Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens)'s Reviews > The Raven Boys

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
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*third read february 2016*
"Blue Sargent had forgotten how many times she'd been told that she would kill her true love"

Okey, so this may be the first proper review I write for this series and I don't even know why, I love these books too much to not have spoken long and detailed about them, but is never too late.

I first read these books back in October, not so long ago so I still remember the first impression it left on me (not that I need to read my "october review" to know it.)
I read them because it had a lot of hype (still does) and when I finished it I was kind of underwhelmed. Sure, I liked it, I liked the story and the concept of the ley lines and the welsh mitology. But still, I was confused as heck and I couldn't connect with the characters so I didn't see what all the fuss was about.
The more the months passed, for some reason, the more I like these books when I thought about them. And by december I was intrigued enough to read them for a second time (not even 3 months later) and I'm glad I did it because ever since, my life has not been the same. I'M NOT EXAGGERATING, THIS SERIES CAME INTO MY LIFE AND IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME.

Okey, so what makes The Raven Boys The Raven Boys? Is it it's set of incredible fleshed-out and well built characters that make you feel part of their crew and quest? Is it it's amazing complex plot with layer after layer that makes you feel you're reading the book for the first time when you re read them? Is it they way Maggie fills the pages with poetry and perfectly manages to transmit the essence of the book with only words?

I think, all this and more is what make The Raven Boys The Raven Boys

And I'm not kidding when I say it feels like you're reading this book for the first time once you re read them. So many things you didn't notice the first time, so many ways in which Maggie strategically places quotes and actions for you to find out later. I'm at odd for words to express how brilliant I think this is, how cleverly placed everything was, how can you express the enormous talent of Maggie Stiefvater as a writer? you just can't

But I think what makes this books so damn perfect for everyone is the set of characters.
One like you'll never find again, not matter how hard you try.

"They were loud and triumphant and kings of Henrietta, because they'd found the ley line and because it was starting, it was starting."

-Adam Parrish:

"Adam felt the familiar pang. Not jealousy, just wanting. One day, he'd have enough money to have a place like this. A place that looked on the outside like Adam looked on the inside.
A small voice inside Adam asked whether he would ever look this grand on the inside, or if it was something you had to be born into"


I honestly can say, Adam Parrish is one of my favorite fictional characters ever. I connect with him in a spiritual level, really. I wake up everyday and thanks Maggie Stiefvater for creating him, for bringing him to the world and to my life.
One has to relate even a little bit to him in order to understand the meaning behind his actions, why he acts the way he does, why he is the way he is. It truly breaks my heart everytime I see someone calling him "annoying". Okey so you have this kid... abused his whole life by his own father, neglected by his mother, poor, working three jobs in order to pay for his education while at the same time trying not to be like his father but to be a better person for his friends and himself, someone who has self steem issues because he has had little in his life to make him feel worth it... and all you have to say about him is that he's annoying?? because he has flaws and insecurities and the only way to make him feel worth is achieving something on his own??? FIGHT ME, I DARE YOU

“Being Adam Parrish was a complicated thing, a wonder of muscles and organs, synapses and nerves. He was a miracle of moving parts, a study in survival. The most important thing to Adam Parrish, though, had always been free will, the ability to be his own master.
This was the important thing.
It had always been the important thing.
This was what it was to be Adam.”

-Ronan Lynch:

“Gansey had once told Adam that he was afraid most people didn't know how to handle Ronan. What he meant by this was that he was worried that one day someone would fall on Ronan and cut themselves.”


Ronan is my second favorite. I don't really relate to him but I know how special he is to Maggie and how, even if it doesn't look like it, he's the most "important" of them all because originally he was going to be the main character of this series.
On the outside he's just some reckless kid who couldn't care less about anyone or anything. After his father died it looks like he has a hard time trying to find something he cares about.
But that's not an issue when it comes to his friends. Ronan Lynch would kill for his friends. If he could, he would dream them the world without thinking twice. He loves fiercely and loyally. Once he decides you're worth it, he is going to try to demonstrate it to you with the most subtle of ways. Because, unfortunately for him, he thinks that showing he cares is a weakness, a problem. Thus he doesn't allow himself to actually act the way he really is.
Fortunately for us, we know the truth. We know how this dork gay irish farmer is capable of set the world on fire just to protect the people he loves

Ronan said, "I'm always straight."
Adam replied, "Oh man, that's the biggest lie you've ever told."


