Imme van Gorp's Reviews > They Hate Each Other

They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody
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Disclaimer: This is honestly going to be more of a rant than an actual review, because I was just really in the mood for some unedited venting.
Also, more importantly, I will be hating on one of the main characters, so I’m sorry if I’ll offend anyone with that.

Okay, so first of all, this really wasn’t much of a romance and mostly just felt like a big trauma dump. It kinda seemed like the main characters were in constant competition about who had it the hardest in life, which I found… unsettling. Especially since that was all they seemed to be doing. Literally. Nothing else happens in this book other than brooding, misery and trauma. So it’s clearly not much of a romance, even though it’s packaged as such.

The idea of this book is that we have two guys, Jonah and Dylan, who cannot stand each other at all, but they’re in the same friend group so they have to hang out more often than they would like. It’s a classic enemies-to-lovers trope. However, the issue for me was that one of them was the clear problem in their relationship. I’ll explain. Okay, so Jonah is an extravert teenager who has to take care of his younger sisters because his mother is dead and his father is an absent drunk. His life pretty much sucks. He has to play at parent even though he’s a kid himself, he has to work more hours than is legally allowed, he hardly ever eats because he has no money for it, and he can never let himself be sad because he has to be strong for his sisters. As you can probably guess, this guy is under a lot of stress and suffers from a lot of pain, and he never takes time for himself.
Okay, so then now imagine that during the few moments where Jonah does finally get to hang out with his friends and be himself, there is this judgemental, rich, arrogant arsehole who is constantly berating him for being “too loud” and shaming him for wanting “too much attention”. Like fucking excuse me!? And take in mind: Jonah never really did anything to Dylan to deserve this treatment. Jonah just existed, and tried to do the best he could with the shitty cards he’d been dealt, and yet, he still had to suffer through this constant judgement from Dylan FOR NO REASON. Trust me when I tell you I would have done far worse than tease Dylan for being uptight like Jonah did. I would have freaked out on that prick. So yea. Dylan was 100% the problem for me, which is never a good start for an enemies-to-lovers trope, since I’d prefer for both of them to be equally at fault. And preferably, for neither of them to be this unreasonably insufferable.

Anyway, there’s like this elaborate scheme going on in this book where Dylan and Jonah decide to fake-date to get their friends off their backs about saying they should be together. Why Jonah’s friends ever thought Dylan would be perfect for him is beyond me, but whatever. That’s not the point, I guess.
So yes, they start fake-dating. Which should be a fun trope, but was the absolute exact opposite. Their fake-dating felt extremely mechanical, and really lacked any kind of passion or tension. The only time they let themselves get real with each other was when Jonah was functioning as Dylan’s semi-therapist, and there’s not much to their interactions besides that. They truly had no chemistry whatsoever and everything about their dynamic was just bland.

As I think I have made pretty clear already: I really disliked Dylan. He was grumpy in an energy-draining kind of way, and I really struggled to find anything about him I could find charming. It also didn’t help that he lacked the usual protectiveness that goes with grumpy characters. He was actually painfully selfish and self-absorbed. He got pissy about EVERYTHING, and he had the nerve to get offended over every single little thing, even though he was the biggest judgemental arsehole on the planet.
Also, Dylan’s thoughts about Jonah always made me a bit sad. He never appreciated him, and he never stopped judging him. Not when they started getting to know each other better, and not even when they got together. Dylan seemed to have minimal amounts of sympathy and understanding for Jonah, and his thoughts about him were always so dismissive and diminishing. It was just sad, and Jonah deserved so much more than that.

I mean, even the third-act break-up just made me so ANGRY.
Dylan never even considered helping Jonah with his home-life during all the years he’s known him (because he was always too far up his own arse), but when he finally does, he decides to do it in the most invasive and deceitful way possible. He does it in a way that makes Jonah feel betrayed and extremely scared he is going to loose his sisters. And so when Jonah gets (rightfully) angry about that, Dylan stomps on him a bit harder and completely crushes his feelings. And what do you think Dylan does after that? Grovel? Feel guilty? Try to make sure Jonah is alright? No, of course not. He decides to leave for the week and spend time solving his OWN issues. Because this is the perfect time for that, obviously. And he feels just perfectly fine and happy during this time. Just peachy. And when he finally reaches out to Jonah again, it’s because he wants to talk about his OWN issues AGAIN…
Seriously, Dylan might have possibly been the most self-absorbed character I’ve read about in quite some time.

The only highlight in this book was Jonah and especially his relationship with his little sisters. I really liked Jonah, and my heart broke for his situation. I felt so much warmth for the way he was always there for them in every way. But not only that; he was very perceptive of every other person around him, and he was actually very kind and helpful. The fact that he was able to do this while he was under so much stress himself was super admirable. I mean, he was always there for Dylan, and he always noticed when Dylan needed comfort or help (which was pretty much the opposite of what this guy gave him in return, but whatever… I went on a rant about that long enough).

