Linda's Reviews > I Liked My Life

I Liked My Life by Abby Fabiaschi
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"I Liked My Life," by Abby Fabiaschi, was a welcome surprise for a debut novel. The writing drew me in from the very first sentence, when Madeline/Maddy, the deceased, tells us: "I found the perfect wife for my husband."

Madeline tragically dies but does not completely leave her teenage daughter, Eve, and husband, Brady, behind to deal with all their heartaches and doubts. Madeline has been everything to everybody, especially Eve and Brady, and she is determined to guide them in the right direction towards a happier life, before continuing on with her journey.

I am usually not interested in reading ghost stories, but the author had a wonderful way of keeping Madeline alive. Actually, the entire scenario seemed completely believable to me. I enjoyed Madeline's use of "suggestive thoughts" to lovingly manipulate everyone.

Yes, this storyline had sad moments, but it was also an entertaining book, with a lot of warmth and humor added throughout. With the endearing characters being so well-defined, it was easy to become involved in their thoughts and feelings.

The chosen format has become a favorite of mine--short POVs, labeled with each character's name, throughout the book. The author's writing was deliberate and flowed beautifully. The only issue I had with the book was that it ended too quickly. It seemed more like an epilogue.

Abby Fabiaschi, I liked your book--A LOT!

Since I'm on the subject of "like," what about that cover? If I hadn't been so drawn to it, I would not have taken the time to research this book. Kudos to jacket designor, Lisa Marie Pompilio, even though I continuously placed the book upside down on my nightstand.

4.5 sparkling stars! Highly recommend.

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Reading Progress

January 27, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
January 27, 2017 – Shelved
April 23, 2017 – Started Reading
April 24, 2017 –
page 21
April 27, 2017 –
page 21
7.72% "A buddy read with amazing Kris(tin)!
The Olympics of speed-reading begins... :-)"
May 2, 2017 –
page 104
38.24% "Buddy read with the amazing Kris(tin) Yay!
The Olympics of speed-reading begins!"
May 3, 2017 –
page 160
May 4, 2017 –
page 202
May 4, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

Deanna Oh I hope you like this one. I look forward to hearing what you think <3

Linda I'm enjoying the writing style--so far/sooo good! ;-)

Carol Really liked this one Linda! Hope you do too!

Linda That's great to hear, Carol!

Cheri So glad to see you're reading this, Linda! Enjoy!!

Linda I've had some interruptions--as in falling asleep too quickly, during my reading time! Darn! It's going to be a good book! :-)

Susanne Ooh!! So excited to see that you are reading this! Can't wait to see what you think. :)

Mary Beth has lots of catching up to do! Looking forward to your review on this. I haven't read this yet.

Linda Susanne, that cover just called out to me, and I couldn't ignore it! Hahaha!

Linda Mary, finally I'm beating you to a book you haven't read, yet! ;-)

message 11: by Misty (new)

Misty Falling asleep too quickly during your reading time :) Too funny :D

Linda I used to be the queen of insomnia. Someone stole my crown! Hey, was it you, Miss Pretty Face? ;-)

message 13: by Kristin (KC) (new) - added it

Kristin (KC) Haha, I like your pre-review ;-)
I am so far behind in this, but hoping to read more tonight!

Linda It's my "bud"!! Just take your time, PLEASE! LOL!! I feel like I've developed narcolepsy, but only when I pick up something to read! I fell asleep reading the Sunday comics, yesterday! ;-) xo

Deanna I hope you loved it! But either way I look forward to your thoughts.
Happy Sunday and Happy Reading, Linda <3

Linda Deanna, what a great way to start off my week--hearing such lovely wishes from you!! I'm supposedly in deep discussions regarding this book, with a group. So, hopefully, I'll be able to post my review soon! xo

message 17: by Kristin (KC) (new) - added it

Kristin (KC) Looking forward to your review on this!

Linda Guess who was writing it, when you left this comment? ;-) I'm looking forward to your review, also! xo

Mary Beth has lots of catching up to do! Yay!!! Glad you are writing it. I have been waiting to read it. Looking forward to it because I always look forward to your reviews.XO

message 20: by Diane S ☔ (new) - added it

Diane S ☔ I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this, like you not the kind of novel I am usually drawn too. Wonderful review, Linda.

Deanna Awesome review! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :) One of my favorites this year.

Mary Beth has lots of catching up to do! Fantastic review Linda! Now I want to read it. Another one for the huge tbr pile but this one I may have to bump it up.

