Taunting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "taunting" Showing 1-30 of 33
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
“What are you gonna do, angel face? Stab me with your eyebrow pencil?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Kiss an Angel

J.K. Rowling
“How long have you been ‘Big D’ then?” said Harry.
“Shut it,” snarled Dudley, turning away again.
“Cool name,” said Harry, grinning and falling into step beside his cousin. “But you’ll always be Ickle Diddykins to me.”
“I said, SHUT IT!” said Dudley, whose ham-like hands had curled into fists.
“Don’t the boys know that’s what your mum calls you?”
“Shut your face.”
“You don’t tell her to shut her face. What about ‘popkin’ and ‘Dinky Diddydums,’ can I use them then?”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Nenia Campbell
“Fuck your manners."

"You don't have to settle for just my manners.”
Nenia Campbell, Terrorscape

Pierce Brown
“I stand over them and cock my head. 'Is this the first time you've lost at something?' No answer. I frown. 'Well, that must be embarrassing.' ”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising

Gracen Miller
“Madison answered. “I said, ‘The Queen thinks the King’s a pussy for sending her to retrieve me. I dare him to catch me if he can.”
Gracen Miller, Pandora's Box

Lisi Harrison
“Sooo, I'm tired of people thinking I'm a freak. I know you can't relate to that but -"
"Get over it already, will ya?" Candace stood. "You're not Smellody anymore. You're pretty. You can get hot guys now. Tanned ones with good vision. Not geeky hose jousters." She shut the window. "Don't you ever want to use your lips as something other than veneer protectors?"

Melody felt a familiar pinch behind her eyes. Her throat dried. Her eyes burned. And then they came. Like salty little paratroopers, tears descended en masse. She hated Candace thought she had never made out with a boy. But how could she convince a seventeen-year-old with more dates than a fruitcake that Randy the Starbucks cashier (aka Scarbucks, because of his acne scars) was a great kisser? She couldn't.”
Lisi Harrison, Monster High

Erin Bow
“Her father sat her down and spoke to her with great seriousness. "You are not a witch, Katerina. There is magic in the world, and some of it is wholesome, and some of it is not, but it is a thing that is in the blood, and it is not in yours.
"The foolish will always treat you badly, because they think you are not beautiful," he said, and she knew this was true. Plain Kate. She was a plain as a stick and thin as a stick and flat as a stick. Her nose was too long and her brows too strong. Her father kissed her twice, once above each brow. "We cannot help what fools think. But understand, it is your skill with a blade that draws this talk. If you want to give up your carving, you have my blessing."
"I will never give it up," she answered.”
Erin Bow, Plain Kate

Saad  Salman
“Don’t underestimate your tears. They have the power to strengthen your commitment to your life’s purpose and to direct you towards your goal. So, when you cry because of the people who mock or taunt you, be positive and make promises with yourself that you will prove them wrong.”
Saad Salman

“Come out, come out, wherever you are... come out, come out, or you'll end up in the tar...”
Beatrice Rose Roberts, Twin Loyalties: From The Chronicles Of Tar Ponds City

Rebecca Yarros
“She can be taught.'

'She's a quick learner,' I retort.

'That remains to be seen.' He backs up two steps, putting a little space between us before crooking his fingers at me again.

'You're made your damn point,' I snap loud enough that I hear Imogen gasp.

'Trust me, I've barely gotten started.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“There will be no insults here," Lachlan said to Ewan, his voice stern. "At least not against Sin. Braden, on the other hand, you may feel free to attack." "Och, now," Braden bristled, "where's your brotherly love?" Lochlan smiled devilishly. "That is my brotherly love. Notice I have yet to taunt you?" "Aye, but I'm sure it's nothing more than an oversight."

-Lochlan & Braden”
Kinley MacGregor

Gena Showalter
“Don’t worry. I know she’s your sister. I’ll treat her right. In bed and out. I’m willing to listen to any objections you may have, though. No? Nothing? Okay, then.”
Gena Showalter, The One You Want

Sarah J. Maas
“Though you have a heart of stone, Tamlin,' it said, and Tamlin went rigid, 'you certainly keep a host of fear inside it.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“Rhys followed that gaze. 'Her breasts are rather spectacular, aren't they? Delicious as ripe apples.'

I fought the urge to scowl, and instead slid my attention to him, as indolently as he'd looked at me, at the others. 'Here I was, thinking you had a fascination with my mouth.'

Delighted surprise lit Rhys' eyes, there and gone in a heartbeat.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Go,' Cassian managed to breathe. 'Go.'

'This seems familiar,' the king mused. 'Was it him or the other bastard who crawled toward you that day?'

Cassian was indeed now crawling toward her, broken wings and leg dragging, leaving a trail of blood over the grass and roots.

Nesta rushed to him, kneeling.

Not to comfort.

