Scythe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scythe" Showing 1-30 of 36
Neal Shusterman
“But remember that good intentions pave many roads. Not all of them lead to hell.”
Neal Shusterman, Scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Therin lies the paradox of the profession,' Faraday said. 'Those who wish to have the job should not have it...and those who would most refuse to kill are the only ones who should.”
Neal Shusterman, Scythe

Neal Shusterman
“I vow to become the change that might have been”
Neal Shusterman, Scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Even now, she looked radiant to him. How ridiculous that he'd be romanticizing her in these final hours. What could have once been love was now the resignation of a heart long broken.”
Neal Shusterman, Scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Marie couldn't help but smile. This girl whom she had not even wanted to take on in the first place had become her greatest supporter. Her truest friend.”
Neal Shusterman, Thunderhead

“This is what the scythedom was uncapable of understanding. They were so focused on the act of killing, they couldn't comprehend what went into the act of dying.”
Neil Shusterman

Neal Shusterman
“I am what you made me”
Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman
“look up into the night sky and see not the stars but the darkness between them”
Neal Shusterman

“For you nothing has changed.”
Citra looked down into her cereal. It was Rowan who dared to state the obvious.
“Everything has changed, sir.”
And then Faraday said something enigmatic that would only resonate with them much later.
“Perhaps everything will change again.”
Neil Shusterman

“This theory does not trouble me in the least. And yet I know that it should. I am now troubled by how little I am troubled.”
Neil Shusterman

“Over these many years, I have observed both profound folly and breathtaking wisdom among humankind. They balance each other like dancers in the throes of a passionate tango. It is only when the brutality of the dance overwhelms the beauty that the future is threatened. It is the Scythedom that leads and sets the tone for the dance. I often wonder if the Scythedom realised how fragile are the spines of the other dancers.”
Neil Shusterman

Neal Shusterman
“Hope in the shadow of fear is the world's most powerful motivator”
Neal Shusterman, The Arc of a Scythe Paperback Trilogy (Boxed Set): Scythe; Thunderhead; The Toll

Neal Shusterman
“But Morrison put up his hands in instant surrender. "Leave me out of this," he said. "I'm not going up against Scythe Anastasia.”
Neal Shusterman, The Toll

Neal Shusterman
“Where are you, my dear Marie?”
Neal Shusterman, The Toll

Neal Shusterman
“The world has a talent for rewarding bad behaviour with stardom”
Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman
“He should have just gone on with his unremarkable life — because then, maybe, just maybe, he might have had the chance to do something remarkable with it in time.”
Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman
“You seemed to be awfully friendly with one of the party boys. Should I invite more of them for you next time?”
“No, no, it’s nothing like that,” said Rowan, blushing in spite of himself. “He’s just a friend from home.”
Neal Shusterman, Scythe

Holly Black
“I crouch in the hollow beneath the tree, looking up at the spangled sky and the bright scythe of a moon.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Neal Shusterman
“Humans are predators by nature. This instinct may have been bleached out by the cleansing power of civilization, but it cannot be taken away from us completely. The thrill of the hunt and the pleasure of the kill lie dormant in each of us.”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

“А у нього ж ані шаблі булатної,
ні пищалі семип'ядної.
Тільки й є, що коса,
та і та пощерблена.

І де він її тут узяв?
Чи не одняв у своєї ж смерті?..”
Ліна Костенко, Берестечко

“The First Swing, slicing through the air with effortless aplomb. The moment you take your first swing you wield your axe like you are a master in the art of gleaning. Those before you are in awe. They cannot imagine what your next move will be. You carry yourself as balanced and poised as a performer dancing brutally among them. The searing star of stars, your robe cascading to the earth in showers of gold. But that is not the truth. Your worth does not matter to those who now matter to you. You are truly nothing but a tiny sunspot to the eyes of others like yourself. An insignificant fleck. And as you take that first swing, they laugh at you. You try to rise above their derision, to be noticed in some small way. To find favor from the old ones, who are never old. To gain respect from the young ones, who have slain their own youth. To justify the arrogance that comes with the pride of being chosen. But that is not the truth either. It will be years until you come to know the truth: That those you revere are merely servants to the collective that we prune. It was their choice to let us choose all those years ago. The awed, terrified, relieved spectators; the real ones in power, the puppeteers of your actions. Standing in a perfect line before them, a cutting edge, wielding our axes, each one of us is the same as the last. We are one in all, We are all in one, and We. Shall. Kill. Our mantra, our commandment, our duty, to remind the immortal of mortality. To teach them that eternal repose may be distant, but not lost. Who are We? We are Scythes. And the weapons we wield are not by any means our friends. The devastating force of bullet, blade, and bludgeon tears us apart each day, every day, piece by piece, and leaves us with wounds that will never heal. This is what ties us to the masses, yet restrains us from being one with them. And with each new gleaning we bleed and break anew, yet our resolve never changes. For We are Scythes. Nothing will ever change that. And when it is your time to bleed, you will know and you will learn.”
Joelle Shusterman, Gleanings
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“He felt more and more like a ghost in his own life, forced to live in a blind spot of the entire world”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

“He felt more and more like a ghost in his own life, forced to live in a blind spot of the entire world”
Neal Shusterman; , scythe
tags: scythe

“He felt more and more like a ghost in his own life, forced to live in a blind spot of the entire world”
Neal Shusterman, scythe
tags: scythe

“He felt more and more like a ghost in his own life, forced to live in a blind spot of the entire world”
Neal Shusterman;, Scythe
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“People were waiting for it. They predicted the downfall of a soulless machine. But apparently the machine had a purer soul than any human being”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Have we ever had a worse enemy than ourselves?”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Seine Augen hatten eine abgehärmte Kälte, als hätte er mehr gesehen, als er sehen sollte, und irgendwann aufgehört, Mitgefühl zu empfinden, um zu retten, was von seiner Seele übrig war”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“His eyes had a haggard coldness, as if he had seen more than he should have seen and at some point stopped feeling compassion in order to save what was left of his soul”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

Neal Shusterman
“Ich meine, alles, wofür ich gelebt habe, ist mir weggenommen worden. Warum also überhaupt leben ?”
Neal Shusterman
tags: scythe

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