Imme van Gorp's Reviews > Always Him

Always Him by Cora  Rose
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|| 2.0 stars ||

Oh my god, why!? Why did this need to be such a disappointment? Again! It’s really starting to become a running theme with this author, and I’m getting kind of sick of it. No matter how much I loved Sem and Emery, I think I will be parting ways with this author from now on. She’s just lost her spark for me.
Whereas her characters used to be endearing and funny, now they’re just annoying and ridiculous. Whereas the romance used to be all-consuming and devoted, now it’s just silly and frustrating. Her latest books just feel empty and I don’t like much about them.

The worst part is that I was genuinely so excited for this book. Finn and Landon seemed like the perfect pairing to write a book about, and I could not wait to see it all play out! Unfortunately, it played out like the biggest disappointment imaginable and all potential was completely lost.

I knew this would have the best friends-to-lovers trope with a heavy dose of pining and unrequited love; I was sooo ready for that! I mean, I love that dynamic!
So colour me surprised when Finn, who’s supposed to be pining for Landon and doting on him hand and foot, has the personality of a cold dead fish. If I didn’t already know he was in love with Landon, I would have never guessed it from the way he acted. He literally did nothing but exist with a stoic face, pretending like every time Landon touched him was the biggest hardship imaginable. Dude honestly did not do anything remotely interesting and he never showed an ounce of emotion or personality!
The only thing Finn did passionately was continuously text with this other guy, Archer, even though he knew how much it was bothering Landon and he knew that it was driving a wedge between them. I mean, call me crazy, but if the man that I have been in love with for EIGHT WHOLE YEARS is finally giving me the time of day, you will not see me texting another man 24/7. Like, why? I understand he was supposedly talking about Landon the entire time, but it was still freaking stupid.
Finn just sucked as a love interest. Plain and simple. And that honestly came as a shock to me because based on the previous book I thought he would be amazing

And honestly, do not even get me started on Landon, because this man drove me absolutely mad! He had such a terribly infuriating personality and I wanted to smack him repeatedly. He did nothing but whine and be stupid. Literally, that’s all he did. Nothing else. Just whine. Be stupid. Whine. Be stupid. Repeat that over and over again and you have this book.

Also, just to be clear, the premise of this book was utterly insane and did not make any sense whatsoever. Supposedly Finn wants nothing more than to be with Landon, but he does everything in his power for that not to happen. He never made any kind of effort to win Landon over and he never attempted to make Landon see him in a romantic light. If anything, it seemed like he was working hard to achieve the exact opposite. He was working against himself so hard, sometimes I couldn’t even be sure if he really did want to be with Landon or if maybe he changed his mind. It was just too crazy to think that he would act this way if he did want him.
And you know, maybe it could have all been more understandable inside Finn’s head, but we don’t get to know that because we only get his POV during the chapters when they were young! Everything in the present is narrated by Landon, and I’m certain this dragged the book down further. We definitely needed to know what Finn was thinking in the present because it just wasn’t working this way.

Oh, and the worst part about it all might be that this relationship was entirely build on sex. They didn’t have a genuine connection and there was absolutely no chemistry between them. They didn’t do anything together other than touch and hump each other; no depth to be found anywhere. I’d be surprised if they had a heartfelt conversation even once.

But anyway, not only was everything lacking in the emotional or romantic department, this book was also super boring. It was repetitive like you can’t even imagine, and I was over it after only a few chapters. Nothing interesting happens; it’s constantly the same thing.
I mean, okay, that’s not entirely true; something does happen at the very end... but honestly, I wish it hadn’t. Because holy hell that situation was such nonsense, I can’t even. I’m not going to “spoil” it but just know that it was utterly ridiculous, over-the-top and resolved way too fast for something so randomly enormous. It was just such… bullshit. I’m sorry but it was. And honestly, so was this whole book. No offense, but I’m just so disappointed; I’m almost a bit mad that a couple that had so much easy potential was still ruined so spectacularly. What a waste.

I know this has been a rather harsh review, and I apologize if I offended anyone, but for some reason I simply couldn’t find the will to sugar-coat it. Maybe the huge disappointment I’m feeling is making me feel more intensely about the whole thing or something. I don’t know.

'Inevitable' series:
1. Until Him - 2.5 stars
2. Always Him - 2.0 stars
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Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)

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message 1: by ellie (new)

ellie sorry this didn’t work for you, Imme! this author and i don’t match up at all, i didn’t enjoy Whit and struggled with some of her other books :( eurgh books where one or both MCs have been in love with the other but act really weirdly about it once things start to change between them bother me so much! like you’ve known each other forever how can you not communicate nor be considerate of the other person? no wonder this frustrated you so much. hope your next read it better!!<3

Imme van Gorp @ellie — Exactly!! You’ve explained that so well! It didn’t make any sense and it frustrated me a lot. Their relationship was such a huge disappointment😔 *sigh*
I think I’ve now come at a point where I have to say that this author isn’t working for me either. Which is a shame since I loved two of her previous books😕
Thank you x

