Royals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "royals" Showing 1-24 of 24
Katharine McGee
“Writers got to pick the endings of their novels, but Beatrice wasn’t living a story. She was living history, and history went on forever.”
Katharine McGee, American Royals

Mouloud Benzadi
“Elizabeth II was the best known child in the world when she was BORN.
She became the greatest monarch of all times, LATER ON.
She will be remembered as the most wonderful queen on the THRONE.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Stephanie Dray
“The curves of his smile become the waves in my ocean.”
Stephanie Dray, Daughters of the Nile

Alyssa Cole
“Excuse me?”
The librarian looked up again.
“I need help now. I need to print this article and . . . do you have any books about dukes?”
The librarian’s eyes went wide and she rubbed her hands together with glee. “We have a fantastic romance section,” she said. “Do you need recommendations? How do you like your dukes? Grumpy? Tortured? Alpha, beta, or alpha in the streets, beta in the sheets?”
“Actually, I meant nonfiction,” Portia said glumly.
The librarian sighed. “Aye. Just a warning, love—the non-fic dukes are not nearly as fun.”
Alyssa Cole, A Duke by Default

Katharine McGee
“Beatrice is going to be queen someday.” Samantha didn’t sound resentful, just pensive.
“And what are you going to be?” Nina asked, curious.
Samantha grinned. “Everything else.”
Katharine McGee, American Royals

Stephanie Dray
“I had come to Rome in chains, but I would leave Rome a queen.”
Stephanie Dray, Lily of the Nile

Katharine McGee
“Elect the king or queen—what a funny concept. Everyone knew that elections only worked for judges and Congress. Making the executive branch pander to the people, go out begging for votes—that could only end in disaster. That structure would attract the wrong sort of people: power-hungry people with twisted agendas.”
Katharine McGee, American Royals

Rachel Hawkins
“Are you saying I’m better than a sword to the eye?” I ask, and he chuckles.
The sound is warm and soft, and I swear I can feel it, dancing over the knobs of my spine. Oh my god, this rain needs to end soon.
“Maybe not better, but certainly not worse,”
Rachel Hawkins, Royals

Casey McQuiston
“Awesome, fuckin' love doing things out of spite.”
Casey McQuiston, Red, White & Royal Blue

Hilary Mantel
“... every monarch needs a blow on the head, from time to time.”
Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies

Katharine McGee
“She felt, for the first time in years, like herself. Not the public, painted-on Daphne that she showed the world, but the real seventeen-year-old girl she kept carefully hidden beneath.”
Katharine McGee, American Royals

“She wants a truce.

With me?

Aye. She’s quite. . adamant about it. I can try to put her off until Ghleanna is at full strength but — No, no. See what her terms are.

My Lady?

I am not my mother, peacemaker. I can be reasonable. It’s a new time for us all. A new time of hope and of change and of — You want access to the coast so you can attack the Lightnings, don’t you?

And it is time for those barbarian Lightnings to bow down before me.”
G.A. Aiken, Supernatural

“I have to be seen to be believed.”
Queen Elizabeth II

Katharine McGee
“There was a nebulous, infectious energy to her, as if she were somehow more *alive* than everyone else. As if all her nerves were sparking at once, just below the surface.”
Katharine McGee, American Royals

“We aren't caught up in your love affair”

Shannon Hale
“All the royal tales got their own special festivals. In honor of the Sleeping Beauty tale, Ever After High held the yearly Beauty Sleep Festival. Everyone put on their pajamas and lay down on their beds, and a magical sleep spell rained over the castle, putting them into a restful slumber for two days.
Briar rolled her eyes. "I'd prefer my story got a dance festival with some kicky music and a chocolate fountain."
"It's kind of like a massive slumber party, so that's cool," said Ashlynn.
"Kinda," said Briar. "But the best part of a slumber party isn't the part where you're unconscious. I'm already facing a hundred years of sleep. Worst. Festival. Ever."
"You recall that the royal festival for the Cinderella story is basically just an excuse to get the students to clean the high school," said Ashlynn.
Briar laughed, putting her arm around Ashlynn. "That's true! But at least your Spring Cleaning Festival ends with a Ball."
Apple always enjoyed the Apple Festival in her story's honor- so many pies and turnovers and breads, and none of them poisoned. The whole school smelled of cinnamon and nutmeg for days. The Spring Cleaning Festival was an excellent opportunity to clean out her sock drawer and then wear a ball gown and dance till midnight. The Little Mermaid Festival took place every summer at Looking Glass Beach with swimming, beach volleyball, and a clam dig.”
Shannon Hale, Ever After High: The Storybox of Legends

Amina Mughal
“Their mohabbat drifted through rays dancing in fluids through the fresh springs, as they walked hand in hand through the Himalayan mountains”
Amina Mughal, A Piece of My Heart

Molly Ringle
“Merrick pulled up after a few moments, smiling. “Probably not how I’m supposed to behave toward a prince.”