All in all, this book brought out a lot of annoyance for me, and it’s mostly due to Dylan being absolutely insufferable and mind-bogglingly self-absorbed.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 73 (73 new)

Morsalও (barely active because of school) Ughhh it sucks when you hate a character. Bummer that it wasn't so good. Amazing honest review, gorgeous! Hope your next read is sooo much better than this one ❤️

Imme van Gorp @Morsal — yea, it’s just impossible to enjoy a book when your annoyance for one of the protagonists just keeps creeping in!🥴 anyway, thank you, sweetheart💗

message 3: by Marci (new) - added it

Marci Sorry this was such a miss!! 💚 Honestly I’m kinda pre mature mad at Dylan and I haven’t even read this yet lol. I’m considerably less excited to read it now😅😂 Great review, Imme!! Hope your next book is better!!🫶🏻

Imme van Gorp @Marci — hahaha I’m sorry I had to shatter your expectations a bit😅 Dylan definitely deserves all the anger though, cus this dude was just unbearable😭 anyway, thank you, love! <3 I do hope you will enjoy this more than I did💗

len ❀ i skimmed this review cause i disagree with everything lmao but i’m glad you at least gave it a shot. clearly not worthy but oh well. hope the next read is better! 💕

message 6: by Daniel (new) - added it

Daniel So ... I'mma thinkin' I'mma gonna love this one! 😏😝😂

Imme van Gorp @elena — yea I read your review before I read this book, but looking back on it now I honestly feel like you read something completely different from me🤣 I honestly don’t understand or agree with anything you said (except for the love for Jonah, cus I’m with you on that part, just not AT ALL when it comes to Dylan lmao). It’s kinda funny, cus it once again shows how dissimilar each book can be perceived by everyone😅 but thank you, hun! I really hope my next read will be better too x

Imme van Gorp @Daniel — LMAOOO😭😭🤣

message 9: by len ❀ (last edited Jul 08, 2023 03:28PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

len ❀ The Dating DisasterImme wrote: "@elena — yea I read your review before I read this book, but looking back on it now I honestly feel like you read something completely different from me🤣 I honestly don’t understand or agree with a..."

oh yeah. i’ve accepted we have different tastes. 💀 i mean, Love on the Brain and The Dating Disaster are two examples and enough for me to know. 😂 we just interpreted the book and everything around it differently.

ivanareadsalot ahhh i'm sorry this wasn't great for you, imme🥺 YA is sometimes a hit or miss for me too! hope your next read is brilliant and not rage inducing loools 😅💖

message 11: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @elena — yea, but I feel like those two books have a very different reason for that though; I think you probably hated both of those books due to the EXCESSIVE misunderstandings, and I can be quite forgiving with that trope (which I know is a trope most people hate, but I sometimes like the drama it creates hahah). With this book, however, it’s a very different scenario… I think the difference between us here more so lies in a different perception of a character, and nothing to do with miscommunication. I mean, I thought Dylan was an awful person and you clearly loved him, so that probably already explains a lot about our different feelings toward the book since he’s one of the protagonists lmao

message 12: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @ivana — Thank you, darling!💛 YA can definitely be a tricky genre, because a lot of authors struggle to make the characters likable and incorporate teen-struggles without it being overkill. This author obviously failed for me in that department, but oh well😅

❀ Jess ( Semi hiatus ) Omg this sounds exhausting!
I hope your next read is better ♥︎

message 14: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Jess — Exhausting is definitely the right word for it😬 thank you, babe <3

message 15: by Snjez (new) - added it

Snjez Great review, Imme! Sorry this was such a huge miss for you, but it's hard to enjoy a book when you dislike a character this much. I haven't gotten that far into the story to see what the relationship between them is like, so far they've disliked each other equally. 😅 Dylan did start noticing that something is wrong in Jonah's life, so I'd definitely expect more help from him in the future. 😕 As for Jonah, I'd probably feel more for him had I not read another book with a very similar situation, so this felt just too much. I hope you enjoy your next read more! 🙂

message 16: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Snjez — Thanks!! It’s definitely tough to like a book when a character gets on your nerves like that. I’d almost say it’s pretty much impossible. Unless it’s a book about a character you’re MEANT to dislike, of course. That’s completely different!
But yea, they definitely start out disliking each other equally, but Jonah is a lot more understanding of Dylan later on than the other way around. But even without that, I think it’s really important to take in mind WHY both of them disliked each other at first; Jonah disliked Dylan for constantly pissing on his parade and judging him, while Dylan disliked Jonah for being “loud” and basically just being himself. So Jonah’s reason for disliking Dylan is definitely a lot more fair and a lot less arsehole-y than Dylan’s💀
Also, yup, Dylan figures out that Jonah is in trouble pretty early on, but he doesn’t lift a finger to help and he even still gets irritated with him about things that are clearly out of Jonah’s hands. The only time he tries to help is when the whole third-act break-up thing happens, and like I said, he went about it all wrong imo.
In any case, I’m sorry this was a miss for you too and that you couldn’t even finish it! Maybe I would have been better off with a DNF too😅

