Marialyce 's Reviews > The Maid

The Maid by Nita Prose
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: books-of-2021, netgalley, jan-mar

I always have reservations about reading a book where the main character appears to be on the autism spectrum. I can never see a clear path to what the character is represented as and carry immense reservations about whether the reading population understand the character or laugh at the character’s foibles.

Certainly in The Maid, we see a character who is special, one who is constantly telling us how it is to be Molly.

Perhaps, it’s because as a former teacher, I have had a large number of autistic students whose behavior was exhibited by their actions which the author falls quite short in portraying.

The book is not authentic and the contrived instances, left a visible hole wide enough to turn this reader to a place I dislike, that of unbelievable circumstances.

The character of Molly was overly done and the supporting characters laid on another layer of eye rolling and exasperated sighs from this reader.

I know many others enjoyed this story but for Jan and I, it was an overdone and over hyped story, sadly. Constantly searching for authentic characters and ones where the real world presents a real environment makes always for much entertainment and meaningful reading. Unfortunately, this book lacked both. Sadly disappointing and one that has no recommendation from this reader.
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Reading Progress

December 22, 2021 – Started Reading
December 22, 2021 – Shelved
December 26, 2021 –
December 27, 2021 –
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: books-of-2021
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: netgalley
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: jan-mar
December 28, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-48 of 48 (48 new)

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Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Sorry this one didn’t work better, Marialyce! Authentic feel characters are definitely important. I hope you love your next one!

Marialyce Thanks Jennifer! I do like characters that are real to me.

JanB What a slog this was for us. At least we are on Outlier Island together :) Onward to a better buddy read!

Kerrin Fair review, Marialyce. I hope your next read is fantastic!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sorry you were so disappointed Marialyce! I was hoping this would be a winner!

Michael David (on hiatus) Sorry you two didn't enjoy this one, Marialyce! I hope you enjoy your next buddy read.

Marialyce Holly wrote: "Sorry you were so disappointed Marialyce! I was hoping this would be a winner!"

AW thanks, Holly! We were hoping so too!

Marialyce Michael wrote: "Sorry you two didn't enjoy this one, Marialyce! I hope you enjoy your next buddy read."

I think we will, at least I hope so! Thanks, Michael!

Tina (not receiving notifications!) I appreciate your honest opinion. Hope your next one is a lot better!

Marialyce Thanks so much, Tina! I hope it is too!

Debra Sorry this didn't work for you, Marialyce! I hope your next one is much more enjoyable.

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Sorry you didn't love this one! Excellent review though, we can't all like the same books.

Marialyce Thanks Debra and Melissa!

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Sorry this one didn't work for you Marialyce. As a teacher I'm sure that you know what would and would not make for an authentic character on the autism spectrum. As a lay person, I just enjoyed the read. Hope this next one we're reading will be a winner for you :)

Marialyce Thanks, Dorie, for your understanding. I am enjoying our new book.

Julie Terrific, honest review, Marialyce!! Hope your next book is a winner! 💖

message 17: by Bethany (new)

Bethany T Great review! You made some good points, and I'm thinking I might drop this from my TBR pile for now. I have some other great mystery books to consider so I might circle back to this one in a few months.

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Great and honest review Marialyce

Marialyce Thanks, Julie, Bethany, and Margaret!

Virginie Roy Your review is on point, Marialyce! Sorry it wasn't a winner for you either!

Marialyce Many thanks, Virginie I thought your review did the same.

message 22: by Tammy (new)

Tammy I had doubts about this one. I don’t any longer. Thanks, Marialyce

Marialyce You are welcome, Tammy!

Marialyce We all have different opinions and I am glad you enjoyed this book, Elyse!

Once-a-librarian I agree with your review. Even apart from the discomfort I felt with Molly, there is something so stilted about other characters and a very soap-o perish quality to the dialog.

Marialyce Very good way of stating what we both found wrong with this book, Joyce. Thanks!

message 27: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee Oh no Marialyce ! I hope to read this as I have a copy but I suspect that I will feel similarly to you.

Marialyce I hope you enjoy it, Jaidee. I know many have.

Marisa No where does is state that Molly has autism. Please remember, autism is a spectrum. Neurodiversity is a spectrum that includes more that autism. I have spent most of my life caring for and educating a wide variety of neurodiverse individuals. I know people like this character and for you to call them inauthentic is upsetting. Your entitled to your opinion based on your personal experiences, obviously. Hopefully in the future you can find characters who fit your perception of the label you choose for them.

Marialyce Then if I am entitled why are you challenging my opinion? If you are such an autism specialist, you would readily recognize that the main character is definitely on the spectrum. Thanks for your “opinion.”

Marisa Why am I not allowed to give my opinion? Why is it that my opinion is a “challenge”?
And please stop misusing autism here — I said I work with neurodiverse individuals and that that includes more than autism. You are being intentionally patronizing because you’ve been faced with a different opinion and a broader perspective. It’s not a good look.

Marialyce Who said you aren’t allowed to offer your opinion? You’ve once again obdurate what you are trying to say.
I will put my 35 years of having inclusion classes up against whatever you claim yourself to be.

Once again, you argue about nothing and you don’t answer the question. Is Molly as presented, on the spectrum? I don’t wish to waste anymore time on this. I enjoy my reading and review time too much to argue.

message 33: by Pam (new)

Pam Good review Marialyce and you are allowed an opinion.

Marialyce Thanks Pam! We all are!

Sandysbookaday I totally agree with you Marialyce. ❤📚

Marialyce Many thanks, Sandy! 🌸

Amber Great review I certainly agree with your points

Marialyce Thanks so much, Amber.

message 39: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Alright I need to toss this one off my list. Appreciate your thoughts!

Marialyce Jen wrote: "Alright I need to toss this one off my list. Appreciate your thoughts!"

Many have liked it, Jen. It was just too OTT for me.

message 41: by JR (new) - added it

JR As an actual autistic person—and btw individuals are neurodivergent, not neurodiverse, just as one individual can’t be diverse in other ways—I agree that the character is obviously meant to be autistic and that this portrayal is inauthentic. Someone in another review said it reads like Nita Prose just googled “signs of autism” and built her character from the list. That said, I enjoy so much else about the book, which I haven’t finished. I like the stylized setting and cartoony dialogue and premise, and I do appreciate that Prose clearly herself feels some measure of affection and respect for Molly. But as the inner voice of an autistic woman, the narration of Molly’s reasons and responses just does not ring true. This is the case whether Molly is explicitly said to be autistic or not. She is autistic; we know this because we are in her head and observing her intimately.

Marialyce Thanks, JR!

message 43: by Allison (new) - added it

Allison Faught Great review, Marialyce! Your review definitely makes me wonder if I should reconsider reading this one. Doesn’t sound like it’ll be for me either.

Marialyce Many did love it, Allison, but it wasn’t for me!

Susan I’m about half way through the book and i have really mixed emotions. Your review hits a lot of those. I don’t feel that Molly is well portrayed and that wears at me and keeps me from fully loving her. Like JR, though, I’m enjoying the storyline and the premise as well as the exaggerated other characters! It won’t be a favorite but I’m still engaged.

Marialyce Glad you are enjoying it, Susan!

message 47: by Kay (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kay Yes! I can relate to the eye rolling and exasperation!

Marialyce Thanks, Kay!

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