"On the outside, he knew he looked a lot like his father. On the inside, he sort of wished he looked more like the Camaro. Which was to say, more like Adam,"


I have a feeling for Gansey, I really do. Everyone thinks he's the simplest of the characters for his kind of life, when really he's just one more of them with self steem issues and anxiety over his best not being his best.
Since he died and then lived again (Jesus Gansey) he made it for his mission in life to go after Glendower. It would look like a simple hobby, but really, Gansey is just looking for a purpose in life, for something more. And his character sometimes breaks my heart because he thinks he doesn't have the right to have problems just because he has a "perfect life". But like Blue realises later, apparently having it all a happy person does not make.
She wonders why someone like Gansey, who could possibly have all he wants, would have to fake a smile. But little did she know that for Gansey this material things are useless, what he really craves is connection with his friends, because they mean the world to him. There his necessity to give Adam everything, there his responsability of taking care of Ronan after his father died, there his effort in not looking like a spoiled child because he wants to demonstrate that he is so much more. Even when people think otherwise.

“In the end, he was nobody to Adam, he was nobody to Ronan. Adam spit his words back at him and Ronan squandered however many second chances he gave him. Gansey was just a guy with a lot of stuff and a hole inside him that chewed away more of his heart every year.”


"I was... more... when I was alive."


Sadly, Noah doesn't get a lot of protagonism in this book even if he is equal to the other characters. Yes, I'm talking to you, people who leaves Noah outside of their edits and publications.
Noah is still a mystery for me. What I know of him is that he is painfully cute and a cinnamon roll, but what do we know of his past? what do we know of what he really feels about his situations throughout the series? how does he feel about his friends? (he obviously loves them, but I want some insight).
I don't know if Maggie's plan was to make his character the most mysterious or what but I don't like that this situation doesn't really change in the next books. He's still as invisible (pun intended) as before. And he went through some trauma so who's taking care of him, huh? WHO?!??

"Without Blue there to make him stronger, without Gansey there to make him human, without Ronan there to make him belong, Noah was a frightening thing."

-Blue Sargent:

She wasn't interested in telling other people's futures. She was interested in going out and finding her own.


Blue may be my less favorite character in the ravens, and is sad because she's the only girl so she carried the responsability to make up for it in the lack of female leads in this book.
Still, I understand that Maggie's point was to make her little but with a great temperament and to get upset real quick. But at times, it was kind of excessive and plain annoying (yes, the annoying is justified in this case). Though I admire her need of being independent in a different level than Adam, and her character development in the next books is on point.

"Today, Blue thought, is the day I stop listening to the future and start living it instead"

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Truly, I can say I'm lucky to be born in a world and a time where The Raven Cycle is a thing. Bless.

"Is that all?" she whispered.
Gansey closed his eyes. "That's all there is."


*Second read december 2015*
5 stars
Okey what the fuck was I thinking when I rated this 4 stars???? and what's that bullshit of "I really didn´t care about the characters" thank god for second reads

*first read October 2015*
4 estrellas
Amé este libro, esta historia, todo...
La situación con la magia que Maggie creó me pareció de lo más fascinante, y cuando me venía a dar cuenta, me encontraba sumergida en todas las explicaciones de Glendower y las líneas ley y simplemente era FANTÁSTICO.
El único problema que tendría con el libro es que a pesar de todo, no me encontré muy involucrada con los personajes.. sí, me cayeron bien todos los raven boys pero realmente no me llegaron, siento que les hizo falta para que de verdad me interesaran y me preocupara por ellos, hasta ahora todos me dan algo de igual.
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Quotes Arantxa Liked

Maggie Stiefvater
“Being Adam Parrish was a complicated thing, a wonder of muscles and organs, synapses and nerves. He was a miracle of moving parts, a study in survival. The most important thing to Adam Parrish, though, had always been free will, the ability to be his own master.
This was the important thing.
It had always been the important thing.
This was what it was to be Adam.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys

Maggie Stiefvater
“From the passenger seat, Ronan began to swear at Adam. It was a long, involved swear, using every forbidden word possible, often in compound-word form. As Adam stared at his lap, penitent, he mused that there was something musical about Ronan when he swore, a careful and loving precision to the way he fit the words together, a black-painted poetry. It was far less hateful sounding than when he didn’t swear.
Ronan finished with, “For the love of … Parrish, take some care, this is not your mother’s 1971 Honda Civic.”
Adam lifted his head and said, “They didn’t start making the Civic until ’73.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys

Reading Progress

September 15, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
September 15, 2015 – Shelved
October 17, 2015 – Started Reading
October 17, 2015 –
page 208
50.86% "Me gusta pero va algo lento"
October 18, 2015 –
page 312
October 19, 2015 – Finished Reading
November 22, 2015 – Shelved as: favorite-books-ever
November 22, 2015 – Shelved as: various-protagonists
November 22, 2015 – Shelved as: lgbt
December 10, 2015 – Shelved as: book-boyfriend
December 10, 2015 – Shelved as: otp
January 6, 2016 – Shelved as: read-in-english
January 6, 2016 – Shelved as: re-read
May 17, 2016 – Shelved as: kick-ass-heroine
May 27, 2016 – Shelved as: stunning-cover
June 2, 2016 – Shelved as: mythology
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: 3rd-person-pov
June 15, 2016 – Shelved as: favorite-mc
September 8, 2020 – Shelved as: dark-academia-vibes

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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not to care about the baby Adam boy haha
I'm totally going to reread it, cause I'm pretty sure I'll notice MUCH more.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Believe me, I have truly matured since October of last year hahaha I can't even recall a time where I wasn't head over heels in love with this book and everyone in it, it's really weird.
You should totally re read them because I noticed a hell lot more than the first time where I didn't have a clue of what what's going on, not that the blurb helped.

Julia I do believe you, cause I'm sure that I didn't analyze books THAT much even during my literature classes haha
I didn't even read the blurb before starting the series. I just heard SO MANY good things about it from my friends, and well, okay, you just sold it to me (bookdepository did actually, lol). But yeah, now when I see all the quotes, sometimes I get confused, cause what, where was I when THIS line was there. Did I even read it? What the hell.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) I just saw everyone was reading it and loving it so I was like, well what the hell, and started reading them.
But the "bad reviews" I read from some people said that they didn't like it bc it was slow and boring so I was worried about that, bc generally boring books send me in a reading slump.
But what convinced me to read them where some funny quotes like the one of "Maybe I dreamt you", "Thanks for the straight teeth then".
And like in my main review, at the beggining I didn't love this book, my love just kind of developed with time. So I'm hoping you will be as obsessed as me by the time TRK comes out haha

Julia A lot of people find Maggie's pace pretty slow and I could see it in the third book, cause for me the 2nd one was the best and we had more Blue in the BLLB, but still, I think it's pretty balanced.
The thing that literally made me read it was SO MANY SPOILERS in my feed. I couldn't scroll it without my eyes closed, so I decided to finally start it. The worst decision in my life. I had to wait till March at least haha.
I love when it happens! I had the same experience with Vicious and All Our Yesterdays. I did love them after closing the last pages, but I couldn't simply stop thinking about them even in a month! So yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be as obsessed as you're in a pretty short period of time haha

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Oh good thing for me that no one spoiled it.
The only thing that they kind of spoiled me were the ones saying "I NEED ADAM AND RONAN" and things like that. and I was like "huh, so these two are going to be something?" but as soon as I started the book I totally forgot haha so it kind of came as a surprise.
Little did I know that I was selling my soul to this OTP.

Hmm I think that has happened to me just with this book, bc with other ones like Harry Potter or TMI I have loved them the same since the beggining

Julia I guess I've seen some mild spoilers, but luckily I forgot them too. Mostly they were those quotes about Gansey dying, but come on, it's like first 5 pages of the book. Or maye some Bluesey moments, but I didn't remember the exact phrases and it was obvious these two would have something.
I didn't expect I'd like Pynch, though. I'm not usually a shipper of same sex characters, but as for Ronan and Adam.. well, I can totally see it working. And their relationship is really intriguing and sweet, they're so good together.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) I didn't expect Pynch at all. Most of the people that after reading TDT realized that (view spoiler) are like "I feel like a fool bc I didn't realize it sooner" but it's perfectly normal bc no way you were going to know it with the hints that are thrown (?) not until Maggie reveals it to you, and after that is very obvious and you just feel lame.
So I had no idea, and I was worried in TRB bc I saw Blue was going out with Adam but I knew that she was meant to be with Gansey and I was like "Oh no love triangle, fights between best friends, and most important of all, I ship Blue with Adam!" I didn't want him to get hurt and there wasn't any other possible female with them so ¿¿?? was he going to end up alone??
But then Pynch saved the day, and since that moment (the end of TDT) I've been obsessed like I've never been with another OTP (okey maybe just Delena) and more bc, contrary to you, gay characters are my weakness haha I ship them in a second more than hetero ones