Linda Mary, you're always like a ray of sunshine!! XO

Linda Thank you, Diane! Wasn't it a wonderful story. Just seemed so natural and realistic!

Norma Hi Linda! I am refraining myself from reading your review until I am finished reading this myself!! :D
I am loving this so far and so enjoyed our group chat!

message 26: by Vanessa (new) - added it

Vanessa Excellent review Linda :)

Linda Hi Norma! I was surprised to see you here! Glad you didn't read it, however. Whew! You'll know why, when you do. I was happy that you loved what you read so far. Last night was fun! Very interesting how it works! :-)

Linda Thank you so much, Vanessa! How's the Princess of Oz? ;-)

message 29: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda I'm so glad that I read your review of this book. I marked it to read, but I have been waiting to read some reviews of it. After reading your review, I'm going to get it on my tablet to read next week.

message 30: by Kristin (KC) (new) - added it

Kristin (KC) Haha, the upside down cover kept getting ya, huh? FANTASTIC review, bud! I love the way you've summed this up, and so so glad you enjoyed as much as you did! Also happy that maybe this book has opened you up to future "ghost stories" *wink wink*

message 31: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Great review, Linda aka Cover Girl! ;) Happy to see this was a winner for you. I'm not usually one for ghost stories either, but this sounds interesting.

Linda Hi Linda. I'm really happy to hear you're going to read it. With our similar tastes, I'm sure you'll enjoy, if not love, this book! Looking forward to your review! ;-)

Linda It's my buddy, Kris!! You're a scream! Yep, that cover really got to me in more ways than one, but I LOVE the feel of holding a brand new, sweet smelling, hardcover book in my hands! *wink wink* I don't like spooky ghosts that fly around in haunted mansions scaring people, with witches on broomsticks stories! I am completely open to books about dead people by talented, new authors, however!! ;-)

Linda Melissa aka Picky Chick--LOL--thank you. I know you're a softy. You'd love this story! It was a five star all the way, except I wanted a longer ending. Talented new author. You're such a speeding reader, you could devour this (not literally), while eating your lunch! ;-)

message 35: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Wonderful review Linda! Glad you enjoyed this one. :)

message 36: by Molly (new)

Molly You always write such great reviews! Glad you enjoyed this book.

Linda Thanks Sharon. It's always exciting, when we find a new author we like! ;-)

Linda Gee Molly, who needs a morning cup of coffee, when you wake up to a lovely comment like yours! It's sure to be a great day, now! xo

Marilyn C. Great review, Linda! I enjoyed this one too :)

Linda I'm so happy you liked this one, also, Marilyn. The author sure creates great characters! Let's hope she's working on a new book!;-)

message 41: by Karen (new)

Karen Wonderful review Linda! I will be reading thid😊

Linda Hi my friend! Karen, you will really enjoy this book! 🙂

Cheri Wonderful review, Linda, I'm so so glad that you liked this!! I was really surprised at how enjoyable a read this was.

Linda Thank you, Cheri! Seriously, I was, too. I think we have a new author to watch out for. :-)

Lindsay L Wonderful review Linda! Very well said! I feel much the same way after finishing this book today. I enjoyed chatting with you while reading this fabulous book. What a unique and well written story! Thanks for a fantastic review!! :-)

Linda Hello, again Lindsay! Thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed the discussion, also. Just wish I was a faster typer! Haha Didn't this book have the same feeling about it as Close Enough To Touch? I'm excited to read your review! xo

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Wonderful review, Linda!! Oh how I enjoyed this one, too! I laughed about you turning that cover around!

Linda Jennifer, wasn't it a great book! I ordered the book online, and when it arrived, I excitedly removed it from the box and showed my husband, and he said, "Linda, you're holding it upside down." That book was enjoyable in more ways than one! I'm waiting to see what you think of Close Enough To Touch. I felt the two books were similar in a lot of ways. Both winners! ;-)

message 49: by Dana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dana Great review, Linda! ...and I loved the cover, too! :)

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Linda wrote: "Jennifer, wasn't it a great book! I ordered the book online, and when it arrived, I excitedly removed it from the box and showed my husband, and he said, "Linda, you're holding it upside down." Tha..."

It really was! I need to get busy on CETT! I have that one on my Kindle, and I read that when I have short breaks of time. It's been so easy to pick up, very readable, BUT I haven't had many breaks lately to pick it up (very busy time at work). I'm going to have to make sure I devote some more time to it soon. :)

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