Iman (semi-hiatus) oof, i feel the anger with you! sorry this suck ass i can predict it already and i do agree that this author’s writing is getting a bit ehhhhhh let’s quit reading them HAHAH anyway, great and honest review. next is better ;)

Imme van Gorp @Iman — Thank you!😅 It indeed really seems this author is going rapidly downhill. I’ll definitely make that pact with you to stop reading her books; they end up disappointing each time anyway☹️ But thank you! I hope you’re right that my next will be better ;) x

magic_of_darkness_and_books Imme, I agree with you about everything you said in your review. I didn't understand what was the point of Finn texting Archer... it left a bitter taste, especially seeing how jealous Landon was. I actually liked Finn way more than Landon. All Landon did was wine, and wine, and wine. I hated when he said "I will push this under the rug", I lost count how many times he talked about this rug... What happened at the end was nonsense to me too. If it was from Finn's point of view maybe it would have been better, but it resolved too quickly as you said. And yep, there was too much sex, there wasn't even one meaningful conversation between these two

message 6: by Kati *☆・゚ (last edited Dec 15, 2022 03:03AM) (new)

Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm] oh sorry Imme that this was another miss. I'm not reading your review yet bc I'm still looking forward to reading it and still have hope for another winner by CR at last *lolll

Imme van Gorp @magic_of_darkness_and_books — wow it really does seem we agree on everything about this book😅 Literally almost identical hahah. And I mean, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who felt this way, but it’s unfortunate we both had a bad time reading this one😕

Imme van Gorp @Kati — hahah well, good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you then ;)

☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆ might try this! couldn't vibe with book 1 tho

message 10: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @cal — I didn’t like book 1 either, but this sequel was unfortunately no better😔

Lilly [Hiatus due to School] Oh no Imme 😭😭I’ve learned to just get on the ride that’s crazy with this author (or still have my Cora bias glasses) so the out of left field antics didn’t make me pull my hair yet. I’m sorry it was a miss for you but enjoyed reading your thoughts on it as well. Hoping your next read will a hit ✨

message 12: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Lilly — I’m okay with the crazy as long there is a good romance or the characters are likable; unfortunately, for me this book had neither so it was a bust🙁 I remember your review, though, and I’m happy you enjoyed this so much more than I did!❤️

message 13: by ~Nicole~ (new)

~Nicole~ I don’t know Imme, but an author who releases 6 books in 6 months doesn’t exactly scream characters with depth to me lol. I’m really sorry it was such a disappointment…I can feel you vibrating with it. 😔 *hug

Drusilla Oh wow, I would like to give you a long hug for this bad experience 😕 I hope your next read will be better. 😘

Jamie Sorry this didnt work for you! I'm saving this book for when I'm in the mood for the author's over the top story telling - but I can definitely understand its not for everyone!

message 16: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Nicole — LMAO that’s so true😭 Maybe she should slow down and take a little more time to write her books well🥴 But thank you; I appreciate the hug😉❤️

message 17: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Drusilla — hahah thank you; I’ll take that hug😔💗💗

message 18: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Jamie — I hope you’ll read it when you’re in the right mood then! Good luck😘

Miriah I don’t blame you for this at all - I don’t disagree with some of this but for some reason this author’s absurdity just jives with me 😂

message 20: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Miriah — hahah well, I’m happy you could at least have more fun with it than I did ;) x

Vanna (on-hiatus) I admire your dedication to the book.. Despite this being just a 2 star you still did a thorough review.. Kudos!! 👏🏻👏🏻 I hope the series improves.. 👍🏻 Superb review!! 💕

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Vanna — Yes, I figured I needed to at least explain why I disliked this so much considering there have been two books by this author I loved in the past. So something really went wrong here, and it’s not just a matter of me “not vibing with her style” because clearly I can like her style just fine when it’s done right!😅
But yes, I hope for others that the series will improve for sure, but I don’t think I will personally stick around to find out. My patience has run out I guess😕
Thanks! x

martina (chaos version) omg i just finished it and i hated it! i thought i was the only one but i can always count on you!😂 this series is awful tbh🥲

message 24: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @martina — oh yea no, you’re definitely not the only one. I very much hated this as well; we can stick together😂 This series was indeed a plain disaster; one disappointment after the other. And now I’m just done with it tbh😅

message 25: by Lau ♡ (new)

Lau ♡ Great review Imme!! I was looking forward to read this because i had only read 5stars reviews but yeah... I think I'm going to keep waiting until the next Emery lol

I got annoyed just by reading the summary of their dynamics, I can't imagine an entire book 💀💀 thanks for the warning :)

message 26: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Lau — Smart decision! Sometimes too many 5 stars reviews can be misleading🤔 And unfortunately it seems (at least for me) that was the case here. I can definitely imagine that you would get sick of this idiotic dynamic between them reaaaally fast! I’m glad I could warn you to stay away hahhah x

message 27: by Rain (new)

Rain This sounds awful! I hate when books leave me feeling like this. Here’s hoping your next one is much better :)

message 28: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rain — yea, it’s really not a nice feeling :( thanks x

Mila (Semi-Hiatus) Imme sis your review was worded exactly how I felt! This book was utterly ridiculous 🤢

message 30: by Megan (new)

Megan I very rarely trust the first few reviews that are released for a book because they are ARC readers. I get why authors need arc readers but to stay on individual author lists, rating anything under a 3 is a no no and most arc readers are die hard fans of the author so their reviews are skewed as well. I stopped doing them because I felt like I couldn’t be honest in my reviews and I was told by authors not to post any reviews under 3 stars on release day but wait a few weeks. I think that’s also when I stopped throwing out 5 star ratings so easily.

