Alejandro's Reviews > Hubo una vez un Vagabundo

Hubo una vez un Vagabundo by Grettel Ortíz Jiménez
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it was amazing
bookshelves: novel, spanish, romance, religion, politics, humor, historical-fiction, drama

Excellent book! – ¡Excelente libro!

This review is bilingual. You will find first the review in English and after that, you will find the review in Spanish.

Esta crítica es bilingüe. Usted encontrará primero la crítica en Inglés y luego de esta, usted encontrará la crítica en Español.


I bought this book last weekend (September 19th, 2015) at the 2015 Book Fair realized in my country, Costa Rica.

This novel is written by Grettel Ortíz Jiménez, a Costa Rican author, which is also a Spanish Language Teacher in High School, and so far I understand it’s her first written published work.

I was walking around the Book Fair, with many stands and options, the author was present at her stand and she explained the premise of the novel, so I bought it and even she signed it with a dedicatory.

The premise of the book was appealing to me for different reasons.

The novel is about several kind of experiences of students and teachers during the last two years in a high school, based on true stories but changing names and adapting them to work better in the sense of a novel.

My parents were teachers (now they are retired), my mom of primary school and my dad of secondary school, so the topic of education is always a recurring one in my family.

I was a high school student myself so I found amusing to “re-live” in a sort of way my own experiences at those years through the reading of this novel.
And always I am interested to read more non-traditional Costa Rican novels (different to the ones that most of my countrymen (me included) had to read as part of the school programs).

It was a quick reading with 221 pages, I believe that I covered it in like four hours, separated in two reading sessions.

I loved it!

The novel is well written, with interesting characters, engaging narrative, realistic dialogues, and a honest approach to present an impartial ambiance of the Costa Rican High School system, the good, the bad and the ugly, you choose which is which.

It’s not easy to be student in High School, but so it’s the same as uneasy to the teachers. Both sides of the learning equation have a lot to gain but also a lot to lose, and definitely none will be the same after those years.

Friendships, romances, studies, exams, books, trips, nicknames, pranks,...

Times to dream, times to philosophize, times to question,...

You think that you know all about your schoolmates but one thing can change your whole image about someone of them...

High School. Priceless years.

And you can live them again thanks to this great novel.


Compré este libro la semana pasada (19 de septiembre del 2015) en la Feria del Libro 2015 realizada en mi país, Costa Rica.

Esta novela es escrita por Grettel Ortiz Jiménez, autora Costarricense, que también es Profesora de Español en Secundaria, y tengo entendido que hasta ahora es su primera obra escrita publicada.

Yo estaba caminando por la Feria del Libro, con muchos stands y opciones, la autora estaba presente en su stand y ella me explicó la premisa de la novela, así que lo compré e incluso ella lo firmó con una dedicatoria.

La premisa del libro era atractiva para mí por diferentes razones.

La novela trata sobre varios tipos de experiencias de los estudiantes y profesores en los últimos dos años en una escuela secundaria, basado en historias reales, pero cambiando nombres y adaptándolas para funcionar mejor en el sentido de una novela.

Mis padres eran maestros (ahora están jubilados), mi mamá de escuela primaria y mi papá de escuela secundaria, por lo que el tema de la educación es siempre uno recurrente en mi familia.

Yo mismo fuí un estudiante de secundaria por lo que me pareció divertido "volver a vivir" en cierta manera mis propias experiencias en esos años a través de la lectura de esta novela.

Y siempre estoy interesado en leer más novelas costarricenses no tradicionales (diferentes a las que la mayoría de mis compatriotas (yo incluido) tuvieron que leer como parte de los programas escolares).

Fue una lectura rápida con 221 páginas, creo que la cubrí en como cuatro horas, separado en dos sesiones de lectura.

¡Me encantó!

La novela está bien escrita, con personajes interesantes, narrativa atractiva, diálogos realistas y un enfoque honesto para presentar un ambiente imparcial del sistema de las Escuelas Secundarias de Costa Rica, lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo, usted elige cuál es cuál.

