Romantic Drama Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romantic-drama" Showing 1-13 of 13
“Sexy with a capital SEX.”
Wendy Rosnau, Right Side Of The Law

Gayle Forman
“The best day of my life was
one I never even saw coming.”
Gayle Forman, If I Stay

“It was an overwhelming need. He tried not to think about her, to go on with business as usual, yet he still found himself outside her apartment door, as if this place had a magnetic force that pulled him towards it.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

Gayle Forman
“The best day of my life was one I never even saw coming”
Gayle Forman, If I Stay

Linda Oaks
“I'm stronger today," I said, hoping that by saying the words out loud it would make them true. I leaned across the sink, resting my palms against the mirror's surface. My reflection fogged over. As I began to disappear, I wiped the steam from the mirror, just like I'd temporarily wiped away all the ugliness that stained my soul.”
Linda Oaks, Chasing Rainbows

“March 28, 2012
The dreams won’t subside. I don’t just have them at night anymore but during the day as well. Erotic flashes of her lips, her breasts, her thighs.
My imagination does not rest. I yearn to know what she feels like, what she tastes like. My dreams make me long for more.
This woman is a virus. Every cell in my body has been infected by her. I try to remain civil, normal when I’m in her presence but she’ll lick her lips or play with the top of her collar and suddenly memories of my dreams will come flooding back.
This woman is a virus that has dominated every part of my being. She attacks my lungs, squeezing the breath out of me until I’m hopelessly gasping for air.
This isn’t a want. This isn’t a need. This is an ache. I ache with wanting. I ache with need. I ache until the pain finally leaves me feeling numb. I long for that numbness. It’s the only time I feel like…I don’t feel.
I try to run away, to keep my distance but this woman is a virus. She’s in my blood. Her smile stops my feet from moving. The only time she allows me to breathe freely is when I inhale her perfume. I feel myself losing control.
These dreams, this ache is slowly driving me insane.
This woman is a virus and she’s eating me alive.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

“He shut his eyes and grabbed the hair at the back of his head. The pain had not eased. It had just intensified.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

“Adrian, on the other hand, was held captive by a much more powerful master, and even though the shackles no longer felt as heavy, he only obeyed the earthy voice in his head. Even when Edward had ranted and raved and called him a crazy man,
Adrian had remained loyal to his master. Not even the promise of a higher salary had tempted him. He was ruled by only one woman, a woman that had enslaved him many years ago, and he was one hundred percent certain that those shackles were not coming off anytime soon.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

“I’ve noticed. What’s up with you these days?”
Adrian returned the sandwich to the box as he debated over what to tell her. One thing he had never done, was lie to Ricky and he was not going to start now. “I…uh…I have an infection,” he finally conceded – it was a half-truth, right? “It seems to be eating at my brain.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

“He arrested her hand and slammed it against the glass. “Don’t touch me,” he whispered hoarsely. “I won’t forget.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

“I don’t love her!” he shouted. His voice echoed through his empty apartment. He stood and toppled his coffee table, its glass top shattering as it hit the floor. He kicked the sofa several times then went on a full rampage through his lavish apartment. Every ornament got a taste of his wrath. Curtains were ripped off the railings. Paintings were hit off the wall. Vases were flung across the room. Nothing was exempt from this riotous frenzy. Loud banging. Damaged furniture. Cracked glass. Everything that was whole and complete needed to be destroyed. Everything needed to feel the same way he did.
Broken… Shattered…
“I don’t love her.” He collapsed hopelessly into the mess he created, not caring about the jagged pieces of glass that pierced his skin. “I don’t love her.” He shut his eyes but the tears streamed down his cheeks regardless. “Love isn’t this painful.”
Jacqueline Francis - The Journal

Hannah Capin
“Henry's going to dump me, and I didn't even do anything. He's making it all up because he wants to get rid of me and everybody knows and nobody cares.”
Hannah Capin, The Dead Queens Club

AlTonya Washington
“It is obvious that you like to be in control of things. With this girl, you lose control. You despise that, especially since she is younger.- Maria Delgado”
AlTonya Washington, Secrets In Love