Lau ♡'s Reviews > White Rabbit, Part II

White Rabbit, Part II by Cole McCade
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“It’s over,” Malcom said, and the only words he’d ever said in his life that were more perfect were I love you. I love you, Seong-Jae. “It’s over, and we are going home.”

The White Rabbit is a roller coaster of emotions with a shock ending that leaves you wanting more. I can’t believe the second season is over! I’ll be short because I have already talked a lot about this series, but overall:

- It was way better than season one, which I didn’t expect after enjoying so much S1, and know I’m really curious about the third -and last😭- season.

- THE WRITING. Cole’s writing style is my new all time favourite. It’s so perfect that’s not fair how good it is. Now, every time I read a book by another author I’m missing his way of making feelings come to life, his beautiful descriptions and his unique way of expressing emotions. I still enjoy and love other books, but his writing style has spoiled all the others. I have no words to make him justice.

The air was too cold, when his clothing hit the floor. The air was too cold because Seong-Jae was too hot, his naked flesh burning up the air around him until he must surely evaporate all the oxygen in the room and combust into a flash fire -yet Malcolm’s unclad body seemed to absorb that heat and turn it into power, fueling the tightly honed flex and pull the titanic muscle as Malcolm moved against him (...)

- The side characters: we follow more and more characters with every book, so there are a lot of secondary plots going on at the same time. Besides Seong-Jae and Mal, I ended up caring for Cara, Anjulie, Seong-Ja, Adelaide, Sade, Malcolm’s parents… I’ve always thought that having great side characters is a clear signal of a good book, so this series truly deserves the award.

- Malcolm and Seong-Jae. No words. They are beautiful, completely stole my heart, and I’m going to shatter when I have to say goodbye.

To sum up, one of my favourite highlights, to cry while I think of all the hours I’m going to have to wait for the next one:

“What we call love, just one word… is so many different things to so many different people. () Every person who loves someone else, and is loved in return, is giving something one-sided, and receiving something different from what they give.”

() “Do you think our love is real, then?” Malcolm asked softly, and wondered if he wanted to know the answer. “Do you think, when I say I love you, that word means something different to me than it does to you?”

() “If anyone understands the things I do not say when I speak of love…” Seong-Jae whispered, “it’s you.”
He lifted their entwined hands, pressed them over his chest and through his torn and dirtied shirt, Malcolm could feel the beat of Seong-Jae’s heart, labored and fast. “And I would like to think that I understand you, as well. That when you, when I say omr, omr-an… we know.” He swallowed, a thick and heavy sound, pressing Malcolm’s hand harder to his heart. “Here. I feel you here, where the word for it does not matter… and it feels as if no matter what words we use, they will always mean the same thing. My heart for yours. Your heart for mine. The breath that gives each other life.”
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June 30, 2021 – Finished Reading
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Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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message 1: by Auj (new)

Auj aww, the quotes are so sweet & tender!

message 2: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ man i already miss mal and seong jae, but also other characters like anjulie, sade, cara, and more. i didn’t doubt you wouldn’t love this series and this final book, but i’m still really happy you did. amazing review, lau! i love every quote you added. also, yes, cole’s writing is truly beautiful and unique. his writing has definitely become one of my favorites. ❤️

message 3: by Mareeva (last edited Jul 03, 2021 08:20PM) (new)

Mareeva amazing review Lau👏can't believe you read 26 books from one series, that shit is called dedication😮

MarianR Fab review! Lo lograste! Bienvenida a la espera miserable de la tercera temporada. 🤭❤️
Beautiful quotes. 😭❤️
Qué piensas del final? 👀

Llakshmi AHHHH YOU FINISHED IT GIRLLL. So proud!! The last quote made my heart skip rn, ngl. Such a good review! I cant wait for season 3, I already miss my boys😭

message 6: by Phuong ✯ (new)

Phuong ✯ Congrats for finishing this long ass series 🥳

message 7: by alka (new)

alka woohoo you finished the series... you're gonna miss this series aren't you??

message 8: by Drey (new)

Drey His writing sounds like poetic based on the quotes you provided. I'm glad you loved it and for finishing this series, Lau. Now, let's go celebrate. My treat! 😄🍻

message 9: by EmBibliophile (new)

