Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > King of the Dark

King of the Dark by Ariana Nash
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bookshelves: m-m-romance, faeries, rainboween, queer, lgbtq, romance

”Your love is worthless. It’s your hate I need.”

Ahh don’t you love that quote? I for my part do! It’s so typical Vasili and I love this man so much! <333 But I’m getting ahead of myself here, so let’s start at the beginning! XD I went into this book expecting an m/m romance that would be similar to “Captive Prince” and in some ways it was but in others it totally wasn’t. I mean there are a few similarities. Vasili being a seemingly cold-blooded and cruel prince that fights against his family and their machinations and Niko an ex-soldier being his doulos (some sort of pleasure slave) who has to serve him because he offended Vasili at a tavern.

”Niko shoved the man off his stool and trapped his body against the bar, pinning him rigid. Long, lean legs and hard muscle didn’t yield. He felt like a drawn bow, but he had enough strength to capably resist. Niko leaned hard into him, ramming a knee between his thighs. The royal’s chest heaved, breaths ragged.”

That’s where the similarities of those two books end though. For one Niko’s love interest is obviously Julian who was already mentioned in the blurb and the fantasy element with elves and magic is certainly something entirely different than the plot in “Captive Prince”. Plus Vasili as well as Niko might seem to be similar to Laurent and Damen on first glance; once you dig deeper they are different though. For instance Vasili gives off a really dangerous vibe and he’s more predator than Laurent ever was and Niko is definitely not as innocent as Damen was. *lol* Anyway, let’s jump right into the fun of this book and talk about the characters because they were amazing and I loved Vasili to bits and pieces! XD

”You’ve thought about killing me,” the prince said. “Many have. Many more dangerous than you. Yet here I stand, very much alive.”

I LOVE and ADORE Vasili Caville so damn much!!! Here’s a prince who’s fiercely loyal to his people and this even though they are certainly not loyal to him! He’s an enigma and everyone who knows me, also knows that I love myself some good puzzle. *lol* So ahh, Vasili is kind of my kryptonite and I just wanted to get more of him. My scarred and partly blind prince that looks like a faerie! <33 Alone the fact that he’s not perfect and has visible as well as invisible scars made him so damn intriguing for me! XD What fascinated me the most was that we sometimes even got a glimpse at his true self. A moment when he smiled or a situation in which he showed kindness even though you would have never even expected him to be kind.

”Look at me.” An order.
Vasili’s gaze drilled into him. The prince was intimately close now, his eye observing, reading Niko’s face, studying him. Looking for the best place to thrust a blade, no doubt.
“Thank you,” Vasili said.
Nico didn’t know what to say.

Of course his relationship with Niko is sort of strained (understatement of the century) which is to be expected if you take an ex-soldier and force him to serve you. *lol* I mean Niko is a strong and fierce character, maybe sometimes naive but certainly not innocent and he is at least as stubborn as Vasili! Add his blunt and brutally honest nature into the mix and you’ll know why he got into trouble! XD Still, no matter how hot-headed and strong-willed Niko is, deep down he’s an honourable soul and I think that’s exactly why Vasili was drawn to him.

”Hm,” the guard said. “I’ve watched you a great deal. Seen you furious, stoic, repulsed. I prefer you like this.”
“Scrawled on my back, at your mercy?”

Unfortunately Niko’s attention is drawn towards another and Julian – Vasili’s trusted guard – and Niko start a relationship. So as good as all the m/m action we get is actually between Julian and Niko instead of Vasili and Niko, which is a shame because damn, the few moments they had together were as charged as the air after lightning. <3 You could basically feel the electricity sizzling! *lol*Also I got kind of annoyed by the pedestal Niko put Julian on. XD I like my men not perfect but with character, baggage and a thoroughly tortured soul! Thank you very much! ;-P (view spoiler)

”Afraid of me.”
“Yes, I’m afraid of you, and that prison you call a palace. How’s that for honesty? You fucking terrify me. I’d rather face an elf than look you in the eye sometimes because there’s something in you, Vasili. Something dark. Something you keep bottled up and hidden, but it’s waiting, and I do not want to be nearby when you lose control of it.”

This said I loved the conversations between Vasili and Niko. They had so much chemistry and I loved the fact that they always seemed to gauge each other’s reaction yet could be totally blunt while they were in each other’s company. As for the other characters: I hated King Talos (Vasili’s father) because he’s a really vile creature and I detested Amir (Vasili’s brother)! I’m sure we’ll get to see more of Amir in the next book though and I’m pretty sure my hatred for him will only grow even more. Especially after everything that happened at the ending of this book! (view spoiler)

”Vasili kissed like he wanted to carve Niko open and devour him from the inside out. He tasted of citrus and bitterness. Of Caville poison. And Niko had never wanted so desperately to fuck a man raw as he did this prince. How could it be that he hated someone so passionately and yet wanted to ravish him?”