message 17: by Amina (new) - added it

Amina Imme, your rant is everything I felt while reading it. I read it when it first came out, but for the life of me, could never bring myself to put my thoughts into words. But, you've summed it up perfectly. The Dylan bit when he told that the teacher about Jonah's living conditions, I didn't even appreciate it when she gave him the lunches. It all just felt manipulative and wrong... Well, I'll save my rage for later for my own review. 😔Sorry this was a miss for you, too! Hope you'll have a winner on your hand right away!

message 18: by Rain (new)

Rain Trauma dumps and third act break ups, just no!! You have read a couple of stinkers recently, certainly do for a good book soon!

Cat the bookworm (in a semi hiatus of sorts) Oh god, don’t we all love energy draining people, be that in books or in real life 🙄 thank you for your warning though, I’m sure I would have felt the same reading it!

Drache.... (Angelika) Imme it's always so refreshing to see how someone else's reading experience differs from mine, making it seem we read different books. Because (obviously) I loved this 😁. Sorry this was such a disappointment for you! I remember the opposite situation with For The Fans, you had loved it and I nearly couldn't contain my ranting haha. Hope your next read is much more satisfying 💕

sam THISSSSS, also smthing that bothered me was that hanna was dylan's best friend but we BARELY see them interact throughout the whole book, we just have 2 scenes of their "friendship" and we dont even see if they trust each other, if they care abt each other, hanna just suspects about the whole fake dating thing, I didn't feel the chemistry between them either, and literally the plot of the book was supposed to exist because they had so much chemistry.

message 22: by Iz (new)

Iz Ugh this sounds quite frustrating. Amazing review as always though!! I hope your next read is muuuuch better ♥️

message 23: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Amina — oh my god I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am to hear that you felt the exact same way about this book and about Dylan as I did. I was starting to think I might be crazy or something, because I was yet to see anyone with the same opinion😅🤣 so yea, thank you <33

message 24: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rain — yup, I’ve definitely been having some disappointing reads the past few days. It’s unfortunate because I was having some good luck with my books right before that! I hope I’ll get it back soon hahah

message 25: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Cat — Ah you’re welcome! I wish someone would have warned me before hand too, cus this book was such a chore to get through and otherwise I could have spared myself the time😅

message 26: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Drache — hahaha yess I love reading different perspectives on books; it’s definitely very interesting, cus it makes you wonder how on earth it’s possible that someone felt SO differently ;)

message 27: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @sam — omg EXACTLY! Dylan literally had no chemistry with anyone; not Jonah and not his best friend either. It’s probably because he had the personality of a cardboard box while simultaneously judging everything and everyone, which stopped him from making any real connections with others. This whole plot was honestly so flimsy at times…

message 28: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Iz — Thank you, babe!🤍 This was definitely super frustrating!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a better read soon😅

lila ⋆ i actually binged this a few days back and really liked dylan and jonah 🤣 but im sorry you didn't!! i did like jonah more than dylan 😭 but i don't agree with the fact that you said that dylan seemed self-absorbed - i mean, true, he had his own issues but he also supported jonah with his bc he knew jonah would never accept help. anyway, i'm sorry this didn't work out for you ☹️ hope you enjoy your next read more! <3

message 30: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @lila — you’d think that, right? but when you actually pay attention to it he’s truly supremely unhelpful. the only thing he ever did to help was talk to the teacher/aunt about Jonah behind his back (which was definitely something that could have been done in a better way). he also showed up at his dad’s house near the end of the book, but I’m not so sure if that was really to help or just because he thought it was a good way to see Jonah again. Imo he was extremely self-absorbed throughout the whole thing; his thoughts were always about himself and he always came back to his own wants and needs. However, I respect not everyone will see it that way🤣 in any case, thank you! I hope I’ll enjoy my next book more too :))

Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus Great review Imme. Sorry this was a miss. 😢

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Shile — Thanks, love💛

message 33: by Elisa (new)

Elisa Glendenning Yikes! Just seen Snjez’s review and now yours 😅 Will definitely be lowering expectations before-hand. Sorry it was such a miss for you. Hope the next one fares much better 🤞

message 34: by Kati *☆・゚ (new)

Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm] Uuuuhm… that’s the second disappointed review I read and I might just kick it off my tbr. YA isn’t usually my jam anyway so better to sit this one out. Sorry for the bust, sweetheart ❤️

message 35: by len ❀ (last edited Jul 09, 2023 10:17AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

len ❀ Imme wrote: "@elena — yea, but I feel like those two books have a very different reason for that though; I think you probably hated both of those books due to the EXCESSIVE misunderstandings, and I can be quite..."

in a way yes, but not entirely because i can get through miscommunication as long as i still like the characters. miscommunication just adds to it and affects my enjoyment, unless it’s done well and i understand it. with those two books mentioned, neither the characters or relationship were appealing and the execution of didn’t help. add to that miscommunication and there’s a total miss. i think two books that had some miscommunication that i liked and could understand even were Rat Park and Tainted. similarity to this one, we can say you didn’t like the characters (especially dylan) and that affected the enjoyment for things like the relationship or feeling positively about them. personally, when i see someone enjoy those two books mentioned it tells me enough about our different tastes. 😂 but also when we compared our read books, we can see even the books we’ve both read, we’ve felt different about quite a few.

message 36: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Elisa — hahah yea, lowering your expectations might be a smart plan; I wish I’d done that as well😅 In any case, good luck, babe! I hope you’ll have a better time with it than I did!🩷

message 37: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kati — thank you, love!❤️ I know you don’t like YA, and this was truly very very very YA, so it might be best to skip it indeed😅 and considering I also found it lacking in many other departments, I don’t think it will be a great loss for you lolll

message 38: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @elena — lol yea you’re right, we do appear to have quite different tastes. I don’t pay attention to that sort of thing too much, but even I have noticed that it has happened more than once that I thought a book was terrible only to see you had given it, for example, four stars🤣 but oh well, like I said, I don’t mind all that too much; I just enjoy reading well-written and well-thought out reviews, and yours are surely always that; even when I don’t necessarily agree with all of them😉

message 39: by Charles (new)

Charles I very much enjoyed reading your insights in this review. When you don't like a character in a book it influences the connection between you and the book. Thanks for a very upfront review and thanks for saving me (I had it checked out of the library) 😅

message 40: by Federico (new)

Federico DN YEARS without helping your other half? What an astronomical douchebag! Even with Jonah 100% backing up all the good stuff this whole story sounds so amazingly TOXIC even one star seems generous to me. Honest review Imme! Your ranting is more than justified. I'll be back later, I need more fuel for my flamethrower.

martina (chaos version) byeeeee there’s no way i’m reading this😂😂😂
sorry for your bad experience but i’m quite grateful for you sacrifice 😂😂

message 42: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Charles — oh yea, hating one of the protagonists is a sure fire way of creating an unpleasant reading experience🥴 I’m glad I could save you from the same frustrations I had to suffer from!😅

message 43: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Federico — In all fairness, they weren’t together in those first years, but they still hung out plenty and if Dylan had even a hint of care for someone other than himself he should have at least offered to help in some way or notice how much Jonah was struggling. He didn’t. Which sucked. Also, you and your flamethrower are cracking me the hell up💀🤣

message 44: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @martina — girl, I hate that I had to sit through this but I’m glad my pain could help you from having to suffer through reading this book💀🤣

message 45: by Lau ♡ (new)

Lau ♡ OMG that sucks so much. I HATE when that happens, Dylan seems like a jerk, I've had enough spoiled brats in real life to have to endure another more. Really hope next book has AMAZING MCs, Imme!! Great review!!

message 46: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Lau — PREACHH girl!😌👏🏼

len ❀ Imme wrote: "@elena — lol yea you’re right, we do appear to have quite different tastes. I don’t pay attention to that sort of thing too much, but even I have noticed that it has happened more than once that I ..."

LOL right back at ya! i like seeing other people’s different opinions and perspectives. it’s fascinating how we interpret characters and situations differently. i usually skim negative reviews of books i loved just because it doesn’t always make me feel the best, and it’s understandable since we’re all human and we want everyone to like the same stuff.

message 48: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @elena — ahh yes, I do completely get that! I’m different in that though, because for some odd reason I actually really like reading negative reviews of books I enjoyed because I’m always curious what made it so different for others, and if maybe I missed something, and perhaps, in rare instances, it might even change my mind a bit😅 I know that’s kinda weird though, and your thing is much more normal lmao🤣

message 49: by Meags (new) - added it

Meags I’m really excited for this book and I’m sad to see your rating, but I gotta say how much I enjoyed reading your review, Imme! Oh how you entertain me with your honesty and passion. ❤️👏

message 50: by Imme (new) - rated it 2 stars

Imme van Gorp @Meags — hahaha thank you so much ;)) I’m glad I could entertain🤣🤣

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