Rescues Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rescues" Showing 1-7 of 7
Shannon L. Alder
“Some people can’t be in your life because they don’t have the power to help you improve it. That doesn’t mean you don’t wish them well, it just means that you are on Chapter ten of your life, when they are on Chapter five. Maybe, it is just enough to meet at the crossroads in life and agree to take separate paths, then with a cheshire grin you both look back and shout, “Beat you to the top of the mountain”, followed by the funnest sprint of both of your lives.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Grace will meet you in the valley, and her song will carry you home on the wind to another sky filled with ethereal beauty unfolding and love everlasting.”
Shannon L. Alder

Maryam Faresh
“You can't be sad when Daisy is around, she won't let you.”
Maryam Faresh, Daisy

Shannon L. Alder
“It is a strange thing that the human species can only go three days without water and three weeks without food, before the body dies. Yet, so many people can go years hanging onto pain and feeling emotionally dead inside. I suppose if it was the other way around more people would go to school to be morticians because of the booming business, or pastors would have to hand out Valium with the sacrament, just to keep the census high.”
Shannon L. Alder

Meg Donohue
“I liked the idea of adopting a dog that was beyond the puppy stage, a dog with an unknown span of life under his belt. It seemed only fair; he didn't know what he was getting into with me either.”
Meg Donohue, Dog Crazy

Missy Lyons
“Lily closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs as she made the scariest fall of her life, plunging to her certain death while clinging to her rescuer who really didn’t rescue her at all.”
Missy Lyons, Alien Promise