Possessive Hero Quotes

Quotes tagged as "possessive-hero" Showing 1-30 of 107
Samantha Young
“Let me rephrase.” He took a seething step toward me. “When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.”
Samantha Young, On Dublin Street

Nenia Campbell
“You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.”
Nenia Campbell, Crowned by Fire

Ilona Andrews
“My tablecloth was missing in action and long, jagged scratches covered the table's surface.The scratches looked suspiciously like letters. I climbed on a chair and looked at it from above. MINE. Oh, that's great. Fantastic. So mature. Perhaps he would pull my pigtails next or stick a tack on my seat.”
Ilona Andrews, Gunmetal Magic

Elizabeth Reyes
“He didn’t say a word and she didn’t ask anything else, just ran her fingers through his hair until his breathing began to calm. Without letting go of her or even pulling away to face her he finally whispered against her ear, “Please don’t leave me. I promise I’ll try harder.” Slowly he pulled away and their eyes met. “I’m nothing without you, Izzy.”
Elizabeth Reyes, Romero

Suzanne Wright
“Like it or not, your business became mine the minute you let me inside your body.”
Suzanne Wright, From Rags

Rebecca Royce
“He moved so our noses touched. "I'm a human who can become a wolf. Smell is really important to me, and you, Rachel Clancy, smell like mine.”
Rebecca Royce, Initiation

Kresley Cole
“I can't let you go. I'll never do that. Not until I die.”
Kresley Cole, The Warlord Wants Forever

Angel Rayne
“She stared at me like I'd lost my mind. "I'm a f*cking human being! You can't just kidnap me like this and expect me to do whatever the hell you say."
"I can. And I did. And you will."
Fire warmed her gray eyes. "Or what? You'll kill me?" She pushed herself up from the floor, and I could practically see her entire body vibrating with her anger. It was fucking beautiful. A rage that rivaled my own. "Go ahead," she spit the words at me. "Death would be preferable to staying here with you and being your puppet." God, she was stunning. And infuriating. My own men didn't mouth off to me the way this woman did. I crossed the room and stood directly in front of her before she had time to run. Grabbing her jaw, I forced her to look at me. "Keep mouthing off to me, Veda. I dare you."
Taking a step back, she jerked her chin from my grasp, then slapped me across the face. Hard. A deadly calm came over me. Slowly, I turned my head back around until our gazes clashed. Whatever she saw there wiped the rebellious look from her face. A heartbeat passed. Then another...”
Angel Rayne, His Game

Katie Allen
“Every time I jerked off over the past few days, I thought about you. Forget the chicks—I’m going with the dicks. Well,” he made a face, “one dick, I mean. My own private dick. Start off slow, you know, and then build up to the orgies.”

Rhodes brought his lips down onto Wash’s smiling mouth. “My dick,” Rhodes growled against the curve of Wash’s lips. “And my dick only. Remember that.”
Katie Allen, Private Dicks

“I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.”
E.L Beth, Redemption

“Nick,' he corrected quietly. 'As to your emotions, they show in your face, in
those amazing eyes. One day soon those eyes will change colour and glow
for me.'
'They already have done,' Joanna snapped, rage surfacing. 'I never liked you,
Mr Martella, and now I can only think I hate you. If I should ever know that
you're coming here again I'll make quite sure I'm a long way off!'
He took one menacing step towards her and Joanna backed away, her
expression of loathing making his face harden frighteningly.
'I will not touch you,' he grated angrily. 'I will merely tell you this: J leave
for America tomorrow. I shall be there for two months. When I return I
intend to come for you.'
The thought of people in the house left Joanna's head entirely. Her hands
clenched at her sides and her considerable temper surfaced over grief, fear
and utter bewilderment.
'If you were the last man in the universe I wouldn't consent to be near you!'
she shouted. 'You've taken away everything I've ever wanted. You've even
sneaked up and taken my father. Now I can never go to Santa Marta again!'
'I know you love the island,' he said with surprising quiet. 'Your father told
me. We will live there and you will see your father whenever you care to
walk down the beach to his house.'
'I'll see him when he comes over to England,' Joanna corrected bitterly. 'One
thing is for sure, though: after today I'll never see you again! Forget the mad
idea about me, Mr Martella, because I'd rather die!'
'You will not die, Joanna,' he said silkily, 'unless it is the small death that
lovers die in each other's arms. And I intend to be your lover. In two months
I will be back.”
Patricia Wilson, Dark Illusion