No es fácil ser estudiante en la escuela secundaria, pero lo es igual de difícil para los profesores. Ambos lados de la ecuación de aprendizaje tienen mucho que ganar, pero también mucho que perder, y definitivamente no serán los mismos después de esos años.

Amistades, romances, estudios, exámenes, libros, viajes, sobrenombres, bromas,...

Tiempos para soñar, tiempos para filosofar, tiempos para cuestionarse,...

Crees que sabes todo acerca de tus compañeros de escuela, pero una cosa puede cambiar toda tu imagen sobre algunos de ellos...

Escuela Secundaria. Años que tienen precio.

Y se pueden vivir de nuevo gracias a esta gran novela.

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Reading Progress

September 21, 2015 – Started Reading
September 22, 2015 – Shelved
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: novel
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: spanish
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: romance
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: religion
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: politics
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: humor
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
September 22, 2015 – Finished Reading
October 3, 2017 – Shelved as: drama

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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message 1: by Tabetha (new)

Tabetha Wonderful, bilingual review, Alejandro--It is great when you come across a novel that you really connect with--I hope your parents are well!

Aj the Ravenous Reader It seems like a really beautiful read. I'm glad you loved it, Kuya Alejandro. Wonderful review.^^

Alejandro Tabetha wrote: "Wonderful, bilingual review, Alejandro--It is great when you come across a novel that you really connect with--I hope your parents are well!"

Hi, Tabetha! :D When I read a book in Spanish, or at least it's a book that its original published language is on Spanish, I like to do the review on both languages. English, since it's clear that it will reach most people around the world and Spanish to honor the language of the book. ;)

Alejandro Aj the Ravenous Reader wrote: "It seems like a really beautiful read. I'm glad you loved it, Kuya Alejandro. Wonderful review.^^"

Hi, Aj! Thank you so much for your kind comments! :D

message 5: by Exina (new)

Exina Superb review, Alejandro!

Alejandro Exina wrote: "Superb review, Alejandro!"

Thanks a lot, Exina! I do appreciate your very kind appraisal! :D

message 7: by Mia (new)

Mia Wonderful review, even more wonderful that it's bilingual!

message 8: by flo (new)

flo ¡Muy buena reseña, Alejandro! Por lo que se ve, el libro tiene un poco de todo. So, in the spirit of the bilingual choice for this work: great review!

Alejandro Mia wrote: "Wonderful review, even more wonderful that it's bilingual!"

Hi, Mia! When I read a book that its original published language is Spanish, I like to do an extra effort and posting the review in both languages ;) English, since it's clear that it will reach more people and Spanish to honor the language in which was written :D

Thanks so much for your kind comments!

Alejandro Florencia wrote: "¡Muy buena reseña, Alejandro! Por lo que se ve, el libro tiene un poco de todo. So, in the spirit of the bilingual choice for this work: great review!"

Jajaja! Una retroalimentación bilingüe! That's a first!

Sí, el libro tiene un poco de todo y es muy ameno de leer ;)

Muchas gracias por tus amables comentarios, Florencia!

message 11: by Pearl (new)

Pearl Angeli Amazing review, Kuya Alejandro! My mom is also a teacher. :)

message 12: by Cristhian (new)

Cristhian Excelente. En unos días visitaré San José, me encantaría que me recomendaras librerías y autores que debería conocer para llevarme algo de su literatura a México.

Alejandro Pearl wrote: "Amazing review, Kuya Alejandro! My mom is also a teacher. :)"

Hi, Pearl ;) Cool to know, we are both teacher's offspring ;)

Thanks for your kind comments!

message 14: by Alejandro (last edited Sep 25, 2015 10:30AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alejandro Cristhian wrote: "Excelente. En unos días visitaré San José, me encantaría que me recomendaras librerías y autores que debería conocer para llevarme algo de su literatura a México."

Hola, Cristhian! Las mejores librerías considero que son "Librería Internacional" (se encuentra en casi todos los malls), "Librería Lehmann" (en el centro de San José) y "Librería Universal", (en el centro de San Jose y Lincoln Plaza).