But to pick up his Illyrian blade.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Julie Anne Long
“Her mind was obsessively playing and replaying his words of five minutes ago. And finally she could contain them no longer.
" 'Was she pretty?' " she mimicked the vicar's creaky tones. " 'Very,' " she answered, in a very good imitation of the viscount's own baritone.
Kit snorted a laugh.
But really, Kit had waxed almost lyrical about Caroline Allston---Caro, no doubt. Susannah wondered of Caro was carved on the viscount's heart the way it was on the oak, scarred and thick with age.”
Julie Anne Long, Beauty and the Spy

Sarah J. Maas
“Did something happen that I, as your chaperone, should know about?”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

“The awful reality of life is that kids can sometimes be ruthless toward one another. Kidding, teasing, taunting, and mocking with sadistic sarcasm, they have exterminated innumerable self-esteems. Some are more adept at Humiliation 101 than they are at math or science. It's a choice between homework and hassling a weaker member of the human race. And the latter often wins out. No wonder. It's much more fun to obliterate a person's already fragile self-image than it is to work fractions for some teacher who attended school with your grandmother. It's an art form, actually, with some kids as budding Rembrandts. Whether vocal or unspoken, direct or passive, it's always destructive. Like an arrow, the rejection a young person feels plunges deep within, causing a wound that can take decades to heal.”
Jeff Kinley

Sarah J. Maas
“Hey, remember that time you set a dragon free and were dumb enough to think she'd follow your orders?'

'Hey, remember that time you wanted to marry me and wrote Lady Bryce Flynn in all your notebooks?'

Hunt choked.

Bryce countered with, 'Hey, remember when you pestered me for years to hook up with you, but I have something called standards-”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Sky and Breath

Brandon Sanderson
“Thus you know the fury of my anger, fell beast.”
Brandon Sanderson, Skyward

Sarah J. Maas
“What do you want with me? Beyond taunting Tamlin?'

'Taunting him is my greatest pleasure,' he said with a mock bow. 'And as for your question, why does any male need a reason to enjoy the presence of a female?'

'You saved my life.'

'And through your life, I saved Tamlin's.'


He winked, smoothing his blue-black hair. 'That, Feyre, is the real question, isn't it?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“I'll spare you the escort duties tomorrow,' he said, shrugging as he walked to the cell door. 'But the night after, I expect you to be looking your finest.' He gave me a grin that suggested my finest wasn't very much at all. He paused by the door, but didn't dissolve into darkness. 'I've been thinking of ways to torment you when you come to my court. I'm wondering: Will assigning you to learn to read be as painful as it looked today?'

He vanished into shadow before I could launch myself at him.

I paced through my cell, scowling at the eye in my hand. I spat every curse I could at it, but there was no response.

It took me a long while to realise that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“I'll be taking her now.'

'Don't you dare,' Tamlin snarled. Behind him, the dais was empty. Ianthe had vanished entirely. Along with most of those in attendance.

'Was I interrupting? I thought it was over.' Rhys gave me a smile dripping with venom. He knew- through that bond, through whatever magic was between us, he'd known I was about to say no. 'At least Feyre seemed to think so.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“It's been a week,' I said by way of greeting. 'Take me home.'

Rhys took a long sip of whatever was in his cup. It didn't look like tea. 'Good morning, Feyre.'

'Take me home.'

He studied my teal and gold clothes, a variation of my daily attire. If I had to admit, I didn't mind them. 'That colour suits you.'

'Do you want me to say please? Is that it?'

'I want you to talk to me like a person. Start with 'good morning' and let's see where it gets us.'

'Good morning.

A faint smile. Bastard. 'Are you ready to face the consequences of your departure?'

I straightened. I hadn't thought about the wedding. All week, yes, but today... today I'd only thought of Tamlin, of wanting to see him, hold him, ask him about everything Rhys had claimed.
'It's none of your business.'

'Right. You'll probably ignore it, anyway. Sweep it under the rug, like everything else.'

'No one asked for your opinion, Rhysand.'

'Rhysand?' He chuckled, low and soft. 'I give you a week of luxury and you call me Rhysand?'

'I didn't ask to be here, or be given that week.'

'And yet look at you. Your face has some colour- and those marks under your eyes are almost gone. Your mental shield is stellar, by the way.'

'Please take me home.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Rhys followed that gaze. 'Her breasts are rather spectacular, aren't they? Delicious as ripe apple.'

I fought the urge to scowl, and instead slid my attention to him, as indolently as he'd looked at me, at the others. 'Here I was, thinking you had a fascination with my mouth.'

Delighted surprise lit Rhys' eyes, there and gone in a heartbeat.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

“She gave me a message for you!" I lied.
"Umm, what was it now...oh yeah!" I smiled wide and lifted my right hand, offering her the middle finger. "She said to tell you your mother was a snowblower!”
Jez Cajiao, Age of Steel

Sarah J. Maas
“If you bring that male anywhere near her, I'll-'

'You'll what?' Cassian crooned, trailing her at a casual pace as she stopped perhaps five feet from me. He lifted a brow as she whirled on him. 'You won't join me for practice, so you sure as hell aren't going to hold your own in a fight. You won't talk about your powers, so you certainly aren't going to be able to wield them. And you-'

'Shut your mouth,' she snapped, every inch the conquering empress. 'I told you to stay the hell away from me, and if you-'

'You could between a male and his mate, Nesta Archeron, and you're going to learn about the consequences the hard way.'

Nesta's nostrils flared. Cassian only gave her a crooked grin.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Stephanie Garber
“I'm starting to feel as if you don't want to escape.' He definitely nipped her ear this time, teeth sharp as they scraped her skin. She wondered if he liked to hurt everyone, of if it was just her. Something about this was starting to feel personal. Although the nip of teeth at her ear didn't hurt so much as it unsettled her.

'Do you want me to toss you over the edge?' he taunted.

'Of course not!' she yelled.

'Then why aren't you fighting?' He sounded angry.

'I'm trying my best.'

'And I'm not, which means you need to try harder. Kick me.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Are you worried Daddy Nyktos will be upset with you for allowing her in here and send you to bed without your supper?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Shadow in the Ember

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