Julia I felt so blind before I finally saw what everyone was talking about. And so many quotes started to make sense, i.e., that one teasing about being straight from Adam to Ronan. Though I couldn't really see Pynch before BLLB, TDT was 100% about Kavinsky/Lynch for me. But some of my friends still aren't sure about Ronan and they don't see Pynch at all. It depends on perception, I guess. For me all those scenes don't look like friendship between boys at all (well, they do look like friendship, but smth more as well), I can't imagine my male friends acting like this with each other.
Haha, I shipped Blue and Adam too and now even the idea of them together seems a little bit weird.
But I still do ship Noah and Blue a little bit, not like it's OTP, but dammit, that scene!

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) I've seen people that aren't too convinced yet that (view spoiler) but Maggie did that on purpose like to demonstrate equality and all that stuff. I've read some arguments made by fans that by the end you are left without a doubt that he is.

Aww Noah and Blue, I love them and it makes me so sad for what I think is coming:(

You know I actually kind of had a 4am revelation too. (view spoiler) haha God I ned to get a grip

Julia I'm usually with those people who need to see EXACTLY where author says it, but in this case.. come on, it's pretty obvious. But yeah, I like that Maggie never told us about it with actually saying it out loud, cause why does it matter, really. He is who he is and he doesn't need all those labels etc.

Hmm,.. (view spoiler) I'm not even sure what I was trying to say, but I hope you got the idea hahaha

message 12: by Arantxa (last edited Jan 07, 2016 01:28PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) I think I get what you mean, I don't even know what are we trying to say anymore hahaha. I don't know if you saw but one time Maggie showed a part of TRK where Ronan is drowning and is asking cabeswater for air, and before that she already had made a lot of posts about Adam and water and some people conected the dots and deduced that Adam was going to drown but Ronan would try to save him etc etc etc and I kind of get the feeling there's where our Pynch feels will be on point. Anyway I'm not afraid about those two, contrary to Gansey or Noah, Adam and Ronan are kind of untouchable, or at least I hope so.

Julia Gosh that's intense. No, I haven't seen it, I'm trying to avoid Maggie's posts about anything hahaha. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're indeed untouchable, Adam already lost his 'ear', Ronan lost his father and Noah and Gansey.. Well, Noah lost his life, obviously, but there's still this phrase "I'm tired, Gansey" and oh my, I'm so worried about him. And Gansey lost.. nothing, I believe? He was saved by Glendower and that's basically all. It would be pretty surprising if he lost Blue, btw. No one is talking about the girl, but what if she dies hahaha

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Well I'm trying to read anything of TRK she publishes to feed the hole in my heart rn haha
Yes, what I mean is that there's literally no posibility that Adam or Ronan die... like why would she published the extact same moment where Ronan dies? I know she has a thing for foreshadowing but come on.
Ha, Blue is the less likely of all of them to die. Just because she's the only girl so it would look just, wrong I guess
And haven't you read the delated scenes from TDT? Maggie published them as well

Julia Yes, I don't think Maggie would be like I WARNED YOU about Ronan. But well. She warned us about Gansey. So it leaves us with Blue/Adam/Noah. I still don't want any of them to die, though.
Haha, yes, I'm sure a lot of girls won't like Blue dying (personally I wouldn't mind.. I haven't just said it, okay), but who knows, who knows! Personally I don't see it as something wrong, but I can get why so many people will. Yet in Snow White there were 7 gnomes and they were like knights in shining armour for her, so maybe it's this case.
I'm actually interested in the way her true love will die. Is she some kind of Poisonous Ivy? Or maybe the earth will breakasunder under his feet? (well, that's too dramatic even for me) Or he'll have heart attack? So intriguing, gosh. And actually, what the hell is true love. Some people don't even have it, it would be so freaking hilarious if he kisses him and nothing freaking happens. Really, I'll die laughing. No pun intended haha, but maybe Gansey will. Because of the laughter. What a lame death.
Nooo, I haven't, but I'm going to do it right now!

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Personally, I don't mind too much either ups.. her death would be the less painful one to me. But it would be also the most nonesensical one, bc with what purpose would she die?
Hahaha kissing him and nothing happens and Gansey is just too offended he didn't die so there's the awkward silence it comes when your lover was supposed to die after you kissed him but didn't. But suddenly a bunch of wasps appear out of nowhere and attack Gansey and he dies. Fin.