I appreciate your honest reviews and I don’t think they are mean. I can feel the disappointment reading your review and that saddens me because best friends to lovers is one of my favorites but this sounds like I’d hate it.

message 31: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Mila — Although I’m glad my review could voice your thoughts and feelings accurately, I’m sad to hear this was such a disappointment for you as well🙁❤️

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Megan — Yes, I totally get that! It’s one of the reasons why I’ve never been big on ARC reading either. I think I tried it once, but I just didn’t like the book AT ALL and wanted to give it 1 star. It turned out I wasn’t “allowed” to post my review until a week after its release if it wasn’t a 3 star or above review… so that felt really fake and like the reviews were one big lie. I’ve yet to do an ARC reading again. I just want to feel free to rate the way I genuinely feel, you know? My reviews are generally extremely honest, so I’d hate to have to stop that. No thank you! I’m definitely glad to hear that you appreciate my honesty and don’t find my reviews mean; sometimes I wonder if some people might think that😅😂 So yea… thanks xx

Dafna Bar Tor I couldn't agree more! A total disappointment from chapter one. You pointed it all so precisely, I have nothing to add, only that I did love most of her previous books.

message 34: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Dafna Bar Tor — Thank you! I’m happy to hear that you agree with all my words; even if it is sad that that means this was unenjoyable for you too :( I hope this was at least a one-off for you, and that the next one will be more up to your speed again ;) x

message 35: by L Ann (new)

L Ann I haven't liked anything from this author since Emery. I saw your review for Until Him and was happy you made it past the first part because I couldn't even get past a quarter of it. Based on how much I disliked what I did read I had no interest it's followup... and, based on this review, I made the right call. My God, the way you described the characters! 🤣 Reading this review was enough for me.

message 36: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @L Ann — Yup, I completely agree: Emery was this author’s last good book. Such a shame, but it is what it is. I’m definitely going to follow your example now and quit this author. She’s just not doing it for me anymore🫤 I’m happy my review could help solify your choices to quit😂

message 37: by Elisa (new)

Elisa Glendenning Yikes 😳 How disappointing, Imme. There’s nothing worse when a fave author/anticipated book fails to deliver. I feel your pain ❤️What a waste of potential!

message 38: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Elisa — Thank you! It really is quite sad😢

message 39: by Jel (new) - added it

Jel Fantastic review, Imme. I was going to read this one but it sounds disappointing and lackluster. 🤧

message 40: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Jel — Thanks! And yup, that’s unfortunately exactly the case😕

message 41: by Dolorianne (last edited Feb 09, 2023 12:22PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dolorianne I wish the (spoiler) at the end had happened early .... because it sure did seem like their relationship in book 2 didn't match up with their relationship in book 1. They should have been WAAAAYYY further along by the start of book 2. So if (spoiler) had happened earlier then the rest of the book could have shown how they moved forward from there. Archer just seemed to be a convenient speed bump and I flip between wishing he wasn't there to wishing he was used more so that his character made since being included in the story.

message 42: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Dolorianne — Yea, I very much agree with that. The plottwist near the end was so underdeveloped and so easily sped past, it would have been far better if more time was spent on it…🤔

message 43: by Shaquoiah (new)

Shaquoiah One thing I did notice about her books is that she sucks at characterisation. She creates a character as a side in another book and when they get their own book she completely changes their personality to suit the plot. Which is kinda dumb because they were already characterised in another book. Its so annoying especially when you fall in love with said character in the previous novel :(

message 44: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Shaquoiah — ohh no, that does sound super annoying. I only ever read this one book of hers, so I haven’t noticed that, but I really do hate it when an author can’t write a character consistently🥲

message 45: by Joanna (new)

Joanna Grosz God, I literally spited my screen out of laughter, when I read this part of your review:
"Literally, that’s all he did. Nothing else. Just whine. Be stupid. Whine. Be stupid. Repeat that over and over again and you have this book."
The best line ever in reviews on GR :D

message 46: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Joanna — hahha thank you so much, I’m very flattered😉❤️❤️

Tristyn Smith Finn was even texting archer on their "romantic getaway" he couldn't even separate himself from their text convo for a weekend. And the hand holding at the coffee shop was so suspicious and he brushed it off by saying him and landon were friends that hold hands when he was literally in love with landon

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