V.B. Emanuele
“I don’t care if you dance for other men, or even women, but I don’t want his f*cking hands anywhere near you again. And if he touches you again, his blood will be on your hands.”
V.B. Emanuele, Hollywood Comes Home

V.B. Emanuele
“I’m not losing you again. You’re only mine and I’ll f*cking m*rder anyone who challenges me.”
V.B. Emanuele, Hollywood Comes Home

Bal Khabra
“I want to do everything with you, and I want you to do everything with me.”
I blink away the tears. “Sounds possessive.”
“It it.” He pulls me by my jacket and claims my lips. “You and me, Preston. That’s the only way I want it.”
Bal Khabra, Collide

Astrid Jane Ray
“Isydoris shot Azhrael an incredulous glare and whispered in dismay, “You are going to have a man gutted alive for spreading gossip?!”

“No, of course not. Gutting him alive is not enough. I have also ordered them to cut out his tongue,” he joked in a calm tone, then turned deadly serious. “Nobody speaks ill of my woman.”

Isydoris shook her head in numb disbelief. “But what would be the point of such barbaric punishment? This man will die, and people will continue to talk. Even you cannot silence every malicious tongue in the empire.”

“Watch me,” he proclaimed with firm determination. “My sweet, it remains to be seen what I cannot accomplish by the sheer force of my will. I do not care how much blood needs to be spilled, but the commoners will learn to utter your name with caution and respect. I shall settle for nothing less.”
Astrid Jane Ray, The Queen of Aessarion

“I love you is all.” He said kissing her mouth. “And I want you all to myself.”
E.L Beth, Retaliation

Nenia Campbell
“Love is cruel, Nadine,” he said, in that soft, vicious voice. “Possessive. Unforgiving. If you open your heart to it, you’ll get it ripped out. I find it rather tragic that you romantics lay yourselves down in these honeyed traps, only to get eaten alive by what you claim to want the most.”
Nenia Campbell, Raise the Blood

V.B. Emanuele
“I thought seeing you again was going to hurt, but the moment I saw you, I knew it was not seeing you that was killing me.”
V.B. Emanuele, Hollywood Comes Home

V.B. Emanuele
“Forever used to scare me. In my world, nothing is forever. But when I’m with you, forever seems doesn’t seem long enough.”
V.B. Emanuele

Astrid Jane Ray
“What would you know about desire, my little innocent? You must be shocked by your own reactions. That boy you weep for has never truly managed to stir up your curiosity about certain things, has he?"

She swallowed and looked away from him in inexplicable embarrassment. "If you must know, Hedon always treated me with respect, and he never tried to cross my boundaries."

"All the better for him," the reigh murmured. "I do appreciate the fact he kept his hands to himself. If he had touched you in the same way I have, my sweet, I assure you his death would have been a lot more painful and uglier than what you have witnessed.”
Astrid Jane Ray, The Queen of Aessarion

“I don’t care, I love you, I want the world to know I love you.”
E.L Beth, Redemption

Karlee Berrios
“Do not fly away, Little Dove. I will always catch you.”
Karlee Berrios, Albatross

“My rules adjust according to the submissive. No two are the same and a relationship between a Dom and a sub should be personal. For example, one sub might agree to being bound and publicly humiliated...and another might not. I will hear your Rules and questions and concerns first before I decide where to go from here.”
M.C Smothers

Lydia Michaels
“The man could make stone malleable. Somehow he was changing her without fully breaking her. Perhaps that was how he obtained his power. Shatter the victims right from the start, so the slightest show of kindness felt like the greatest relief.”
Lydia Michaels, Immortal Bastard

Eden Summers
“Am I likely to get my hands broken for touching you?”
I balk. “No, why?”
“Because if you were mine I’d do far worse to any man who dared to do far less.”
Eden Summers, Remy

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