Larkin gripped Merrick’s backside to hold him in place. “Indeed, you ill-bred commoner, how dare you?”
Molly Ringle, Lava Red Feather Blue

Victor Vote
“The Isoko remained one of Niger Delta's unique tribe with almost every migration made from a Royal family. I consider the Isoko people a Royal Clan”
Victor Vote

Stewart Stafford
“The Lion of Albion by Stewart Stafford

Bell tolls on the second age of Elizabeth,
As another reign of Charles commences,
The Lion of Albion monitors its domain,
With the steadying mending of fences.

Acceding to the throne, León Coronado,
History's weight on verisimilar shoulders,
As the matriarch reflects in absentia,
Crown jewel of memory to beholders.

Over moor, loch, valley and causeway,
Rises the realm of Charles Rex III,
Phoenix feathers of noblesse oblige,
For the Brexit nesting of a dove bird.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“At a time when hopelessness and despair loom over the world, Queen Elizabeth torched a candle of hope, and acceptance, helping to show us what was possible.”
Qamar Rafiq

“There are two types of people. Those who think Harry and Meghan are a decent, hard-done-by couple, and those who have a grip on reality.”
Martel Maxwell

“Sang bleu rougeâtre

Moi, en tant que fils de rois,
De princes et de nobles,
Tous de la haute noblesse,
Sanctifiée par Dieu, sang divin,
Ou, peut-être,
Ne suis-je pas Dieu lui-même, ou,
Qui sait, suis-je au-dessus de lui?
La métadivinité bourgeoise,
Cette divinisation de la saleté la plus immonde,
Et ils regardent le peuple :
Oh Dieu ! Pourquoi as-tu fait
Cette populace insensée ?
Cette masse, souriante,
Qui se bénit de bonheur,
Trouve dans les égouts,
Si moi,
Ni tout l'or africain,
Ni toute la beauté des femmes de l'Orient
Ne me satisfont plus,
Ni la bonne odeur de l'encens, ni les palais,
Ah, comme je déteste la populace,
Alors que je verse mes larmes en regardant les tragédies,
Ils rient de la comédie la plus burlesque,
Que veux-tu ? Ô Souverain du Monde ?
Rappelle-moi que je viens de ces créatures,
Que ma blancheur vient du charbon,
Que ma lumière de l'obscurité,
Que mon sang n'est que de l'eau,
Tu veux me rappeler que je ne suis que de la poussière vaniteuse,
Sages étaient les Romains,
Qui, lors des festivités,
Transformaient les esclaves en patriciens,
Et les patriciens en esclaves,
Pour se rappeler l'ancienne règle,
Le vieux pacte lupin,
Car tous faits d'argile,
Et lavés dans le sang...
César, mon cher César,
N'oublie pas que,
Ainsi toujours les tyrans,
Et, ainsi, toujours les patriciens,
Tous tomberont,
Et dépériront,
Car Celui qui a vécu,
Dans sa mort,
N'est pas encore revenu.”
Geverson Ampolini
tags: royals

“Lapsena ja nuorena kuuluu asiaan hävetä omia vanhempiaan. Itseään teini voi vielä jotenkin yrittää hallita, mutta omat vanhemmat – he ovat kuin luonnonvoima, jonka aisoissa pitäminen on lähes mahdotonta. Muistan prinsessa Victorian kertoneen tv-dokumentissa, miten hirveää oli, kun vanhemmat tulivat avoimien ovien päivänä vierailulle hänen esikouluunsa ja hyppivät muiden isien ja äitien kanssa pupujusseina piirissä. Carl Gustafilla oli naurettavat flanellikorvat päässä ja kaiken lisäksi hän oli kuningas. Kruununprinsessa häpesi kuollakseen.”
Katriina Järvinen, Kaikella kunnioituksella : Irtiottoja vanhempien vallasta