Universe Knowing Oneself Quotes

Quotes tagged as "universe-knowing-oneself" Showing 1-30 of 35
“Not everyone can decode a dream! Dreamers are those abled minds that can read the intent of the dream in terms of energy, frequency & vibration...!”
Vishwanath S J

Abhijit Naskar
“It's like we act as a mirror for the environment, or to a broader aspect, the universe.”
Abhijit Naskar, What is Mind?

Alpha Four
“A man's perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence. Even living deliberately, how far up can he reach? Standing on his minuscule patch of time, how far into the future can he see? How much of the past can one person truly understand?”

“My takeaway from all of Ophelia's sessions was that life favored value. The world was bursting with opportunity. If you didn't like who you were, it was time to reinvent yourself and try again. It was a disservice to the universe to cheat everyone of your talents. And if you were at your wit's end, thinking you had nothing to offer, it was essential to cultivate value within yourself in order to move forward. In order to live beyond existence. In order to turn your pain into something beautiful.”
Fran Seen, Lionheart

“Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, nor do Two Rights Make a Left.

Which ever side you think is Correct. Great. That is what resonates with your perception... Dive deep within yourself to discover why you think you need to judge or change the person in your perception.. when the real change is the reflection in the mirror..reflected by the person you are trying to change... out of fear. Fear is the negative energies keeping you from the light of truth.

Be Yourself and Honor others for who they are. If we were all the same.. the world wouldn't have so many pretty colors and changes.”
Jonathan Bailey

“As you begin to Awaken.. You discover yourself sitting in nature.. flowing like the river.. Trying to understand the purpose.. then realizing "Nature is Happening, that is its purpose".. You are just like the river flowing through nature.. Your purpose is to be like nature. Start Now.. in the precious moments.. for its the only time that exists.”
Jonathan Bailey

“I trust the Universe Implicitly, therefore my experience is happening FOR me and not TO me. I trust the Universe. I trust the process.”
Maria Flynn

Diane L. Dunton
“Be patient with yourself; trust in the Universe; find mentors; know that you can achieve whatever you set out to do.”
Diane L. Dunton, Living, Learning, Healing: Inspirational Stories from the Heart

“Fill your world with the vibrational sunshine from your soul & smile with the Universe!”
Debbie A. Anderson

Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
“The wonder of the world, its' mistery and its' endless amount of information, the stars in the sky and the galaxies far away, how amazing it is to find them all in the depths of your soul, the soul which loves to fall in love deeply with the amazing nature of itself, which rejoices in rediscovering its' true source. When I look into your eyes with these eyes of mine, I'm not just gazing in the depth of your soul, but in the soul of the Universe as a whole. When I love you as I love myself, I embody the love of the creating expanding Universe in rediscovering itself through its' creation from beginning to end and all around again. When I say that I want to know you as much as I want to know myself, I want to grasp the depth of the Universe in one lifetime through as much as I can intuitively gather. And when I leave my thoughts and emotions out there, I myself am an embodiment of the thoughts and emotions of the souls that gathered these until this present moment for the understanding and love of the Universe through itself.”
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Man sometimes forgets the universe completely! His mind is so focused on his own nonsense that it comes to the point that there is no such thing as a universe. But then a rain starts, a wind blows and at that moment the universe reminds us of itself in the simplest possible way!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“We rally about one side not doing what the other side should be, whereas the other side feels the same way.. When both have not figured out that one has to be different than the other for the other to be attracted.

Apply this in every way along your day.. Either way your right”
Jonathan Bailey

“It is what it is because it has to be...

So you notice your not having the best of days, you ache more, your ill more, whatever negativity it might be...

Remember. You have to have it to have the opposite.

What is required is to listen to yourself, listen to what your body is saying at the present moment.. And accept it as balance.”
Jonathan Bailey

“As I awaken in the mornings I have visions... in the moment, the sun is either going to set or its going to rise... because if it should not do either.. the planet would not evolve. We are all apart of the Universe.. for if we do or we don't will have the same impact.”
Jonathan Bailey

“Free your mind, become who you are.. the mind is the biggest drug.. and everyone is addicted.”
Jonathan Bailey

“What we did yesterday, Can be changed today to make tomorrow different.. PAST / PRESENT / FUTURE
Precious Present Moments Light Our Path”
Jonathan Bailey

“Passion is the journey inward.. Purpose is the journey overcoming the fear.. Know Freedom and Leave Your Legend.”
Jonathan Bailey

“Lesser we live, in world’s called bubbles, of opinion makers and few policy makers. And then, comes the pop, gone is our nature, by way of some self-proclaimed needle.”
James Emlund

“My daily thoughts are vibrationally connected to the universal forces that surround me.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Every day I grow in the wisdom that my soul is vibrationally connected to the Universe.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“The Now' is always more than you know. It is as intricate and infinite as the universe. It connects to the past and the future, and even as it is gone before you even know it, it is extending and reverberating to all the corners of the Earth and beyond. Respect it and embrace it. The moment of Now is Awesome.”
Michael G Sawaya

“Whaaaat ifffff...my brain is the real alien? No one knows EVERYTHING about the brain! It's in my head and controls everything in my life ... and yet I don't know anything about it. It's a f-cking alien in my head. Calm down. It's giving me anxiety.”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

Rakhi Roy Halder
“the body is the matter and the 'Self' is a form of energy. Their combination can do miracles. To understand the dynamic relationship between the 'Self' and the universe, one must consider the universe as a laboratory. 'Self' must be the base of the experiment. The strategy, methodology, and sources of such experiments are different from materialistic science approaches.”
Rakhi Roy Halder

“There's only one me, the closest person that looks like me is my shadow and it's still not me.”
Eduvie Donald

“Knowledge is of the world and is limited. Knowing is of the universe and is limitless.”
Angie Corbett-Kuiper

“This is how the creative intelligence, the universal guide, interacts with me — like music on my soul. It could be similar for you, and it could be quite different, too. Our guides speak to us in the language we know best. This book is being written to tell you why that is, and show you how to listen, so that maybe you, too, will be further enabled to create a life, in alignment with your own soul’s vision of joy.”
David Fox, Real Spirit Guides: Yes, Spirit Guides Swear! And Everything Else You Ever Wanted to Know About Them - Your Ultimate Guide

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