En cuanto a recomendaciones de libros Costarricenses...

Obviamente recomiendo este libro del review (aunque fuera de la Feria de Libros (que termina este fin de semana) no tengo claro en qué otros lugares se puede comprar)


-Cuentos de Angustias y Paisajes, por Carlos Salazar Herrera

-Cocorí, por Joaquín Gutierrez

-Marcos Ramírez, por Carlos Luis Fallas

-Mamita Yunai, por Carlos Luis Fallas

-Cuentos de Mi Tía Panchita, por Carmen Lyra (ideal para niños)

-Las Fisgonas de Paso Ancho, por Samuel Rovinski

-La Segua, por Alberto Cañas

-La Isla de los Hombres Solos, por José León Sánchez

-Leyendas Costarricenses, editado por Elías Zeledón

-El Puente de Ismael, por Tatiana Lobo

-Señora del Tiempo, por Laura Quijano Vincenzi

-El Diminuto Corazón de la Iguana, por Cirus Sh. Piedra

-Guirnaldas (Bajo Tierra), por Rodolfo Arias Formoso

-Larga Noche hacia mi Madre, por Carlos Cortés

Revisa las premisas a ver cuáles te llaman más la atención y son suficientes opciones como para fijo encontrar alguno (o varios) de ellos en cualquiera de esas librerías.

Suerte y feliz lectura!

message 15: by Cristhian (new)

Cristhian Alejandro wrote: "Cristhian wrote: "Excelente. En unos días visitaré San José, me encantaría que me recomendaras librerías y autores que debería conocer para llevarme algo de su literatura a México."

Hola, Cristhia..."

¡Muchas gracias!

Alejandro Cristhian wrote: "Alejandro wrote: "Cristhian wrote: "Excelente. En unos días visitaré San José, me encantaría que me recomendaras librerías y autores que debería conocer para llevarme algo de su literatura a México..."

Con gusto :)

message 17: by Tabz (new)

Tabz This is such a great, honest review! Also, it's so kind and considerate of you to post this in both English & Spanish. :)

message 18: by Joyce (new)

Joyce Alejandro, add me to the list of compliments for your review in both languages. And you did such a fine review.

Alejandro Tabby wrote: "This is such a great, honest review! Also, it's so kind and considerate of you to post this in both English & Spanish. :)"

Hi, Tabby! Thanks a lot for your kind comments!

When I read a book that it's original language is Spanish I like to do the review in English and Spanish ;)

Alejandro Joyce wrote: "Alejandro, add me to the list of compliments for your review in both languages. And you did such a fine review."

Hi, Joyce! Truly honored that you wanted to be added to the compliments' list ;) I do appreciate your kind feedback!

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

I love your bilingual review my friend. What a talent you have for reviewing great books in two languages.

Alejandro Steve wrote: "I love your bilingual review my friend. What a talent you have for reviewing great books in two languages."

Thanks a lot, my friend. It's just that takiing advantage that Spanish is my native language, when I read a book that it was originally written in Spanish, I like to do the review in both languages, in English to reach the most of possible readers and Spanish to honor the language that it was written the book.

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin That is just too awesome my friend :) Of course I can only read the English but that's beside the point! I think it looks awesome like that.

message 24: by Arah-Lynda (new)

Arah-Lynda Wonderful.

Alejandro Melissa wrote: "That is just too awesome my friend :) Of course I can only read the English but that's beside the point! I think it looks awesome like that."

Hahaha ;) Thank you so much! I do appreciate your kind comments!

Alejandro Arah-Lynda wrote: "Wonderful."

Thanks so much, Arah-Lynda!

message 27: by Margitte (new)

Margitte You did a splendid review here, Alejandro. You commemorated it for all of us.

Alejandro Margitte wrote: "You did a splendid review here, Alejandro. You commemorated it for all of us."

Thank you, Margitte! I do appreciate your very kind feedback!

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