lord all things are given, not because we are worthy but because the Lord is merciful and loves us.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“When a small child calls out, "I want bread! I am hungry," does his mother not...prepare him something to eat? Likewise, if all day we call out, "We want to be saved!...Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us." will Christ not send us His mercy?”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, Daily Quotes from "Words of the Heart" by Gerondissa Makrina Vassopoulou

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“The purpose of judgment must be that the one you are judging should mend his ways, and you must be compassionate with every soul...and in all things preserve a clear conscience yourself. Then deep peace will reign in mind and soul.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“We believe that true freedom means not sinning, in order to love God and one's neighbour with our whole heart and our whole strength. True freedom means constant dwelling in God.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“And the Mother of God - what was her love for the Lord, her Son? No human being can conceive of the nature of her love save the Mother of God herself. But the Spirit of God opens our eyes to love. And in her was and is this same Spirit of God, Which is love, and therefore he who has come to know the Holy Spirit is able in part to conceive of the nature even of her love.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“Humility is the light in which we may behold the Light which is God – in the words of the Psalmist: “In thy light shall we see light.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“It is not he who disparages himself who shows humility (for who will not put up with himself?), but he who maintains the same love for the very man who reproaches him.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, Divine Ascent - Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“I planted a rose bush and Stephen, age 2, asked, “Can I bless the rose?” I said yes and he did the sign of the cross over the rose bush. Then he turned to me and said, “Can I bless the hose?” And so he did.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, “Do birds know all their letters?”: Funny Book of Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“When the soul is full of the love of God, out of infinite joy she sorrows and in tears prays for the whole world, that all men may come to know their Lord and heavenly Father. There is no rest for her, nor does she desire rest, until all mankind delights in the grace of His love.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“When I asked Stephen, age two, for a kiss he would say, “I’ll give you a smooch.” He'd put his hands on each side of his face and pucker up, musing contentedly, “What kind shall I give her? […Grandma Joy’s ducky kisses, butterfly kisses, or….]”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, “Do birds know all their letters?”: Funny Book of Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“Prayer comes with praying, as the Scriptures say; but prayer which is only a habit, prayer without contrition for our sins, is not pleasing to the Lord.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“We must be careful not to judge - extremely careful! It is so terrible that it is beyond words! "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Have we kept this? Even if we have no virtue but we don't judge, Christ will save us and take us to Paradise.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, Daily Quotes from "Words of the Heart" by Gerondissa Makrina Vassopoulou

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“With my sins I am worse than a noisome cur but I began to beseech God for forgiveness, and He granted me not only forgiveness but also the Holy Spirit, and in the Holy Spirit I knew God.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“When Sean and Daniel were two and four years old I opened their play kitchen fridge door and found a stack of stuffed bears.

"Why are the bears in here?"

They replied with authority, “We’ve been huntin’!”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, “Do birds know all their letters?”: Funny Book of Quotes

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“The Holy Spirit is love, and He gives the soul strength to love her enemies. And he who does not love his enemies does not know God.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, A Year in the Holy Spirit with Saint Silouan the Athonite: - A Calendar of Daily Quotes

“Whoever is busy trying to know himself has no time to notice the faults of others. Judge yourself and you will stop judging others.”
The Nun Magdalina

Priscilla Vogelbacher
“The orthodox doctrine of Yahweh/Allāh as a just and loving God is a superannuated dogma, one which relies solely on people’s ignorance of ancient knowledge.”
Priscilla Vogelbacher, The Gods of Genesis

Vladeta Jerotić
“Još je Dostojevski s pravom rekao da je đavolov trijumf kada postigne da čovek prestane da veruje u njega!”
Vladeta Jerotić, 50 pitanja i 50 odgovora iz hrišćansko-psihoterapeutske prakse

Vladeta Jerotić
“Jer šta se krije iza fanatične maske nesrećnog čoveka? Strah i osećanje velike slabosti, nesigurnost i potreba za natkompenzacijom osećanja inferiornosti (psihijatrijskim rečnikom, među fanaticima mnogo je neurotičara, psihopata i psihotičara) i, što je najgore, nevera u veru ili ideju koju ovakav čovek fanatično zastupa; u fanatika , najzad, jača bude vera u demonsku, nego u Božiju moć.”
Vladeta Jerotić, 50 pitanja i 50 odgovora iz hrišćansko-psihoterapeutske prakse

Vladeta Jerotić
“Na jedna pitanja odgovor nećemo nikad dobiti i treba ih ostaviti autentičnim mističarima; na druga nećemo dobiti odgovor jer su površna, leteća, previše znatiželjna i raznovrsna. O njima najbolje govori Sveti Nikodim Agiorit (1748-1809) kad kaže: „Čuvati um od nekorisnog znanja i prazne radoznalosti. Interesovanje za mnogo stvari je često plod gordosti; to su zamke zlog duha koji pokušava da nas saplete radoznalošću...Raspredajući o visokim stvarima, zaboravljaju da čuvaju čistotu srca; gordost uma je gora od gordosti volje.” Ima, srećom, i trećih pitanja na koja jedino i dobijamo odgovor, a to su ona koja nas godinama istinski muče.”
Vladeta Jerotić, 50 pitanja i 50 odgovora iz hrišćansko-psihoterapeutske prakse

“The pace of today's life, so quick, and so constantly pressured, makes people think only according to how somebody wants them to. A person is never alone; even when he is sent to a sanatorium or rest home for a rest, there is always a definite rhythm and program to follow, everything is decided for you. People are fed, informed, and taught what someone else has decided they need. Huge numbers of people are gathered together, but they are separated by the daily battle for life.

All this has affected even believers, brought them closer to the 'norm', made them indifferent. A prescribed way of thinking makes it difficult for a person to become a believer and makes it difficult for the believer to preserve his faith. But do remember, Christ's Church will live eternally even under these circumstances. Preserve your faith, fight for individuality of thought, pray more, read the Scriptures, and God will preserve you. He will not let you lose the clarity of your thoughts. He will not let you think like the faceless mass of indifferent and cold people.”
Father Arseny

Seraphim Rose
“The "pragmatic" position taken by many scientists and humanists who cannot be troubled to think about ultimate things--the position that these principles are no more than experimental hypotheses which collective experience finds reliable--is surely unsatisfactory; it may offer a psychological explanation of the faith these principles inspire, but since it does not establish the foundation of that faith in truth, it leaves the whole scientific edifice on shifting sands and provides no sure defense against the irrational winds that periodically attack it. [...] Every man, as we have seen, lives by faith; likewise every man--something less obvious but no less certain--is a metaphysician. The claim to any knowledge whatever--and no living man can refrain from this claim--implies a theory and standard of knowledge, and a notion of what is ultimately knowable and true. This ultimate truth, [...] is a metaphysical first principle, an absolute truth. But with the acknowledgement, logically unavoidable, of such a principle, the theory of the "relativity of truth" collapses, it itself being revealed as a selfcontradictory absolute.”
Seraphim Rose, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age

“Wisdom is better than strength, and a wise man is better than a strong man.”
Wisdom 6:1

“The proud and the arrogant is called ignorant, who in anger worketh pride.”
King Solomon, The Book Of Proverbs

Neil MacGregor
“The icon is like a pair of spectacles which you put on to see heaven . . . Orthodox Christianity believes very strongly that you and I can meet the godhead, that we can almost become like gods. It's that extraordinary, frightening statement that Western Christianity is very shy of. - Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of History of the Church at Oxford University”
Neil MacGregor, A History of the World in 100 Objects

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