Here, I found it just for you

Julia But it would be such a relief, lol. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Maggie can make ANY death look reasonable, I believe in her writer's superpowers.
Hahahaha, so that would be funny, I wouldn't even cry too much, cause it sounds insane. But really, what if he weren't her true love in the first place and nothing would happen haha. So awkward, daamn.

Well, I'm actually glad these scenes weren't included into TDT. I loved the book just the way it was, and some of these (most of this, I must say) paragraphs and plot lines would be excess. But it was still awesome to read how some moments could go.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Argh actually yesterday I was in "The Raven King" tag on tumblr and I haven't realized that Maggie has already said a lot about what would happen in TRK is like she can't even contain herself haha and what I discovered is that Henry Cheng is definitely going to play a major role but it looks like he's good (?) (bc Maggie said she loves him) and at one part Gansey goes to Henry's party blabla.

If that happens I don't know what I would do.

Agree, and like Maggie said they were kind of boring. Ronan using the Camaro as a bet, losing it to Kavinsky, Gansey finding out and having a huge fight with him (And Adam NOOO) then dreaming the car, etc. sounds like too much drama haha but can we take a moment to appreciate this?

“No,” Ronan replied, “You wouldn’t. You’re embarrassing me.” This last bit was to Adam. He slapped one hand on Adam’s cheek, bracing, and with the other, jerked the knot down on his tie. Adam smiled thinly. WHYYY MAGGIE WHY??!?

Julia Henry? Henry fucking Cheng? That bastard on the side of the road? hahaha Remember what you said about those people shipping Henry and Gansey? THEY KNOW SOMETHING.

Yeah, that "losing car". Come on. Ronan may be impulsive, but that's way beyond the stupidity (?) Betting on someone else's car is ehhh at least much more weird than using it for the race.
YES, that quote. That would convince 50% of those non-believers that these two do have something going on.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Haha the same! And yesss is like Maggie can't even mention a new character (male) name bc suddenly everyone is like OMG I SHIP THIS WITH GANSEY OMG HE'S IN LOVE WITH ADAM OMG *insert ship's name with Ronan and other person* ironically Blue's the only woman and the most ignored hahaha poor Blue.

Ahhh I would sell my left leg just to see that quote in The Dream Thieves... well not exactly, but you know THE FEELS.

Julia Hahahaha, yes, indeed. Blue is always the one left aside. Btw, I totally missed the part about Penelope's age and was shipping her with Adam, cause she was so sweet and ethereal. Well, that's weird, I guess., since she's at least 30. BUT I DIDN'T KNOW, I SWEAR. She sounded as if she was 20 max hahaha.

I hope we'll have more quotes like this one in TRK. Maggie, don't let us down.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Haha you mean Persephone? (view spoiler) that reminds me of this so it looks like she will make an appearance :D

Well at least we have THIS

Julia Lol, yeah, I meant Persephone haha. Well, if she were 20 indeed, I'd love to see what could possibly happen between those two.

I'M NOT READING IT, ARANTXA, NO WAY haha. Yeah, I guess I'll save it to my bookmarks and read it AFTER reading TRK. The less I know - the better.

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Hmm maaaaybe... but you know how Pynch trash I am so it doesn't matter if everyone loves Adam (it certainly looks like it) RONAN IS THE ONE AND ONLY FOR HIS PURE HEART hahaha

Oh gosh you do have willpower, I don't even bother bc I can't get enough of those "sneak peeks"!! sooorry

Julia Yeah, no matter who could be with Adam, RONAN IS THE ONE. I should probably go and fall asleep till April.

I'm trying so hard, you can't even imagine hahaha

Arantxa (TheRoomWhereItHappens) Julia wrote: "Yeah, no matter who could be with Adam, RONAN IS THE ONE. I should probably go and fall asleep till April.

I'm trying so hard, you can't even imagine hahaha"

Okey okey so the only thing that's left is just... wait.
In part, is kind of a good thing that TRK wasn't released on september because by now it would already be over:( and I wouldn't have read the books until october when everyone would already knew how they ended so is kinda cool being part of all the excitement

Julia Yeah, and the amount of spoilers would be inexpressible, so most likely I'd spoil myself the whole thing. But I can't imagine how it's for those who waited for all the books to come out and TRK is almost there.. but no, APRIL 2016 haha

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