I really hope that we’ll get more of Niko and Vasili in the next book and I can’t wait to meet Adamo – Vasili’s horse – again! I loved his connection with Adamo and I think he’s probably the only creature Vasili actually trusts. Well, aside from Niko of course. ;-) THAT KISS between them screamed for more and the fact Niko defended Vasili against the people who spread rumours in his village is a good indication that I’ll probably get a few hot and steamy scenes between them in the next book?! ;-P

So excuse me while I run off to Amazon and buy the second book in the series! XD

Trigger warnings: (view spoiler)


This was ridiculously intriguing. *lol*
No, seriously it was great! I loved Vasili and Niko so much. And yes I still think “The Captive Prince” vibes were strong in here.
I'm pretty sure this was more tame than CP but at the same time I can also say it was worse?!
I need to collect my thoughts, but I can already tell you that I’ll read book 2 as soon as it’s out!

Full review to come soon! ;-)

I already know this will get me on Santa’s naughty list but I just couldn’t resist this:

- An m/m high fantasy
- The enemies-to-lovers trope
- A war against elves
- A cruel prince
- An enslaved former soldier
- Court intrigues at every corner
- super dark content (18+)
- And it’s described as “Game of Thrones” meets “The Witcher”. (Even though I get a lot of “Captive Prince” vibes from the blurb too)

I blame my sudden urge to read this on Devanshi! *lol* ;-)

To my young audience: Ignore the updates, though I’ll try to keep them as G-rated as possible.
To my adult audience: Read my updates if you dare to. *lol* ;-P It might get you on Santa’s naughty list as well though. XD
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Quotes Virginia Ronan Liked

Ariana Nash
“Your love is worthless. It’s your hate I need.”
Ariana Nash, King of the Dark

Ariana Nash
“You’ve thought about killing me,” the prince said. “Many have. Many more dangerous than you. Yet here I stand, very much alive.”
Ariana Nash, King of the Dark

Reading Progress

November 24, 2020 – Started Reading
November 24, 2020 – Shelved
November 24, 2020 –
23.0% ""You've thought about killing me," the prince said. "Many have. Many more dangerous than you. Yet here I stand, very much alive."

Vasili is giving me serious Laurent vibes and I'm so here for it! I can't wait to find out how he got his scar! I'm already so intrigued by him."
November 24, 2020 –
39.0% "Vasili was suddenly close, the warm smell of wet skin and roses tickling Niko's nose. Steam rose off the prince; he tasted it on his lips.
"Look at me." An order.

I love the tension between Vasili and Niko. Funnily enough Julian and Niko so don't work for me, but Vasili and Niko?!?! Gimmi more!!! XD"
November 25, 2020 –
60.0% ""Vasili's name was still on Niko's lips. A question, a curse. He was afraid to ask, fearing the answer would screw this moment up."

Niko why do you have such a thick skull?! You're thinking of Vasili but you're going for Julian? Seriously?! I rarely witnessed such strong denial! *shakes head in disapproval*"
November 26, 2020 –
81.0% ""Your love is worthless. It's your hate I need."

I love this line!! <333 It's so Vasili!! XD And I'm sure he might take that back at some point in this series. *lol*"
November 27, 2020 – Finished Reading
October 16, 2022 – Shelved as: m-m-romance
October 16, 2022 – Shelved as: faeries
October 27, 2023 – Shelved as: rainboween
October 27, 2023 – Shelved as: lgbtq
October 27, 2023 – Shelved as: queer
October 27, 2023 – Shelved as: romance

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Moony (new) - added it

Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff Adde it to the TBR because that sounds amazing!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Moony wrote: "Adde it to the TBR because that sounds amazing!"

I'm already about 20% in and so far I'm hooked. *lol* Right now it's really amazing! 😊 I hope it will stay that way.

message 3: by Moony (new) - added it

Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff Virginia Ronan wrote: "Moony wrote: "Adde it to the TBR because that sounds amazing!"

I'm already about 20% in and so far I'm hooked. *lol* Right now it's really amazing! 😊 I hope it will stay that way."

Fingers crossed!

message 4: by Moraa (new) - added it

Moraa Eternal Sin destroyed me, I've been shaking in my boots since I added this to my tbr.

len ❀ okay but this sounds GOOD 👀

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Moraa wrote: "Eternal Sin destroyed me, I've been shaking in my boots since I added this to my tbr."

I'm only just discovering this author but I think I might read a lot of her books in future. They all sound pretty good! XD

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ elena wrote: "okay but this sounds GOOD 👀"

So far it is! XD

len ❀ it’s on kindle unlimited. guess i’ll be added to the naughty list as well 🤷🏻‍♀️

Devanshi You saw my review and decided to read it?? NOT sorry for messing with your TBR😂.

The characters are great with a real, real slow burn. I hope you enjoy it!!

preoccupiedbybooks Enjoy Ginny!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ elena wrote: "it’s on kindle unlimited. guess i’ll be added to the naughty list as well 🤷🏻‍♀️"

Haha! Join me on the naughty list! We've got cookies! 😂😜🍪

message 12: by Virginia Ronan (last edited Nov 25, 2020 01:55AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Devanshi wrote: "You saw my review and decided to read it?? NOT sorry for messing with your TBR😂.

The characters are great with a real, real slow burn. I hope you enjoy it!!"

Yep! *lol* And yes, you did mess with my TBR! Haha! But it's okay because I love this! XD It's really good! I've been reading this like nobody's business. Ahh it's really addicting. 😂

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Enjoy Ginny!"

Thank you, Fran! I am enjoying it immensely. XD

message 14: by Rachel (new)

Rachel The cover 😍

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Rachel wrote: "The cover 😍"

Ikr!? It's a really great one. I like the other two as well. =)

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