EmBibliophile Ahhh why am I getting emotional over finishing season two and this long journey when I’m not even the one who read it????? I’m glad you loved this season that much. Honestly, I’m gonna miss you fangirling over it!! xx

Elisa Glendenning Fantastic review, Laura ❤️ Even though I missed Baltimore, I preferred S2 also. Once I’d started, I couldn’t stop. Yes to everything you said. The quotes 🥰🥰 Everything Cole writes is a work of art!!! What did you think of the ending? 😘

Lau ♡ @Audrey They warm my heart! I'm going to miss them so much 😭💕

Lau ♡ @Elena Thank you so much!!💕 Yes, Cole's writing is so beautiful and makes you feel so much. I love that he always comes up with super unique ways to express emotions. Girl, I feel you. I wanted to wait to read S2 but I miss SJ, Mal so much, and the other characters too. I kind of feel they are real for me 💞

message 13: by Lau ♡ (last edited Jul 05, 2021 03:21AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lau ♡ @Mareeva I'm still shocked I read 26 books of the same series, but I was obsessed and couldn't stop hahahaha

Thank you!💕

Lau ♡ @Marian Nos vamos a morir con la espera, ese final me mató. En parte estoy contenta porque era algo que Mal siempre quiso, y en parte me pareció completamente irrealista la situación (y un poco ideal que pasara cuando pasó) pero no me voy a quejar porque me gustó el giro hahahaha.

Muchas gracias! Cole escribe demasiado bonito, siempre me dan ganas de marcar todo 😭💔

message 15: by Candy (new)

Candy M. You've reached the end, Lau!!!! No me puedo ni imaginar ahora la depresión post CI que vas a sufrir. Se que a Marian le estaba costando un montón, así que ojalá y a vos no te de tantos problemas. Se nota tu amor por la serie, la prosa y los personajes, eso sí!

Yo ahora estoy intentando terminar la serie detectivesca ee Gregory Ashe, pero se que cuando le de una chance a esta me va a gustar. Las reseñas de todos me crearon demasiada hype jaja.

Lau ♡ @Llakshmi I can't wait for S3. THAT ending is not cool LOL, now I'm excited to see what happens! I understand you, I miss SJ and Mal already and we only have one season left 😭😭

Lau ♡ Thank you so much @Phuong! 💖

Lau ♡ @Alka YES! I'm going to miss them soooo much. There is still one season left but it hasn't been published yet, so we'll have to wait. 💀😭

Lau ♡ @Drey The writing is stunning, really unique and makes you feel so much!!✨💯 LOL Thank you, Drey! 💕

Lau ♡ @Em Aww you're so sweet!! Thank you so much!💖💖
I don't know what I'll do now it's over. Guess I'll have to search another book to fangirl, but it's not going to be the same. 😭

Lau ♡ @Elisa SAME! I missed Baltimore but this season was so good! Cole's writing is the best, I miss it every time I read a romance. I don't know how he does it, but he has real talent! Thank you!💞

THE ENDING. OMG! I felt it was highly unrealistic and ideal what happened and when did it happened... but I liked it because Malcolm always wanted that and I'm curious about what Cole is going to do with that✨

Lau ♡ @Candy Necesité varios días para hacer la reseña porque no quería admitir que había acabado jajajaja Los voy a echar muchísimo de menos, le he cogido muchísimo cariño a los personajes y la forma de escribir de Cole es mi favorita.

Sí, he visto que te estaba encantado esa serie, espero que siga así y que te guste esta cuando decidas darle una oportunidad! Muchas gracias, Candy! 💕😘

Elisa Glendenning Lau wrote: "@Elisa SAME! I missed Baltimore but this season was so good! Cole's writing is the best, I miss it every time I read a romance. I don't know how he does it, but he has real talent! Thank you!💞


I never saw it coming 😂 Can’t wait to see where Cole takes this and … only 10 more days to go. Yay!!!

Rosabel Malcolm: It's over
Cole: Not so fast my friend!

Lau ♡ @Elisa I wanted to wait to binge read the final season but I don't feel I'll be able to 😂😂😂

Lau ♡ @Rosabel LOL Cole is not happy if he doesn't make SJ and Mal suffer everything he can imagine ... And us too 💀💀

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